West Van. News (West Vancouver), 3 May 1929, p. 2

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001C973F THE AVEST VAN NEWS May 3, 1929. LADIES! SAVE ONEY and Get Good Service by Buying at i" ', i" i".i'",5,;1 I"( i" i"„Ii"„I,'.i5 l410 llIarine Drive IVest 372 Commercin] Department TYPEWRITING CONTEST On Thursday morning, April 4, Miss I. MciViven, Internation- al %~cwriting Contest Judge for Greater Vancouver, conduct- ed the Annual School +~cwrit- ing Contest at EVest Vancouver High Schoo], During the same day and the following day, Miss McNiven conducted eight simi- lar school contests at the fo]]ow- ing schools: High School of Com- merce, Britannia, King George, Magee, North Burnaby, South Burnaby, South Vancouver, North Vancouver. The siz EVest Vancouver con- testants were Misses Olive Chil- ton, Millie i4Iuir, Eleanor Len- noz, Joyce Herrin, Dorothy Spaulding, and Lucy James. The High School Prize List for Greater Vancouver just is- sued, shows the following stand- ing for the Cnmmercial students representing AVest Vancouver High School: Underwood Second Year Ac- curacy--Miss &Ii]]ie Muir, 98.6+o --third. Underwood First Year Accur- acy--Miss Eleanor Lennoz, 98~/o --tied for third place. Remington First Year Accur- acy--Miss Olive Chilton, 99 4-- fourth. Awards At the Students'ssociation meeting on Tuesday morning, April 30, i~Bss AVa]] presented the io]]owing students with awards won on the +rewriter Compani-es'ward tests. Underwood Certificates--Joyce Herrin, Dorothy Spaulding, Ruth Elill, Selma Siewert, Eleanor Lennox, Beatrice Short, Olive Chilton. L. C. Smith Certificates:-- Beatrice Short, Selma Siewert, Olive Chilton. L. C. Smith Bronze Medals:-- Millie Muir, Olive Chilton. MOVING Piano 4 Household Effects and Furniture BAGGAGE Daily trips to and from City. Reasonable Charges HOBB TRANS 1473 Marine WEST 17 Rogation Suiiday (5Iay 5th). 8 a. m.--Ho]y Communion. 10 a. m.--Sunday Schoo] and Bible Class. 11.15 a. m.--Holy Communion. 4.30 p. m.--Confirmation class 7.15 p. m.--Evensong. There is Divine service at St.Francis'hurch, Caulfeild, at 3 p. m. Sunday. Thursday, May 9th, Ascension Day, there will be a celebration of Holy Communion at 10.30 a. m. and Evensong at 8 p.m. The Bible Class meets Tuesday afternoon a'. 3 o'lock in the Choir vestry. All are invited. Good progress was made last Sunday in the clearing of the lots for a recreation ground. The work will be'continued tomonow i Saturday) afternoon and all men and boys who can help will be welcomed. The junior girls'aseball team will go bv motor nezt Monday, leaving at 6 p. m. to Livingstone School for the first game of the season against Mountain View United. At this week's practice the girls chose Phyllis Johnson as their captain. Junior Girls Baseball Schedule There are ten games in all. Home games are played at Hol- lyburn School grounds, and all games to commence at 6 p. m. May 6th--St. Stephen's and Mountain View United at Living- stone School. May 13th--St. Giles'nited and St. Stephen's. May 22nd--St. Stephen's and St. Joseph's R. C. at Clark Park. May 27th--First Church Unit- ed and St. Stephen's. June 3rd--St. Stephen's and Renfrew Baptist at Lord Nelson School. June 10th--Mountain View United and St. Stephen's. June 14th--St. Stephen's and St. Giles'nited at Mt. Pleasant School. June 17th--St. Joseph's R. C. and St. Stephen's. June 24th--St. Stephen's andFirst Church United at Seymour School ~ July 3rd--Renfrew Baptist and St. Stephen's. Baptist Church Pastor: Arthur B. Schulte. Sunday School, 10 a. m. Morning Service, 11 a. m. Evening Service, 7.15 p. m. THB West Van Nems Published Every Friday Publish era H. HODGSON and F.F.LOVEGROVB West 363 West 412L St. Anthony's Church Pastor--Rev. Father Kelly Sunday--Mass, 8.30 a. m. High Mass, 10.30 a. m. Benediction, 7.30 p. m. Week Days--Mass 8 a.m. Seasonable Goods and DIateria]s for Ladies'nd Children' YVear. Our Customers are a]ways satisfied. KVools, Embroideries, Hemstitching, Novelties, Men's FUrnishings, Dry Goods IYEsT vANcoUvER op~ St. Stephen's Church %FEST VANCOUVER Christian Science Society CHURCH EDIFICE 20th and Esquimalt, Hollyburn Sunday Services 11.SO a. m. and 7.30 p.m. Subject May 6th "EV ER LASTING I'UN IS HEI ENT." Sunday School at 10.00 a. m. Testimony Meeting Wednesday at 8.16 p. m. United Church Sunday School 10 a. m. Morning Service 11.16 a. m. Evening Service 7.16 p. m. Dr. J. S. Henderson will preach at both services on Sunday. His subject in the morning will be "The Secret of Vision." In the evening he will preach on "The Young man looking for a wife." AV. C. T. U. The monthly meeting of the Women's Christian Temperance Union will be he]d in the Bap- tist Church, 15th and Duchess, rn Thursday, May 9th, at 2.15. Mrs. Rez Eaton of Vancouver, wil] give an address on Y work and what it means to people es- pecially young mothers. Mrs. Eaton is a very interest- ing speaker and all who come are sure of a treat. A cordial invitation is extend- ed to all ladies interested in tem- perance reforms. Refreshments will be served at the close of the meeting. BUT YESTERDAY But yesterday And all the orchard trees were bare, The grasses withered, brown and sere, The morning chill, the twthght drear The gardens in the wintry air The somber hue of dun despair, But yesterday. But