001C9723 THE WEST VAN NEWS April 12, 1929. "Prices Consistently Low" Council Notes J. A IIamiltoi»ntei viewed the council in reference to the loca- tion of the new Capilano bridge on iAIarine Drive. He stated the man to whoni he was selling the gas station might get into diffi- culty with the oil company for whom he was acting if he should buy the place without knowing the exact location of the bridge and the elevation of the road. Ffe was informed that the engin- «er had given as much informa- tion as was possible at the pres- ent time and nothing more could be said until such time as more clefinite arrangements had been airived at regarding construc- lion. He was, however, inform- ed that the engineer would give him the information he desired as soon as possible. R. J. Verne wrote enclosing his reply to a letter which he also eiiclosecl from J. P. 51eehan 8: Co., asking him to remove the buildings of the ski camp and the ski chute from lots 1147 and 1148 on Hollyburn Ridge and also payment for the amount of tim- ber he hacl cut. The letter and correspondence attached were oi dered file&I. Two Stores in IVest Vancouver GREENWOOD'S GROCERY GRANGER'S GROCERY, 1442 AIarine Drive 21st and Alarine Drive )Vest 16 IVest 405 7o each nnc buying a Dr. SVest's I'ooth Brush we will give a full size tube of Tooth Paste. The number is limited so get yours early. AND ANOTHElt THING-- Keep track of your Baby' weight. It is the safest and surest guide to its health. Our Baby Scales are here for your convenience. Children up to 2'.~g years can be weighed. Royali Crown Soap.....; 5 bars 2.lc Icing Sugar .................. 3 lbs. 25c Royal City Tomatoes, ............................ 3 large tins 45c Royair City Pure Strawberry Jam per tin ...........,....,................... 7pc C. G. Butter, finest quality, 3 lbs. &1.35 Tea Garden Table Syrup, jar 23c Empress Jelly Powders 4 pkts 2fc Royal Crown Soap Powder, large packets ................................... 22c Aylmer Tomato Soup.... 3 tins 29c Snoii&ake Pastry Flour .....,....„....,.............. 10 lb. Sack O'Sc IVitch Hazel Toilet, Soap 6 for 29c Royal City Peas................ 3 tins 45c Red Arrow Sodas, packet.......... 19c Kellogg's Corn Flakes 2 pkts 19c Roman hIeal, per pkt.............. 34c B., C. Fresh Eggs........ 3 dozen 93c Grape Fruit ................... 4 for 25c Sweet Oranges........... 3 dozen 59c Juicy Lemons, per dozen............ 29c Crosse 4 Blackwell's Chef Sauce per bottle ............................. 23c A leter from the Alsask Chemical Products Ltd. re non- poisonous weed killer was order- ed filed. A letter t'rom L. Lambert re water connections D. L. 1493, Block 5, Lot 4 and D. L. 430, Block 35 Lot 4 was ordered filed. WEST VAN PHARNAt'Y C P.R. D[SPENSEI(S- &VE DELI VEIt. I'hone IVest37The engineer was instructed to report on: 1. The request of Thomas 3lartin for a lane to be opened on D. L. 237-18-18. 2. The request of Angus 51c- Gougan that the street at the foot of Nelson Avenue, AVhyte- cliff be cleai'ed and graded. 3. W. T. Atwood's request for access to Block B N. E. 'i D. L. 1084. 4. Bad condition of Bellevue Avenue on the north side of P. G. E. tracks west of 25th Street complained of by Mrs. H. M. Jag- gard. 5. Union Oil Co.'s application for a culvert on the west side of their property at 15th and Mar- ine Drive. H. Kolthammer and 31anley E.'onians approached the council regarding telephone .rates and were informed there would be no revision until handled from a more local exchange. Being dealt with from the city it was a long distance proposition. Mr. Kolt- hammer also raised the question regarding the spilling of gravel off the end of the wharf by the power shovel and was informed that this was a question for ad- justment between himself and the contractors. BASEBALL Players Asked to Report. SANITARY INSPECTORTO REPORT ON PRIVATE SCHOOLS MEE I'Ib'G Any boys 18 years of age or under, interested in baseball should get in touch with Mr. Con- don right away as he intends en- tering a team in the North Shore Intermediate League. Only two or three of last year's players will be available so there will be room for several recruits. QF A resolution was passed by the council on Monday night instruc- ting the sanitary inspector to visit the private schools in the district and report having re- gard to the number of inmates on the adequacy or otherwise of the sanitary arrangements; also to ascertain if any pupils board ir any of the establishments. )oarc of. "race QiV On MONDAY Next at 8 p.m. DANCE AT PAVILIOiV EXT THURSDAY K. B. Foyster wrote for per- mission for the boys of his school '.a use the cricket ground at Ir- win Park on Tuesdays and Fri- days during April, May and June between the hours of 3 and 4.30 p. m. The clerk was direct- ed to make inquiries from the secretary of the )Vest Vancouver Cricket Club as to the club's in- tentions before replying to the applicant. The council went on record as being willing to sell to General V. Odium Lots 9 to 20 and Lots 22 to 26 in Block 20, D. L. 430 for &&250 each lot plus registration fees provided that he owned the back lands and was willing to cancel the subdivision. Next Thursday, April 18th, there will be a dance at the Hol- lyburn Pavilion. Ted Landers and his famous radio orchestra will be in attendance, the affair being somewhat in the nature of a return engagement of these musicians, who are in such big demand in Vancouver city. At their previous appearance here much specially favorable com- ment was made on the good dance music they provided. That they will again officiate will as- sure a big crowd being on hand. Dancing starts at 9 p. m. Ad- mission 50 cents. Canadian Legion Rooms Ferry Building EV. McLar«n complained re the overflow of watei on his piop- erty from ditch on the north side of lane D. L. 555, Block 19, Lot 15. The matter was referred to the engineer with power to act. The engineer reported on: 1. N. E. B. Foster's application D. L. 1072 S. E. 4. The appli- cant was informed that his prop- erty lies in an awkward position and that the council could not see any way to give him vehicu- lar access. 