West Van. News (West Vancouver), 26 Apr 1929, p. 5

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001C9736 April 26, 1929. THE WEST VAN NE%'S I'BO&I I"T DELIVERY WE WANT TO SERVE YOU. CROCERY SI'ECIALS for This Week Dina-Mite, per pkt. 20c Shredded Ivheat, per pkt. 11c TEA--Malkin'a or Blue Rib- on, perlb.. 63c 3 Cakes Royal Crown Soap and 3 doz. Spring Clothes'insfor................ 25c Swift's Lard. 1 lb. pkt.. 20c 8. f;. Granulated Sugar 10 Ibs. 59c arine Grocery 22nd and hfarlne J. ALLISON, Prop. PIIOiVE IVEST 96 1)ARGAINS IN N URSERY STOCI~ The B. C. Nurseries (E. S. Carnage) is offering several rpecials thi~ week, 4 year old Burbanks Climax Plum trees, 3 year old English Greengage; I year old IVealthy Apples and 3 and 4 year old Delicious Apple trees at 65 cents each. They have also some extra fine Black Currant Bushes at 5 for $ 1.00. See their adv. "I'UT OUT THAT DOG!" In George lV. Cable's recently published letters he tells a r,ith- cr funny dog story of George iiIeredith, the English novelist, r.nd poet, who wanted his so» to turn the dachshund Pruno out of the room. This is Cal.le's ver- pion of Meredith's request:-- "Do you not think Bruno had better be turned out? He's real- l not interesting, you know, my ee-ah, and seems to have no desire but to toast his hack be- fore the fire. And he's been wet -- I'm sure he's been wet-- an;I when he gets too near the blaz- ing coals--truly, I never caii like the smell of toasted Bru»o. I never saw a dog so devoid of i»- dividual character. He never seeks a caress, he merely comes in and squares his back to you and is still! He seems to have striven for character anrl can' attain unto it. He hunts rabbits, but never catches them. At times he does nose out a car- rion rabbit in some burrow and pastures on it until he achieves a fortnight's measure of noble dyspepsia. But altogether his life is a failure. Now, Will, my dec-ah, truly I'd like him best outside." 'I'he nearest parallel to this method of ordering out a dirty ugly dog that we can remember at the moment is De Quincey's way of ordering his breakfast. which was equally long and learned, SOCIALS A&D PARTIES CATERED FOR ~ 4&4t4~ ~ ~ ~ tgt ~ 4 0 HH& ~ 0 l1 ' ~ P ~ ~ I ~ t OI1 t~11 l l ~ ~V GORDON ROBSON Barrister 4 Solicitor 44 EST VANCOUVER-- Office No. 1447 Marine Drive. Phone West 403. VANCOUVER OFFICE-- Suite S18; 510 Hastings St. AV Phone Seymour 4199. I I:R.SO~~~~ T.S HAVE YOU TRIED OUR HO&IE-&IADE CAKES? iIrs. J. T. Armstrong, Fulton Ave., again had the pleasure of meeting their Excellencies, Lord and Lady N'illingdon. Also re- ceiving a charming personal let- ter from her Ladyship. iIrs. Armstrong is one of Lady AVill- ingdon's oldest friends in Van- t.ouver, having also been a guest of her Ladyship's father an&i brothers on hoard the yacht Sunbeam. ~ 0 0 AIrs. Ken Robinson returned on Wednesday from St. Paul's Hospital to her home at 17th and Duchess, bringing with her her newly born son. ~ s iIrs. Robert G. Leckie, who has been residing in the city. is returning today to 20th and ifarine Drive. 0 s 0 Mr. and 31rs. J. D. Tait of 29th and slathers, are leaving in a few days for England and will be away for about a year. These well known residents have a host of friends in SVest Vancouver v'ho wil) wish them bon voyage and a safe return. ~ 0 ~ Colonel and iIrs. Tristram of IVhytecliff, are leaving on the 1pt iIay for an extended visit to England. They expect to re- turn to West Vancouver about next Christmas. ~ ~ s A daughter v as born to iIr. arid ilrs. J. D. Thompson, 21st and Bellevue, yesterday morning in the North Vancouver General Hospi tal. Saturday and Monday Quaker Corn Flakes ....... Seedless Raisins (bulkl lb. 10c Tomato Soup ... 2 tins 2'alkin'sBest Tea, lb.. 60c Matches . 3 boxes 5c Rinso .. 