001C972D Pitman Baasiness College Vancouver's Leading Business College. INDIVIDUAL ATTEVTION DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOLNIGHT SCHOOL FOUR NIGHTS EACH WEEKStudents may enrol at any time 422 RICHARDS STREET (At Hastings) I'HONE SEYhIOUR 9135 FURNACE REPAIRS Anything in Sheet Metal Furnaces, Stoves, Gutters, Cornice, Skylights Burrard Sheet Aietal 229 Lonsdale Ave, North Vancouver Phone North 345 Res. North 918Y and 1214Y INK BURRARD .AJIQI)iW i&.)8 ~ Feei FREsH DAinY .-- &j W L FR%'H AS A DAISY I5 ~Q, V(AY -ee ~ ~ WE, LAUNDER CloTHKs ~ p~N OAY TO DAY ' "ice RurrarI .aumry Limited For People Who Are Particular THIRD ST. and ST. DAVIDS North Vancouver Phone North 1310. 0'est Van. Representative F. RIVERS Phone AVest 410L HARRON BROS. R KVILLIhMSON P'iiiieral Birertors North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 iVEST VANCOUVER CHORAL SOCIETY Oiving to the near approach of the B. C. ilIusical Festival the above organization is speeding Up its ivork in an effort to re- tain the laurels they have won in past years. The inclement weather and sickness amongst the members has no douht been responsible for the number of absentees be- ing above the average during recent weeks, and this was the subject of discussion by the ex- ecutive at a recent meeting. It was decided that commenc- ing next Monday a close check ivill be made on the absentees and regular attendance from now until the Festival will be insisted upon if a member desires to qual- ify for same. All members are requested therefore to make a special effort to be present at the practice on Monday evening next. H. M. Mathers, who resided at 26th and Waterfront, has moved to Vancouver. Ted Elfstrom, Tom Timbrell, Paul Matthews and Arthur Ed- wards have joined the North Shore Junior Aero Club at Am- bleside. George Castree, 14th and Bel- levue, is leaving on Monday for Gabriola Island. Mrs. Castree and family will join him at the end of the month. Charles Burns of Seattle, is spending a few days visiting his brother-in-law and sister, 'Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Greenwood, Mar- ine Drive at Ambleside. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Tait, 29th and Mathers, are leaving very shortly for an extended visit to the Old Country. "The old and the new coven- ant" is the subject to be discuss- «d at the )Vest Vancouver Bible School next Sunday. Mr. Percy King will be the speaker. Am- bleside Hall at 3 p. m. [t's only logical to look to the "Dairy with the Highest Score" for a still higher standard of purity. 9 Quarts $ 1.00 For Safety's Sake Phone North 1?2, We are the Sole Distributors of "Brookbank's Certified Milk" "The only Certified Milk produced in British Columbia" Frances Webb, 13 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Webb, 25th and Marine Drive, has just been awarded the first prize of $7 in the junior division of the Lower Mainland for her paper on "Scientific Temper- ance" in a Dominion-wide com- petition which has been put on by the W. C. T. U. Her paper was judged to be the best in the junior competition here, and has now been considered the best a- mong those submitted in the Lower Mainland. It will now be sent on to Montreal to be con- sidered with the other prize win- ning papers from the other dis- tricts throughout Canada. Let nothing stop you IIThe druggist emerges from behind his prescription counter, witha small package, and hands it to the waiting messenger. "Let nothingstop you," he warns, "it is a matter of life or deathl" And he gazesanxiously after his messenger as he disappears into the darkness of thestorni-sivept night. Somewhere in the neighborhood n Doctor is tending a strickenpatient. He had telephoned to the Druggist a prescription of vitalimportance, and he is waiting, counting every minute, for the medicineto arrive. Just a glimpse behind the scenes--an incident in the professionallife of the Druggist--and one which should impress us with his