001C9723 THE WEST VAN NEWS April 12, 1929. The Oldest Profession Personals Mr. and AIrs. Colin McLean are moving this week from 21st aiid Bellevue to 19th and Marine Drive. Even in the days when ihloses was tending the flocks of hia father- in-law at the foot of hiount Horeb, there was in existence a collection of formulas (preserved in what is now known as the Ebers Papyrus), calling for many drugs in comnioa use today. Pharmacy has been referred to as the oldest profession, as in those early days the pharmacist was the physician, the chemist, and the botanist as well. In these days of specialization, the professions of hledicine and Pharmacy are still dosely allied. It is the special province of the physici- an to diagnose disease and to prescribe for it. The pharmacist must have an intimate knowledge of all the modern agents which the physician prescribes, a knowledge which he can only gain through long years of education and training. But in order to make a living the druggist must sell merchandise as well as professional service. Only the neighborhood which shows an appreciation of this fact can hope to support a drug-store with a ivell-equipped prescription department, ready for service when sickness comes. II 51rs. E. Anderson, a former resident of West Vancouver, who left here last summer to visit a sister in Athabasca, is now stay- ing&in Edmonton. A daughter was born on Sun- day at Grace Hospital, Vancou- ver, to Nr. and Nrs. H. P. Allen, 1204iKeith Road. A basketball tournament has been arranged to take place to- night in the Inglewood School auditorium. The three games played willibe between the local high school boys and the North Vancouver high schqol boys, the girls'eams of these two schools, and the local bantams with the King George bantams, the latter being the city champions. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Britton, 23rd and Jefferson, have had an addition to the family, a son hav- ing been born to them last Tues- day at the Vancouver General Hospital. Pitman Business College Vancourer's Leading Business College. INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL FOUR NIGHTS EACH AVEEK Students may enrol at any time 422 RICHARDS STREET (At Hastings) PHONE SEYhlOUR 9135 School Trustees DIVINE SERVICE TO BE HELD AT CAPILANO SCHOOL FURNACE REPAIRS Anything in Sheet Metal Furnaces, Stoves, Gutters, Cornice, Skylights The officers of St. Stephen s Church wrote the Board of School Trustees requesting use of the Capilano School on the second and fourth Sundays of each month for the purpose of holding Divine service in the aft- emoon. Permission was given until the end of the present year when, if a renewal is desired, an- other application must be made. J Dunn of Kamloops is a guest at the Clachan Hotel. Nr. Loucks of Le Pas, Mani- toba, is having a new house built «t 30th and Mathers, Mr. and Mrs. O. Bibbs have nioved from Travers Avenue, West Bay, to a house at 20th and Gordon. Mrs. Smith, 15th and Fulton, is confined to her bed as the re- sult of an accident on Friday, when, it is said, she was struck on the leg by a loose plank on a wooden sidewalk on which she was walking. Percy Andrews, 1766 Fulton Street, has just 1earnt that an aunt in London, England, who recently died,has left him a sub- stancial legacy. Mr. Andrews is thinking of making a trip to England shortly in connection with the matter. Mr. and Nrs. V. Eriksen have moved from Radcliff Avenue to Travers Ave., West Bay. A. Peterson. of Holden, Alber- ta, has purchased the King house at 1055 Duchess Avenue, and is taking . possession next week. Miss Mabel Dutton was last week appointed by the Graduate Nurses'ssociation. of B. C. as their delegate at the internatioal convention of nurses, which will be held this summer in Mont- real. Burrard Sheet Metal 229 Lonsdale Ave, North Vancouver Phone North 345 Res. North 91SY and 1214Y Tiiz BURRARD JIII).K .4;)8 DO NOT AVISH JOINT SCHOOL NURSE i FML FQQH - o AS A DAisV .