West Van. News (West Vancouver), 10 May 1929, p. 6

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001C9747 THE WEST VAN NEWS Alay 10, 1929. "Prices Consistently Lo&v'ivo Stores in 9'est Vancouver GRANGER'S GROCERY, GREENWOOD'S GROCERY 21st and AIarine Drive 1442 Illarine Drive IVest 405 iVest 16 SPEQIALS AT BOTH STORES FREE DELIVERY FRIDAY-SATURDAY - MONDAY Lifebuoy Soap.............. 3 bars 20c Empress Orange Marmalade ................................... 4 lb. tin 53c Aunt Dinah 1/lolasses, 2 tins 25c Large tins .............................. 23c Jello, all flavors........... 3 pkts. 23c Pure Strawberry Jatu 4 lb. tin 55c Finest New Zealand Butter 3 lbs. $ 1.32 Ormond's Dollar Sodas, per box 58c Plums, heavy syrup, large tins 2 for 35c Royal City Peas, No. 4.... 2 tins 35c Royal City Spinach, 2's 2 tins 35c Crosse 4 Blackwell's Tomato Ketchup, per bottle ................ 28c hlaclean's Orange Pekoe Tea, lb 75c 1 pkt White Gloss Starch 1 pkt, Reckitt's Blue ................ 16c Tea Garden Table Syrup, jugs 23cPep.. 2 pkts. 25c Dates, p«r pkt ........................,.. 10c Pure Lemon or Vanilla Extract ............................ 2 oz. bottle 19c B. C. Gran. Sugar........ 10 lbs. 59c Squirrel Brand Peanut Butter per tin ..................................... 23c Sweet Juicy Oranges.... 3 dozen 65c Canned Milk, per tin.................. 11c Johnson's Floor Wax, tin........ 63c C. G. Tea, Broken Orange Pekoe per lb............................. 60c I L. M. DUVAL 4 J. W. MANSON The friends of Frank Cullin gave him s surprise party last Fridav at his home at 17th and Duchess. The evening was pass- ed very pleasantly in dancing and games, following ivhich dainty refreshments were serv- ed. Those present were: The Misses Stella Lloyd, Peggy Cornish, ~Iarjory Crickmay, Phyllis Johnson, Evelyn and Doris Cullin, Phyllis Smith, Isa- bel Smith, Edith Reid, Noel Reid, Kathleen Murphy, Ola McLean, I&athleen and Eileen Hampson, Betty Beard and Messrs Ian Thompson-Bowers, Ivan Thom- son, Fred Armstrong, all of the city, Bert Thompson, Ken Gar- land Jim Cornish, Alith Lloyd, Albert Kendrick, Frank Cullin, Jack Harrison, Terence Crick- niay, Robert Bloxham, Francis Nash and Ruth Jackson. The West Vancouver Choral Society at the request of a num- ber of residents are presenting two concerts to be held at the United Church on Thursday and Friday, 30th and 31st May. Both will be Grand Festival concerts in that the piogram will consist of several of the test pieces pre- sented during the last few years.It is expected that the AVest Vancouver Ladies Choir will as- sist with their festival numbers, also the several soloists who have taken part in the recent contests. A large number of our residents will undoubtedly take this opportunity of hearing the choirs at their best. G. J. Murch has had his grounds at 13th and Fulton land- scaped and a brick wall built a- long the front of his property. Mrs. J. M. Craig of Vancou- ver, has taken the Castree house at 14th and Bellevue. Mr. and Mrs. George Castree, 14th and Bellevue, left on Mon- day for Gabriola Island. NU BONE CORSETS Surgical Belts and Binders MRS. MARLING 17th &: Marine %est 224 Watch and Clock Repairs Called for and Delivered. THE %VEST VAN WATCHMAKER and JEWELLER 1522 Marine Drive M.A. DEGREE CONFERRED ON PRINCIPAL PATTERSON F. J. Patterson, B.A., principal o~ the Hig 1 School, has been awarded the degree of M.A. bythe University of B. C. and re- ceived his degree at convocation yesterday afternoon. His sub- jects were economics and phil- osophy, and the subject of his thesis was "the municipal his- tory of West Vancouver." Miss Doris Church of the local staff of the B. C. Telephone Co., is away on her annual vacation. STOCKBROKERS AND FINANCIAL AGENTS Stocks, - Bonds - Investments Prompt execution of Buying and Selling Orders. Reliable Information Given. 679 DUNS~IUIR STREET, VANCOUVER. SEYibIOUR 8894 SURPRISE PARTY (.'HORAL SOCIETY TO GIVE TiVO GRAND FESTIVAL CONCERTS Try the Drug Store First PERSOXALS Ken Robinson returned on Sun- day from Saskatoon and is living with his wife and family at 17th and Duchess. AIr. aiid Mrs. F. W. Phipps of Vaiicouver have taken the Hain- es house at 20th and 51arine Drive and expect to take posses- sion shortly. The Canadian Legion have made googol progress with the erection of their meeting houseat 18th and Duchess. The base- ment has been already built and a start made on the sides of the build i»g. DIrs. Mackey of Vancouver, has taken the Scott house at 1243 Duchess, and is moving in the beginning of »ext mnoth. Mr. and AIrs. F. D. Cramer motored up from Seattle to spend the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Chet Shields. AIrs. Cramer is a sister of AIr. Shields. The Union Oil Co. have started the erection of an oil and gasstation at 15th and Marine Drive. