West Van. News (West Vancouver), 19 Apr 1929, p. 4

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001C972D THE WEST VAN NEWS April 19, 1929. "l'rices Consistently Low" Two Stores in )Vest Vancouver GRANGER'S GROCERY, GREENWOOD'S GROCERY 21st and illarine Drive 14]2 i~larine Drive ~Vest 405 IVest 16 l 1 broom 3 doz. Spring Clothes Pins 3 tins Royal City No. 4 Peas, 1 large tin Tnmatoes Jamieson's Coffee, i ntroductory offer, per lb............................. 59c 1 lb. C. G. Butter and 1 Shaker Salt .......................... 59c 4 pkts. Sugar Krisp Corn Flakes 2 tall tins Milk, .............. both 59c 1 pkt. Royal Crown Lye 2 pkts. Royal Crown Sal Soda-'kts. Royal Crown Cleanser 1 Scrub Brush 59c 59c 1 jug Table Svrup ! 1 Pkt. Sperry Pancal e Flour 1 2-oz. bot. Pure Vanilla Extract 59c 10 Cakes Big Bath Soap .... 59c ! 4 tins Potted hleat 3 10c Wax Paper 59c ,' lbs. Pure Lard .......... 59c 1 lb. Mixed Biscuits 1 lb. Gin er Snaps ~ 2 lbs. Dates 59c l 5 tins Singapore Pineapple........ 59c t 3 doz. Sweet Juicy Oranges.... 59c 1 tin Lobster, '~'s ! 1.1G-oz. Bot Sweet hiixed Pickles 59c 10 )bs. B. C. Sugar......... 59c 59c 1 lb. Peanut Butter, 1 pkt. Soda Biscuits, lb. Pkt. Chateau Cheese, 59c 1 dozen Lemons G Grape Fruit 59c 2 pkts. Neet.ir Raisins 7 lbs. C. G. Flour, 59c G bars Royal Croiim Soap Ão-Nik Glass Tumblers 59c 1 lb. C. G. Broken Orange Pekoe Tea ........ 59c INVITE VICEROY TO OPEN NORTH SUBWAY Mrs. Clara Wilson announces the Second of the monthly PIANOFORTE RECITALS to be given by her pupils at her home studio 2367 illarine Drive IVest Vancouver on Saturday, April 27th at 8.15 p. m. FUEL FIR or ALDER--Any Lengths FURNACE WOOD and COAL Radio Poles -- Fence Posts Cedar for Rustic Work hlanure for Your Gardens. Soil THE WESTON CARTAGE West 201L ST. PATRICIA KIN DE RGARTEN AN D GIRLS'CHOOL will re-open Dlonday, Apri] 22nd. Miss J. Durbin Phone 20th and Haywood West 97R Ice Cream Confectionery LUNN'S CAFE 14th and Marine Soft Drinks Tobacco Public I'hone--West 611-0 ahe Esplanade subway, $200, i 000 final link in the Harbor'oard's North Shore terminal rai]ivay system, ivi]] be opened by the Harbor Board on AVednes- day afternoon, April 24, accord- ing to a report submitted to the North Vancouver City Council Monday evening by hlayor G. H. Morden and Ald. E. H. Bridg- man. Harbor Board officials have , also advised the council that His 'xcellency Lore] )Vi]]ingdon, Governor-General of Canada, has been invited to declare the sub- way open. In honor of the oc- casion, the main streets will be decorated with flags and bunt- ing. The Canadian Pacific Railway, the Canadian National Railway and the Great Northern Rai]way ivi]] co-operate in providing a special train. The departure wi]] be made from the C.P.R. depot at 2.30 p.m. The train wi]] ar- rive here shortly after 3 o'lock when the subway ~i]] be declar- ed open. The train will then pro- ceed through the subway to the P.G.E. tracks at the west ent- rance, and then to the P.G.E. de- pot, whete a reception will be held. Government officials and rep- resentatives of public and semi- public bodies of Greater Vancou- ver will attend and it is expected that a crowd of several thousand wi]1 witness the opening of the subway. Arrangement of the details of the city's part in the ceremony were left to Mayor iiIorden, and an announcement is e~~ected shortly from the Governor-Gen- eral regarding his presence on the opening date. Teacher: "EVhat do elephants have that not other animals have?" Small Pupi]:"Little elephants." Watch and Clock Repairs Called for and Delivered. THE WEST VAN WATCHMAKER and JEWELLER 1522 Marine Drive HO COO G If you want the very best in Home Cooking--CAKES, PIES, PASTRIEH--try our goods just once. You'l come back again. MRS. ROSS hlarine Drive A mbleside THE PANTRY Have Your Lunch Here. It's Just Like Home. THE BlG 59. S4L E FRIDAY - SATURDAY. MONDAY Correspondence hl:trm:t]ade Amber Ii, oz. buttei, two eggs, 1~, & oz. sugar, one clessertspoonful of flour, one large tablespoonful of marmalade, cine c]essertspoonful cif breadcrumbs. Beat butter and sugar to a cream, add the yolks of eggs and beat sve]l, stir in lightly the tnarma]ade, bread- crumbs,:tnc] flour. Pour mix- ture into a round sandwich-tin lined with short pastry, and bake iii a s]oiv oven for twenty min- utes. Covet'ith the stiffly- beaten whites of eggs, and re- turn to oven for a few minutes. Serve either cold or hot. Dutch Pudding Boil one teacupful of we]]- ivashed rice in one pint and ahalf of mi]k until quite thick, then adcl one cupful of castor sugar, t/ lb. currants, 2 oz. but- ter, and the grated rind of a lem- on. )Vhen cold, add two well- beaten eggs, mix well, pour into a buttered pie-dish, and bake in a moderate oven for half an hour. If a fire has to be left unwatch- ed for several hours put a hand- &u] of salt on the top of the coals. 