West Van. News (West Vancouver), 26 Apr 1929, p. 4

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001C9736 THE WEST VAN NEWS ll EST VANCOUVER AGRI- CUI.TURAL i% HORTICUI- TURAI ASSN LECTURE NEXT TUESDAY I.ARGE ATTENDANCE AT LEGION 51EETING "I'rices Consistently Loiv" To hleet in Future on First AIonday in Month. Tivo Stores in West Vancouver GREENWOOD'S GROCERY GRANGER'S GROCERY, 1442 illarine Drive 21st and hlarine Drive IVest 16 West 405 Next Tuesday night, the 30th inst., at Ambleside Hall, the public will have an opportunity to attend an illustrated lecture, under the auspices of the Associ- ation, on "Some British Colum- bia Floivers; with special refer- ence to those of the North Shore." Mr. Fred Perry will be the speaker, while Mr. James Porter ivill operate the lantern. The subject is timely and Mr, Perry is well qualified to deliver such an address. He is a director cf the Art, IIistorical and Scien- tific Association of Vancouver, ii hich maintains the Museum c:nd Art Gallery; and is an active member of the Burrard Field Naturalists'lub, the B. C. Mountaineering Club, and other societies concerned with the scientific and recreational as- pects of outdoor life. His speci- alty is botany,--the "applied" botanv which is so much more interesting than mere book study and which leads its "fans" from the sea-coast to the limits of i egetation at perpetual snow line. iMr. Perry is known to many of our local rock-garden enthusi- asts, ivho are doing their best to make the desert bloom as the rose, and ivho may be expected to turn out and welcome him. It is to be hoped that some of our younger citizens will profit by this chance to find out why the man with a hobby, such as botany, gets more out of moun- tain climbing or road hiking than the man ivithout one. There was a large attendance ef members at the regular monthly meeting of the Canadi- an Legion, )Vest Vancouver, in their rooms last Friday evening. F. J. Townsend of Vancouver, zone representative, gave a vel'y interesting address on ivhat the Canadian Legion had been able to accomplish during the past year for the ex-service men in British Columbia. They had had a number of interviews ivith the present pro- vincial government with the fol- lowing results: 1. A gra'nt of $ 1 500 the same as received from the form- er government. 2. They had asked for a sep- arate building at Essondale for mental cases among ex-service men, and a $200,000 building was to be erected for this purpose. 3. The question of the em- ployment of veterans by the provincial government had been given favorable consideration. 4. Assistance in the educa- tion of the chiltlren of deceased ex-service men. It had been a- greed between them and the gov- ernment that action be delayed for one year for investigation. 6. The Legion had endorsed a resolution passed by the Farm- ers'nstitute requesting another Oriental survey of B. C. This request had been granted. 7. The Legion had endorsed another resolution passed by the Farmers'nstitute in regard to soldier settlement in B. C. This also had been granted. Among other questions taken up with the Dominion govern- ment he mentioned an interview they had had with Dr. King, in which the latter had promised his co-operation in the effort they were making to obtain free insulin treatment for ex-service men. At present they could ob- tain insulin at the wholesale price from the S. C. R. AVith regard to the conduct of branches which had a club lic- ense, arrangements had been made with the government by ivhich their liquor license was at once suspended where the branch had had its charter sus- pended by the provincial com- mand, thus presenting any abuse ef the privilege by branches. In conclusion he