West Van. News (West Vancouver), 19 Apr 1929, p. 2

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001C972D THE EVEST VAN NEWS April 19, 1929. Ladies Sample Dresses We have a very fine range; no tivo alike'some with Organdie trim, SPECIAL PRICE .. ...$ 1.89 and $2.S9 each Q'ools, Embroideries, Hemsti tcliiiig, Novel ties, ATen's Furnishir)gs, Dry Goods &". ', l™i„"i 4'5:l 4'( 1".i„i~„i,'l5 j 410 AIarine Drive West 372 THE West Van Netvs Published Every Friday H. HODGSON and F.F.LOVEGROVE EVest 363 AVest 412L Publiahera Buaiaeaa and Editorial Office: 1361 Marine Drire Phone West 363 Mail Address P. O. Box 101, Hollyburn, B. C. CARD OF THANKS Mrs. E. Todd wishes to thank the many friends for their kind expressions of sympatny and beautiful tributes in her sad bereave- ment in the loss of a dearly beloved husband. Especial- ly would she thank the members of the Canadian Legion, West Vancouver branch, who acted as pall- bearers and who helped in the funeral arrangements. THE PASSING OI" W. H. TODD ~ ~ It falls to the lot of few men to earn such widespread esteem as that evidenced at the funeral of AV. H. Todd last wednesday, when about 250 of his friends gathered to pay their last respects. His passing is a loss to the district. His cheery greeting and his bright happy outlook on life had endeared him to a legion of friends. Mr. Todd divas a gentleman, a friend to all, considerate of all and desirous only of disseminating happiness and good feeling. He was not in the generally ac- cepted sense of the term a public man. He was rather a man for the public. Outside of his church he held no public office, but he wielded a strong influence nevertheless. Any man whose passing is so generally regretted has made a success of his life, for after all the traits which 5Ir. Todd exemplified are the ones which mean most to mankind. Consideration and sympathy, a smile and a helping hand. This was Billy Todd. His home life was a particularly happy and harmonious one, and his widow and two charming young daughters will have a wealth of happy memories of a husband and father. IVhen the poignancy of their sorrow has passed they will realise how fortunate they are in having such happy memories. The true test of any man is in his home and knowing him as we did fairly intimately, ive can sav that friend Todd was pure gold. The world is richer for such men as he. His was a successful life. )Villiam H. Todd, who was born in England, had been aresident of B. C. for over 20 years. He passed away at 3 o'lock last Monday morning in the Vancouver General Hospital. The funeral was held last wednesday, interment being in thereturned soldiers'lot at Capilano View cemetei~. He issurvived by his wife and two young daughters at the familyresidence 1929 Bellevue Avenue. Since 1 25 Mr. Todd had been employed by the Burrard Inlet Tunnel and Bridge Comp- any and was each day on duty at the Second Narrows Bridge. 31r. Todd was the first secretary of the local branch ofthe Great AVar Veterans'ssociation. During the war heserved as corporal in the 1st Canadian Supply Column. Atthe time of his enlistment he was a partner in the grocerybusiness subsequently purchased and since operated by C. B.Greenwood. At a still earlier time the late Mr. Todd operateda business at Dundarave at the location of the present )VilsonR ilIoore store. He had a host of friends in )Vest Vancouverwho extend their sincere sympathy to his widow and children.Funeral arrangements were in the hands of the CanadianLemon, EVest Vancouver Branch, and a good representationof his old comrades attended the last rites. The pall bearersall returned men, were Messrs. John Lawson, Claude Barrow,Jim Jefferies, Colin. Turner, D. McTavish and F. F. Lovegrove.Mrs. J. Durbin acted as organist at the funeral services andMr. Durbin, an old friend of the deceased, helped in arrang-ing transportation for the mourners. Mrs. Todd wishes to thank the friends for their ei~ressionsof sympathy and specially to thank the members of the WestVancouver Branch of the Canadian Legion and the many whoso willingly offered the use of their autos. The following list of wreaths and floral tributes may&nctbe complete. EVe endeavored to make the list complete butpossibly there may be some missed. EVife and family; Doreen and Audrev; The Canadian LegionWest Vancouver; the Officers and Members of the DuncanLawson Chapter, I.O.D.E.; Fellow-workers Second NarrowsBridge; Nora Barrow, and old Pals Chip and Gee; Mrs. Wini-fred B. Inman; Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Durbin and Joan; Mr. and&Irs. J. M. Hill, Mrs. Winifred M. MacKay; Mrs. E. HopeBacon; iAIiss Evah B. Bolton; Reeve and AIrs. Vinson; Mr.W. S. and James McIntyre; Captain and Mrs. Anderson; Mr.and Mrs. Harry Hodgson; Mrs. Pearl Rehberger; Mr. and Mrs.Jim Jefferies; The Misses Joy and Barbara Tristram; Mrs.B. McNeill; AIrs. Youla Murray; Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Baker;Mir. and Mrs. Geo. Hewitt; Mr. and Mrs. V. Eriksen; Mr. andAIrs. Frank Marsh; Mrs. A. Conant and Genevieve; Mr. andMrs. Harry Vince; Mr. Harry Farr; Captain and Mrs. Smith;The Cunningham Family; Mr. and Mrs. A. Thornfield. WEST VANCOU VER Christian Science Society CHURCH EDIFICE 20th and Esqui malt, Hollyb urn Sunday Services 11.30 a. m. and 7.30 p. m. Subject April 21st "DOCTRINE OF ATON EhlENT" Sunday School at 10.00 a. m. Testimony Meeting wednesdayat 8.15 p. m. Baptist Church Pastor: Arthur B. Schulte. Sunday School, 10 a. m. WTorning