West Van. News (West Vancouver), 26 Apr 1929, p. 6

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001C9736 April 26, 1929. Lecture on Yorkshire:.LSO.N'A'. 3. Overington a'e HAS MOVED to new store on Marine Drfve, next Jefferies Meat Store at 14th. Phone 'lVest 135 for appointment In business in AVest Van 8 Years TtlE BURRARD ;A JiIIli)iK ]&i..)9 ~ FMc FRBH AS+ DAlsY .-- wf/~ eoc g FRESH AS A DAISY IS YHE. wAY --.--. Wa ~u~oea C~THas ~ P'Q)H @AY TO DAV ' ",,&e .3urrarc '.aunijry Limited For People who Are Particular THIRD ST. and ST. DAVIDS North Vancouver Phone North 1310. AVest Van. Representative F. RIVERS Phone )Vest 410L 4 gf &oi;e 9 Quarts $ 1 00 North 12,X 6 THE WEST VAN NEWS os Right at your Doo f and We Charge no More Phone your ice C earn ««r»n the a"'""'o" f th tabl~MFST 3 3 "" "'rS, fell Off a lumber pile at the mpVlng tpmprrpW frOm Hprae tOry. The leCture Of PrinCipalCapilano Timber Co. on Tuesday shoe Bay to a house at 11th and Q E Brea]ey thpughtful,gut Rate Drugs and broke his arm. He was tak- Marine Drive.en to the North Vancouver Gen-]9c 35c Cocoanut OH Shampoo...... 19c,'ra] HosPita, where his»3ury Mrs. J. Duncan, 14th and study in geography and racialglodess 49c 50c Ex-Lax Figs ........................ 3 lc '„'ivas «t tended to. Duchess, wi]] be confined to her character. He began with ae New Mi)lion Doiiar Auto- $ 1.00 Blood Purifier for spring home for two or three weeks as caref'u] review of the physicalStrop Razor and Strop FREE Extra Special ----.-------.-- 58c 'rS. ~vhlttpn and family Whp the l.eSU]t Of an injury tp hei featureS and general hlStpry Ofwith every purchase of 10 bin«s 50c Lis«rine --------------.- -- 39c '„'ook the Nesbitt cottage at 13th knee.end Clyde, moved in on Tuesday " . ject in its rignt perspective. He aLESAGE DRUG STORE '„"~,'23, Mr.andMrs.J.E.sayers,18th and H. A. Eager journeyed toG. E. REID, Dlanager and Gordon, have had an addi- Be]]ingham on Sunday, where which ranged over such ou New Building--Corner Marine and 14th. tion to their family, a son hav- they attended the funeral of the standing features as York and FAST DELIVERY NO ORDER IS TOO S5IALL " lng been born to them at their late Robert Shie]ds.ome on es y. dustrlal cities of the south-eastMrs. E. Pettit of Berkeley, passing on to the smaller historic Pitman Business College AV. T. Atwo d, 2111 Bellevue, California, spent the week end towns, the abbeys and castles,is building a house at 15th and at "Framar," the home of Mr. the watering-places which have Vancouver's Leading Business College. Frasel-, 18th and attracted rtists from Turner ti INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION DAY AiVD iVIGHT SCHOOL Esqulmalt. Mrs. Pettit ls a sist- the present day and the wide NIGHT SCHOOL FOUR NIGHTS EACH AVEEK George Turner, son of Mr. and er of Mr. Fraser. Students may enrol at any time Irs T B Turner 2690 ath rs ', moor an s w ic ave ma e so422 RIcHARDs sTREET (At Hastings) PHoivE sEYMoUR 9135 ~ »1's... Ul lier, 690 athers, deep an impression on the char-tell out of a tree last week and The fine weather on Sunday act r f t} 1HIGH SCHOOL NOTES cut his knee quite badly. He is resulted in a great deal of travel, The audience was unusuallymaking good prog ess towards thousands of autolsts coming tp lalge and closely attentivedrive over the new Marine Drive throughout. Hitherto the recordextension The ferries also for the number present has beenMr. McNeill has taken the handled over 2500 PeoPle, which held by a Scotch subject, butChinnery cottage at 14th and is a