Yesterday And every hope and joy seemed dead, Gone with the sighing of a breath, Gone at the beckoning of death, A shadow on the grass. Love fied, A vagrant arrow, blindly sped, But yesterday. Gone yesterday Today the blossoms on the trees, The morn of Spring from AVinter's night, The pallid lilies, chaste and white- My soul with faith clear-visoned sees One God, one Life, on Love in these, No Yesterday. CARD OF THANKS Mrs. William Bonnalie, Mrs. W. H. Thompson and Mrs. Mar- garet R. Chadsey wish to ex- press their sincere appreciation of the sympathy and kindly feel- ing extended to them in their recent bereavement. BURRARD FUNERAL CHAPEL B. D. AVHITE, Mgr Distinctive Funeral Service Lady Assistant 320--3rd St. E. Phone iVorth 626 ~est Vancouver Sible School Ambleside Hall, Marine at 14th NEXT SUNDAY at 3 I . hl. Leader MR. PERCY KING continued "IVAlt--Is it right or wrongT Ivhat does the Bible say aboutit?" Mr. King will speak over C K W X every Monday until further notice from 7 to 7.30 P. ill. iWIAY QUEEN ELECTED Betty Bradford 5Iaid of Honor Jean Mulcahy, pupil of St. Ed- mund's School, North Vancou- ver, was chosen North Shore May queen-lect at the drawing held Fiiday evening in the Lons- dale Theatre by the Elks'ay Day committee. Eleanor Goard, pupil of Keith Lynn School, and Betty Brad- ford, pupil of Hollyburn School, were chosen the two maids of honor. They will be the prin- cipals in the May Day festival to be held at Mahon Park on Emipre Day, when the present May queen, Christian Leighton, and maids of honor, Valerie Rer- rie and Molly Clark, wi]] relin- quish office. Mayor G. H. Morden, assisted by Ald. Charles Cartwright, con- ducted the drawing on behalf of the May Day committee and the theatre was packed to the doors with supporters of the eleven candidates participating in the election. When slips of paper bearing the names of the candidates had been placed in glass jars, little Ruth McConnell was called from the audience to draw the slips. As there were only three of- fices to distribute among the eleven candidates, the following eight other participants in the contest will form a special guard of honor for May queen-elect Jean 5'Iu]cahy and her maids of honor--Hattie Young, Margaret 14cCord, Margaret Lucking, Mar- garet Murphy, Jessie Band, Joyce Binns, Lily Clifton and Margaret Toddun--these candi- dates representing various schools in all sections of the North Shore. Previous to the election Mayor Morden explained that since the inception of the May Day festi- val here by the Elks, seven years ago, the event has grown in pop- ularity to such an extent that't is almost impossible for one organization to handle it. He in- vited all other interested North Shore organizations to take an active interest in the festival by sending representatives to the meetings of the May Day com- mittee which will be held in theElks'all each Monday evening until the date of the festival. Following the Empire Day fe,stivities, members of the royal party will be the guests of the Elks at the May Day banquet and will at 8 o'lock proceed to the Drill Hall to lead the grand march at the May Day ball which will bring the day's activities to a close. Jimmy Thomson' TRANSFER Daily Trips to and from City. hloving Baggage a Specialty. PHQNE WEST 110 FOR Coal and %Pood Prompt Delivery. IIOLL Y BURN Barber Shop 16th Er, Marine EXPERT SERVICE E. hIARSH, Proprietor pre w' y .:lA'.t May 12th Give her your PHOTOGRAPH It would mean as much to 51other as Mother' photog"aph means to you. Photographs become more precious with each passing year. Make an appointment to- day. THE Eing Studio V. V. VINSON, Prop. 311 Hastings St., W., Phoae Seymour 1046 BY-LAWS RECEIVE THREE READINGS At the special meeting of the council on Wednesday night the following by-laws received three readings: By-law No. 414, providing that $12,597.88, being a portion of the surplus of ~&16,003.61 at credit of the sinking fund account ofthe debts of the corporation over and above the amount required to be. in such account in accord- ance with the provisions of the by-laws under which such debts are created, be applied towards the amounts required to be rais- ed in the year 1929 for interest and sinking fund purposes, in connection with the aforesaid by- laws of the corporation. By-laws No.'s 415, 416, 417, and 418 in connection with leviesfor street lighting extensions for 1929. By-law No. 419 to raise $64,- 186.20 to provide money for school purposes for 1929. Passenger traffic through the Port of Vancouver in 1921 was. 358,350 passengers landed; in 1927 the figure was 478,024. Passengers shipped in 1921 was 355,638; in 1927 the figure divas 499,148. TH E STAFF OF LIFE Stratton's ,!Iread is Pure and WholesomeBusiness and Editorial Office: 1351 Marino Drive Phone West 363 Mail Address: P. O. Box 101, Hollyburn, B. C. $ 1.00 a year by mail or carrier, News stands 6c per copy. ADVERTISING RATES ON APPLICATION Ladies! Try the .. ome Coo.~ing at MRS. ROSS'S 1415 Marine Drive You'l be satisfied. Our Ice Machine is now running. YVe are ready to supply ]arge or small quantities of Ice. S'; hlade under the very best Sani- tary conditions and of the best quality ingredients. Try our Rolls and I'astries. PHONE WEST 27 And our Delivery man will call. STRATTON'S BAKERY