tnueplace in the community. As few druggists can maintain an exclusivelyprescription pharmacy, he must be a merchant, too. But assuredly hisprofessional services and the sacrifices he is often called upon to makein the public welfare entitle him to a large measure of the good-will ofthe community, and n place of honor among its professional men. LESAGE DRUG STORE '""'23 G. E. REID, 51anager New Building--Corner blarine and 14th. FAST DELIVERY NO OPDER IS TOO Shl TFIE WEST VAN NEWS Personals 51rs. F. ( ulbai d, 22iid and Flayivood, left on Monday with her children to join her husband at Reid's Island, where they will make their permanent residence. 0 4 A test alarm divas wrung in from '.he Marine &Iotovs by the under- v riters on 5Ionday evening at 8 p. m. during the heiglit of the rainstorm. The fire brigade turned out and were at the Mar- ine AIotors in four minutes from the time the alarm was turned i», which is remarkably good time. 51iss H. S. Aibuthnot of Al- berni, was the guest last week of Mrs. J. L. Walker, 22nd and hlarine Drive. Miss Arbuthnot svhile here was attending the sessions in Vancouver of the National Ediicational Council of which she is a member. Dr. Richardson, who spent last v eek at his home at 1201 Duch- ess Ave., left on Tuesday to r&- turn up the coast. Mr. and Mrs. Davidson of Van- couver have moved into a houseat 27th and Palmerston. Fred Valentine, 11th and Es- quimalt, underwent an operation at the North Vancouver General Hospital on Monday. Mr. Valen- tine is very seriously ill. Mr. and AIrs. F. J. Patterson and family, 13th and Gordon, are moving on Saturday into the Ford house at 15th and Gordon, ivhich Mr. Patterson recently purchased. Mr. Mathieson of Vancouver, is building a house on his prop- erty at 24th and Lawson. f Mr. Eby ef Vancouver, is a guest at the Fortune Cup Inn. W. Jenvey is erecting a garage for the West Van. Produce Co. at the back of the Messinger block at 16th and Marine Drive. A son was born to Mr. and DIrs. Charles Dunlap, 14th and Marine Drive, last Friday at the North Vancouver General Hos- pital. Miss Annie Mills, 21st and Bellevue, has moved into a cot- tage at 2228 Bellevue. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Boyd have returned to their home at 25th and Bellevue after spending the ~vinter in California. Mrs. Davidson, 13th and Ful- ton, is confined to her'home through sickness. Miss Joan Durbin, 20th and Haywood, left on Monday for Victoria, where she will spend a short holiday. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. King, 1055 Duchess Ave., are moving short- ly to a house at 1063 Duchess. Geo. H. Faulkner of Dunbar Heights, is moving into his house at 13th and Gordon at the begin- ning of next month. Pat Cramond of Sherman, is confined to his home through sickness. WEST VANCOUVER ROAD RE- CONSTRUCTION hIONEY BY-LAiV No. 409, 1929. A By-Law authorizing the re-con- struction and or clearing, grading, straightening and widening of certain roads within the Corporation of the District of IVest Vancouver, and to eiinble the Corporation of the District of West Vancouver to raise, hy way of loan, the sum of Ffty Thousand ($50,000.00) Dollars to pay for such work. WHEREAS it is deemed expedient and necessary that the said Corpora- tion should re-construct and or clear, grade, straighten and widen as may be April 19, 1929. deemed advisable by the Council of theCorporation of the District of WestVancouver, the roads set forth inSchedule "A" to this By-law. AND IV IIEREAS the estimatedcosts of such undertaking is the sumof Fifty Thousand ($6000000) Dol-lars. AND WHEREAS the sum of FiftyThousand ($50,000.00) Dollars is theamount of the debt intended to becreated by this By-law. AND WHEREAS it is necessarythat the money to be raised hereunderbe raised upon the credit of the saidCorporation. AND WEIEREAS the Council of thesaid Corporation has authorized thesubmission of this By-law to the elec-tors. AViD WHEREAS it would be nec-essary to raise annually by specialrate the sum of One Thousand TwoHundred Five Dollars ($ 1,205.00) prin-cipal and the sum of Two ThousandFive Hundred ($2,500.00) Dollars int-erest, making together the total a-mount annually of Three ThousandSeven Hundred Five Dollars ($3,705.