2. Mrs. J. A. Harrison's appli- cation re access to D. L. 1037 E An expenditure not exceed- ing $48 was authorised, the sug- gestion to settle with Mrs. Har- rison for $38.50 was adopted, and the engineer instructed to see that the necessary papers were signed. 3. 4V. N. Nelson's application for a lane at 1370 Clyde Avenue. The matter was laid over. 4. Application of Sarah Craig 2117 Argyle Avenue, for a cul- vert. An expenditure not exceed- ing $ 16 was authorised. 5. C. B. Clark's application for access D. L. 775-E5. The appli- cation was approved and an ex- penditure of not more than &27.50 authorised. 6. Elliot's water main at Cy- press Park. The matter was laid over. 7. Mr. Thomson's application for water service at Gleneagles. The application was approved if building permit was issued, cost not to exceed $70. Hugh Harvey's application was granted for permission to build on the west end of the lot about ten feet from the south line on account of a large rock on D. L. 879-L-3. GORDON ROBSON Barrister dt Solicitor iVEST VANCOUVER-- Office No. 1447 hIarine Drive. Phone West 403. VANCOUVER OFFICE-- Suite 818; 510 Hastings St. % Phone Seymour 4199. The matter of a sinking fund investment of $4,000 was left in the hands of the finance commit- tee with power to act.F. Buscombe was advised that in reference to the partial grade and building on Piccadilly upon private property he had no claim under a section of the Highway's Act. In reference to telephone poles he was informed that the engineer is conferring with the B. C. Telephone Co. with a view to an early adjustment. A grant of $25 was made to the B. P. O. E. North Vancouver, for the May Day festivities.FUEL FIR or ALDER--Any Lengths FURNACE AVOOD and COAL Radio Poles -- Fence Posts Cedar for Rustic Work Manure for Your Gardens. Soil I.EGION TO HOLD AIEETING HOLLYBURN THEATRE hlONDAY, TUESDAY and WEDiV ESDAY April 15th, 16th, and 17th COLLEEN hIOORE and GARY COOPER in The regular monthly meeting of the Canadian Legion, EVes'. Vancouver branch, will take place next Friday evening, 19th instant, at 8 p. m. in the Legion rooms, ferry building. It is ex- pected that a report will be pre- sented of the funds collected for the new building. All members are asked to make a special ef- fort to be present at this meet- ing. The Automobile Club of B. C. was advised that the municipal- ity used the standard symbol re- quirements of the provincial government for the schools in the district. THE % ESTOiV CARTAGE AVest 201L '..i ac".ime'T. PATRICIA KINDERGARTEN AND GIRLS'CHOOL SPECIAL PRICES Adults 30c. Children 2pc. R. Kinlock wrote regarding the clearing of roots off the boul evards. He was informed that the council had no funds for the clearing of boulevards at the present time. ~ll'faI:erl roni:ESTABLISHAIENT OF NORTH SHORE HEALTH UNIT vill re-open hlonday, April 22nd. ... OIISBS Councillors Morgan and Jack- man were appointed delegates to attend the next meeting of the City and District of North Van- couver regarding the establish- ment of a Health Unit for the North Shore. H. Smith wrote the council re- garding an accident to his wife allegedly due to a louise plank on the sidewalk at the corner of 15th and Esquimalt. He was in- formed that, while the council regret the accident, they have no liability i» the matter. Miss J. Durbin Phone 20th and Haywood West 97R I have a few modern houses on the waterfront still avail able for the summer.Ice Cream Confectionery LUNN'S CAFE The steak was a la carte so the freshman told the waiter to wheel it llL 14th and hlarine Soft Drinks Tobacco Public I'hone--4Vest 611-0 &. If. SavoryThe application of the Salva- tion Army for a grant was laid over to the estimates. 1443 AIarine Drive, AmblesideCAKES~atches and Clock Repairs A letter was ordered filed from the )Vest Vancouver Board of Trade in which the board went on record as regretting the rise ir the ferry fares which they feared would deter the advance- ment of the municipality. A Big Assortment of different kinds of Cakes this week end. You should try them. ALL HOhIE COOKING. Phone AUest 340 Evenings, AVest 143 Real Estate, Financial and Insurance Agen t Commencing next Sunday an additional ferry boat will leave Ambleside dock at 7 o'lock on Sunday mornings. Called for and Delivered. THE WEST VAN WATCHMAKER anil JEWELLER 1522 Marine Drive Have Your Lunch Here. It's Just Like Home. MRS. ROSS hiarine Drive A mbleside CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF iVEST VANCOUVER MOTOR CYCLE OFFICER WANTED C. J. Overington '6 "wch'n THE PANTRY SPECIALS AT BOTH STORES FRIDAY. SATURDAY - MONDAY i'Lg )I v+ S More cups to the pound and Setter. Applications for the position of Motor Cycle Officer (salary $ 105 to commence) are invited by the Municipality of AVest Vancouver. A]l applications must be in own handwriting giving particulars and copies of testimonials. Those with previous police experience preferred. Applications addressed to Chief Constable, Hollyburn P.O., must be in by Tuesday, April 16th, 1929. HAS NOVED to new store on Marine Drfve, next Jefferies Neat Store at 14th. Phono IVest 135 for appointment In business in IVest Van 8 Years