'This will prevent the fuel burn- i»g aivay too quickly. Before frying slices of toma- to, sprinkle them with a few drops of vinegar to keep them from getting broken. Protecting a Piano AVhen a piano must be left in a closed house for any length of time, it can be kept in goorl conditio» by placing newspapers around the wires and over the keys. Over a]l place a heavy wool]kn covering. It will then be unharmed by coldness and dampness. Editor )Vest Van News, As the Money By-laws to be voted on next wednesday, are in some ways more important than the January municipal elec- tion, I trust that the election of- ficials will devote a little time to the study of "The Municipal Elections Act" as the lax manner in ivhich the January election was conducted has caused much unfavorab]e comment, especially in the city. The Polling Booths and more important still, the Ballot Boxes, shou]d be under the direct super- vision of the Returning Officer, nr some other official detailed for that duty, and iiot, as at the January election, totally unat- tended ancl behind his back. The Returning Officer who takes the voter's name and checks it off the Voters'ist should hand him the ballots, not pass him (or her) along to an- cther official, some distance a- way, thus making it quite an easy matter for unauthorized persons, non-voters, etc., to ob- tain ballots. A few worcls of instruction are needed by many voters. In Jan- uary I saw no less than 3 polling booths occupied by couples evid- ently marking one anothers bal- lots, one voter thus virtually hav- ing two votes. This is not per- missab]e and should not be a]]ow- ed. If you find it necessary to instruct, or be instructed by, your wives or other members of the family, this must be done before entering the polling sta- tion, as every voter must mark his (or her) ballots absolutely without interference or assist- ance from anyone. In special cases, such as blindness, inabili- ty to read, physical incapacity, etc., where assistance in mark- ing ballots is necessary, the only person a]]owed to give such as- sistance is the Returning Officer. Yours truly, D. R. O. &e Grande Concert HOiWIE TALENT PERFORAIANCE IN CHURCH HALL At early-candle-light (8 o'lock) Thursday evening, April 25th, The Woman's Association of KVest Vancouver United Church will (D.V.) render the following programme of selec- tions ancient and modern--largely ancient. 0 CANADA--A modern touch in which a]l will please join. REMARKS by Mistress of Ceremonies.......Madam Greatheart SONG, "Long, Long Ago"....Members of lV. A. too numerous to mention. READING .................................................Ange]a Doitwell DUET--"Happy Old Agc".......................'Avo of the Aged READING ...............................................Rosamond Rosemary SONG ............................................Arimenta Cornblossoni READING ...........................................Madam Greatheart SONG ........................................Seraphina Hardscrabble SONG .........................................Patricia Periwinkle READING .................................... Charity Cheerumup SONG ...................... ~...............................Faith Fai SKETCH "Packing the Home illissionary Barrel" By a double handful of 4V. A.'s God Save the King. Ticket of Admission 35c. Reserved Ticket 50c . n) ic ~ .If eei:ing All resident Oddfelloavs and others interested in the formation of an Oddfelloavs'odge in West Vancouver are invited to attend a meeting in AMBLESIDE HALL on TUESDAY NEXT,)APRIL 23rd, at 8 p.m. en&%chanted to Buy Mermen s Shavmg Cream and get a full sized tin of Mer- men's Talcum Powder FREE. The Cream is menthol-iced which insures a nice cool shave. Try it and note the difference. Our Delivery Service is for your convenience--Reliable and efficient. Phone your orders-- WEST 37 WEST VAN l'HARNACY T he Store of Ser v ice. CHILDREN' DANCING CLASSES and PHYSICAL CULTURE conducted by Miss Kathleen Ellis IVILL RE-OPEN Tomorrow, 20th inst., at 11 a. m. in Ambleside Hall Information, Phone Avest 430Y3 ARCHERY CLUB ELECT OFFICERS The annual meeting of the West Vancouver Archery Club was held in the office of Dr. Vass last Tuesday, Mrs. R. C. Procter being elected president for the ensuing year, and Mrs. C. J. Marsha]] as secretary-treasurer. AVith the return of the swallows it is evident that summer is close upon us, and there are few pleas- anter ways of spending the sun- ny hours and at the same time nf obtaining healthy exercise than the practice of archery on the green. HOLLYIiRN THEATRE Thurs., Friday E- Saturday, hlARY ASTOR and LLOYD HUGHES in c Heart tp H~gt " Mon., Tues. and AVed., "%Vild Geese" and "Taai gg" ... oIIses I have a few modern houses on the Waterfront still avail- able for the summer &. (f. Savory 1443 blarine Drive, Ambleside Phone West 340 Evenings, West 143 Real Estate, Financial and Insurance Agent C. J. Overington J. G. McLAREN, D.D.G.M. J. T. McDONALD, G.M. S i 'L K/lvr A True Orange Pekoe Tea %VEST VAN TENNIS CI US 1929 SEASON Any desiring to join please phone J. GRISEDALE, West 434, or G. DAVENPORT, West 481R3 HAS MOVED to new store on Marino Drive, next Jefferies Meat Store at 14th. I'hone IVest 135 for appointment In business in West Van 8 Years