2 pkta. 13c ENGLISH SPONGE CAKES Usual 35c Special this week ". I".;.I'A Y I~ Itl„"II„'. ~t ( Phone iVest 318R3. %Vest Bay PROifPT DELIVERY 30c Horne-made Bread Rolls and Buns Mrs. Draper 2435 SIARI.iE DRIVF Next Dundarave HalL NQTE pHONE) west 3ae~ ~ ~ ifrs. A. R. IIindmarsh and family, 20th and ifarine Drive, «re moving shortly to Vancou- ver. "..:Al li~Phyllis Neal, 15th and Esqui- malt, was 14th in Class C in the walking race in Stanley Park, being only 8 minutes behind the winner. THE RED &II LL AT iV EST BA Y NOiV SURROUNDED BY BLOOififr. and ilrs. Beddard of Van- couver, have moved into one of the Barbour cottages at 26th and Bellevue. .'. It.'.SS..l ~C. H. Lewis, proprietor of the Red ifill Tea Rooms at IVest Bay Beach issues an invitation to the general public to visit the flower gardens surrounding the Red iIill. This is one of the real "Show Places" of )Vest Vancou- ver--a veritable fairy land. iIany improvements have been made since last season. There are plenty of iree tables for those who want tc take their oem lunches; anrl visitors will find in .ifr. and iifrs. Lewis a very genial and obliging host and hostess. George Wharton, owner of the Wharton block, Ambleside, who i ecently returned from Los Ang- eles to Vancouver, was here on Wednesday. He reports business conditions in Los Angeles to be very poor. 0 0 s iIrs. H. H. Harper, 14th and Fpquimalt, who has been in the general hospital since Thursday week is expected home today having made splendid recovery after an operation for goitre. $ 1.25iilrs. Simmons of Vancouver,has taken a house at 26th and Bellevue, and expects to move in next week. ~ 0 s Ralph Creelman and Jack Ray, two of the boys who were in- jurerl last winter in a sleigh ac- cident at 22ritl and Inglewood, re- turned from hospital this week. 0 0 s iIrs. A. Harding Priest, who has been recuper'ating in a nurs- ing home in Vancouver, has re- turned to her home at 22nd and I'ul ton. We will continue this special ofyer until the end of this month M. WILLIAMS 16th and &larine, hsnbleside CUSTOii TAILOR Phone West 20 CAPILANO Tl ifHER COifPANY 3Ir. Adie moved on Saturday from East Beach to a house at 10th and Esquimalt, s 0 e L. O. L. No. 2990 is giving a whist drive and social in "the Clachan" on Saturday, 4th May. J. A. James is having a large house built at Radcliff Avenue, West Bay. e e s iIr. and iIrs. Hazen of Van- couver, have taken the Steven- son house at 25th and Bellevue. s iIrs. Rawkins of the Hollyburn boat station is quite ill and ex- pects to undergo an operation shortly. "From Forest to lI'ou " Hosiery Bargains 79c in all shades Mrs. Marling 17th and illarine SVe carry in stock everything needed for your new home or for an extension to the present one. Our specialty, however, is our Outside IVall Covering. IVe manufacture practically every type of siding. You can secure from us promptly. anything from the very best Clear Edge Grain Cedar Bungalow Siding down to the cheap grades of drop siding in other species. Needs regular inspection and s.rvice in GREASING OILING and ADJUSTING to keep it running smoothly and efficiently. We offer you a Special Service at $ 15.00 per year covering the following operations on your car every month:-- Complete check on Battery, rear end and transmission. Frorit and rear wheels, shackle bolts, generator, starting motor, ignition shaft, steering gear, foot and hand brake mechanism, clutch, horn, brake pedals, door locks and hinges. Check Oil in motor; radiator water; connections; and air in tires. This service will add life to your car, relieve you of many dirty jobs necessary to smooth running and put money in your pocket. The average price of this operatiori is f1.25 per month. ../.A ( .l '../.".'".„.'"..(S Just give us a telephone call and ive will gladly give you any information required. Ask for our Local Sales Department. F 1e .. 1e R)l 1110 „llll 3eF 0., t&. I'hone North 305. FOOT OF PEifHERTO Night Phone; North 549L KILN DRIED KINDLING $3.50Big Cord Load in North and IVest Vancouver ........ Extra charges for distant deliveries. E. Beyond St. Denis Aim.. . 50c Extra N.E. Beyond Centre Road .. 50c Extra N. Beyond 29th Street........... 25c Extra lV. Beyond "9th St. to West Bay 50c Extra 4V. Beyond West Bay to Caulfeild $ 1.00 Extra I'hone North 304. After 6 p. m.; North 30IK 22nd h'fARINE iVt'.st .f56