West Van. News (West Vancouver), 3 May 1929, p. 7

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001C973F iitay 3, 1929. THE WEST VAN NEWS CLASSIFIED ADSGo Up One!You have ten potatoes and haveSix-Year-Old: "Pop, gimme ananswer like you did last night." The Father: "% hat do you mean T" Six-Year-Old: "Well, when the teacher asked me today how much a million dollars was, I said, 'A helluva lot more'n you'l ever have,'nd she said, 'Jackie, you may go home' an' got out early. Pop gimme another for tomorrow, will youT" Whimsical Review to divide them between three persons. What would you do T Mash them. WOhl AN -- Educated, Experienced, wants work, office, store, or prac- ticaL nursing. West 35L. PLANTS FOR SA lw~olurnbine and Choice Iris. Phone West 489.Overheard Subscriber (flashing): "Operator, where is my partyT" Junior Operator: "Will you hold the line, please, you are connected with them." Subscriber: "How do you know I am T" Junior Operator: "The light is out, sir." Subscriber: "Oh. well, if the light is out don't bother ringing them, there is nobody home." S Ohl AN S ANTS S ORK--Day or hour. Well recommended. Phone mornings. West 663L Diner (disgustedly): "If you offer- ed this steak to some men they' throw it at you." Waiter: "I know, sir. The last three did." I'OT AN D BEDDIN('LANTS- All kinds. Beautiful selection. Hobb Transfer, 1173 hlarine. LOST--On Wednesday, Yale key be- tween 19th and 25th. Please phone West 34RI FOR It~T--Four roomed bungalow "Oakdene" 14th and Duchess. Phone Seymour 2365. BOARD AND Roohl Offered Gentle- man for summer months. hlodern house. Apply "Board," c,'o West Van News. "Why are you so pensive T" he asked. "I'm not pensive," she replied. "But you haven't said a word for twenty minutes." "Well, I dirln't have anything to say. "Don't you ever say anything when you have nothing to sayT" "No." "Well then, will you be my wife T" Foltlj TOULtliG CAI --1924 for sale cheap for cash. Enquire Mr. Hodg- son. West Van News office. She: "Then we'e engaged T" He: "Of course." "And em I the first girl you ever loved T" "No, dear; but I'm harder to suit now than I useful to be." $~o RES ~RL~Black Female Cocker Spaniel lost off boat between Point Atkinson anil S'hytecliff last Sat- urday. Finder please phone Sey. 2800 or Douglas 3058. RELIABLE %OUTING SOMAN Rant- ed for light housework. Steady po- sition. Good horne. One well trained baby. No flapper need apply. Good reference. hIrs. Hazan, 25th and Bellevue. S est 284L F U ltN IT U RE Foit SALE -- China Cabinet $ 10; Drop leaf 6 drawer Singer Sewing hfachine $ 18. PhoneWest 489. Johnny came back from his first sight of an elephant much excited. "Oh, mama," he exdaimed, "Katie spilled some peanuts on the ground and what do you think happened T The elephant p eked them up with his vacuum cleaner." I Olt SA LF 1927 S hippet Six in good condition. Will sell cheap for cash. Owner leaving town. AVest 43sX. A Chinaman was much alarmed by a vicious looking dog that always barked at him loudly. "Don't be afraid of him," said the owner of the dog. "You know the old proverb, 'A barking dog never bites.' "Yes," said the Chinaman, "you know proverb; I know proverb; but does the dog know proverbT" (illtL )VANTi D--To assist with two children and light housework. Sleep in. Phone West 67SY. hiOFFAT El ECTRIC RANGE and Water Heater for sale, cheap. Like new. Only used one month. Phone West 108. FOR SALE--1-IIole Kitchen Range $ 15.00. Phone West 884R. Chief Clerk (loftily): "Now, just what would you do if you were in my shoes T" Office Boy: "Take 'em off before I tripped and broke my neck." "Of all the odd things! Did you notice she gave condensed milk in our tea T" "Oh, welL, dear, her flat's so tiny you know!" D ECO RATING,STAINING. POLISHING. Phone W. Carley Rest 71Y Dolores: "I was singing a little song when someone threw this shoe through the window." Frederick: "Sing another verse or two. The shoe's my size." FIRST CLASS Ladies'ailoring and Alterations. All work guaranteed. Mrs. H. E. hl ills, 22& Bellevue, West 128Y. R RENT OR SALE -- House on Waterfront at Altamont. ApplyLeyland, West 63R1. "How many legs has a sheep, calling the tail a leg T'Five." "No, four. t.'ailing the tail a Ieg doesn't make it one." Tramp: "I have seen better days, sir'. Business Man: "Yes, I suppose so; but I haven't time to discuss the weather with you now." CEhl ENT WO'.tK, Landscaping, Lawns Rockeries, Fencing, Trellis work, Clearing. Grading. Phone T. Barnott 23rd and Jellerson. SCHWEPPES LEMONADE, CAN- ADA DRY GL'CGERALE and alI the Good Brands of Cigars at The Ambleside Tea Rooms. GEO. HAY Real I;state andPlay a game of 3 tables for your pleasure SES ING WANTED -- Lad Children's work. Mrs. Bloxham, Phone West 226. 