001C9723 April 12, 1929. THE 4VEST VAY NEWS WEST VANCOU VER WATER ii ORKS CONSTRUCTION, RE- CON STR UCTION AN D EXT EN- SION hlONEY BY-LAW .io. IOS, 1929. A Iky-Law authorizing the construc- tion. re-construction and or extension of the consolidated water works s)'- tems of the Corporation of the District of West Vancouver and to raise by way of Joan the sum oF One Hundred Sixty Thousand Dollars ($ 160,000.00) tn be paid Fur such work. IVHFREAS by an Act of the Legis- lature of thc I'rovince of British Col- umbia the various water systems of the Corporation have bean consolidat- ed into one system. AND WIIEREAS it is deemed ad- visable to increase the amount of water available for use of the inhabi- tants nf th«Corporation by the in- stallation of new and larger mains connected with the mains of "Greater Vancouver IVat»r District" and new and larger mains from Cypress Creek. AND WHEREAS it is necessary to replace certain water mains and to construct certain extensions. AND AVHEREAS the provisional ccnsent of the Provincial Board ot Health has been duly obtained pursu ant to Section 2J of the "Health Act" b.=ing Chapter 102 of the Revised Stat- utes of British Columbia, 19'1. AND WHEREAS the estimated cost uf such work is One Hundred Sixty Thousand Dollars ($ 160,000.00). AND WHEREAS the sum of One Iiundred Sixty Thousand Dollars ($ 160,000.00) is the debt intended to be created by tliis By-law. AND WII EREAS it is necessary that the money to be raised hereunder be raised upon the credit of the said Corporation. AND IVHEREAS the Council of the said Corporation has authorized the submission of this By-law to the E!ec- tors. AND WHEREAS it would be nec- essary to raise annually by special rate the sum of Two Thousand Eight Hundred Sixty-four Dollars ($2,864.- 0(t) principal iind the sum of Eight Thousand Dollars ($8,000.00) interest, making together the total amount annually of Ten Thousand Eight Hun- dred Sixty-four Dollars ($ 10,864.00) fur the term of thirty years (30) for tho payment of said loan and interest thereon as hereinafter mentioned. AND WHEREAS the Assessed value of the whole land of the said Corpora- tion, according to the last revised As- s«ssment Roll amounts to Four Million Ninety-nine Thousand One Hundred Forty-six ($4,09iJ,146.00) and the as- sessed value of the iniprovements a- mounts to Three hiillion Two Hundred Forty Thousand Four Hundred Dol- lars ($3,240,400,00) making together a total ot Seven hIillion Three Hund- red Thirty-nine Thousand Five Hund- red Forty-six Dollars ($7,339,546.00). AND WHEREAS the value of the whole rateable land of the said Corpor- ation. according to the last revised Assessment Roll amounts to Three iht ill ion One H undred Forty-nine Thousand Four Hundred Seventy- seven Dollars ($3,149,477.00) and the improvements amount to Three Mil- lion Fifteen Thousand Fifteen Dollars ($3,015,015.00) making together a total of Six Million One Hundred Sixty-four Thousand Four Hundred Ninety-two Dollars ($6,16-1,492.00). AND WHEREAS to provide for the payment of interest and the creation of a sinking fund for the payment of th» said principal sum of One Hundred Sixty Thousand Dollars ($ 160,000.00) it would be necessary to levy a special rute sufficient to raise the sum of Ten Thousand Eight Hundred Sixty- fuur Dollars ($ 10,864.00) the amount to be calculate&1 annually on the whole of rateable land or lands and improve- ments of the Corporation. NOW THERFFORE the Reeve and Cnuncil of the Corporation of the Dis- trict of IVest Vancouver in open meet- ing assembled enact as follows:-- (1) The Council of the Corpora- tion of the District of IVest Vancouver is hereby empowered and authorized tn construct, re-construct, and or ex- tend the consolidated water works system as before detailed in this By- law and to Jo all things necessary in connection with the said