West Van. News (West Vancouver), 10 May 1929, p. 3

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001C9747 l1ay 10, 1929 I'Rpill"T DELIVERY WE WANT TO SERVE YOU. GROCERY Sl'ECIALS for This Week Corn Flakes, per pkt. 1 I e Shredde.l N'heat, per pkt . llc Sun-Maid Raisins ... 2 lbs. 23c Prunes, large site .... 2 Ibs 25c Sliced Pineapple.. 2 tins for 25e Peaches, (halves) per tin .... 20e I'eanut Butter, par tin ... 20c Jelly Powders, all flavors I for 25c B. C. S agar ......... 10 lbs. for 59c arine Grocer+ 22nd and Marina J. ALLISON, Prop. PEIONE %EST 96 G A R DEN I'A RTY DANCE AT THE fLED &III.L Ne~ Roof Garden to be Opened The new roof garden which C. H. Lewis is having built on his property, the Red iAIill at IVest liay, is to 1&e opened or& Saturday evening, 17th May, with a gar- den party dance. This dance will be given under the auspices of the Canadian Legion, EVest Van- couver, and the entire proceeds will go to their buildirig fund. 'I'ickets, 50 cents each, can be obtained from the Legion mem- bers. The new roof garden will be a great riddition to the at- tractions of this popular resort, the beautiful grounds of which will be lighted with electric lights on this opening night for the benefit of those atending the dance. Already a large number of people from Vancouver have signified their intention of being present, and there is no doubt that a large crowd will be on hand for the occasion. The regular monthly meeting o. the Duncan Lawson Chapter, I. 0. D. E., will be held Monday Nay the 13th, at the home of Mrs. P. C. Chapman, Kings and 25th, at 2.15 o'lock. SCOTTISH SOCIETY TO GIVE iVHIST DRIVE The Scottish Society is giving a military whist drive on Satur- t!ay, 18th iAIay, at 8 p. m. in the Clachan IIotel. There will be good prizes and refreshments, «nd a musical program has been «rranged. The whist drives put on by the Scottish Society have always proved to be very popu- lar affairs, and it is expected that there will be a large attend- ance at the Clachan on this oc- casion. HIDLEY'S ill LK iOiV DELIVERED BE'AVEEA 11IDiiIGHT A iD 7 A i&I Now that the hot weather is approaching the question of keeping one's supply of milk fresh and in good condition will be a most, important one to the thrifty hous wife, hence the an- nouncement made by the Ridley Ice and Milk Co. that their cus- tomers will from now and during the whole of the hot weather have their milk delivered be- tween midnight and 7 a. m., the coolest part of the day, will be good news tn milk users. Transporting milk during the intense heat of a summer's day does not add to its sweetness and ivholesomeness. Another announcement by the same firm is that whipping cream as well as table cream can now be supplied in quarter pints as well as half pints. The telephone number of the kidley Milk «nd Ice Co. is AVest 456. IIUCK HOLLEY'S SHOO'S iVEI.I. RECEIVED ~el; a .. an): To present to Mother next Sunday--biay 12th. ilOTHER'S DAY Big selection on hand. Free delivery to 29th Street. HOBB TRANSFER 1473 Marine iVEST 17'he entertainment put on at the Hollyburn Theatre on Thurs- day of last ivt:ek by Buck Holley was not as well attended as it might have been, but those that did attend enjoyed a splendid programme. The Personality Kiddies were heartily encored at c ach of their appearances. These youthful artists in their song and dance number made a decid- ed hit. Duncan Barbes with his clever dancers gave an artistic and clever exliibition of dancing, and IValter Blake in monologue ai d dance created much amuse- ment. Little June Clark, a 4Vest Vancouver miss, and said to be the smallest acrobatic dancer, also provided a splendid turn, which received the well-merited plaudits of the audience. Buck Holley put his dog Ban y through a few tricks and also performed some himself, show- ing the various movements in body development and athletic training, after which he gave a talk on physical culture, stating that he expected in the near fut- ure to form a class in EVest Van- couver . THE AVEST VAN NEWS IIORTICULTUR WL ASSN. CATALOGUES NOAV READY I'ublic IIeeting I)eing Arranged i4ext Tuesday evening the ex- ecutive of the KVest Vancouver Horticultural and Agricultural Associat ion will meet at the home of the