West Van. News (West Vancouver), 19 Apr 1929, p. 7

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001C972D April 19, 1929. THE AVEST VAN NE% S WEST V A N C P U V E R &V A T E R && oRKS CONSTRL CTION, RE- CONSTRUCTION AND EXTEN- SION blQNEY BJ-I AIV No. 408, 1929. A By-l.aw authorizing the construe f ion, re-construction and or extension of the consolidated water works s)'s- tems or the Corporation or the District of West Vancouver any to raise by way of loan the sum or One Hundred Sixty Thousand I)ollars ($ 160,000.00) to he paid for such work. WHEREAS by an Act of the Lcgi»- lsture of the I'rovince of British Col- umbia the various water systems oE the Corporation have been consolidat- ed into one system. AND AVHEREAS it is deemed ad- . ~ble to increase the amount of wu . available for use of the inhabl- tan of the Corporation by the in-s'"'on of new and larger mains coniii ted with the mains of "Greater Vancouver Water District" and new and larger mains f'rom Cypress Creek. AND IVHEREAS it is necessary to replace certain water mains and to construct cert iin extensions. AN D IV H Elt EAS the provisional ccnsent of the Provincial Board of Health has been duly obtained pursu- ant to Si.ction 29 of the "Health Act" b! ing Chapter 102 of the Revised Stat- utes of British Columbia, 192.1. AND IVHEREAS the estimated cost of such work is One Hundred Sixty Thousand Dollars ($ 160,000.00). AND WHEREAS the sum of One I(undred Sixty Thousand Dollars ($ 160,000.00) is the debt intended to be created by tliis By-law. AND lVH EREAS it is necessary that the money to be raised hereunder be raised upon the credit of the said Corporation. AND WHEREAS the Council of the said Corporation has authorized the submfssion oE this By-law to the Elec- tors. AND WHEI(EAS it would be nec- essary to raise annually by special rate the sum of Two Thousand Eight Hundred Sixty-four Dollars ($2464.- 00) principal and the sum of Eight Thousand Dollars ($8,000.00) interest, making together the total amount annually of Ten Thousand Eight Hun- dred Sixty-four Dollars ($ 10,S6 l.00) Eor the term oE thirty years (30) for the payment of saitt loan and interest thereon as hcreinhher mentioned. AND IVHEREAS the Assessed value of the whole land of the said Corpora- tion, according to the last revised As- sessment Roll amounts to Four Million Ninety-nine Thousand One Hundred Forty-six ($4,099,146.00) and the as- sessed value of the improvements a- mounts to Three Million Two Hundred Forty Thousand Four Hundred Dol- lars ($3,240,400,00) making together a total of Seven bfillion Three Hund- red Thirty-nine Thousand Five Hund- red Forty-six Dollars ($7,339,546.00). AND IVHEREAS the value of the whole rnteable land of the said Corpor- ation. according to the last revised Assessment Roll amounts to Three hIillion One Hundred Forty-nine Thousand Four Hundred Seventy- seven Dollars ($3,149,477.00) and the improvements amount to Three Mil- lion Fifteen Thousand Fifteen Dollars ($3,015,015.00) making together a total of Six Million One Hundred Sixty-four Thousand Four Hundred Ninety-two Dollars ($6,164,492.00). AND lVHEREAS to provide for the payment of interest and the creation of a sinking fund for the payment of the said principal sum oi'ne Hundred Sixty Thousand Dollars ($ 160,000.00) it would be necessary to levy a special rute sufficient to raise the sum of Ten Thousand Eight Hundred Sixty- Eour Do! lars ($ 10,864.00) the amount to be calculateJ annually on the whole of rateable land or lands and improve- ments of the Corporation. NOIV THEREFORE the Reeve and Cnuncil of the Corporation of the Dis- trict of IVest Vancouver in open meet- ing assembled enact as follows:-- (1) The Council of the Corpora- tion of the District of IVest Vancouver hereby empowered and authorized onstruct, re-construct, and or ex- the consolidated water works em as before detailed in this By- and to do all things necessary