West Van. News (West Vancouver), 26 Apr 1929, p. 7

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001C9736 April 26, 1929. THE W'EST VAN NEWS Council Notes H. E. B. Foster on behalf of the owners asked for access to the S. E. '4 of D. L. 1072. The matter was referred to the eng- ineer to report on a footpath. hIessrs. Messinger and Chat- ty.rton asked that 16th Street be graded from hIarine Drive to the lane, a distance of 120 feet. The matter was referred to the eng- ineer for his report. The chief constable requested that a centre line be marked on curves and crests of hills on the hIarine Drive roadway, also that signs re parking restrictions in the Horseshne Bay area be set up on posts there. The matter Nas referred to the engineer to report on the prospects of rent- ing a marking machine. The engineer was instructed to report on the cost of putting water on an island being Block A, D. L. 744, as requested by Armstrong and Laing. The police commissioners were advised of the blocking of ditch- es with wood and requested to instruct the police to take action under the Highways Act to pre- ,. Vent same. Gen. V. lV. Odium wrote the council accepting the conditions re sale of lots 8 to 2G, D. L. 430, proposed by the Council. He said he woult) shortly submit ev- ic!ence of ownership of the rear 'djoining properties. The mat- ~~ ter divas laid over. The engineer reported on: 1. Elliot's water main. Sup- ply cost $48. Laid over. 2. T. hIartin's application for lane 237-18-18. Cost with culvert $ 102.50. Culvert alone $ 15. Re- ferred to chairman of the board of works. 3. 4V. T. Atwood. Access east of 15th Street. Cost complete $251. Part only $85. Referred to chairman of board of works with power tn act. 4. Angus hlcGougan. Nelson Avenue improvement. Cost com- plete $213. An expenditure not over $ 100 authorized. 5. G. Clarke, 656-58B. Stream complained of is not municipal- ity's responsibility. Further re- port required from engineer. 6. Intersection Piccadilly and Marine Drive, reconstruction. Cost $424. An expenditure not exceding $424 authorized. 7. Connection "The Dale" and htarine Drive cost $ 175. Laid over. The sanitary inspector report- &.d that the number of private schools was 5, total number of pupils 47, sanitary arrangement in almost all cases adequate. The matter was referred to clerk to report on effect, if any, on liquor grant, which is based on school population. The matter was also referred to the inspector to re- port on Are risks and ventila- tion. Gleneagles Ltd. was granted by the Council one year from 1st i~Jay for opening roads through subdivision D. L. 771 and that a due performance bond be execut- ed by them for the amount of $5,000. 4U. Fortune wrote the Council making the following sugges- & t'ons as regards the municipal transportation servic: 1. Cut out the 20 minute ser- vice morning and evening and ~ un on the half hour, as was done ubout a year ago. The 20 min- ute service only benefit a few and was expensive. 2. Re-adjust ferry bus rates as follows: 5 cent cash fare as at present. 13 .ommutation tickets for 50 cents, and 17 school tick- c:ts for 50 cents. He had fre- quently noti ed that hikers and c thers from Vancouver make use Of commutation tickets, which was not th original intention. The fare of 13 tickets for 50 cents should be good for the en- tire system. 3. Make use of the Sonrisa only in emergency cases. He was only one of several who would be forced to travel by North Van- couverr, if she was used on ac- count o fthe vibration and rattle. The council thanked Mr. For- tune by letter for his sugges- tions. D R. Thomas and E. Gamage waited on the Council in person regarding an alleged discrimina- tion by Pacific Stages in fares to and from 7th Street and North Vancouver. The matter was re- ferred to the chairman of trans- portation for investigation. The Canadian Traffic Signal Corporation wrote offering to supply four new signs for Mar- ine Drive. The question was re- ferred to the chairman of the hoard of works. @very dollar that gets a&say isa loss- to the prospect@ o~ @goatish Columbia rs.~ .i+ T'q i~a, It j, ~g,!1oi~fpg @~~el ~~~lgg ~'~i~~y $ l0 BII.L LOST by young girl in the Ambleside District last Wednesday Night- Please phone % est A2IL BASEBALL GLOVE LOST by Paper Delivery Boy last Tuesday night. Finder please phone Nest 331R RDK, il~ iG IVORK WANTED by local man. Day or hour. Phone &est 92Y1. FIRST CLASS Ladies'ailoring and Alterations. All work Mrs. H. E. )fills. 2M Bellevue, West 128Y. GIRL IVANTED for light housework Good wages. Small family out. Phone iVest 696RI K+ ~'iio&&~&ong, Light Painted, price $4.60 delivered sub'ectto approval. Phone North 364R CEM E.iT WORK, Landscaping, Lawns Roekeries, Fencing Trellis work Clearing. Grading. Phone T. Barnott 23rd and Jefferson. SIODEItN ELECTRIC WIRING of all kinds. See us for Radio Sets, Sup- plies, Aerials. Largest on North Shore. North Shore Electric and Radio Stores--1540 Lonsdale Ave.North Vancouver. Phone North 79. I'LY~IOUTH BARRED l(OCK EGGSfor setting. Phone 9"est @49R orcall 1428 Esquimalt. FOR I LUMBI iiG REPAIRS--Phone AVest 241R. YElV ROUTE TO PRINCE GEORGE FOR RE.iT-- f. nfurnished house. 