West Van. News (West Vancouver), 19 Apr 1929, p. 5

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001C972D April 19, 1929. THE WEST VAN NEWS PRObfPT DELIVERY WE WANT TO SERVE YOU. CROCERY-'SI'ECIALi for This Week Jelly Powders, all flavors I for 26c Good Eating Apples... 6 lbs. 2ic Large Juicy Grape Fruit for 26c Quick Quaker Oats per pkt Mc Campbell's Tomato Soup, tin 11c B. Ec K. i'oiled Oats... 7 lbs. 46c Snow Flake Pastry Flour 10 lbs. 47c Sunlight Soap, per carton... 23c arine Grocery 22nd and blarine J. ALLISON, Prop. PHONE WEST 96 Under New bfanagement. Dundarave Garage (H. Davidson) 26th and Marine Any brunch of Auto work. R EPAI IIS, A CCESSORI ES, TIRES, l3ATTERIES, ETC. "Service with a smile" I'hone N'est 4J4 SCOTTISH SOCI ETY Th miltary ivhist drive given Ly the Scottish Society on Sat- urday evening at "the Clachan" was a very successful affair, over ninety members and their friends being present. Those at the winning table were Mr. and Mrs. Nightingale and Mr. and Mrs. Groom, the low scorers be- iiig 51rs. Roberta Vass, Mrs. Howieson and Mr. and Mrs. Chisholm. At the regular meeting of the society tonight at "the Clachan," George Duncan, president of the Vancouver Scottish Society, will give an address on "Jacobite Song and Satire." Appropriate songs will be rendered. B. OF T. MEETING The regular monthly meeting of the IVest Vancouver Board of Trade was held on )londay even- iiig in the Legion rooms, ferry building. George Gourlay, chair- man of the committee on the Zoning by-law, who had attend- ed the recent meeting of the town planning commission, gave a full report on the proposed a- mendments, and considerable dis- cussion ensued on the subject. A. AV. Lunn, chairman of the transportation c o m m i t t e e, brought in a report on the muni- cipal transportation system. Af- ter a number of members had expressed their views, the mat- ter was laid over for a further meeting. GORDOi4 ROBSON Barrister 4 Solicitor AVEST VAiNCOUVER- Office No. 1447 Marine Drive. Phone Kvest 403. VANCOUVER OFFICE-- Suite 818; 610 Hastings St. % Phone Seymour 4199. ~ lent Ht OHt lH 88 Z I'RSON~I-+ ~-- ~ 4~&1 4 ~ «O~ Robert Shields, who former+ conducted the shingle odll at 17th and Ingleivood, was accid- entally killeri at Vananda last Tuesday. He will be buried at Bellingham next Sunday. 0 s 0 A. Harvey Smith, the well known Dundarave grocer, made a business trip by auto to Seattle this week. Leaving here on Tuesday morning he was join- ed by some Vancouver friends. The party returned yesterday. ~ 0 0 The members of the EVest Van- couver Ladies'hoir have ar- i.anged a bridge and tea, to take place on wednesday, 24th April, at 2.30 p. m. at the home of ~lrs. N. BIcLeod, 2295 31athers Ave. I'or table & cservations phone )Vest 111, )Vest 23L3 and IVest 89L. ~ ~ "~ hIr Wilfred Goddard manag- er of the Imperial Bank of Can- ada at BanR', Alta., and his wife were recent visitors to IVest Vancouver, staying with their brother E. Goddard, Wing's Foint. S )ecia We v ant everyone in N'est Vancouver r to try our AIrs Grieve and family 1~th and waterfront, are moving to Vancouver this week end. 0 0 0 i~lrs. Henry Davison, 13th and I'ulton, was taken to North Van- couver Hospital last, Saturday and underNent an operation on Sunday. She is doing fairly well. 0 0 illrs. S. Craig is having an ad- dition built to her house at 21st and Argyle. ~ 0 ~ James EVeir of Vancouver, has moved to Caulfeild. 0 0 A. 51. Stephen is giving a semi- public reading of his poem "Verendrye" in the Vanderpant Galleries tonight at 8 o'lock. There will also be a musical pro- gramme. 