work. (2) It shall be lawful for the Ifeeve of the said Corporation and the Clerk of the Council, for the purposes aforesaid to borrow or raise by way of loan from any person or persons, body or bodies corporate, who may be willing to advance the same upon the credit of the debentures (hereinafter mentioned) of the said Corporation a sum uf money not exceeding in the whole the sum of One Hundred Sixty Thousand Dollars ($ 160,000.00) and to cause the same to be placed in the I&o&al Bank of Canada nt IVest Van- couver, British Columbia. to the credit of the said Corporation tor the pur- poses above recited, and the debentur ee uf the said Corporation to the a- mount of One Hundred Sixty Thous- and Dollars ($ 160,000.00) in the whole may be issued by the said Reeve and Clerk in accordance with the "hiuni- cipn! Act" in sums as may be required of not l«ss thnn One Hundreil Dollars ($ 100.0U) each. Each debenture shall be signed by the Iteeve and Clerk and the ('lerk shall attach thereto the Cor- porate seal of the said Corporation. The said debentures shall be dated the 1st day of May, 19"9, and shall bear interest at the rate of five per ~ent (5".i) per annum, payable on the 1st day of May and the 1st day of November in each and every year dur- ing the currency of the said debentur- es or any of them, and the principal of the said debentures or any of them shall be payable on the 1st day of May, 1959. There shall be attached to each of the said debentures coup- ons signed by the Reeve and Clerk for each and every payment of interest that may becnme due, and such signa- ture& may be either printed, written or lithographed. (3) The said debentures shall be expressed to be payable in lawful money of Canada. (4) The said debentures as to principal and Interest shall be pay- able at any branch of the Royal Bank of Canada in Canada at the holder's option by the Corporation. (5) There shall be raised and levied annually by special rate suf- ficent therefor upon all rateable land or lands and improvements of the Corporation the sum ot Two Thousand Eight Iiundred Sixty-f'our Dollars ($2@6I.OO) for the purpose of form- ing a sinking fund tor the payment of the said debentures and the sum of Eight Thousand Dollars ($9,000.00) for the pa&mint of interest at the rate aforesaid, to become due on such debentures during the currency there- of (being the equal annual special rate of three decimal forty-five (3.45) mi'ls on the dollar of the present land valuation) or such further or other ri te as shall be sufficient for the said purpose, the same to be in ad- dItion to all rates to be levied and created in the said Corporation during the whole currency of said debentures or any ot them. (6) This By-law may be cited for all purposes as "WEST VANCOUVER WATER WORKS CONSTRUCTION, RECONSTRUCTION AiVD EXTEN- SION MON EY BY-LAiV No. 408,19'9." PASSFD BY THE COUNCIL on the 8th day ot April, 19"9, I(ECEIV- ED the ass;nt of the Electors at the Election for that purpose on the day of 19 '9. RE-CONSIDERED and finally ADOPTED by the Council, SIGNED by the Reeve and Clerk and SEALED with the Corporate Seal of the said Corporation. all on the day of A.D. 1929. at ~ Seal of the Corporation be affixed thereto by the Clerk. (3) This by-law shall be cited tor all purposes as "WEST VAiNCOUVER --'GREATER VANCOUVER WATER DISTRICT' BY-LA W No. 410. 