West Van. News (West Vancouver), 26 Apr 1929, p. 2

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001C9736 THE WEST VAN NEWS WEST VANCOUTER Christian Science Society CHURCH EDIFICE 20th and Esquimalt, Hollyburn Sunday Services 11.30 a. m. and 7.30 p.m, Subject April 28th "PROBATION AFTER DEATH." ~ash Fabrics %Vest Vancouver Bible Schoolfrom 19c Yard. In F]oral Voiles, Rayons, Crepes «»d (:inghams. Suitable for Lad.es and Chi]dren's Wear. All stan']ard quality. Ambleeide Hall blar&ne at 14th NEXT SUNDAY at 3 I . hl. Leader MR. PERCY KINGQ'ools, Embroideries, Hemstitcl&ing, Novelties, "WAR--Is lt t ight Qt QrlQng p 4 hat does the Bible say aboutit?" (To be continued) hl r. King will speak over C K W i every Monday until further notice from 7 to 7.30 p. m. glen's Furnisl1ings, Dry Goods ;] Ig',( ]~I„"II„I,,IS Sunday School at 10.00 a m Testimony Meeting Wednesday at 8.15 p.m. West 372l410 illarine Drive Baptist Church Pastor: Arthur B. Schulte. THE DESTINY OF THE NATIONS THE NEW hIINISTER OF UNITED CHURCH DEATH OF F. PASCUAL I Frederick Pascua], a well known resident of West Vancou- ver, passed away on Saturday at his home at 14th and Esqui- malt. The deceased, who was in ]'.is 45th year, had been in poor health for several years. He is survived by his wife and one daughter. Funeral services were held on wednesday at 8 p. m. in the Burrard Funeral Chapel, 3rd Street East, North Vancouver, Rev. Father Kelly officiating. Interment was made in the Cap- ilano View cemetery. There was a large gathering of friends of the deceased at the funeral parlors and many beau- tiful wreaths were sent. Mr. Pascual had a specially genial personality and during his thirteen years'esidence in West Vancouver made many friends here. DIr. Pascual will also be missed by many of the cider residents of Vancouver who wi]] recall happenings in the 23 years i~Ir. Pascual spent in and around Vancouver. He came here in 1906 after the fire in San I"rancisco. Mr. Pascual was born in Spain, and early in life took up his training as a restauranteur. His experience in many leading con- tinental resorts gave him a back- ground for his profession. For the past ll years he was a part- ner with H. Aubeneau in the London grill, and more recently the London Cafeteria. Sunday School, 10 a. m. 5Iorning Service, 11 a. m. Evening Service, 7.16 p. m. The Rev. J. E. Tyner of Ed- mo»ds, will preach at the morn- ing service. In the evening the pastor will occupy the pulpit. (Contributed) In these alarming days, when the Statesmen of every nation are anxiously scanning every inove and trying to discern its meaning, surely it is worth while for the business man to have some idea of what is likely to eventuate out of these perp]exi- ties. Until the year 1700 A.D. the Church had, with united voice, proclaimed the simple truth re- garding the end of this dispensa- tion, reading the Scripture as it ought to be read, that is, liter- ally. But about 1700 A. D., Dani- el EVhitby, an English Divine, introduced what he himself call- ed a "new hypothesis," that the Church would prosper and ex- tend until the world should be converted, and this triumph of the Church would constitute the Millennium, and that Jesus would not come until after the Millenium. YVhitby, himself, in calling it a "new hypothesis" gives evidence in his "Treatise on Traditions," that the doctrine of the personal return of Christ to earth, and His literal reign over al] the nations of the earth together with His Saints, passed among the best of Christians for two hundred and fifty years, for a :radition apostolical, and as such is delivered by many fathers of the second and third century, who speak of it as the tradition of our Lord and His Apostles. To mention just a few only who have borne witness to this glor- icus fact, we here give the names nf Hermas, Justin and the Mar- tvrs, Luther, Melancthon, Mede, Milton, Burnette, Sir Isaac New- ton, Watts, Charles AVes]ey, Toplady, all of