0 Geoffrey Hodgson is having his house finished at 20th and Haywood. Home Made Cakes Regular 23c Speci~I this week end 20c A large assortment. Mrs. Draper 2436 bf A RIN E DRIVE Next Dundarave Hall. NOTE PHONEs Went 340 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY IVest Vancouver, B. C. ANNOUNCES A k REE LECTURE ON CHRISTIAN SCIENCE on By ARTIIUR I'. DeCAbfl', C.J.B., St. Louis, bfissouri, bfember of The Board of Lectureship of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, bfass. In Hollyburn Theatre, illarine Drive, On SUNDAY, APRIL 21st, at 3 P. ~I. The Public is Cordially Invited to Attend. Doors Open at 2 p. m. 0 ~ Mrs. C. B. Greenwood spent the iveek-end visiting in Seattle. Engagement 5lr. and Airs. C. A. Macneill, 20th and Kings, announce the en- gagement of their only daughter, Bernice Gertrude Beulah, to Mr. Frederick Reynolds )Voollcombe, only son of Mr. and Mrs. AV. R. IVoollcombe of Vancouver. The marriage will take place early in CAPILANO TIillBER COAIPAN Y iliesJ ~ SOCIALS AN D lsARTIES CATERED FOR. HAVE YOU TRIED OUR )ioblE-MADE CAKEST Saturday aud Monday Ormond's Fancy Biscnits, 2 lb. tin 73c L&bby's Corned Beef t&n. 20c Bantam Corrx....... 20c Palm Olive Soap..... 2 for 16c Crisco. lb. tin........... 25c Sardines .............. 2 tins 2~c "I'" I'A.'II i& I~il„ll . I&"( Phone AVest 318R3. West Say PRO&IPT DELIVERY -'-A Ili IIi and '5!SSi ~ $ ~.25 We will continue this special offer until the end of this month'. WILLIAMS 16th and Mar&ne Ambleslde CUSTOM TAILOR Phone IVest 20 I MISS DURBIN'S SCHOOL RE-OPENS ON AIONDAY The St. Patricia Kindergarten and Girls'chool will re-open Monday, 22nd April, for the sum- mer term, when Miss Durbin will have returned from Victoria. Any parents desiring to send their children are asked to phone KVest 97R, when arrangements can be made. "From Forest to lI'ou " i'i;QQ I'REsENTgg[og NEXT 510NDAY The pres'ntation of the flag to the Girl Guides by the Duncan Lawson Chapter, I. 0. D. E., which was to have taken place on Thursday, has been postpon- ed until Monday, April 22nd. The ceremony of presentation will be held in St. Stephen's parish hall at 4 p.m. iVILL REPORT ON PROPOSAL FOR NORTH SHORE GAS SUPPLY YVe carry in stock everything needed for your new home or for an extension to the present one. Our specialty, however, is our Outside AVa11 Covering. AVe manufacture practically every type of siding. You can secure from us promptly, anything from the very best Clear Edge Grain Cedar Bungalow Siding down to the cheap grades of drop siding in other species. illOTHERS'AY, BIAY 12TH, V SEND YOUR PHOTOGRAI'H Mothers'ay this year falls on Sunday, May 12th, that is three weeks next Sunday. Per- haps nothing will please mother so much as a photograph of your- self. These are always treasured increasingly so as the years pass by. There ia a special notice in this issue from the King Studio, 311 Hastings St., IVest, phone Seymour 1046, reminding you of this. Ailake an appointment to have your picture taken in lots of time, so that it can be finished and be delivered to mother on May 12th. iAIr. A. G. Perry, local manager of the B. C. Electric Co., inform- ed the City Council Monday even- ing that he is taking up with the head office the matter of install- ing necessary equipment to give city residents a supply of gas for domestic purposes Mr. Perry in- timated that when a decision is reached he will notify the coun- cil immediately. Hosiery Bargains 7Sc in all shades Mrs. Marling 17th and biarine L. M. DUVAL A J. W. MANSON STOCKBROKERS AND FINANCIAL AGENTS Stocks, - Bonds - Investments I'rompt execution of Buying and Selling Orders. lteliable InFormation Given. 679 DUNSblUIR STREET, VANCOUVER. SEYblOUR 8894 Just give us a telephone call and we will gladly give you any information required. Ask for our Local Sales Department. Phone North 305. FOOT OF PESIBERTON Night Phone; North 5491 KILN DRIED KINDLING Big Cord Load in North and )Vest Vancouver......... Extra charges for distant deliveries. E. Beyond St. Denis Aim..... 50c Extra N.E. Beyond Centre Road..... 50c Extra N. Beyond 29th Street.................... 25c Extra 4V. Beyond 29th St. to IVest Bay 50c Extra 4V. Beyond )Vest Bay to Caulfeild $ 1.00 Extra Phone North 304. After 6 p. m.; North 304K P 1o &e a iI ano . IIII)er 0...) F...