President, John Ny- land, 29th and i41arine. It is ex- pected that arrangements will be made for the public meeting to be held on "Beautifying the Bou- levards and Park of West Van- couver." The catalogues for the floral festival to bc held in June are llew ready and copies can be ob- tained on application to any of the officers of the Association. BI RTI I DA Y SUI I ER .'tIr. and ~Ias. G. D. Elgar, 16th and Gordon, gave a birthday supper at their home last Satur- day evening in honor of the 14th brithday of their son Ian, when large number of his young friends ass mbled to wish him many happy returns of the day. Following the supper, they were entertained at the evening per- formance at the Hollyburn Thea- tre. Those present were Betty Bradford, Jean Lettner, Mildred Let tner, Ida Allan Marjorie Crawford, Doris Cullin, Mary Ed- ington, Isabel Smith, Norah Strong, Caroline Marsh, Bill Gardiner, Ian Elgar, Teddy Reid, Robert Reid, Harry Inman, Billy Inman, Ronald Irish, John Fid- des, Tom Timbrell, Dick Tim- brell, Frank Deamish, Jack Watt, George EVatt, Jim Brown. Watch your step or you may lose your sole. lVEST VANCOUVER SCOTTISH SOCI ETY Mr. P. Carrick is coming to the Clachan to the regular meet- ing of the above society, hIay 17th, 1929, 8 p. m. and will give an address on the poetry of Sir Ertalter Scott. Friends and members are cor- dially invited and are sure of a treat. Mr. Carrick is past president cf the Vancouver Burns'ellow- ship and is well knowhow as a pub- l'c lecturer. Perhaps you have noticed that the penetentiaries are full of fel- lows who work hard--to escape honest toil. GORDON ROBSON Barrister 4 Soheitor N'EST VANCOUVER-- Office No. 1447 Marine Drive. Phone N'est 403. VANCOUVER OFFICE-- Suite 818; 610 Hastings St. W Phone Seymour 4199. DELICIOUS PIES FltESH EVERY DAY The resl Home-made Kind. Cakes -- Pastries -- Rolls Home ~Iade Bread "Ask Our Customers" Mrs. Draper 2435 i~fARIAE DRIVE Next Dundarave Hall. NOTE PHON E i Wee t 380 SPCIALS AND PARTIES CATERED FOR. HAVE YPU TRIED OUR Hplf E-&IADE CAKES7 Saturday and Monday B. C. Sugar........ 6 lbs. 39c Corned Beef. per tin ........ 20c Tomatoes, 2's ......... 2 for Fels Naptha Soap 3 for 24e Carnation Milk. tin.. lie Cream Crackers, lb. 18e i M& c 5 I~'ll" Il~, 'iY( Phone AVest 318R3. %Vest Bay PROIIPT DELIVERY These fine, bright sunny days demand 'f 'l 'I ' ' 'i ,ill Have Yours Tailor &fade! It will have distinction and the best of material. ~lade to yoar measure at reasonable charges. Cleaning, Pressing, Repairing. M. WILLIAMS 16th and Marine, Ambleaide CUSTOAi TAILOR Phone AVest 20 CAPILAN0 TIilIBER COiWIPAN Y "From Forest to lI'ou " W HEN You need Lumber, whether in small or large amounts, justgive us a telephone call. Since our mill is located on the Water- front at the west boundary of North Vancouver City, it may be too far for you to come down, simply telephone our office and ask for our LOCAL SALES DEPARTMENT. Your wants im11 receive every at- tention. Our Representative will gladly call on you if you so desire. S '" &" 3'F „L I I I I IL I DURING TarE SU»IWIER Is a very important matter. Special arrangements have been made whereby all our customers are supplied with milk between the hours of 12 mid- night and 7 a. m. Our 3lilk Delivery wagons are off the Streets during the heat of the day. This is important to you as it means that your supply of milk reaches you in the very best condition. I'hone North 305 FOOT OF PEBIBERTON I'emberton and waterfront CEDAR RADIO I'OLES 40 Ft. LONG ALWAYS ON HAND. fl ~ F'% ~ .. le .a)I ano . IIII)er .O...l.~. Every care is taken in the handling delivery and preservation of KILN DRIED KINDLING Ridley's ilk g'HII'I'ING CREAII AND TABLE CIIEA~I is now suPPlied in Quarter Pints as well as Half Pints, 1'HONE YOUI( ORDERS--iVEST -156 or leave a message for the delivery man. Big Cord Load Delivered (North or West Vancouver... Extra charges for distant deliveries. Beyond St. Dennis (North Vancouver District) Centi e Road (North Vancouver District) 29th Street (North Vancouver District) 29th Street (North Vancouver District) West Bay to Caulfeild 50c 50c eoc 2oc $1.00 Extra Extra Extra Extra Extra . $350 'l,:i.i(S .:i A.'i: Y .( I'hone North 304. AEter 6 p. m.; North 304K