record so far this season. yorkshire s t its ]f tpSavin should be universally a Clyde and took Possession on new record, and made it. Mr.Mrs. J. Johnston of West Duncan, though a Scotsman, isI'each, is having a double garage always tactfu] and encouraging The inspection of the public boi]t on her property. when in the chair; and when Mr.Brealey had finished, speakersTickets for the B. C. Musical rose in quick succession at hisFestival can be obtained locally call, beginning with Mr. Leyland Ra&mond Hramwell vigorously Mr. and Mrs. Bodwell have from J. H. Smith, 20th and Hay- who wa f 'lowed by Mrs. Mc- Gpposed the resolution. All the moved into the Hunt house at wood, phone West 659L. Daniel and Mr. ~V. C.'Thompson, sPeakers acquitted themselves Cau]feildau ei . two friendly non-Yorkists, Mr. well and show promise of devel-oping into first class debaters. Mrs. Dagg and daughter have who has been sick, has now re- whom had somethln . terest Hramwe]1's speech, with its pithy rented the Legge cottage at 27th covered. She left for Powell to say regarding the subjec phrasing, was the source of some a„d pa]merston River Wednesday.amusement on the part of the erman, cou d not resist the temp- student audience. The five higher classes of the Frank Harrison has returned tation to back in the reflected There are still two debates to @au]ine Johnson school on Tues- to his home 17th aad Haywood glory from the country next his be staged. At present three day each nominated a candidate after having been away since owa. classes have tied with a score of fpr May Queen for the Elks'ele- early last fall. The intervening The best thanks of the society two wins each. blation in Nolth Vancouver on time has been spent on the P»ir- &vere conveyed by the chairman Byron Ferguson, Grade X, 24th May. Later Hattie Young ies and at Banff. to Mr. Brealey, who made a very ably represented the school Fri- was chosen on a school ballot handsome acknowledgement to day evening last in the District with 151 votes out of 350 cast. 'Irs. Bryan and family, who the society's editor for his work oratorical contest held at Brit- have been living on the East in connection with the lantern anaia High Schoo], Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. Bater of Vancou- Beach, are moving into the house slides. There were six contestants rep- ver, have moved into a house at at 45 East Beach, formerly occu- resenting the following schools: 16th and Esquimalt. pied by Mrs. Grieves who has THE YORKSHIRE TYKE Britannia North Burnaby aow gone to Vancouver. South Burnaby, Templeton Juni- Garner H. Tupper of Vancou-cr, Nolth Vancouver, aad West ver last week moved into a house Hugh Arnott of Vancouver is of the word "t ke" was recent Vancouver. McCormick of Brit- at 2584 Bellevue.anaia High School was the suc-cessful contestant. James . eir as move in o WEST VANCOUVER special point seemed to be wheth- High Schmo] students are be- a house at 26th and Waterfront. SCOTTISH SOCIETY e d an offensive meaningrit haginning to play baseball and to or not. It would seem, however,do some track work. Mrs. Meakin of Vancouver has This Society which has become~ ~The igh School Students's- moved into a house at 29th and renowned for its educationa] ]ec- . e HhRRON BROS. & sociation is planning a Literary p k Ro d. tures, added yet another to its 0 or s lre or not. Outside WILLIhMSON evening for Nay 17th, Friday. Harold Woo]stone, 15th aad meeting in the "Clachaa" when cur, u np a-Bellevue, is confined to his home Mr. George Duncan, president of y . y be the students will provide musica he Vancouver Scottish Spciety, „on in t at lgNorth Vancouver Parlors numbers. in the presence of a large gath- "T 0' t r" h f122 )Vest Sixth Street Mrs. A. Gledhil] of A]dergrove cling, gave a memorable lecturePhone North 3 I'IANO RECITAL TOAIORROIV was the guest over the weekend on "Jacobite Satire and Song.'ancouverParlors B YMRS. IVILSON'S PUPILS of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Froud, Saying, that a lost cause ahvays e . y55 Tenth Avenue East The following is the program 1231 Marine Drive.»pne Fa». »4 of the second monthly piano re- cital by the pupils of Mrs. Clara T. Barnottt is landscaping the strate this indisputable fact. He t 1 t 0 i fo hi 1 ~Vi]spn at the home studio, 2367 glounds «Mor]ey Johnston's o c ed ght y» the po]itical,]d 'uncle In other place~Marine Drive. tomorrow evening. Property at 26th and L wson. arid religious aspects of the Jac- ', d d t d t The program starts at 8.15 p. m. obite Rebe lion, whose adherents5 Refreshments will be served at Mr. and Mrs. Kruger have received only Poverty, banish- practic i Yo k hi to the close. A cordial invitation is rented the Harris cottage at 24th nient and death, as a reward for be to call any dog t k ith-v 'l~~ extended to the people of AVest and Lawson. i]lustrious, but autocratic Stew- whether good or bad. But the ll.g Jean Hi]l 'a) Hp]land, A Boat present at the vel y fine r«ep- ". " ""'. '".. whether it was originally intend-that Sailed, (b) Rogers, puss in tion given to their Excellencies ' th, d "',. d to be offensive or not, seemsa Corner, Joan Ecc]estor: S]ater, on Sunday last. The tea tables nd'ng . " .. ng to be generally given and accept-Narcissus, Jean Thomson; Tsch'n the Ba]1 room were beautifully ~ .. p. y ed as a compliment at the pres-pikpwsky Dp]]y's Buria], Doreen decorated with flowers reminis- . ent day. It may be that therebeen the inspiration for manE]par. Beethoven, Minuet, Mad- cent of the llome county where th; „'s a parable here with Owenlovely and touching songs. Eveni & ' to 1 k t th e]cine Ecc]estoa; Van Gruel, For Lord and Lady Willingdon have " y " . )Uister's Virginian:--"EVhen you"Dairy with the Highest Score" Your Delight, Miss L. Davie; their estate. A basketfu o d - "... ' call me that, smile i"for a stilt higher standard of Haydn, Scherzo, Tan Rush; Tsch fodils, primroses and violets, sang in an optimistic strain, onepurity. oikowsky, Waltz, Marguerite tied with PurP]e ribbon, was Pre- ' he read being Ih TERESTING LECTURE Cole; (a) Bach, Minuet, (b) Wo]- -' 'd dy V'"gd " ~hen the King Cpmes Ower the NEXT TUESDAY NIGHT lenhaupt Will of the YVisp Mar which they shook hands and en t e ing omes wer ttalked with ever person pres- Water," written by Lady Keith. For Safety's Sake At the close much favorable Next Tuesday at 8 p.m. in Phone ]Ilarket Place, from Chinese ent. Mr. W. E. G. Crisford ar-uite, Marjorie Hi]]; (a ranged this meeting assisted by cc™ment was heard, and pro- Amb eside Ha there will be a1 11Grleg I know a Little ~Iaiden Rev. J. D. Hobden and Mrs. W. longed applause greeted the lec- flee lecture by F. Perry, withV ] a E. G. Crisford. Although several turer, on the call of President lantern s]ides by J. Porter, onV "- Reid for a vote of th~~ks. B. C. F]owers. It wi] Keepin; (a) Torjussen, To the Sussex people from est"Brookbank's Certified Milk" resent Mrs. J. T. sang in a pleasing manner, Miss being preserit. The ]ectureA. t d M D D D Frameactingas their a o - b d b th W Al-mstrong and Mr D D Den ' gJoyce Herrin. man.