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Hunt, 23rd and Kings, have moved into the Almas cottage at 12th and Keith Road. C. Claxtoil of "the Empl'ess of Fiance," has taken the Nightin- gale bungalow at 25th and Hay eood foi six month~ The baseball match between the )Vest Van. Intermediates andthe Elks scheduled to take placeat Ambleside Park last Tuesday evening was I.ostponed until 11th June. The remainder of the schedule as published in our lastissue remains unchanged. RIr. a»d Mrs. Riley and familyof Vancouver have taken a suite Usually the first thobght. Get your every-day needs from us and we'l be here to serve you in time nf illness. MOTHERS'AY May 12th BOX CHOCOLATES, special for the occasion........ 75c up iVEST 37 The Store of Service.Dorothy, daughter of SIr. andMrs. Corbett, 12th and Esqui-malt, was awarded a prize lastweek for a poem which appearedin the Sun newspaper. DIr. and Mrs. R. 51. Bryan,13th and Duchess, have movedto Vancouver. A fire broke out at the homeof Mr. Ray, 21st and Argyle, onSunday afternoon as a result ofan overheated stove. The firebrigade turned out and soon hadthe fire out. A partition wasburnt and a portion of the roofdamaged. Mrs. L. McDougall has movedinto a house at 1362 MarineDrive. FUEL FIR or ALDER--Any Lengths FURNACE IVOOD and COAL Itadio Poles -- Fence Posts Cedar for Rustic )York Manure for Your Gardens. Soil THE IVESTON CARTAGE )Vest 201L 1 Ice Cream Confectionery LUNN'S CAFE 14th nnd Marine Soft Drinks Tobacco Public Phone--West 611-0 J A Campbell has purchased Mis. Douglas house at CypressPark. Mr. Shelton, one of the mem-beis of the Grain Commission,spent the week end at the Fort-une Cup Inn. F. E. Armstrong, 12th andEsquimalt, who was operated onlast week at the Vancouver Gen-eral Hospital, is making goodprogress. C. H. Patchett, 1243 Duchess, is ill and in the Vancouver Gen- eral Hospital. Mrs. H. Durig, who has been spending a few days visiting Miss G. Ray, 13th and Bellevue, left on Tuesday to return to her home in Portland, Oregon. Mrs. Dodd, who has been apatient in hospital, has returned to his home on Radcliff Avenue and is feeling much better. AIr. Lewis is having a roof garden built on his property "the Red Mill" which will form an added attraction for the many who enjoy this popular resort at West Bay. Evelyn Cullin, 17th and Duch- ess, has taken up training at the Haro Street Infants'ospital, Vancouver. Mr. Crane, 15th and Haywood has left for Regina, Saskatche- wan, where he will shortly be joined by Mrs. Crane. They ex- pect to take up their permanent iesidence in that city. Mr. George williamson, 23rd and Kings, who has been confined to his bed with a bad attack of flu, is now able to be out and around again. The high school cadets have now been equipped with uni- forms. The cadets of the public schools will recei ve their uni- forms next week. HOLLYSURN THEATRE Friday and Saturday "St&SA" Monday, Tuesday. Wednesday "The Trail of '98" AIISS DAISY BREALEY ASVINS llIARKED SUCCESS AT U. B. C. We prese»t our heartiest con-gratulations to Principal Brealeyof the Pauline Johnson School,and to Mrs. Brealey, on the suc-cess of their youngest daughter,Miss Daisy J. Brealey, who hadthe degree of B.A. conferred onher yesterday. She is one of the youngest graduates of the pres-ent year. Her entire education,with the exception of her firstyear high, was received in )Vest Vancouver. She was a member of the first class to matriculate under Principal Patterson in 1925. She had previously wonthe "gold piece" presented to the leading high school pupil by Mrs. morgan on behalf of the Dun- can Lawson Chapter of the I. O. D. E. She entered the university just before her 15th birthday, and has advanced steadily year by year to the final stage of graduation. She intends to re- turn to the university in the fall for the Education course, and me "re quite sure that the same steady and gratifying success will attend lier . ouses & l.ots IVi IVEST VAiVCOUVER I have some delightful Water- front homes as low as $3,000,and Vacant )Vaterfront Lots from $ 1500. Other View Lots from $ 100. Good listings on properties throughout the district. Glad to have enquiries. .(. Il(. Savory 1443 IlIarine Drive, Ambleside Phone AVest 340 Evenings, AVest 143 Real Estate, Financial and Insurance Agent u -. '" "" '" 'EST VAN I'HARNACY at 8 p,m. Collection for Organ FundBoy Soloists ST. PAUL'S CHOIR, Vancouver in "THE DAUGHTER OF JAIRUS"-- (Stainer) In St. Stephen's Church, Friday, May 12th idol/ churn i~i (Shop N EX'I DOOR TO ROYAL HA NK Qegoge Bloomers and Vests from 95c Hosiery.......................... 79c MEN'S SHIRTS, SOCKS LADYSHIP EVOOLS. Knitted and Crochet Garments to Order P968 eswI~Q O~I ,i~; $ l PUT UP BY A FIRM WHO KNOYVS HOW THE NE%V ALUMINUM PACKAGE WEST VAN TENNIS CLUB 1929 SEASON Any des&nng to Jo&n please phoneJ. GRISEDALE, %Vest 434, or G. DAVENI'ORT, )Vest 481R3 Burrard Sheet Metal 229 Lonsdale Ave, North Vancouver Phone North 345 Res. North 918Y and 1214Y