West Van. News (West Vancouver), 10 May 1929, p. 8

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001C9747 a "LIv For„Friday and Saturday Smith s i rocery We Deliverer h. HARVEY SMITH, Prop. 24th hND hlARINB, Opp. Dnndarave Hall. Phono WEST i65 THE AVEST VAN NEAVS MARINE DRIVE CONTRACT LET The council held a special meeting on Wednesday morning, when the contract for widening and thickening ihlarine Drive from the Capilano to West Bay divas aivarded to Ellis Cotton Ltd. It is understood that ivork ivill be started immediately. May 10, 192'9. Once a customer, a1&vays a customer. . EFFERIES'UPEI(IO 4,Y. EATS Government Inspected Only. All Meats kept under strict sanitary conditions and with up-to-date refrigeration service. Serv-us Butter, Finest quality 3 lbs. $ 1.29 Serv-us Toilet Paper ........................... S large rolls 25c Aylmer Chicken, per tin.......... 37c Bulk Dates ....................... 3 lbs. 25c "Serv-us" Tea, per lb......... 75c Dina-hlite, per package...,........ 2lc Wild Rose Pastry Flour, per sack ........ ................................... 45c hlcLaren's Jelly Powders 4 pkts 27c Hunt's Supreme Asparagus (white) 1's, per tin................ 31c "QUALITY ALiVAYS H Kellogg's Rice Erispies. 2 pkts. 27c Serv-us Lobster, sN's, per tin 23c Baker's Premium Chocolate halves ...................................... 24c hlazola Oil, 1's, per tin............ 37c Icing Sugar,.................... 3 lbs. 25c hlarshmallow Biscuits, per lb.... 2Sc Bird's Custard Powder, per pkt. 17c Shredded Avheat Biscuits, per packet .................................. 10c Hunt's Supreme Spinach, 24's, per tin ...................................... 22c Lombard Plums ............ 2 for 25c IGHER THAN I'RICE" Council Notes Annie Pretious asked for a box culvert to carry water from her lot o» Esquimalt Ave. to the ditch. The matter was referted to the engineer. The Canadian Merchant Ser- vice Guild and the National As- sociation of Marine Engineers ivrote re the renewal of agree- ments ivith the ferry employees. It was referred to the transpor- tation committee. Lamb Beef I'ork For the very best in all kinds of bleats phone Hollyburn Store gest 3 Ambleside Store gest 303 ROBERTS'ETTER MEATS DELIVERY TO ALL PARTS DAILY 10th to 25th--9 30 10th to Caulfeild--12.30 10th to 25th--3.30 BUY REST MEATS and ENJOY YOUR i&IEALS Prime No. 1 Steer Beef Finest Dairy Fed Pork Local Lamb Home Made Sausages Our Specialty. New Laid Eggs. Fresh Vegetables and Fruit. PHONE WEST 190 One Store Only Next to PIGGLY KVIGGLY 1578 hIARINE DRIVE According to a report issued by officials, traffic over the Sec- ond Narrows bridge in the first fnur months of this year was siibstantially greater than that of the corresponding period of last year. The opening of Haywood west of 26th Street and between 13th and 14th Streets and of Fulton from 14th Street east divas re- ferred to the engineer. G. Dale and Marine Drive. Cost of connection $175. An ex- penditure not to exceed $ 175 was authorized. 7. Elliott's water main D. L. 582 at a cost of $48. This ex- penditure was authorized. The celrk reported that $ 100 had been paid by the Pacific Stages for four licenses expiring 15th July, 1929, and that a bill for a further $140 had been sent. A grant of %25 was made to the Hollyburn Public Library, $50 to the West Vancouver Chor- al Society, $25 to the Salvation Army, and $200 to the West Vancouver Agricultural and Hor- ticultural Society. Harry Ferguson, who delivers for Jefferies Meat Market, has purchased a new Ford delivery truck, which he will use in future instead of his horse delivery, which has been for so long a landmark in the district. The construction of three cul- verts, one for Mrs. Bone on King's Ave., between 22nd and 23rd Streets, another for Mrs. Jaggard on Bellevue north of the P. G. E. tracks between 25th and 26th Streets, and a third for the Union Oil Co. at 15th and Marine Drive, was referred to the chairman of the board of works. L. G. Seers wrote re seepage cf water at 557-2-9. The matter was referred to the engineer. The question of the Y. AV. C. A. fioat divas referred to the engin- eer with power to act. GREATER VANCOUVER NEEDS AN AIRPORT. H. A. Farr The engineer reported on 1 ~ Grading 16th Street from Marine Drive to the first lane to the south, cost $35. An ex- penditure not to exceed this sum divas authorized. 2. Subdivision of 559-4-C re- commending that permission be given. Permission was granted. 