in connection with the said work. (2) It shall be lawful for the Iteeve of the said Corporation and the Clerk of the Council, Eor the purposes aforesaid to borrow or raise by way of loan from any person or persons, body or bodies corporate, who may be willing to advance the same upon the credit of the debentures (hereinafter mintioned) of the said Corporation a sum of money not exceeding in the «hole the sum of One Ilundred Sixty Thousand Dollars ($ 160,000.00) and to cause the same to be placed in the Royal Bank of Canada at AVest Van- couver, l)ritish Columbia. to the credit of the said Corporation for the pur- poses above recited, and the debentur- es of the said Corporation to the a- mount of One Hundred Sixty Thous- and Dollars ($ 160,000,00) in the whole may be issued by the said Iteeve and Clerk in accordance with the "bfuni- cipal Act" in sums as may be required of not less thnn One fiundred Dollars ($ 100.00) each. Fach debenture shall be signed by the Reeve and Clerk and the Clerk shall attach thereto the Cor- porate seal of the said Corporation. ~ S al of the Corporation be affixed thereto by the Cl«k- (3) This by-law shall be cited for all purposes as "IVEST VANE'.OUVER -- 'GREATER VANCOUVER WATER DISTRICT' BY-LAKV No. 410. 1929." PASSED by the Council on the 8th day of April, 19 9. RECEIVED the assent of the F.lectors at the Election for that purpose on the day of 1929. RE-CONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED by the Council, SIGNED by the Reeve and Clerk and SEALED w'ith the Corpor- ate Seal of the said Corporation, all on the day of A.D. 19~&. Reeve. The said debentures shall be dated the 1st day of May. 1929, and shall bear interest at the rate of five per cent (5;c) per annum, payable on the 1st day of bfay and the 1st day of November in each and every year dur- ing the currency of the said debentur- es or any of them, and the principal of the said debentures or any of them shall be payable on the 1st day of May, 1959. There shall be attached to each of the said debentures coup- ons signed by the Reeve and Clerk Eor each and every payment of interest that may become due, and such signa- tures may be either printed, written or lithographed. (3) The said debentures shall be expressed to be payable in lawful money ef Canada. (4) The said debentures as to principal and interest shall be pay- able at any branch of the Royal Bank of Canada in (anada at the holder's option by the Corporation. (5) There shall be raised and levied annually by special rate suf- ficent therefor upon all rateable land or lands and improvements of the Corporation the sum of Two Thousand Eight Hundred Sixty-four Dollars ($2g64.00) for the purpose of form- ing a sinking fund for the payment of the said debentures and the sum of Eight Thousand Dollars ($8,000.00) Eor the payment of interest at the rate aforesaid, to become due on such debentures during the currency there- of (being the equal annual special rate of thr.w decimal forty-five (3.45) miIls on the dollar of the present land valuation) or such further or other rate as shall be suffici~nt for the said purpose. the same to be in ad- dition to all rates to be levied and created in the said Corporation during the whole currency of said debentures or any of them. (6) This By-law may be cited for all purposes as "WEST VANCOUVER iVATER iVORKS CONSTRUCTION, RECONSTRUCTION AND EXTEN- SIONN hION E Y BY-LA W No. 408, 1929 PASSED BY THE COUNCIL on the 8th day of April, 1929, RECEIV- ED the asset of the Electors at the Election for that purpose on the day of 1929. RE-CONSIDERED and finally ADOPTED by the Council, SIGNED by the Reeve and Clerk and SEALED with the Corporate Seal of the said Corporation. all on the day oE A.D. 1929. Clerk. SCIIEDUI-E "A" TO THE BY-LAiV Reeve. Clerk. TAKE NOTICE that the above is a true copy of the proposed By-law ul~on which the vote of the Munici- pality will be taken at