West Van. News (West Vancouver), 3 May 1929, p. 4

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001C973F THE WEST VAN NEWS May 3, 1929. "Prices Consistently Low" Two Stores in IUest Vancouver GRANGER'S GROCERY, GREENWOOD'S GROCERY 21st and Marine Drive 1442 Marine Drive IUest 405 West 1G SPECIALS AT BOTH STORES FREE DELIVERY FRIDAY SAT DAY - MONDAY Christies Sodas, per tin............ 42c Swansdown Cake Flour, per pkt $4c 1 bot. Ammonia 1 pkt. Royal Crown Sal Soda.... 19c Chocolate Eclairs, per lb............ 28c Queen Olives ........... 2 bottles 21c Kellogg's Corn Flakes 3 pkts 29e Sweet hIixed Pickles, pt. sealers 49c Cross 4 Blackwell's Branston Pickles, per bottle................. 23c Dutch Maid hIayonnaise Small Rottlee...... ... 17c hIedium Bottle .................... 29c Large Bottle ........................ 45c Royal City Tomatoes ............................ 3 large tins 45c Royal City Peas............ 3 tins 45c Royal City Peaches, large tins 30c Royal City Raspberry Jam 4-lb. tin 70c Royal Crown Soap...... 5 bars 23c Pure Lard, per lb....................... 19c B. C. Gran. Sugar............ 10 lbs. 59c Shredded IVheat, per pkt........ 1lc Sunlight Soap, per carton....... 20c Aylmer Boneless Chicken, per tin 40c I L. hf. DUVAL de J. W. hIANSON STOCKBROKERS AND FINANCIAL AGENTS Stocks, - Bonds - Investments Prompt execution of Buying and Selling Orders. Reliable Information Given. 579 DUNShIUIR STREET, VANCOUVER. SEYMOUR 8894 Baseball LECTURE ON B.C. AUILDI'LOiUERS WELL ATTENDED First Game at Ambleside Next Tuesday Baseball started in earnest on Tuesday evening when the West Van. Intermediates held their first practice. With the talent available this year the local boys should again make a good show- ing, in their division. They have entered the North Shore League as the age limit has been raised to 18 years. The first game is scheduled for Tuesday evening, May 7th, at Ambleside Park, when the local boys will meet the Elks. It is hoped the boys will be given plenty of support, as it is only by encouraging the juniors that a permanent senior team will ever be built up. The following is the schedule for May: Tuesday, May 7--West Van vs. Elks at Ambleside Park. Thursday, May 9--West Van. vs. Chalets at Capilano Park. Tuesday, May 14--West Van. vs. Lynn Valley at Ambleside Park. Thursday, May 16--West Van. vs. Native Sons at Mahon Park 'Tuesday, May 21--West Van. vs. St. Pauls at Ambleside Park. 'Thursday, May 23--West Van. vs. Elks at Mahon Park. Tuesday, May 27--West Van. vs. Chalets at Ambleside Park. Thursday, May 30--West Van. vs. Lynn Valley at Lynn Val- ley. Watch and Clock Repairs Called for and Delivered. THE WEST VAN WATCHMAKER and JEWELLER 1522 Marine Drive Last Tuesday a large audience gathered at Ambleside Hall to hear the lecture under the aus- pices of the West Vancouver Horticultural Association on B.C. )Vild Flowers by Fred Perry of the Burrard Field Naturalists'lub. The lecture was illustrat- ed with about 100 lan)em slides screened by J. Porter, these including several beautiful raountain views. In the audience were noticed members of the Council, School Board, and teach- ing staff. President John Ny- land was in the chair. The slides were made by Wm. Clark of the Vancouver Natural History (and other) Societies from negatives supplied by Mr. Perry. Some of these were ex- ceptionally well colored. During the evening a song by Laurie Le- feaux had to be responded to with an encore. The remarks of Mr. Perry were listened to very attentively and it was eviderit he had given con- siderable attention to the sub- ject. The information and know- ledge he had gathered about the wild flowers of B. C. and the in- teresting way in which he pre- sented this knowledge to the aud- ience made the lecture one of special interest, and on the re- quest of many members Mr. Per- ry promised to repeat his visit. A vote of thanks was proposed by President Nyland seconded by Mrs. Master&an, a director of the Horticultural Association, and carried unanimously. Mr. Nyland and Mr. McQuaker brief- ly addressed the audience on the subject of the lecture and gave some information regarding the activities of the Horticultural and Agricultural Association, under whose auspices the lecture was given. They spoke of the exhibition which vill be held here next month, and invited the people of West Vancouver to become members of the Associ- ation. The membership fee is $ 1.00 per year. Cut price tea means cut price qua ity The Same Price Everywhere P ERSOXALS The members of the Naomi Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, are holding a military whist glrive next 7uesday, 7th instant, at 8.30 p. m. in the Masonic Hall, 17th and Bellevue. Mrs. Morley Johnston, 26th and Lawson, left last Tuesday for a visit to her sister in De- troit, Mich., and expects to be away for several weeks. Miss Nellie Stevenson, 25th and Bellevue, is spending a holi- day in North Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. David Bingham and family nf Vancouver, have taken a cottage at 23rd and Hay- wood. Mr Caverley of Vancouver has rented the Patterson house at 27th and Marine Drive. Miss Auchinleck of Vancouver, is spending a week or so at the Fortune Cup Inn. The Wes-. Vancouver Inter- mediate Baseball team is prac- tising hard for their first league match next Tuesday at Amble- side Park, when their opponents wil] be the Elks. Mr. and AIrs. J. D. Tait, 29th and Mathers, left last Monday for Seattle en route to England where they we'll stay for the next year. They will pay short visits at Detroit and New York before boarding the Lusitania for the Old Country. During their absence their home here will be occupied by Mrs. McTav- ish and her son, mother and brother of Mrs. Tait. The trav- ellers have purchased a movie camera and expect to take many pictures of the views and scenes they will find in their travels. Dr. E. Gallant and Mrs. Gal- lant, of Vancouver, have taken apartments at the Red Mill at West Bay Beach for the summer months. Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Miller, uf Haro Street, Vancouver, have moved into apartments at the Red Mill at West Bay Beach and will spend the summer months at that place. AIRS. STAINSBY SENDS CHEQUE TO CHORAL SOCIETY Mr. J. M. Morgan, our esteem- ed conductor and musical direct- or, was the t ecipient of a com- munication from Mrs. Dr. Fred Stainsby (now resident in Mayo, Yukon Territory) conveying her best wishes for the success of the West Vancouver Ladies Choir at the Musical Festival. The letter contained not only wishes and enquiries but a cheque to enhance the funds of the choir. iMrs. Stainsby, gifted with sterling musical ability, be- ing possessed of a beautiful con- tralto voice, and the tempera- ment of a true artist, contribut- ed in no small measure, to the pleasure and enjoyment of the music lovers of this municipality. The Ladies Choir extend their best wishes to the West Van. Choral Society on Saturday next when in competition they again strive for further honors in the musical worlrl. Mrs. Stainsby also sent a cheque to the Choral Society with her best wishes for its suc- cess. Mrs. W. McQuaker. Doctors W. H. and Roberta Vass entertained Mr. anti Mrs. ,f. D. Tomtit at dinner at the Van- couver Hotel last week just prior to their leaving for England. Members of the British Israel Association entertained at the home of Miss Almas, Marine Drive, on Tuesday of last week in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Tait. 0 Mrs. R. MacVean and ladies of the Naomi Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, extend a cordial invitation to their friends to be present at a tea and home cook- ing table to bc held at 2355 Belle- vue Avenue, on Wednesday, May 8th, 3 to 6 p. m., proceeds to be donated to the new North Van- couver General Hospital. Miss Frances Guinan is now on the Eastern Orpheum circuit. Mrs. F. Pascual, 14th and Es- quimalt, and her young daughter Nora, has gone to Seattle for a visit with relatives. Phillips Castree, the young daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Castree, who are leaving West Vancouver sl&ortly to live at Ga- briola Island, was given a fare- well surprise party last Saturday afternoon by a number of her young friends. Those present were: Albert Seeds, Dorothy and Junior Greenwood, Ariel and Mary Hodgsen, Leslie and Eric Pearce, Dick Sagar, Alice Grigor and Miss Kathleen Seeds, who f.cted as chaperone. Mrs. Dennis and little son, of Noose Jaw, Saskatchewan, are guests at "the Clachan.' A cheque for $25 was ordered 's~nt to the U.B.C.M. ia payment'f membership fee for the year 1929. I'ACIFIC STAGES BRING CHOIR HOME The Pacific Stages will don- ate the use nf two of their large busses to convey the members of the West Vancouver Choral So- ciety from the competition to West Van. next Saturday after their appearance at the festival ~ MISS MACNEILL TO BE MARRIED NEXT SATURDAY On Saturday of next week, May 11th, Berneice, the only daughter of Nr. and Mrs. C. A. Nacneill, 20th and Kings, will become the bride of Mr. Freder- ick Woollcombe of Vancouver. The ceremony will take place at the home nf the bride-elect's parents. LITERARY AND ilIUSICAL ENTERTAINMENT AT HIGH SCHOOL A literary and musical even- ing will be held in the Inglewood School Auditorium on Friday, May 17th. The proceeds of which will be devoted to the Gym. fund. A. M. Stephen, the well known poet and writer, who is a resident of West Vancouver, will give a se.ies of readings and music will be supplied by the High School orchestra. Adults'ickets 35c and children 15c. NU BONE CORSETS Surgical Belts and Binders LINGERIE, HOSIER F 17th 4 Marine West 224 %VEST VAN TENNIS CLUB 1929 SEASON Any desiring to join please phone J. GRISEDALE, IVest 434, or G. DAVENPORT, West 481R3 Saturday is Sample Day Samples of Cosmetics--enough pf each for several days'se- Samples of Ointments, Pills, etc., given free with a 50c purchase. These nre worth having. The Million Dollar Auto Strop Razor is here. It's free with a pack«t of Blades. Come in on Saturday. &VEST 37 WEST VAN I'HARNACY The Store of Serv&ce. FUEL FIR or ALDER--Any Lengths FURNACE IVOOD and COAL Radio Poles -- Fence Posts Cedar for Itustic IVork hIanure for Your Gardens. Soil THE iVESTON CARTAGE IVest 201L Ice Cream Confectionery LUNN'S CAFE 14th and hlarine Soft Drinks Tobacco Public Phone--IVest 611-0 HOLLYBURN THEATRE Friday and Saturday THE FIRST KISS w 1th FAY RAY and GARY COOPER ..ouses & .ots INi&VEST VANCOUVER I have some delightful AVater- front homes as low as $3,000, and Vacant )Vaterfront Lots from $ 1500. Other View Lots from $ 100. Good listings on properties throughout the district. Glad to have enquiries. &. )f. Savory 1443 Marine Drive, Ambleside Phone West 340 Evenings, West 143 Real Estate, Financial and Insurance Agent PQQCS mauuag~ 4 g) Burrard Sheet Metal 229 Lonsdale Ave, North Vancouver Phone North 345 Res. North 918Y and 1214Y