3. Water service to Rock-in- Sea at a cost of $233. Armstrong and Laing were advised of this cost. 4. Y. W. C. A. float, suggest- ing that interested parties be told how all floats may be put in place. Referred to the eng- ineer with power to act. 5. H. E. B. Foster's footpath 1072 S.E.1/1, at a cost of $50. Clerk to inform applicant that when the path is required the council is prepared to proceed with its construction. I"IRST AID KITS FOR HIKERS As a safety measure for North Shore hikers the British Colum- bia Safety Climbers'ommittee has decided to make a public ap- peal for the gift of bvo complete first-aid kits to be placed in the Hollyburn Ridge ski camp and the mountaineering cabin on Goat Ridge. This was decided at a meeting of the committee Fri- day night. Arrangements have been made for co-operation with the police of North Vancouver District Municipality in safety measures for hikers in the hills. It is hoped by the organization that the police of West Vancouver will also co-operate. Mr. C. A. Dawson presided at the meeting. Others present were Mr. L. G. Golman, secre- tary, Mr. H. J. Graves, Mr. T. Warkman, Rev. Canon A. H. Sov- ereign and Mr. W. A. Munday. Sash, Doors and Interior Finish Get our prices IT WILL FAY YOU QLA$$ Broken Lights repaired at reasonable cost. Am& esic.e. umber Co, tc. hlARINE DRIVE AT 16th STREET Fhone West 100 Our Ice Machine is noiv running. EVe are ready to supply large or small quantities of Ice. For a New Building or a Repair Job We can supply everything you need. Roofing -- Building Paper -- Lamatco -- Fir Veneer -- Gyproc Plaster Board -- Sash -- Doors -- Beaver Board Shingles -- Lath -- Building blaterials West Vancouver. um ver Co. 15th and Marine LIMITED Phone West 115 Residence Phone: West 368L. With the amalgamation of South Vancouver and Point Grey Vancouver became the third largest city in Canada and assumed the status of a "big city." Every big city in the United States and Canada has an "airport that justifies the name." EVe in Vancouver have been somewhat backward in the matter of providing facilities for aircraft landing and taking off. The present temporary airport at Lulu Island is of the "pocket handkerchief" type and no facilities are pro- vided for housing the airplanes at present out there. The airplane is here to stay and a huge industry will develop in the aircraft field just the same as in the automobile in- dustry. Vancouver is in a position both geographically and industrially to reap the rewards from this newest of industries. Seattle has the largest airplane manufacturing plant in the United States with a payroll of $10,000 a day. AVe have here in British Columbia most of the raw material that enters into the construction of airplanes. AVhat we want is a first class airport and the rest will follow. A VOTE FOR THE AIRPORT IS A VOTE FOR PRO- GRESS AND DEVELOPMENT. "1e:.OW'. ( S-0 hlOTHEIt'S DAY--SUNDAY, hlAY 12TH. Oifts of Beautiful Pot Plants from ....................................... 30c to.$2.50 TULIPS, ANEMONE, DAISIES, NARCISSI. ETC. Flowering Roots of Pansies to plant out now. Bedding Annuals in great variety. Orders for Special Bouquets and Funeral Designs receive careful at- tention. Mrs. Roberts Flower Sho ters MastsE nswEPHONE WEST 191 ~ ~ J. s I i~ ~ ~ ~ ~ PLYMOUTH 'HRYSLER "65" CHRYSLER «75" 4 Door Sedan....... $ 1115.00 2 Door Sedan........ 1085.00 "oupe .................... 1045.00 De Luxc Coupe.... 1095.00 Roadster .............. 1075.00 Touring ................ 1095.00 4 Door Sedan .. $ 1745.00 2 Door Sedan ............... 1640.00 Coupe (Rumble Seat)... 1745.00 Coupe (B»piness Men') 1595.00 Roadster . 1610.00 Touring ............. 1650.00 Royal Sedan ........$2395.00 Town Sedan ....... 2595.00 2 Pass. Coupe ...2395.00 Roadster ................ 2415.00 These cars are Fully Equipped. Delivered to your door at above prices PHOEBE'l:X MO I'OR CO., LtcIl. North 1186 135 First Street Nest, North Vancouver North 1186 %Ve Guarantee All Our %Vork We take pleasure in announcing our apointment as CHRYSLER and PLYMOUTH Dealers for North Vancouver. This means a complete Chrysler Service to all North Shore Chrysler owners and future purchasers, at our Garage, 135 First, Street West. We cordially invite you to come in and inspect the latest Chrysler and Plymouth blodels. 8 e are in a position to make immediate delivery of any of the foUoiving cars:--