1929." PASSED by the Council on the 8th day of April, 1929. RECEIVED the assent ot the Electors at the Election for that purpose on the day of 19"'.i. RE-CONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED by the Council, SIGNED by the Reeve and clerk and SEALED with the Corpor- ate Seal of thi said Corporation, all on the day of A.D. 19~~. Reeve. Clerk. SCIIEDUI.E "A" TO THE BY-LAW Reeve. Clerk. TAKE NOTICE that the above is a true copy of the pro"osed By-law ul on which the vote of the hIunici- pnlity will be taken at the New Am- bleside Hall, ccrner of 14th Street and hIarine Drive, Ambleside, ~Vest Vancouver, B. C., on IVednesda&., the 2.ith day of April, 1929,&between the hours of 8 a. m. and 8 p.m. (Signed) JAhIES OLLASON. Municipal Clerk. COI(l'01(ATION OF TII E DISTRICT OF WEST VANCOUVER Notice to Electors PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby giv n that the vote of the Electors qualify- ing on property situate within the Municipality will be taken at the New Amb!eside Hall, corner of 14th Street and Marine Drive, West Vancouver, B. C., on wednesday, the 2-1th day of April, 1929, between the hours of 8 a. m. and 8 p. m., on "KVest Vancouver Waterworks Construction, Re-Con- struction and Extension hIoney By- law No. 108. 1929," and that Jas. Ollason has been appointed Returning Officer to take the votes of such electors with the usual powers in that behalf. (Signed) V. V, VINSON, Reeve. (Signed) JAS. OLLASON, Clerk. %EST VANCOUVEII "CltEATElt VAiVCOUVER IVATER DISTI&ICT" --IIY-LAiV No. 410, 1929. IVHEREAS it is deemed advisable that the Corporation of the District of West Vancouver bc. added to and form a part of Greater Vancouver Water District. AND WHERAS the Agreement set forth in Schedule "A" to this By-Iaw has been approved by the Council of the Corporation of the District of West Vancouver and the Administra- tion Board constituted under the Greater Vancouver IVater District Act subject to the iissent of the Electors of the Corporation of the District of9'«st Vancouver. NOIV THEREFORE the Reeve and Council of the (.orporation of the Dis- trict of IVcst Vancouver in open meet- irg assembled «nact as follows:-- (1) The Corporation ot the District of West Vancouver shall from and aft- e» the execution of the agreement set furth in Sch«dule "A" to this By-law by the parties thereto be acMed to and form a part of Greater Vancouver Water District. (2) The a)weement set forth in Schedule "A" to the By-law is hereby approved and the same shall be ex- ecuted on behalf of the Corporation by the Rcmove and Clerk and the Corpor- The Corporute Seal of the Greater Vancouver IVater District has been hereunto affixed in the presence ot'he Corporate seal of Corporation ot the District of IVest Vancouver has been hereunto affixed in the presence of: TAKE NOTICE that the above is a true copy of the proposed By-Law and Agreement upon which the vote of the hiunicipality will be taken at the New Amb!eside Hall. corner of 14th Street and Marine Drive, Amble- THIS AGRF.EMENT made the 1stda)'f May in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and twenty-nine: BFTWEEN: GREATER VANCOUVER WATER DISTRICT (hereinafter called the "Corporation" of the FIRST PART: AiVD CORPORATION OF THE DIST- RICT OF IVEST VANCOUVER, (h«reinafter called the "hiunicipal- ity" nf the SECOND PART: WHEREAS under and by virtue of the "Greater Vancouver Water Dis- trict Act," being Chapter 22 of the Statutes of British Columbia, 1924, th«re has been created and constituted a body corporate and politic under the name of the "Greater Vancouver IVat- c.r District," with the objects. powers and modes of manag"ment set fourth in that "ACT": AND IVHEREAS under the Powers contained in section 82 of the said "Act'„ the Municipality has applied to the Corporation to b: added to the Greater Vancouver Water District, upon such terms and conditions as may be mutually agreed upon between the Corporation and the Municipality: NOiV THIS IN DENTU RE WIT- NESSETHH that in pursuance of und in consideration of the premises iind the mutual covenants and agreements of the parties l.ereto hereinafter con- tained, IT IS AGREED by and be- twe"n the parties hereto as follows:-- 1. The hlunicipality shall, from and after the execution of this Agreement, be added to and form a part of the Greater Vancouver AVater District. 