-- &l~ c ~O ~ ha FRESH AS A OAlSY 1S THE, wav-- -. WE, LAUNDER CLDTHE5 ~ p'RoH @AY To QAV.' ",le )urrarI .aumry Limite4 For People Who Aro Particular THIRD ST. and ST. DAVIDS North Vancouver Phone North 1310. )Vest Van. Represen(ative F. RIVERS Phone West 410L At their meeting on March 28th the Board of School Trus- tees after receiving a report from the Secretary giving information as to the duties carried out by school nurses and from Dr. Nash medical health officer with re- gard to the proposal, decided to advise the North Shore Trustees that "this board is not at the present time in favor of the ap- pointment of a school nurse who would be employed jointly be- tween this board and that of North Vancouver District." SCHOOL TRUSTEES ATTEND EDUCATIONAL CONGRESS School Trustees Mrs. Robinson and Mrs. Selwood are attending the sessions of the educational congress, being held in Vancou- ver all this week, as representa- tives of the West Vancouver Board of School Trustees. HARRON BROS. R WILLIAMSON funeral Birertars ARCHERY CLUB )VILL MEETNorth Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 The West Vancouver Archery Club will hold a meeting next Tuesday at 4 p.m. in Dr. Vass'ffice,Marine Drive, Ambleside. An invitation is extended to those interested in archery to be present. 0 i A bush fire broke out on Fri- day afternoon near St. Francis'hurch, Caulfeild, as the result of burning refuse. The fire bri- gade,turned out and using the Caulfeild equipment and some of their own soon had the blaze out. 0 0 The bush which lined the east and north sides of the Hollyburn school playground has been clear- ed and the ground graded, thus increasing considerably the area available for the children to play on. I 0-0 F. TO HOLD OPEN IIIEETING A good representation of mern bers attended the meeting held bv Bro. J. G. NcLaren D.D.G.N., and Bro. J. T. NcDonald, Grand Master, in Ambleside Hall last Monday night with the object of forming an I.O.O.F. lodge in West Vancouver. Arrangements were made to hold an open meet- ing on Tuesday evening, 23rd April, in Ambleside Hall ~ An announcement regarding this meeting will be made later. Any members of the order resident in West Vancouver are requested to phone W. G. Caslor, West 154L or D. S. Heaslip, West 170R. ft's only logical to look to the "Dairy with the Highest Score" for a still higher standard of purity. iVEST VANCOUVER ROAD RE- CONSTRUCTION hIONEY BY-LAiV No. 409, 1929. A By-Law authorizing the re-con- struction and or clearing, grading, straightening and widening of certain roads within the Corporation of the District .of IVest Vancouver, and to enable the Corporation of the District of AVest Vancouver to raise, by way of loan, the sum of Ffty Thousand ($50,000.00) Dollars to pay for such work. 9 Quarts $1.00 For Safety's Sake Phone North 1%X SVe are the Sole Distributors of "Brookbank's Certified hl ilk" "The onlp Certified Milk produced in British Columbia" Miss Peggv Glen, daughter of Captain and Mrs. Glen, has now returned home after having und- ergone an operation at Vancou- ver Hospital. WHEREAS it is deemed expedient and necessary that the said Corpora- tion should re-construct and or clear, grade, straighten and widen as may be II LESAGE DRUG STORE '„"~,'23 G. E. REED, 5Ianager Pew Building--Corner hlarine and 14th. FAST DELIVERY NO ORDER IS TOO SMALL ada in Canada, at the holder's option by the Corporation. (6) There shrill be raised and levied annually by special rate sufficient therefor upon all rateable lands or lands and improvements of the Corp- oration the sum of One Thousand Two Ilundred Five Dollars ($ 1,206.00) for the purpose of forming n sinking fund for the payment of the said debent- ures, and the sum of Two Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($2,600.00) for the payment of interest at the rate aforesaid, to become due on such de- bentures during the currency thereof (being the equal annual rate of one decimal eighieen (1.18) mills on the dollar of the present land valuation) oi such further or other rate as