the New Am- bleside Hall, cc rner of 14th Street and bfarine Drive, Ambleside. AVest Vancouver, B. C., on wednesday, the 24th day of April, 1929, between the hours of 8 a. m. and 8 p. m. (Signed) JAhIES OLLASON. Municipal Clerk. CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF iVEST VANCOUVER Notice to Electors PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that the vote of the Electors qualify- ing on property situate within the hiunicipality will be taken at the New Ambleside Hall, corner of 14th Street and Marine Drive, AVest Vancouver, B. C., on wednesday, the 24th day of April, 1929, between the hours of 8 a. m. and 8 p. m., on "EVest Vancouver waterworks Construction, Re-Con- struction and Extension hIoney By- law No. 408, 1929," and that Jas. Ollason has been appointed Returning Officer to take the votes of such electors with the usual powers in that behalf. (Signed) V. V. VINSON, Reeve. (Signed) JAS. OLLASON, Clerk. %EST VANCOUVEII-- "GREATER VANCOUVER IVATER DISTRICT" --BY-LAW No. 410, 1929. IVHEREAS it is deemed advisable that the Corporation of the District of West Vancouver be added to and form n part of Greater Vancouver Water District. AND IVHERAS the Agreement set forth in Schedule "A" to this By-law has been approved by the Council oE the Corporation of the District of IVest Vancouver and the Administra- tion Board constituted under the Greater Vancouver Water District Act subject to the assent of the Electors of the Corporution of the District of West Vancouver. NOW TIIEREFORE the Reeve and Council of the (,orporation of the Dis- trict of West Vancouver in open meet- irg assembled enact as follows:-- (1) The Corporation of the District of IVest Vancouver shall Erom and aft- e. the execution of the agreement set forth in Schedule "A" to this By-law by the parties thereto be added to and Eorm a part of Greater Vancouver Water District. (2) The atmeoment set forth in Schedule "A" to the By-law is hereby approved and the same shall be ex- ecuted on behalf of the Corporation by the Reeve and Clerk and the Corpor- The Corporate Seal of the Greater Vancouver IVater District has been hereunto affixed in the presence of'he Corporate seal of Corporation of the District of IVest Vancouver has been hereunto affixed in the presence of: TAKE NOTICE that the above is a true copy of the proposed By-Law and Agreement upon ivhich the vote of the bfunicipality will be taken at the New Amblesido Hall. corner of 14th Street and bfarine Drive, Amble- THIS AGREEbIENT made the 1st day of May, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and twenty-nine: BETWEEN: GREATER VANCOUVER WATER DISTRICT (hereinafter called the "Corporation" of the FIRST PART: AND CORPORATION OF THE DIST- RICT OF WEST VANCOUVER, (hereinafter called the "bfunicipal- ity" of the SECOND PART: WHEREAS under and by virtue of the "Greater Vancouver Water Dis- trict Act," being Chapter 22 of the Statutes of British Columbia, 19'A, there has been created and constituted a body corporate and politic under the name of the "Greater Vancouver IVat- er District," with the objects. powers and modes of management, set forth in that "ACT": AND WHEREAS under the Powers contained in section 82 of the said "Act'„ the bfunicipality has applied to the Corporation to be added to the Greater Vancouver KVater District, upon such terms and conditions ns may be mutually agreed upon between the Corporation and the bIunicipality: NOIV TEI IS INDENTURE IVIT- NESSETH that in pursuance of and in consideration of the premises and the mutual covenants and agreeinents of the parties l.ereto hereinafter con- tained, IT IS AGREED by and be- tween the parties her~to as follows:-- 1. The bIunicipality shall, from and after the execution of this Agreement, be added to and form a part of the Greater Vancouver IVater District. 