whom, and hosts of others have given overwhelm- ing evidence of the truth of the literal coming of Christ Jesus to reign on earth. To offset the plain evidence of Scripture to this effect, the min- isters of today, (not all, of course) have had recourse to that pernicious system of "spiritual- izing" Scripture, so condemned by Dr. John Pye Smith, Martin Luther, Sir Isaac Newton, Bishop Hooker, Bishop Ryle, Dr. Adam Clarke and very many others. Suffice it to say that the Scrip- tures speak in plain language, say what they mean, and mean just what they say. And when the Scripture says "War," it does not mean "Peace," and when it says "Jerusalem," it does not mean "Heaven." In the name of God let us get down to business Dr. E». A. Henry of Deer Park United Church, Toronto, former pastor of Chalmers Church, Van- couver, and an active personal- ity in the religious and social life of Vancouver during the trying years of the Great War has ad- vised the congregation of AVest Vancouver United Church of his acceptance of their call to the pastorate of that church. Although still in the prime of life, Dr. Henry has had a notable career. He was born in iAIontrea] St. Stephen's Church Easter 4 (April 28th). 8 a. m.--Holy Communion. 10 a.m.--Sunday School and Bible Class. 11.16 a. m.--Morning Prayer. 8,80 p. m.--Holy Baptism. 4.30 p. m.--Confirmation Class 7.16 p. m.--Evensong. Weather permitting the work- ing bee on the new recreation ground will be continued Satur- day afternoon. Through the kindness of 3Ir. W. Carley three scenes from the French Riviera have been paint- ed on screens in use in the Par- ish Hall. Recent gifts to St. Francis'hurch, Caulfeild, are an Altar Service book given by the Sun- day School and a Missal Stand and Hymn Board made and given by Mr. H. A. Stone. and moved with his parents to Toronto when five years old. There he attended the public schools, Jarvis Street Collegiate Iiistitute and Parkdale County Model School. After teaching a year he at- tended Toronto Normal School, graduating as Gold Medalist in Pedagogy. Having again taught school for some time he entered 'I'oronto University from which he graduated with honors. Dr. Henry is an honor graduate of Knox College in theology, and, in his student days did mission- ary work in northern Ontario. He was ordained in Brandon, Manitoba, and was there for eight years during which time St. Paul's Church was built. His next call was to Knox Church, Hamilton, where he re- mained during the rebuilding of that Church. The Superintendent of Mission called him west to Knox Church, Regina, where he arrived the night that city was announced as the capital of the new prov- ince. From Regina Dr. Henry came to Chalmers Church, Vancouver, aiid had the p]easure of presiding over the building of the present church. There he and Mr&. Hen- ry spent ten years, and especially during the dark days of the war endeared themselves to the people of Vancouver. A feature of Dr. Henry's ser- vices for years has been talks to girls and boys and a volume of these under the title "Little Fox-es" is familiar to many in Van- couver. The forces of social service and temperance reform and many friends in Vancouver remember the sterling work of Dr. Henry and iAIrs. Henry and will join the people of )Vest Vancouver in ex- tending to them a hearty wel- come. The Bible Class will meet next Tuesday afternoon in,the Choir Vestry at 8 p. m. THE LATE AIR. PASCUAL (An Appreciation) 1Jnitec C.iurc& It is three or four years since I first met i&Ir. Pascual, he was a very sick man at that time. He had not the strength to turn off his water stop tap and came to ask me to do it for him. From that time a real neighborly friendship sprang up between us. In spite of his weakness, caused by a very serious operation, he was always cheerfu] and full of pep and optimism. He began to recover in a remarkable manner tn the delight of all who knew him. He bu.'It himself a new house which is a credit