West Van. News (West Vancouver), 26 Apr 1929, p. 8

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001C9736 SUNLIGHT SOAP per carton 20c Sunkist Lemons, per doz....... 25c Quaker Pork 4 Beans 2's 3 tins 37c Fancy California Prunes 2 lbs. 29c 8. C. GRAN. SUGAR.... 10 lbs. 57c Serv-us Tomato Soup.... 3 tins 33c Tomatoes, 2's, ...,........ 3 tins for 28c Serv-us Tomato Catsup.......... 22c For Friday ala a aar a t 'hocolate Puffs, per lb,.......... llolsum Siveet Pickles, pints, per jar ................................. 39c Pumpkin, large tins........ 2 tins 25c Gold Dust Washing Powder.... 33c Yellow Newton Apples 4 lbs. 25c FliVEST NET ZEALAND BUTTER ..... 3 lbs. for $ 1.31 35c "QUALITY ALWAYS HIGHER THAN I'RICE" THE WEST VAN NEWS NET SERVICE FOR AUTOS BY LOCAL GARAGE'he Alarine Dlotors, 22nd and Marine, announce a special monthly service for autos. This amounts to a practical overhaul of your car every month for a price of $1.25 a month. Greas- ing, oiling, adjusting, and a com- plete check over. Every car needs regular in- spection to make it run, smoothly and efficiently. The wise owner will take atlvantage of this ser- vice The Dominion Map and Blue Print Co. wrote asking for a share of blue printing. The mat- ter was referred to the engineer to comply with their request. ROBERTS'ETTER MEATS WES 190 DELIVERY TO ALL PARTS DAILY 10th to 25th--9 30 10th to Caulfeild--12.30 10th to 25th--3.30 We carry a fine range of No 1 QUALITY GOVERiN- hIENT INSPECTED hIEATS Satisfied Customers tell us the Roasts are delicious. NEW LAID EGGS from Davis'arm, 11th and Mather. SPECIAL FIRSTS ..... 26c doz. BEEF SAUSAGE, our o~w make. ~ ...~... ~ ~ ~ ~ ..~... 2 lbs. for 25c Special Notice One Store Only Next to PIGGLY AVIGGLY 1578 hiARINE DRIVE Whimsical Review How Do You Do? "How are you all?" said the guest, entering the dining-room. "Seedy," replied the Cake. "Verv shaky," muttered the Jelly. "Cracked," squealed the Nuts. "Stale," sighed the Loaf. "Puffed," panted the Pastry. "Flat," moaned the Pancake. "Run down," finished the Clock. A Fair Division of Time? "How long is it going to take us to get through this case?" asked the I.risoner of his counsel just before the trial. "Wall," ansvrered the lawyer, "me, about three hours; you, about four years." She's hiodern, All Right Marie: "If y'ou could have two wishes what would they be?" Viola: "Well, I'd wish for a hus- band." Marie: "That's one." Viola: "And then I'd save the other till I saw how he turned out." "Here's the Vicar; shall I ask him to join us?" "Oh! Mr. Brown--er--Howard this is so sudden." Repaid in Kind "iNow I'e had my revenge," said the shoe-shop proprietor to his friend, as a customer left. "Revengel How so?" "Avell, the young ladv who just went out is a telephone operator. I gave her the wrong number." A Frontal Attack Phyllis had been punished for "answering back." From the corner came a small aggrieved voice:-- "I can't think how it is, mum- mie, you can be as rude as you like to me, and nobody says a ivord to you." A Hard Choice The burglar's wife was in the wit- ness box, and the prosecuting counsel was conducting a vigorous cross-ex- amination. "Madam, you are the wife of this man?" slYes I ~ "You knew he was a burglar when you married him?" "Yes." "How did you come to contract a matrimonial alliance with such a man?" "Wrell," said the witness sarcastical- ly, "I was getting old, and had to choose between a lawyer and a burg- lar ss The cross-examination ended there. A Finishing Touch Husband of Novelist: "Will you be much longer writing that novel?" AVife: "I am just at the death scene of the hero." Husband (politely): "Good t And when he's dead, would you mind sewing on this button for me?" Rastus: "Colonel, we's done got twins down to our house. Does I gits off ter celebrate?" Colonel: "Sure, Rastus, but what are you going to name them?" Rastus: ")veil, suh, de fust am named Adagio Allegro, and de secun'ne is Encore." Colonel: "I know you'e musical, Rastus, but why call the second one Encore?" Rastus: "It's like dis, suh; he wuz- zan't on de program a'tall." A peculiar misadventure befel a resident. On rising on Tues- day morning, he prepared his wife a cup of tea and discovered that the milk was frozen in the basin. The frozen milk was melt- ed, but was found to be almost undrinkable. On %turning to lunch he was met by an irate wife who wanted to know what had happened to the onion sauce prepared for the mid-day meal f "1e .'.OW '. & S.-.O. GET YOUR BEDDING PLANTS Noiv. Lovely collection; all varieties............................................... 20c per dozen Calceolarias, large plants .......................................................... 