1433 Bellevue. Apply at house. R lf AN D BOARD WANTED fof man and two gro~Q up boys Ap ply, "Room," e'o West Van News. FOR SALE--three Wicker Upholster- ed Chairs and $$ indow match. Phone West 69X3. I'LA.iTS-- I'ansies Special 25c doxen. All kinds of bedding plants in stock. Hobb Transfer, 1473 Marine Drive. USED LU BRIBER -- f'raetieally free from nails, 2x8 and 2x4, and cedar shiplap, also 100 feet chicken netting 8 feet wide, 2 inch mesh- a snap. Phone West 6%Y. FOR SAL~ix- hole Kitchen Range $ 16.00. Phone IVest 60R. WANTE~ompetent Cook by day. Phone West 339. FOIL PA INTINiG, DECORATINiG, STAINING, POLISHING, phone W. Carley. West 71Y. FOR RENT OR SALE House on Waterfront at Altamont. Apply Leyland, West 63RI WANTED FOR JUNE-- &fodern house near water. Moderate rent. Sleep- ing for 5ve adults. Phone Fair. 4342L SCIIWEPPES LEMONADE, CAN- ADA DRY GINGERALE and all the Good Brands of Cigars at The Ambleside Tea Rooms. SEWING WANTED -- Ladies'nd Children's work. hfrL Bloxham, Phone West 226. A new route for the Pacific Great Eastern Railway from Quesnel to Prince George has been selected by government en- gineers and will be made the subject of an immediate report to the cabinet, Hon. F. P. Burden acting minister of railways, an- nounced on )Vednesday. J. Calloghan, deputy minister who recently located this route, has virtually completed his work, and will return this week to Ed- monton. There he will compile data gathered in the field and submit his lipdings to the gov- erament. EVhile no definite statement has reached the railway depart- ment yet, it is believed hIr. Cal- loghan has decided to recommend drastic changes in the route a8 originally mapped out for the P. G. E. north of Quesnel, and officials here will be surprised ii he does not urge also the line south of that point be relocated. Quesnel being approached by a branch line. Laud Road i~Ianagement hIr. Burd n has returned to his office here after touring the P. G. E. with D. C. Coleman, vice-president of the Canadian Pacific Railway. He is highly satisfied with his trip. "Mr. Coleman told me he was agreeably surprised at the con- dition of the road, as ~vere the other C. P. R. officials," Mr. Bur- den said. "They complimented the management on the way it is running the railway, but beyond that, of course, they made no comment indicating the attitude of their company towards the lme." hIeanivhile officials of the gov- ernment, the C. P. R. and the Canadian National RailNays are preparing here to go into the field to investigate the value of land grants made by the Legis- lature to assist the P. G. E. As announced before, airplanes will he used in this work, through arrangements with the Federal Government. In addition to the two Federal Government planes available at Vancouver, the gov- ernment may arrange with pri- vate companies to supply other machines, hlr. Burden said. Ne- gotiations to this end are under way with two firms noiv. The planes vill be used to explore the northern P. G. E. land grant lying between Prince George and the Peace River country. They will commence flying there as soon as ice has left the lakes. which they &vill use for lnnding purposes, only seaplanes being operated. WEBB'S SHOE REPAIRS WEAR BEST--Dundarave. iiENMA i 4 ROBBINS Contractors. Builders, Painting Pap- erhanging, Alterations and Repairs. Promptly Executed. House Phone West 74R1. HMISTITCHING--Plain.. white„Se yard; silk and colored 10c yard. Pearce's Drygoods, 14th Street and Marine. Phone West )44. GARDENS DESIGNED, Laid Out and Maintained. Rock Gardens, Lily and Ornamental Pools, Lawns, Rustic work, Fencing, Concrete Paths, Drives, etc., Pruning and Spraying, Landscape and General Gardening R. J. Kyte. Phone West 172X1. II YOU INTEND TO BUILD or Want your house altered or repaired. phone Colin Turner builder 13th and Haywood, AVest 679R. R. P. Clark 4 Co. (Vancouver) Ltd. Send in your listings of Furnished Houses and Camps. SEAF RONT HO~I ESITE; Magnifieent situation. Must be seen to be ap- preciated. Extra large area 75x450 feet, $2000, terms. We will quote you lowest Insurance Rates on Furniture and Household Ef- fects. R. P. CLARK 4 CO., LTD. 790 Dunsmuir St. Seymour 7454 Local Representative C. J. ARCHER, IVest ~~~. A&TAMONT D.L. 556 Block 97--Nine Tenths of an Acre .................$400 Block 104--Over 4 of an Acre with 75 Ft. Front- age, Facing South $600 Block 54--Nine Tenths of an Acre, 4 Block from X!arine Drive. just Af o9th Street. $600 Small Cash Payments and easy terms on all the above. WHITAKER 4 iVIIITAKER 942 West I'ender St. VANCOUVER, B. C. GEO. HA.Y Real Estate and Insurance Notary Public Fire Insurance -- ~foney to Loan 1405 Marine Drive Ofttce Phone West 1 or Sey. 1260 Residence Phone W. 32R or W. -04X CLASSIFIED ADS