West Van. News (West Vancouver), 17 May 1929, p. 8

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001C9751 Smith 's i rocery We Detlivetr A. HARVEY SMITH, Prop. 2ith AND MARINE, Opp. Dundarav ~ HalL Phono WEST 4dt For FridayS and Saturday PRDEI& PEALS BY NOS. Nio. 1-- Lifebuoy Soap .. No. 2-- 3 tins Serv-us Tomato Soup 1 pkt Family Sodas. All for 49c No. 3-- 3 pkts. McLaren's Jelly Powders 1 hot. Extract Vanilla or Lemon All for 49c 7 cakes .l9c into. 4-- 2 tins Singapore Pineapple 2 tins Plums ................ All for l9c No. 5-- l tin aiMagic Baking Pnivder, 12 ox. 1 tin Molasses. 14 1 pkt. Cow Baking Soda (4's) All for -l9c No. 6-- 2 tins Tomatoes, 2's 2 tins Royal City Peas, No. 5 All for 49c Ntn. 7-- 3 pkts. Corn Flakes 2 tins Carnation Milk (tails) All for 49c No. 8-- 3 pkts. Creamettes~ Ib. Chateau Cheese.... All for 49c Nio. 9-- 1 sack Servus Flour 1 pkt Seedless Raisins.... All for 49c No. 10-- 1 pkt. Swansdown Cake Flour 1 lb. Med. Cocoanut.... All for .l9c No. 11-- I pkt. Quaker Oats 1 pkt. Dina-Mite.......... All for 49c Nio. 12-- 2 tins Norwegian Sardines (finest) 1 tin Drv Shrimps....... All for 49c Oranges ............... 3 dozen 43c ROBERTS'ETTER MEATS DELIVERY TO ALL PARTS DAILY 10th to 23th--9.30 10th to Caulfeild--12.30 10th to 25th --3.30 Our stock of Prime Qual- ity Meat is all Government Inspected and kept in mod- ern Refrigerator during the hot ~veather. You are as near us as your Telephone. Call West 190 for Speedy and Intelli- gent Service. Quality Tells--a pleased customer is our best adver- tisement. PHONE WEB 1 190 One Store Only Next to PIGGLY AVIGGLY 1578 MARINE DRIVE Smile! It is the spark that fires the welcome warmth of those of hard approach. Classified Ad.: College widow with six children would like to marry old grad with five and a football. News Gleams Man somehow never seems to completely get rid of a sort of feeling that sometime a Spring will come along that will act like Summer. "Nobody once made a fool of me today," proudly boasted a man Monday night. And some- one spoiled it all by saying: AVhy try to improve on nature? If every dog has his day it is very unreasonable for so many of them to howl at night. Among the things for which there is no quantity discount is the motoris s delight--the gas tax. When people ex~ress a long- ing for "the good old times," they are generous enough not to include the mud roads. One trouble with that holiday question is that a holiday added to the one you'e got only makes you wish for more. Eve was satisfied with a fig- leaf dress because there was no ether woman in the community trying to outdress her. Soon the girls will be holding coming-out parties on the beach- es. ilIost people worry more about what folks are doing than what they are doing themselves. "..Ie '.OW'..( S ..0. Sash, Doors and Interior Finish Get our prices IT WILL FA.Y YOU GLAS$ Broken Lights repaired at reasonable cost. Am &..esIc.e . umber Co, tc. 51ARINE DRIVE AT 16th STREET Fhone West 109 NET STOCK JUST IN OF VEGETABLE AND FLO)VER PLANTS. Celery, Tomato, Brussell Sprouts. -- Salpiglossisa Orange Snapdragon Ageratum (Blue Floss Flower) Cut Flowers--Tulips and Narcissi--always in stock SPECIAL--Pink Geraniums for bedding, $ 1.65 per dozen. Ferns in pots from 25c up. Floral Emblems at shortest notice. Mrs. Roberts'lower Shop p„',"„"„"Esr',',",'"'HE EVEST VAN NEEVS --s I ERi&IISSION ASKED FOR hl ERRY-GO-ROUND AT HORSESHOE HAY The chief of police submitted to the council at their special meeting on Wednesday a letter from C. 51adsen of Vancouver, lnaking application to put up con-cessions and have a merry-go- Iound, chair-o-plane, and saddle ponies on the beach at Horseshoe Bay. The matter was laid overto the regular meeting next Mon- day night. The application of Mrs. AVini- fl ed Reid for a wooden walkover the culvert at her propertyon 21st Street was referred tothe engineel'or his report. CLEVER TRIO ENGAGED FOR EXHIBITIONi The speed with which Lester, Bell and Griffin, comedy acro- bats, work and pass from onetrick to another makes