shall be sufficient for the said purpose, the same to be in addition to all rates to be levied and created in the said Corp- oration during the whole currency of the said debentures or any of them. (6) This By-law may be cited for t ll purposes as "WEST VANCOUVER ROAD RE-CONSTRUCTION MONEY BY-LAiV, No. 409, 1929." (7) This By-law shall come into force and take effect on the 1st day of May A.D. 1929. PASSED BY THE COUNCIL on the 8th day of April A.D. 1929. RE- CEIVED the assent of the Electorate at the Election for that purpose on the day of 1929. RE-CON- SIDERED and finally ADOPTED by the Council, SIGNED by the Reeve and Clerk and SEALED with Corpor- ate Seal of the said Corporation all on the day of A.D.1929. Reeve. Clerk. SCH EDU LE "A" OF TH E BY-LAAV Roads to be Cleared and Rough Graded: 12th Street from Keith Road to Esqui- malt. Haywood Avenue from 13th Street to 14th Street. Lane D. L. 237-14 from Marine Drive to 14th Street. Fulton Avenue from 13th Street to 14th Street. 16th Street from Fulton to Inglewood Avenue. EIaywood Avenue from 26th Street to 27th Street. Lawson Avenue from 23rd Street to 24th Street. Luwson Avenue from 25th Street to 26th Street. Lawson Avenue from 27th Street East- ward approximately Three hundred fifty (350 ft.) feet. King's Avenue from 25th Street to 26th Street. Palmerston Avenue from 29th Street to Procter Street. Rose Crescent Sr, Sherman Street from Marine Drive to Marine Drive. Piccadilly from D. L. 811/1240-6-1 to Forest Lan . Forest Lane from Piccadilly to D. L. 811/1240-13-1. Creery Avenue (portion). Park Lane from Marine Drive to Bear Lane. Roads to be Pared Keith Road from Capilano Bridge to 3rd Street. 11th Street frcm Marine Drive to Duchess Avenue. Clyde Avenue from 14th Street to Keith Road. 14th Street from Inglewood Avenue toKing's Avenue. Esquimalt Avenue from 20th Street to Marine Drive. 21st Street from Esquimalt Avenue to Fulton Avenue. Bellevue from 23rd Street to Block C of District Lot 554, N. AV. Pt. King's Avenue from 23rd Street to 24th Street. Bellevue Avenue from 24th Street to 26th Street. Reeve. Clerk. TAKE NOTICE that the above is a true copy of the nroposed By-law upon which the vote of the hIunici- Fality will be taken at the New Amye- slde Hall corner of 14th Street and Marine Drive Ambleside West Van couver B C on Wednesday the 24t day of'April', 1929, between'the hours of S a. m. and 8 p. m. (Signed ) JAhIES OLI,ASON Municipal Clerk. CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF IVEST VANCOUVER Notice to Electors PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that the vote of the Electors qualify ing on property situate ~vithin Municipality will be taken at the New Ambleside Hall, corner of 14th Street and Marine Drive, West Vancouver, B. C., on Wednesday, the 24th day of April, 1929, between the hours of 8 a. m. and 8 p. m., on "West Vancouver Road Reconstruction Money By-law No. 409, 1929," and that Jas. Ollason has been appointed Returning Officer to take the votes of such electors with the usual powers in that behalf. (Signed) V. V. VINSON, Reeve. (Signed) JAS. OLLASON, Clerk. deemed advisable by the Council of the Corporation of the District of IVest Vancouver, the roads set forth in Schedule "A" to this By-law. AND IVHEREAS the estimated costs of such ur dertuking is the sum of Fifty Thousand ($60,000.00) Dol- lars. AND IVHEREAS the sum of Fifty Thousand ($60,000.00) Dollars is the amount of the debt intended to becieated by this By-law. AND WH EREAS it is necessarythat the money to be raised hereunder be raised upon the credit of the said Corporation. AND WHEREAS the Council of the said Corporation has authorized the submission of this By-law to the elec- tors. AND AVHEREAS it would be nec- essary to rai~e annually by specialrate the sum of One Thousand Two 1-Iundred Five Dollars ($ 1,206.00) prin- cipal and the siim of Tivo Thousand Five Hundred ($2,600.00) Dollars int- erest, making together the total a- mount annually of Three Thousand Seven Hundreil Five Dollars ($3,705.