to the district and was busy beautify- ing the grounds about six months ago when a relapse came. It must be over a month ago that the doctors gave him only a few hours to live, but they did not know Pascual's spirit, he was game to the last. EVe have lost one who had the happy knack of gaining the goodwill of all his neighbors and we shall miss him. Our united sympathy is extended to Mrs. Pascual and little Norah. TOM RUSSELL. Sunday School 10 a. m. Morning Service 11.15 a. m. Evening Service 7.15 p. m. Dr. J. S. Henderson will preach at both services next Sunday, taking as his subject in the morning, "Sunshine Men and Women," and in the evening, "The Young Man in Religion." St. Anthony's Church Pastor--Rev. Father Kelly Sunday--Mass, 8.80 a. m. High Mass, 10.80 a.m. Benediction. 7.30 p. m. Week Days--Mass 8 a.m. CARD OF THANKS Mrs. F. Pascual wishes to thank the many friends for their kind expressions of sympathy and for the floral tributes on the occasion of her sad bereave- ment in the loss of a dear hus- band. Especially would she thank Nurses hIrs. LaChance and Mrs. Oakes for their untiring care and assistance. BURRARD FUNERAL CHAPEL B. D. AVHITE, hlgr. Distinctive Funeral Service Lady Assistant 320--3rd St. E. I'hone North 626 THB West Van Nems Published Every Friday H. HODGSON and F.F.LOVEGROVE West 363 West 412L AN ADDRESSPublishers will be given by ri ~&eV... '.. IioWe Warden of the Canadian Guild of Health, in the BRITISH ISRAEL HALL, 12th R. Lonsdale, North Vancouver on WEDNESDAY, 5IAY 1st, at 8 p. m. Business and Editorial Office: 1361 Marine Drive Phone West 363 Mail Address: P. O. Box 101, Hollyburn, B. C. $ 1.00 a year by mail or carrier, News stands 6c per copy. ADVERTISING RATES ON APPLICATION April 26, 1929. in the matter of reading the Bib]e, and not twist lt to suit oui own smal], little, petty ideas So we see, that in a very short pace of time five empires hav~ crashed, ant] seven nations have abo]ished their parliaments and set up dictators. EVhi]e the Unit- ed States, on the word of the Federal Reserve Board, is gaged in the most colossal gamble the world has ever seen. which must irievitab]y result, a- gain on the word of these fin- anciers, in widespread distiess And Canada is not very far be- hind. In the midst of it all, there is the cry of "Peace, Peace." )Vhat do all these things niean? They are the signs of the times as given in Scripture, as indicating the "time of the end," events which would end in utter disaster for the human race, did riot our Lord appear at the mo- ment of extreme urgency, and with power and destruction seize control. The West Vancouver Bible School, which meets every Sun- day afternoon at Ambleside Hall at 3 o'lock. stands flatfooted for the whole Bible. That it shou]t] be read and understood just as one reads one's evening newspaper. That but for the atonement made for us by Jesus on Ca]var~, all mankind would have perished, that Christ Jesus is coming to earth to seize ruler- ship over all mankind, a literal King of Kings, and THAT HE IS COMING VERY SOON. So the West Vancouver Bible School invites all to join with us, who are members of all de- nominations, interested in searching the Scriptures for the truth, and nothing but the truth, and also in making ourselves ready to meet our Lord, so that we shall not come under His con- demnation when He arrives in power and great glory. If a man falls in love with a plain woman, he falls heavily, and he stays down longer.-- Paroness Furnivall. Jimmy Thomson' TRANSFER Daily Trips to and from City. hIoring Baggage a Specialty. PHONE WEST 1[O FOR Coal an1 %Pood Prompt Delirery. HOLLYBURN Barber Shop 15th E: Marine EXPERT SERVICE E. MARSH, Proprietor May 12th Give her your PHOTOGRAPH It would mean as much to 5Iother as Mother' photog"aph means to you. Photographs become more precious with each passing year. Make an appointment to- day. THE King Studio v. v. vINSON, Prop. 311 Hastings St.. W'honeSeymour 1046