Service, 11 a. m, Evening Service, 7.16 p.m. Morning subject:-- "Why do men have different beliefs concerning the same Scriptural truths?" Evening subject:-- "Can young women who were going to the wedding." F ESTIVAL OPENING iVEDNESDAY, 5IAY 1ST While the competitions in the B. C. Musical Festival start on Tuesday, April 30th, the official opening takes place at 8 p. m on Wednesday, May 1st in the AVes- ley Church auditorium. The speakers on that occasion will be His )Vorship Mayor 4V. H. Mal- kin, the most Rev. Archbishop dePencier, D.D., O. B. E., and E. S. H. AVinn, K.C., chairman of the festival. The competition for large choral societies will be held on Saturday evening, 4th May, in the Horticultural auditoiium, Hastings Park, when the West Vancouver Choral Society will be on hand to defend the shield of ivhich they are now the holders. The Ladies Choirs'ompetition takes place in the wesley Church auditorium on the following )Vednesday evening, 8th STay, lvhen the West Vancouver Ladies Choir and the Dundarave Ladies Choir will be seen in action. HOLLYBURN HALL 1 $ th and Duchess SUNDAY, at 7.30 Come and hear HARVEY and ALEXANDER Speak. Mrs James Clelland n giftedsinter wi]i sing. Do not miss th&s treat Everybody welcome. No col- lection, St. Stephen's Church Easter 3 (April 21st). 8 a. m.--Holy Communion. 10 a.m.--Sunday School and Bible Class. 11.15 a. m.--Morning Prayer. 4.30 p. m.--Confirmation Class 7.16 p. m.--Evensong. There is Divine service at St.Francis'hurch, Caulfeild, at 3 p. m. Monday evening at 8.15 o'lock there will be a lecture on Astron- omy in the Parish Hall given bythe rector under the auspices of the A. Y. P. A. to which all are invited. This lecture is based on Dr. Chant's recent book in popu- lar astronomy "The Wonders of the Universe" and is illustrated with some fifty very excellent lantern slides. In connection with the Jubilee of the diocese which is being kept this year there will be a banquet of the Church Tuesday evening next at the Hotel Van- ccuver at which the guest of honor and principal speaker will be His Excellency Lord Willing- don. Tickets may be had at the Synod Office or the Georgia Pharmacy. The working bee on the pro- posed recreation ground, post- poned last Saturday on account of the rain, will be held tomor- row (Saturday) weather permit- ting, in the afternoon. The Bible Class will meet Tuesday at ." p. m. in the Choir Vestry. VOTE FOR THE BY-LAWS Our Ice Machine is no~v running. AVe are ready to supplv large or small quantities of Ice. 'S'Continued from Page 1) roads. Our main artery, Marine Drive, will be in first classshape when the present extension and widening scheme hasbeen completed. That was, of course, absolutely imperativein order that our residents might be able to reach the side-roads on which most of them have their homes. The timehas now come to put in order a number of these sideroadswhich require attention and in the present scheme is includedKeith Road, our second arterial highway, concerning the poorcondition of which there is no diversity of opinion. One fact must always be remembered as regards anydistrict like West Vancouver, which is a suburb of a bigcity, namely that it must be prepared to provide all up-to-datelocal improvements BEFORE it can attract city residents inany appreciable numbers to settle within its borders. This istrue from the Atlantic to the Pacific on both sides of theinternational boundary. The reason is, of course, that thosewho live in large cities and who are accustomed therefore, toall the latest conveniences, will not move to any suburb whichhas not ALREADY all those conveniences for their comfoit.Given those improvements, the limit of the growth ofsuch a suburb is the limit of the growth of the city adjacentto it, and, failing those improvements, the city residents staysin the city or settles in a suburb which is willing to pay theprice. That in a nutshell is the situation which confronts usin AVest Vancouver. Are we willing to pay the price for a largeand continued exodus into our borders of Vancouver residents? EVe have the climate and the natural situation, but the peoplewill most assuredly go elsewhere if we are not prepared togive them the conveniences oi Vancouver. ~est Vancoaaver Bible hool Ambleaide IIall, arine at 14th NEXT SUNDAY at 3 I M. Leader MR. PERCY KING Subject Next Sunday "1'he Old and the New Covenant." United Church Sunday School 10 a. m. Morning Service 11.16 a. m. Evening Service 7.16 p. m. St. Anthony's Church Pastor--Rev Father Kelly Sunday--Mass, 8.30 a. m. High Mass, 10.30 a.m. Benediction, 7.30 p. m. Week Days--Mass 8 a. m. GOOD BREAD is always enjoyable EVERYBODY LIKES "STRATTON'S BREAD" There's a reasonl It's pure and wholesome. You get full value when you buy our Bread, Rolls and Past- ries. I'HONE iVEST 27 And our Dehvery man will call STRATTON'S BAKERY Jimmy Thomson' TRANSFER Daily Trips to and from City. Moving Baggage a Specialty. PHONE WEST 110 FOR Coal aad %Vood Prompt Delivery'. HOLLYBURN Barber Shop 15th E: Marine EXPERT SERVICE E. MARSH, Proprietor pr t' ~ ' ' ' ~ 'i Q p :iA'( May 12th Give her your PHOTOGRAPH It would mean as much to Mother as Mother' photog"aph means to you. Photographs become more precious with each passing year. Make an appointment to- day. THE Eing Studio V. V. VINSON, Prop. 311 Hastings St., &V., Phone Seymour 1046 Rev. Richmond Craig will ex- change pulpits with Dr J S Henderson for both services next Sunday. ~ ~ E ~ M ~ ~ W ~ a