-00) for the term of Twenty-five (26)years for the payment of the saidinan and interest thereon as herein-before mentioned. AND IVHEREAS the assessed valueof the whole land of the said Corpor-ation, according to the last revisedassessment roll, amounts to Four Mil- lion, Ninety-nine Thousand One Hund-red and Forty-six ($4,099,146.00), andthe assessed value of the improve-ments amount to Three hIilllon TwoHundred Forty Thousand Four Hund-red Dollars ($3,2.10,400.00), makingtogether a total of Seven Million Three Hundred Thirty-nine Thousand Five EIundred Forty-six Dollars ($7,339,-646.00). AND WEIEREAS the value of the whole rateable land of the'aid Cor- poration, according to the last revised Assessment Roll, amounts to Three Million One Hundred Forty-nine Thousand Four Hundred Seventy-sev- en Dollars ($3,149,477.00) and the im- provements to Three Million Fifteen Thousand Fift en Dollars ($3,016,016.- 00) making together a total of Six hlillion One Hundred Sixty-four Thousand Four Hundred Ninety-two ($6,164,492.00) Dollars. AiVD WHEREAS to provide for the payment of interest and the creation of a sinking fund for the payment of the said principal sum of Fifty Thous- and ($50,000.00) Dollars it would be necessary to levy a special rate suf- ficient to raise the sum of Three Thousand Seven Hundred Five Dollars ($3,705.00) the amount to be calculat- ed annually on the whole of the rate- able Jsnds oz'ands and irnprovcrnoeta of the Corporation. NOW THEREFORE the Reeve and Council of the Corporation of the Dis- trict of West Vancouver in open meet- ing assembled enact as follows:-- (1) The Council of the Corpora- tion of the District of West Vancouver is hereby authorized and empowered to re-construct and or clear, grade, straighten and widen, as may be deemed advisable those roads within the Corporation set forth and describ- ed in Schedule "A" to this By-law. And the said Corporation is hereby empowered and authorized to do all things necessary to this end including inter alia but so as not to restrict the generality of the foregoing, payment of costs of and incidental to this By- law, legal, engineering and supervision expenses. (2) It shall be lawful for the Reeve of the said Corporation and the Clerk of the Council, for the purposes afore- said, to borrow or raise by way of loan from any person or persons, body or bodies corporate, who may be willing to advance the same upon the credit o& the debentures (hereinafter men- tioned) of the said Corporation, a sum ~f money not exceeding in the whole sum of Fifty Thousand Dollars :(R0,000.00) and to cause the same 6&be placed in the Royal Bank of Can- ada at West Vancouver. British Col- umbia, to the credit of the said Corp- oration for the purposes above recited, and the debentures of the said Corp- oration to the amount of Fifty Thous- and Dollars ($50,000.00) in the whole may be issued by the said Reeve and Clerk in accoidance with the "Muni- cipal Act" in sums as may be required of not less than One Hundred Dollars ($ 100.00) each. Each debenture shall be signed by the Reeve and Clerk and the Clerk shall attach thereto the Oorporate Seal of the said Corporation. The said debentures shall be dated the 1st day of May 1929, and shall bear interest at the rate of five per cent. (6/c) per annum, payable on the 1st day of hIay and the 1st day of b'ovember in each and every year dur- ing the currency of the said deben- tures, or any of them, and the princi- pal of the said debentures, or any of them, shall be payable on the 1st day of May A.D. 1954. There shall be attached to each of the debentures coupons signed by the Re ve and Clerk for each and every payment of interest that may become due, and such signatures