4 for 25c Geraniums, 3 in. pots $ 1.65 per dozen. Delivered C.O.D. to your house. Cut Flowers, Emperor Daffodills, Carnations, scarlet white and pink; Narcissi ~ Funeral and Wedding Orders receive personal attention. Mrs. Roberts'lower Shop pHQaf 'gfEsr $ 9$ '"'H E ET Al ETA L iVORKERS AND FURNACE 51 EN The business of the Burrard Sheet Metal Works, North Van- couver, is growing apace. The well known proprietors are mak- ing an enviable reputation for themselves for efficient and re- liable work. Several homes and stores in EVest Vancouver have had furnaces installed and sheet metal work done by the firm to their entire satisfaction. Their add.ess is 229 Logsdale Ai enue, North Vancouver. Phone North 845. EVERYTHING READY FOR BIG B. C. 51USICAL FESTIVAL AVith everything in readiness, British Columbia's seventh and largest i~Iusical Festival will open officially on wednesday, May 1, and continue until Saturday, May 11. There are over 8000 contest- ants included in the 1200 entries for competition in the 120 class- es of the Syllabus. So much in excess of expectation have the number of entries been that the Elocution classes have been ar- ranged to commence in the Moose Hall, small auditorium, on Tuesday, April 80, at 10 a. m. The competitions throughout the Musical Festival will be held in the wesley Church auditori- um, and the large and small audi- toriums of the Moose Hall, Bur- rard Street, with the evening ses- sions at wesley, except on Sat- urday, May 4, when the Horti- cultural Auditorium, Hastings Park, will be used afternoon and evening, for Folk Dancing, Chor- al and Orchestral competitions. At the afternoon session on this day His Honor Lieut. Governor Robert Randolph Bruce, and Miss Helen Mackenzie will be present. The Horticultural Aud- itorium will also be used for the Grand Final Concert of Festival winners on Saturday evening, )Iay 11. The official opening of the Slusical Festival will take place at Wesley on wednesday even- ing, May 1, when the speakers will be His worship Mayor AV. H. Malkin, the Most Rev. Arch- bishop de Pencier, D.D., O.B.E., and E. S. H. EVinn, chairman of the Musical Festival. The adjudicators for the vari- ous competitions are Ernest Mac- 31illan, Mus. Doc., Arthur Coll- ingwood, F.R.C.O.; J. Peebles Conn; Margaret A. E. Crawford, M.A.; and Beatrice Cave- Browne-Cave. Season tickets for the Festival may be obtained at the office of the secretary, 828 Rogers Build- ing, and early application is ad- vtsable. The financing of so large a Festival is considerably in advance of previous years, and the public is asked to support this great community service through the purchase of season tickets, which, at a cost of only $5.00, carry an actual admit- tance value of over $ 11.00, be- sides a voucher good for a re- served seat for the Grand Final Concert. Smith s ~ rocery We Dalirar h. HARVEY SMITH, Prop. 24th AND MARINE, Opp. Dundarara Hall. Phono WEST i$0 April 26, 1929. ~ EFFERIES'UPE (Iol( III EATS Government Inspected Only. If we supply you with our Meats, Your eats will always be complete. Lamb Beef I'ork Hollyburn Store gest 3 Ambleside Store gest 30$ c."t"„i',,t.'nce a customer, always a customer. For a New Building or a Repair Job We can supply everything you need. Roofing -- Building Paper -- Lamatco -- Fir Veneer -- Gyproc Plaster Board -- Sash -- Doors -- Heaver Board Shingles -- Lath -- Building hlaterials West Vancouver . umber Co. 15th and Marine LIMITED Phone West 115 Residence Phone: West 368L. Play a game of 3 tables for your pleasure S 14th Street Right at the Railway Crossing R. J. Verne, president of the Canadian Amateur Ski Associa- tion, western branch, wrote the council stating that he had ar- ranged for a small strip of film to be shown all next week at the new Orpheum Theatre in the city relative to the recent visit of the Hollyburn Pacific Ski Club team to Portland. He also gave in detail the various means used by the club members during their 4000 mile trip to the various championship meetings at Banff, Hevelstoke, Portland and Port Hood, to advertise the Hollyburn Ski Club and )Vest Vancouver. A letter of thanks was ordered sent in reply, thanking him for the publicity given and convey- ing the council's congratulations on the championships won by the club's members. BE' "I'ER BREAD EVe all want the utmost in value for the money we spend. You get full value when you buy "STRATTON'S" Bread, Rolls and Pastries. Better than "Home-made" our customers say. PHONE AVEST 27 And our Dehrery man w&ll call STRATTON'S BAKERY Exports in 1921 tota'.led 585,- 826 tons; in 1927 this was 8,- 296,272 tons, an increase of 468 per cent. "; Sash, Doors and Interior Finish Get our prices IT WILL FAY YOU GLASS Broken Lights repaired at reasonable cost. Am b..esic e . um ver Co, " tc . MARINE DRIVE AT 16th STREET Phone West 199 It Our Ice &Iachine is now running. AVe are ready to supply large or small quantities of Ice.