2. The Corporation shall furnish from its supply lines and at such point or points on such supply lines as shall be mutually agreeable to the parties hereto, and at the head or pressure due to the elevation of its intakes, now constructed or which may be hereafter constructed at any time, a» adequate supply of water in bulk to the Municipality to satisfy its needs for water for all purposes, in so far as such supply of water can be sup- plied from time to time from exist- ing or future intakes, and such water shall be so supplied in bulk at the same rate per unit in volume as water supplied by the Corporation to the Corporation of the City of Vancouver: Provided and it is understood and agreed that in the case of a break- down of tho system or any of the works of the plant of the Corporation, due to accident or otherwise, or in the event of conditions arising where- by an emergency is created, the Corp- oration, through its Administration Board, shall have absolute authority and power to apportion the quantity oi water which shall be distributed to or received by the Municipality irre- spective of any obligation imposed by the said "Greater Vancouver IVatcr District Act," or any Contracts or Agreements (including these pres- ents) and to supply quantities differ- ent from those fixed by the Corpora- tion through its Administration Board in such emergency. 3. The Municipality shall obtain from the Lieutenant-Governor-in- Council in the Province of British Col- umbia authority to transfer or assign and shall transfer or assign to the Corporation all its right, title or inter- est in and to an application for a water-license to take and use water from Capilano River at a point below the present intake oE the Corporation, to an amount up to 250 miners'nches, ivhich said application bears date the 4th day of September, 1913, and is numbered 10636. IN WITNESS IVHEREOF the re- spective corporiite seals of the parties hereto have been hereunto affixed by the hands of their proper officers the day and year first above written. (IARDEN BARROH S--Strong, Light, Painted, price $4.50, delivered sub- ject to approval. Phone North 364R CE~I ENT IVOltK, Landscaping, La~ns Rockeriea, Fencing, Trellis work. Clearing. Grading. Phone T. Barnott 23rd an3 Jefferson WANTED--Lot between West Bay and fforaeshoe Bay in exchange ror 1927 F:as& x car. Phone Kvest 481'. FOR RENT--Camp and Garden or will rent garden separately. Phone IVest 98IA. FOR SALE--Six hole Kitchen Range. Phone %Vest 260R. bIOI)ERN ELECTRIC 6 I ftlNG of all kinds See us for R dio Set Sup plies. Aerials. Largest on North Shore i4 orth Shore Electric and Radio Stores-- 1540 Lonsdale Ave.North Vancouver. Phone North 79. COW bIANURE -- Big Load $4.00. Phone IVest 17. I'L Y &IO UTfl BAR RED ROCK EGGS for setting. Phone West 649R or call l-l28 Esiiuimalt. FOR I'LUbIBING REf'AIRS--Phone IVest 241R. TiiE LiBRARY hlEETliVG; gEQ DIRI:CTORS ELECTED The spectallp called meet&ng of the Hollyburn Public Library was held in Hollyburn Public School last i1Ionday night. An interested audience was present many evidently having put in an appearance in the expectation of witnessing a rea] hot fight. This, however, did not material- ise. The meeting was a most interesting one in which there was a free exchange of views. J. Porter opened the proceed- ings by giving an outline of the formation of the library and told of some of the troubles and trib- ulations of the organisers. He spoke at some length explaining the manner in which the library had been financed, and suggested that the cou»cil should be asked to make an .nnual grant to pro- mote the welfare of the organiza- tion. The discussion, however, was almost wholly confined to the proposal to move the library from its present location to a building of its own. Eventually this proposal as fathered by a recently appointed board was put to the vote of the meeting and the resolution defeated. There- upon four of the members of the board resigned, 3Ir. Hilton being