0|'at-'S'(~I ) 'IC'nsurance Notary Public WEBB'S SHOE REPAI RS WEAR BEST--Dundarave.v'msnLd i tor iVes t Van News, Dear Sir,-- Last nigh t I listened with1260 pleasure to Mr. Fred Perry's lec- ture on the iVild Flowers of Brit- ish Columbia. I am sure that 5!r. Perry had a most appreciative audience. hfay I say we sat at his feet. One thing Mr. Perry impress- ed upon his audience was this fact, from Capilano to AVhyte- cliff Our wild flowers are going. As a Game iVarden I have seen with regret people in cars from Vancouver and other cities, lift- ing with trowel or knife slabs of Mimulus and Valerian. I have seen these same people digging in the crannies of Cypress Can- yon for our rarest of Cypreped- iums. To what end? They will not g~ow if they are disturbed. They will not thrive in cultivated soil, they are Caractacus in Rome. I would like, through your col- umns to bring this matter before our Reeve and Council and to ask them to create honorary officers sho would, to the best of their ability safeguard our native flora. I quite apprehend that this is a difficult matter, but every lover of our woodland trails can do something from an educative standpoint. Let me say at once that it is »ot the AVest Vancouver resi- dents who are responsible for this destruction of our flowers. I have seen time and again school children from Hollyburn and Pauline Johnson Schools in the act of finding our first spring flowers, and admiring them in a spirit of re"erence. Nor are the hikers that jour- ney to the Ski camp guilty in this respect. Not once since the ski camp was established have l had cause to caution these young friends of mine to leave our birds aiid flowers at peace. The guilty parties are the strangers witl out our gates. the man with a car who comes from anywhere and grabs a bunch of flowering currant, do~vood, mi- mulus and campian and when he gets to Second sparrows bridge, he finds they are wilted and throivs them over. I think it is we]1 worth while for our Reeve and Council to look into this matter and to act upon it as seems best to them. Any gratuitous service I can offer them I ivill give gladly. Yours sincerelv, PURCELL HARLEIAN. Fire insurance -- hloney to 1405 hfarine Drive Office Phone West 21 or Sey. Residence Phone %. 32R or W. NEWMAN Ec ROBBINS Contractors, Builders, Painting Pap- erhanging, Alterations and Repairs. Promptly Executed. House Phone West 74R1. 14th Street Right at the Railway Crossing H EMSTITCH ING--Plain whi ta„$c yard; silk and colored 10c yard.Pearce's Drygoods, 14th Street and Marine. Phono West 144. GARDEN BARROW --Strong, Light, Painted, price $4.60, delivered sub- ject to approval. Phone North 364R GARDENS DESIGNED, Laid Out and hiaintained. Rock Gardens, Lily and Ornamental Pools, Lawns, Rustic work, Fencing, Concrete Paths, Drives, etc., Pruning and Spraying, Landscape and General Gardening R. J. Kyte, Phone AVest 17 X1. Announcing... ~ ~ ~ .. en-.Pic e ,0mmui:ai:ion .300&S Il YOU INTEND TO BUILD or Want your house altered or repaired. phone Colin Turner, builder, 13th and Haywood, West 679R. MODERN ELECTRIC S lltiNG of all kinds. See us for Radio Sets, Sup- plies, Aerials. Largest on North Shore. North Shore Electric and Radio Stores--1540 Lonsdale Ave. North Vancouver. Phone North 79. I'LYhlOUTH BARRED ROCK EGGS for setting. Phone West 649R or call 1428 Esquimalt. FOR FOR PLUMBING REPAIRS--Phone AVest 241R. . aci'-ic Si:age .ines R. P. Clark 4 Co. (Vancouver) Ltd. Send in your listings of Furnished Houses and Camps. SEAFRONT HohIESITE; Magnincent situation. Must be seen to be ap- preciated. Extra large area 75x450 feet, $2000, terms. 'I'HERE O'ILL BE A Change of Scae(I.u.e on ~ay I ~ We will quote you lowest Insurance Rates on Furniture and Household Ef- fects.BRINGING .~ GREATLY DIPROVED SERVICE. TO RI SIDI'.N'I'S ON 'I'HI'. NORTH SHORE R. P. CLARK 4 Co-. LTD. 790 Dunsmuir St. Seymour 74S4 Local Representative C. J. ARCHER, West 225. 3'~-.o Ti»fe-Tables tfiill Be Az'ailable Before That Date 'I'RAVEI, HY 'AC =CS AG= i=S OE'LRA'I'ED BY A&TAMONT D.L. 556 Block 97--i ine Tenths of an Acre ..................$400 Block 104--Over %i, of an Acre with 276 Ft. Front- age, Facing South $500 Block 54 --Nine Tenths of an Acre, 4 Block from Marine Drive just off 29th Street. $600 . roREB. C:. SEY. 4000 SEY. 4000 )RANSPORTAT/QN'EYh1OUlt AND DUNSMUllt STLtEL'I'S Small Cash Payments and easy terms on all the above. NORTH VANCOUVER DEPOT AT FOOT OF LONSDALE AVENUE S'H ITAK Elt JL W HITAK ER 942 S'est Pender St. VANCOUVER. B. C. Vancouver anc 4 ort i Vancouver to A.l, ~oints on toe .iol'&~ S~ore Servec &y