- 00) for the term of Twenty-five (25) years for the payment of the said 1nan and interest thereon as herein- before mentioned. AND WHEREAS the assessed value of the whole land of the said Corpor- ation, according to the last revised assessment roll, amounts to Four Mil- lion, Ninety-nine Thousand One Hund- red and Forty-six ($4,099,146.00), and the assessed value of the improve- ments amount to Three Million Two Hundred Forty Thousand Four Hund- red Dollars ($3,240,400.00), making together a total of Seven Million Three Hundred Thirty-nine Thousand Five Hundred Forty-six Dollars ($7,339,- 546.00). AND WHEREAS the value of the whole rateable land of the said Cor- poration, according to the last revised Assessment Roll, amounts to Three Million One Hundred Forty-nine Thousand Four Hundred Seventy-sev- en Dollars ($3,149,477.00) and the im- provements to Three Million Fifteen Thousand Fifteen Dollars ($3,016,016.- 00) making together a total of Six Million One Hundred Sixty-four Thousand Four Hundred Ninety-two ($6,164,492.00) Dollars. AND WHEREAS to provide for the payment of interest and the creation of a sinking fund for the payment of the said principal sum of Fifty Thous- and ($60,000.00) Dollars it would be necessary to levy a special rate suf- ficient to raise the sum of Three Thousand Seven Hundred Five Dollars ($3,705.00) the amount to be calculat- ed annually on the whole of the rate- able lands or lands and improvements of the Corporation. NOIV THEREFORE the Reeve and Council of the Corporation of the Dis- trict of Wast Vancouver in open meet- ing assembled enact as follows:-- (1) The Council of the Corpora- tion of the District of West Vancouver is hereby authorized and empowered to re-construct and or clear, grade, straighten and widen, as may be deemed advisable those roads within the Corporation set forth and describ- ed in Schedule "A" to this By-law. And the said Corporation is hereby empowered and authorized to do all things necessary to this end including inter alia but so as not to restrict the generality of the foregoing, payment of costs of and incidental to this By- law, legal, engineering and supervision expenses. (2) It shall be lawful for the Reeve of the said Corporation and the Clerk of the Council, for the purposes afore- said, to borrow or raise by way of loan from any person or persons, body or bodies corporate, who may be willing to advance the same upon the credit of the debentures (hereinafter men- tioned) of the said Corporation, a sum of money not exceeding in the whole the sum of Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00) and to cause the same to be placed in the Royal Bank of Can- ada at West Vancouver. British Col- umbia, to the credit of the said Corp- oration for the purposes above recited, and the debentures of the said Corp- oration to the amount of Fifty Thous- and Dollars ($50,000.00) in the whole may be issued by the said Reeve and Clerk in accordance with the "Muni- cipal Act" in sums as may be required of not less than One Hundred Dollars ($ 100.00) each. Each debenture shall be signed by the Reeve and Clerk and the Clerk shall attach thereto, the Oorporate Seal of the said Corporation. The said debentures shall be dated the 1st day of May 1929, and shall bear, interest at the rate of five per cent. (5'/c ) per annum, payable on the 1st day of May and the 1st day of november in each and every year dur- ing the currency of the said deben- tures, or any of them, and the princi- pal of the said debentures, or any of them, shall be payable on the 1st day of May A.D. 1954. There shall be attached to each of the debentures coupons signed by the Reeve and Clerk for each and every payment of interest that may become due, and such signatures may be either printed, written or lithographed. (3) The said debentures shall be expressed to be payable in lawful money of Canada. (4) The said debentures as to prin- cipal and interest shall be payable at any branch of the Royal Bank of Can-