the only remaining mem- ber. Under the temporary chair- manship of H. Bell, the meeting proceeded to elect four new dir- ectors, whose appointment must be confirmed at the next regular meeting. Those named were, J. A. i~Iilne, J. AI. Edington, hIiss AIcFee, and i4Irs. H. Eager. "5Iany a Slip" Lucy: Aunty, v hy do you put poiider on your face. Aunt: To make me pretty, dear. Lucy: Then why doesn't it? side, IVcst Vancouver, B. C., on AVed- nesday, the 24th day of April, 1929, between the hours of 8 a. m. and 8 p,m. (Signed) JAblES OLLASON, Municipal Clerk COltl'ORATION OF THE DISTIIICT OF iVEST VANCOUVER iNotice to Electors FOR RE&T OR SALE -- House onWaterfront at Altamont. ApplyLeyland, West 63R1. % Ai~TED FOR JUNE--~Iodern housenear ~ater. &Ioderate rent. Sleep- ing for five adults. Phone Fair.4342L GIRL IVANTED for light housework. Small family. Sleep out. PhoneWest 696R1. FOR SALE--hlcClary's Pandora Steel Range (6 hole) excellent condition. Phone IVest 63L2. YOUNG LADY--Just arrived Erom Ifolland, c..annot speak English, would like housework. Phone West 21 lX. FOR RENT~ Room ~fodern House $25. Newly decorated. Open fire- place. Furnace. South west corner16th and Fultc,n. Apply at house. FOf4 RENT--Five Room Cottage,newly decorated, plumbing, garage,124~ Keith Inroad, $20. Phone West620R. SCHiVEPPEB LEMONADE, CAN.ADA DRY GfNGERALE and all theGood Brands of Cigars at TheAmblaside Tea Rooms. SE)VING WANTED -- Ladies'ndChildren's work. bIrs. Bloxham,Phone AVest 226. WEBB'S SHOE REPAIRS WEARBEST--Dundarave. NEW&1&N 4, ROBBINS Contractors. Builders, Painting paperhanging, Alterations and Repairs.Promptly Executed. House PhoneWest 74R1. FOUNDATION AND CEMENT Work Landscaping, Lawns, F e n c in g,Drains, Rock Walls, Clearing. Grad- ing, Septic Tanks. T. Barnott, West 672R. HEMSTITCHING --Plain.. whito Sc yard; silk and colored 10c yard.Pearce's Drygoods, 14th Street and Marine. Phono West 144. GARDENS DESIGNED, Laid Out and bIaintained. Rock Gardens, Lily and Ornamental Pools, Lawns, Rustic work, Fencing, Concrete Paths, Drives, etc., Pruning and Spraying,Landscape and General Gardening R. J. K)M, Phone West 172XL II YOU INTEND TO BUILD or Want your house altered or repaired, phone Colin Turner, builder, 13th and Haywood. West 679R. R. P. Clark 4 Co. (Vancouver) I.td. 9 ATERFRONT HObIE--Lovely sit- uation. Four rooms. Full Plumb- ing; Fireplace; Light; Phone. Just redecorated. Sound investment at $3500. Terms arranged. I.OW PIERCE iVATERFRONT LOTS--One at $ 1550; two at $ 1750. Theseare snaps. FIVE ACRE BLOCK in Natural f'ark on bIathers. Very choice property, $3000. Consult us for Alberta Oil Sto ks and B. C. bfining Stocks. R- P. CLARE k CO.. LTD. 790 Dunsmuir St. Seymour 7484 Local Representative C. J. ARCHER, West 225. A&TAMONT D.L. 550 Block 97--gine Tenths of an Acre ........$400 Block 1~Over Q of an Acre with 275 Ft. Front- age, Facing South $500 Block 54--Nine Tenths of an Acre, ia Block from Marine Drii e, Just off "9th Street. $600 Small Cash Payments and easy terms on all the above. PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that the vote of the Electors qualify- ing on property situate within the bfunicipality, v ill be taken at the New Ambleside Hall, corner of l.lth Street and bfarine Drive, West Vancouver. B. C., on wednesday. the 24th day of April, 19 9, between the hours of 8 a. m. and 8 p. m. on "West Vancouver Greater Vancouver Water District By- law No. -110, 1929" and Agreenient thereto annexed," and that Jas. Olla- son has been «ppointed Returning Of- ficer to take the votes of such electors with the usual powers in that behalf. (Signed) V. V. VINSON, Reeve. (Signed) JAS. OLLASON, Clerk. WHITAKER k WHITAKER 942 West Pender St. VANCOUVER, B. C. GEO. HAY Real Estate an&1 IIlsurance Notary Public, Fire insurance -- bloney to Loan 1405 bIarine Drive Office Phone IVest 41 or Sey. 1260 Residency Phone IV. 32R or W. 204X CLASSIFIED ADS