spoke of the steady growth of the Legion, there be- ing noiv over 775 branches in Canada with over 58,000 mem- bers, and of the good work done by Colonel kV. W. Forster. A unanimous vote of thanks was passed thanking the speak- er for his very able address. A resolution was passed changing the time of the regu- lar meetings of the branch from the third Friday to the first Monday in very month. SPECIALS AT BOTH STORES FRIDAY ~ SATURDAY ~ MONDAY Royal Croxvn Clennser, per pkt 5c Guest Ivory Soap........ 6 cakes 2lc Hedlund's Quick Dinner, tin...... 28c Sweet Juicy Oranges.... 3 doz. 59c Icing Sugar .................... 3 lbs. 25c I'ure blnple Syrup, pint bot... 4$c Snowflake Pastry Flour, 10 lb. sack 48c Toilet Rolls .................... 7 for 25c ROYAL CITY BRAND-- Spinach, large tins.................. 25c No. 4 Pens ................ 3 tins 52c Strawberry Jnm, pure, 4-1b. tin ........................................ 70c Mixed Clams, 9-lb. tins ........ 18c Snap Hand Cleaner, tin........ 20c Corned Beef, per tin ................. 21c Ogilvie Rolled Oats, with China- ware, pkt................................. 34c Seedless Raisins ........ 2 lbs. 23c Rice Krispies ................ 2 pkts 29c Royal Crosvn Snl Soda, 2 pkts. 15c Pearl iVhite Nnpthn Soap, 6 bars 24c Holly Brand Tomatoes, large tins ........,.................. 2 for 25c Oxo Cubes, large tins................ 25c Chateau Cheese. &0 lb. pnckct 23c Baby Beets, tin .......................... 25c C. G. Butter, finest quality, 3 lbs. $ 1.35 Crisco, 1 lb. tin........................... 28c Dnvie's Lunch Tongue, i&~ lb. tin ....... ............................... .... 34c Ready Cut Macaroni........ 2 lbs. 19c Stanley's Pure Orange Mnrmnl- nde, 4-lb. tin .......................... 65c B. C. Fresh Eggs..... 3 dozen 93c FLOUR SPECIAI Cee-Gee Brand ...... 7-lb. sack 35c 2l-Ib. sack $ 1,15 49-lb. sack $2.15 Prompt execution of Buying and Selling Orders. Reliable Information Given. 679 DUNSblUIR STREET, VANCOUVER. SEYbIOUR 8894 NEW BOOIKS AT HOLLYBURN PUBLIC I.IBRARY (Now on Shelves) EXHIBITION iVILL OPEN ON AUGUST 7TH YOUNG ANARCHY.. by Philip Gibbs MAiN FROM MOROCCO....................by Edgar wallace CANARY MURDER CASE ........................ by Van Dine MR. AND MRS. SE4V ................................by Louise ilIilnDOOMSDAY........... by warwick Deeping LABELS ..................................... by A. Hamilton Gibbs LIGHTS UP .................................................by Grace Richmond BLACK ABBOTT ..........by Edgar wallace BARBERRY BUSH ................................by Kathleen Norris One of the best thrills'f the circus life will be given the croivds at the Canada Pacific Exhibition from August 7th to 17th when they watch Sidney, of the Asaw Elephant troupe, walk over his trainer, S. F. Huntley, it is declared by Mr. J. K. Mathe- son, General Manager. As Sidney tramps up to the trainer, lying flat on his back on the ground, a dire end is pre- dicted for Mr. Huntley but Sid- ney steps ever so gently over the trainer, the'& dangles one foot above him--a foot that might easily drop and crush the life out of the apparently insignifi- cant trainer. Mr. Huntley actu- ally coaxes Sidney to drop his foot--prods him a little and speaks to him, but months and months of training have their ef- fects and after ivaving the heavy foot, Sidney steps gently to the ground and Mr. Huntley rises to accept the applause. A number of thrilling episodes mark the program of the Asaw Elephants, whose program in- cludes more and newer tricks than any elephant act ever pro- duced. How He Knew F. G. )VILLIADISON APPOINTED ON TEAIP- ORARY STAFF OF BRIDGE Changed your brand of shaving soap, haven't you?" asked Uncle Pen- nywise of the