may be either printed, written or lithographed. (3) The said debentures shall be expressed to be payable in lawful money of Canada. (4) The said debentures as to prin- cipal and interest shall be payable at any branch of the Royal Bank of Can- ada in Canada, at the holder's option by the Corporation. (6) There shall be raised and levied annually by @pc~I rate sufficient therefor upon a+ ra able lands or lnnds and improvements of the Corp- oration the sum of One Thousand Two Hundred Five Dollars ($ 1,205.00) for the purpose of forming a sinking fund for the payment of the said debent- ures, and the sum of Two Thousand Five Elundred Dollars ($2,600.00) for the payment of interest at the rate aforesaid, to become due on such de- bentures during the currency thereof (being the equal annual rate of one decimal eighteen (1.18) mills on the dollar of the present land valuation)oi'uch further or other rate as shall be sufficient for the said purpose, the same to be in addition to all rates to be levied and created in the said Co oration during the whole currency the said debentures or any of the a. (6) This By-law may be citecr & II purposes as "WEST VANCOUV R ~. ROAD RE-CONSTRUCTION MONE& BY-LAW, No. 409, 1929." (7) This By-law shall come intoforce and take effect on the 1st dayof hIay A D 1'i29 PASSED BY THE COUNCIL onthe 8th day of April A D 1929 RECEIVED the assent of the Electorateat the Election for that purpose onthe day of 1929. RE-CON- SIDERED and finally ADOPTED bythe Council, SIGNED by the Reeveand Clerk and SEALED with Corpor-ate Seal of the said Corporation allon the day of A.D.1929. Reeve. ~ ~ ~ ~ Clerk. SCHEDULE "A" OF THE BY-LAiv Roads to be Cleared and Rough Graded: 12th Street from Keith Road to Esqui-malt. Haywood Avenue from 13th Street to14th Street. Lane D. L. 237-14 from Marine Driveto 14th Street. Fulton Avenue from 13th Street to14th Street. 16th Street from Fulton to InglewoodAvenue. Eiaywood Avenue from 26th Street to27th Street. Lawson Avenue from 23rd Street to24th Street. Lawson Avenue from 26th Street to26th Street. Lawson Avenue from 27th Street East-ward approximately Three hundredfifty (350 ft.) feet. King's Avenue from 25th Street to26th Street. Palmerston Avenue from 29th Streetto Procter Street. Rose Crescent; Er Sherman Street fromMarine Drive to Marine Drive.Piccadilly from D. L. 811/1240-6-1 toForest Lane. Forest Lane from Piccadilly to D. L.811/1240-13-1. Creery Avenue (portion).Park Lane from Marine Drive to BearLane. Roads to be Paved Keith Road from Capilano Bridge to3rd Street. 11th Street frcm Marine Drive toDuchess Avenue. Clyde Avenue from 14th Street toKeith Road. 14th Street from Inglewood Avenue toKing's Avenue. Esquimalt Avenue from 20th Street toMarine Drive. 2lst Street from Esquimalt Avenue toFulton Avenue. Bellevue from 23rd Street to Block Cof District Lot 554 N. W Pt.King's Avenue from 23rd Street to24th Street. Bellevue Avenue from 24th Street to25th Street. Reeve. Clerk. TAKE NOTICE that the above isa true copy of the nroposed By-law-upon which the vote of the hIunici-I.ality will be taken at the New Amb'.e side Hall, corner of 14th Street andMarine Drive, Ambleside, West Van-couver, B.C., on Wednesday, the 24thday of April, 1929, between the hoursof S a. m. and 8 p. m. (Signed) JAhIES OLLASON, Municipal Clerk. CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF &VEST VANCOUVER Notice to Electors PUBLIC iVOTICE is hereby giventhat the vote of the Electors qualify-ing on property situate within thehfunicipality will be taken at the iNewAmbleside Hall corner of 14th Streetand Marine Drive, West Vancouver, B. C., on Wednesday, the 24th day ofApril, 1929, between the hours of 8a. m. and 8 p. m., on "West Vancouver Road Reconstruction Money By-law No. 409, 1929," and that Jas. Ollasonhas been appointed Returning Officer to take the votes of such electors withthe usual powers in that behalf. (Signed) V. V. VINSON, Reeve. (Signed) JAS. OLLASON, Clerk. '«1 H I \P g