2. The Corporation shall furnish from its supply lines and at such point or points on such supply lines as shall be mutually agreeable to the parties hereto, and at the h ad or pressure due to the elevation of its intakes, now constructed or which may bc hereafter constructed at any time, an adequate supply of water in bulk to the Municipality to satisfy its needs for water for all purposes, in so far as such supply of water can be sup- plied from time to time from exist- ing or future intakes, and such water shall be so supplied in bulk at the some rate per unit in volume as water supplied by the Corporation to the Corporation of the City of Vancouver: Provided and it is understood and agreed that in the case of a break- down of thei system or any of the works of the plant of the Corporation, due to accident or otherwise, or in the event of conditions arising where- by an emergency is created, the Corp- oration, through its Administration Board, shall have absolute authority and power to apportion the quantity oi water which shall be distributed to or received by the hlunicipality irre- spective of any obligation imposed by the said "Greater Vancouver Water District Act," or any Contracts or Agreements (including these pres- ents) and to supply quantities differ- ent f'rom those fixed by the Corpora- tion through it3 Administration Board in such emergency. 3. The hiunicipality shall obtain from the Lieutenant-Governor-in- Council in the Province of British Col- umbia authority to transfer or assign and shall transfer or assign to the Corporation all its right, title or inter- est in and to an application for a water-license to take and use water from Capilano River at a point below the present intake of the Corporation, to an amount up to 250 miners'nches, which said application bears date th» Ith day of September, 1913, and is numbered 10636. IN IVITNESS IVHEREOF the re- s,".ective corporate seals of the parties hereto have been hereunto affixed by the hands of their proper officers the day and year tirst above written. I I YOU INTFV D TO BUILD or Want your house altered or repaired. phone Colin Turner, builder, 13th and Haywood, KVest 679R. &IODEI4N ELECTRIC WIRING of all kinds. See us far Radio Sets, Sup- plies, Ae rills. Largest on North Shore. North Shore Electric and Radio Stores-- 1540 Lonsdale Ave. North Vancouver. Phone North 79. LOST--Airedale Dog on ~londay 1st. Answers ',o "Sandy." Reward. Barkc r, 30th and hlarine. West 196 L3. FOIL SALE--Ciramaphone, Upright Model, oak cabinet. Beautiful tone.Forty records. Phone IVest 367Ror apply PA'.) 20th Street. COW hl AN U ItE -- Big Load $ 4.00.Phone West 17. A I L h I VDS of Pot and BeddingPlants. Se& Potatoes, etc. Hobb Coal 4 Transfer. Phone SVest 17. I'LYSIOUTII BARICED ROCK EGGS for setting. Phone West 649R orcall 1428 Esquimalt. FOIE I'I-UhIBING ICEPAIRS--Phone 4Vest 241R. AISLE YOU hIOVINGT --See us first and save. We sell all kinds of Build- ing hiaterials. Soil for filling. Hobb Coal ift, Transfer. West 17. GARDEV HARROWS--Strong, Light, Painted, price $5.00, delivered sub- ject to approval. Phone North 364R GARDENS DESIGNED, Laid Out aad hIaintained. Rock Gardens, Lily and Ornamental Pools, La~ns, Rustic work, Fencing, Concrete Paths, Drives, etc., Pruning and Spraying, Landscape and General Gardening R. J. Kyte, Phone AVest 172X1. IIome Fare A man with a wedding ring strolled up to the fountain. "Bacon sandwich, sir'3" suggested the dispenser. "No thanks; I had that this morn- ing." "IVell, then, tongue, sirT" "No thanks; I'l have that tonight." Doctor -- "Have you taken every precaution to prevent the spread of contagion in your fam- fly " Rastusw -- "Absolutely, doc- tah. We'e done bought a sani- tary cup, an'e all drink from it." Safety First They were a young married couple. John for days and days had been