this trioof funmakers supreme in the out-door amusement world, especial- ly when one considers the num-ber of knockout comedians thatappear at fairs, celebrations and exposlt1on s. All three participate in everytrick of their routine, which in- cludes head springs over tables, back standing twisters, clever tumbling, and much comedy bus- iness that they are exceptional- ly good at. Their finish is fastand furious and provocative ofclean fun. Life Life! I know not what thou aI&,But know that thou and I mustpart; And when, or how, or where we met I own to me's a secret yet. Life! AVe've been long together Through pleasant and through cloudy weather; 'Tis hard to part when friends are dear-- Perhaps 'tw!11 cost a sigh or tear; Then steal away, give little warn- ing, Choose thine own time, Say not Good Night,--but in some brighter clime Bid me Good Morning. MRS. A. L. BARBAULD 1743--1825. April Foolishness Husband. What? You don t mean to say you are going shop- ping in all this rain?" Wife: "Of course, I am, I'e saved up $4 f'r a rainy day, and'.his is the first opportunity I'e had to spend it." Signs If creditors believe in signs EVe'd get a lot of thrills, The sign for which my fond heart pines Is this: "Please Post No Bills." Little Tommy accompanied hisfather to church one cold Sab- bath morning, and upon their return his mother asked if he could repeat the minister's text. "Course I can," replied Tom- my, Getting up and rubbing his hands together, he said: "Many are cold but few are frozen." "Mother," said little Bobby, bursting into the house, "There' going to be the deuce to pay down at the grocer's. His wife has got a baby girl and he's had a 'Boy Wanted'ign in the win- dow for a week. Jimmy Thomson' TRANSFER Daily Trips to and from City. Moving Baggage a Specialty. PHONE WEST 110 FOR Coal and %Upped Prompt Delivery. May 17, 1929. Once a customer, always a customer. . EFFE.RIES'UPEII(IO,I( .0 EATS Government Inspected Only Lamb Beef Pork All Meats kept under strict, sanitary conditions and with up-to-date Iefllgelatlon selvlce. For the very best in all kinds of Meats phone Hollyburn Store gesf 3 Amblesiile Store geSf 303 c"t" It't. For a Net Building or a Repair Job Can be rented for the season for t i ~ I i ~ Pi~one tive Ice Pj.ant e ~wo ea RIGHT at your door lies a treasure house otromantic interest. That old rock--with its lone tree--is only one point of many around which legendshover.... Of course, you'e been there. Go there again, many more times, this summer. Gowith your eyes open, and see the wonders of naturethat are there. The magnificent trees; the Zoo, withits fascinating inmates; the Shakespearean garden;the monuments, and the rest of it. Go there and dose your eyes, fellows, and see some of those animals again, this time roaming at large inthose primeval forest glades. Picture a swarthy Siwash at the paddle of a canoe, gliding in and out of the shadows bordering Lost Lagoon, ar footing it silently, swiftly along a faint-marked traiL Get backfor an hour or two to the days that Henty wrote of. No matter whether you delight in the past or the present, there is always ample compensation for a visit to Stanley Park--the finest in the West. Stanley Park is only one of scores of delightful sum- mer haunts which are within a street car ride. Learn about them by reading our free booklets. Stanley Park Vancouver. As Seen by Means of B. C. E. R. North Shore Hikes Pishing and Shooting Interurban and Motor Coach Trips Please send me the books above indicated. Name Address IhttlSHQUiitfnM &~;: ZrZCnuCRauWarCa VAN COU VER ~ VICTORIA C 4-29 &VEST VANCOUVER SCOTTISH SOCIETY ....i:a.'if it (it,'.sl:,. in the CLACHAN HOTEL, 25th and Wraterfront SATURDAY, 1IIAY 18th, Bt 8 P. AI. GOOD PRIZES -- REFRESHMENTS -- MUSIC IVe can supply everything you need. Roofing -- Building Paper -- Lamatco -- Fir Veneer -- GyprocPlaster Board -- Sash -- Doors -- Beaver BoardShingles -- Lath -- Building ala terials West Vancouver. umber Co. 15th and 51arine LDIITED Phone %Vest 115 Residence Phone: IVest 368L.