barber. "Yes, suh. Feels smoother?" "No, tastes different." A letter was received by the council from the Burrard Inlet Tunnel and Bridge Co. in refer- ence to the Reeve's endeavor to have another returned soldier from West Vancouver appointed on the permanent staff of the bridge to fill the vacancy caused by the death of EV. H. Todd. It had been shown very clearly at a recent meeting of the bridge committee that an attempt to at all times maintain the exact or- iginal proportionate representa- tion on the bridge staff from a- niong residents of the sharehold- er municipalities would at times create an impossible situation and result in gross unfairness to those who had continuously served the company in a temp- orary capacity on Sundays and holidays in the past. The dir- ectors had therefore passed the following resolution covering their future policy in this mat- ter: "That all promotions in and appointments to the permanent staff be made according to seni- ority and efficiency." Acting on this F. G. EVilliam- son, 16th and Fulton, a returned soldier, had been given a position on the temporary staff. Declasse "Have you any brothers or sisters?" "Three, but we don't mention them." "Oh. I'm sorry--they'e dead?" "Oh, no! They'e married, nnd not one of them hns had n divorce or any trouble yet." DON'T BAKE during the Hot AVeather. Buy your Bread, Cakes, Pies, etc., here. Everything is home- made, pure nnd wholesome. MRS. ROSS blarine Drive Ambleside THE PANTRY Hare Your Lunch Here. It's Just Like Home. S &ecia '.ni:erl:ainmenl: Watch and Clock Repairs Arranged by BUCK HOLLEY At Hollyhurn Theatre next Thursday May 2 Programme includes DANCE OF DANCES--Featuring in person the famous Duncan Barbes. MISS JUNE CLARK--the smallest acrobatic dancer. West Vancouver's own talent. THE PERSONALITY KIDDIES--in their clever song nnd dance num- bers. WALTER BLAKE nnd BOB PERONI--Orphoum Circuit fenturencts. The dnncing fool nnd the youngest piano accordionist. BUCK nnd BARRIE (The Wonder Dog) will also appear in their physical culture nct. NEWS REEL nnd PICTURES. Description of the manufacture of Moving Pictures nt Hollywood. COblE AND ENJOY THE EVENING. ADblISSION--Children 25c; Adults 50c. Show starts nt 8.15 p.m. Called for nnd Delivered. THE AVEST VAN WATCHMAKER and JEWELLER 1522 Marine Drire rane e oe WEST VAN TENNIS CLUB 1929 SEASON Any desiring to join please phone J. GRISEDALE, West 434, or G. DAVENPORT, West 481R3 L. h!. DUVAL 6'. W. 1l!ANSQN STOCKBROKERS AND FINANCIAL AGENTS Stocks, - Bonds - Investments April 26, 1929. Spring time is tonic time Hypophosphites will build up your system after the strain of winter. iVe can recommend this sin- cerely. Prepare yourself to enjoy the summer activities by being full of pep nnd vim. Phone your orders-- iVEST 37 WEST VAN PHARMACY The Store o f Ser v ice. FUEL Flit or ALDER--Any Lengths FURiNACE AVOOD nnd COAL Radio Poles -- Fence Posts Cedar for Rustic Work Manure for Your Gardens. Soil THE WESTON CARTAGE West 201L LUNN'S CAFE 14th and blarine Soft Drinks Tobacco Public Phone--West 611-0 HOLLYBURN THEATRE Thurs., Friday 8: Saturday, April 25, 26, 27. "The %Fare Case" nnd The "LEWIS--SON N EBERG" Heavy Weight Wrestling blntch for the Championship of the World. also "iVHY IS A PLUMBER" (Comedy) ..ouSeS & .OtS IN AVEST VANCOUVER I have some delightful Water- front homes as low ns $3,QQQ, nnd Vacant waterfront Lots from $ 1500. Other View Lots from $1QQ. Good listings on properties throughout the district. Glad to have enquiries (. tf. Savory 1443 Marine Drive, Ambleside Phone AVest 340 Evenings, West 143 Real Estate, Financial and Insurance Agent Burrard Sheet Metal 229 LonsdaIe Ave, North Vancouver Phone North 345 Res. North 918Y and 1214Y