trying to teach his nervous little wite how to drive his new car. One fair afternoon they were out c.n a narrow little country road with the car and wifey managed to drive along nicely for a short distance. Suddenly, at the sight of a large tree looming up on the side of the road, she exclaimed: "John, you take the car! Here comes a tree!" Little Town Girl (who has spent day in country for first time, having hitherto only play- ed in parks) -- "Daddy, what time do they shut the country up 'P side, West Vancouver, B. C., on Wed- nesday, the 24th day of April, 1929, between the bnurs of 8 a. m. and 8 p.m. (Signed) JAMES OLLASON, hiunicipal Clerk. FOR RENT OR SALE -- House on KVaterfront at Altamont. ApplyLeyland, West 63R1. FOR SAL~ix hole h itchen Range Phone Wes& 2R0Y. FOR RFVT--Cottage. 5 minutes from Ferry. $ 12.00. Phone West 621L. C. Nesbitt, 1 71 Clyde. F014 SALE--Twin Elto. Good order, $86. Ed Black. West GH. FOR REVT--Bright four room flat. Bathroom. open fireplace: above B. C. Electric Store. Apply J. T. Watt. West 101. LOST--Mackina» Coat. Iaglewood Avenue. Last Saturday. Please re- turn to Ed Black. West Van Trans- fer. FOIC SALE--)Ian's Bicycle, also com- plete brass bed; clean; and small Buffet. Phnne West 498Y. STRAYED--Black tom cat with collar and belt attached. Finder please phone West 656L SCHIVEPPES LEMONADE, CAiN- ADA DRY GINGERALE and all the Good Brands of Cigars at The Ambleside Tea Rooms. SE~~ ING WANTED -- Ladies'ad Children's work. Mrs. Bloxham, Phoae West 226. WEBB S SHOE REPAIRS WEAR BEST--Duadarave. NEWMAN dk ROBBINS Contractors, Builders, Painting Pap- erhanging, Alterations aad Repairs. Promptly Executed. House Phone West 74R1. FOUNDATION AND CEhlFVT Work Landscaping, Lawns, Fenciag, Drains, Rock Walls, Clearing, Grad- ing, Septic Tanks. T. Barnott, West 672R. HEMSTITCHING--Plain.. white.. Sc yard; sUk and colored 10c yard.Pearce's Drygoods, 14th Street and Marine. Phone West 144. R. P. Clark C.. Co. (Vancouver) Ltd. $2250, Terms -- Com Fortable Home; Convenient location; living room and sun room with fireplace. Two Bedrooms; Kitchen and Scullery. Full Plumbing. Attic. Well im- proved garden. This is a snap bar- gain. Consult us for Alberta Oil Stocks and B C Mining Stocks R. P. CI ARE 4 CO.. LTD. 790 Dunsmuir St. Seymour 7484 Local Representative C. J. ARCHER, AVest 2H. ALTAMONT D.L. 556 Block 97--Nine Tenths of an Acre ..............$400 Block 104--Over 4 of an Acre with 275 Ft. Front age, Facing South Block 64--Nine Tenths of an Acre, 4 Block from Marine Drive. just ott 9th Street. $600 Small Cash Payments and easy terms on all the above. IVHITAEER 4 WHITAKER 942 IVest Vender St. VANCOUVEI4 B CORI'014ATION OF THE DISTItICT OF iVEST VANCOUVER Notice to Electors PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that the vote of the Electors qualify- ing on property situate within the hiunicipality, will be taken at the iNew Ambleside Hall, corner of 14th Street and ihIarine Drive, West Vancouver, B. C,, on Wednesday. the 24th day of April, 1929, between the hours of 8 a. m. and 8 p. m. on "IVest Vancouver Greater Vancouver Water District By- law No. 410, 19"9" and Agreement thereto annexed," and that Jas. Olla- son has been «ppointed Returning Ot- ficer to take the votes of such electors with the usual powers in that behalf. (Signed) V. V. VINSON, Reeve. (Signed) JAS. OLLASON, Clerk. , . Q1..See 5 Room ~lodera House. very large lot. All in garden., $4600, terms. Room Cottage. Large cleared lot. $2100, terms. 5 Room hlodern. $2650, terms. 5 Room hiod rn. $4500, terms. 4 Room Cottage. $3000, terms. IVe have inspected these and can recommend them. We have some specially good buys in Naterfront Property. GEO. HA.Y Notary Public Fire lasurance -- hIoaey to Loan 1405 Xariae Drive Office Phone IVast 21 or Sey. 1260 Residence Phoae lV. MR or IV. 04X CLASSIFIED ADS