001C9723 A Wee z..y '.4 ews va ae. Newsstands 5c per Copy$ 1.00 per year. CIyqulutzugiu phd District of West Vancouver-- Amblestde, Hollyburu, Westou, Duudarave Cypress Park, Caulfeild, Whytecliff, Etc. Vol. IV El G HT PAGES HOLLYBURN P.O., WEST VANCOUVER, B.C., TH()RSDAY, APRIL 12th, 1929 ~ 4 No. 2 Amendments to Zoning By-Law Proposed, HOARD OF TRADE ilEETING ON BIO j DA Y The town planning commission held a meeting in the council chamber on Tuesday evening, when Commissioner Baxter ex- plained to a number of members of the board of trade and rate- payers association, who had been invited to be present, the amend- ments which the commission pro- posed to make in the zoning by- law. A mop had been prepared showing the various suggested zones, which are as follows: XONE 1. Light Industries, Commercial E" Retail Businesses From Capilano River to Keith Road (the Indian Cemetery ex- cepted) along Bayview Avenue and the line cf Bayview Avenue produced; thence Southerly a- long the boundary of D. L. 237 to Marine Drive; thence Easter- ly along SIarine Drive to Capil- ano River. Also the lands lying within 250 feet, more or less, of the South- erly boundary of Marine Drive between Copilano River and Easterly boundary of D. L. 237. Un-restricted as regards Retail Business -- those lands lying within 120 feet, more or less, from the North and, or, South boundary of Mathers Avenue be- tween 3rd Street and 11th Street. Industrial D. L. 790, and the Indian Res- erve, South of )Iarine Drive, ex- cepting all that portion within 250 feet of the South boundary Gf 5Iarine Drive as referred to above. Residential The remainder of Zone 1 ZOiNE 2.-- (D.L. 237) Commercial and Retail Those lands lying within 120 feet from the North and, or, South boundary of Marine Drive between 13th Street and 14th Street. All that portion of D. L. 237 lying South of Duchess Avenue between 14th Street and 16th Street. Tohse lands lying within 120 feet from the East boundary of 14th Street. Two Family Dwellings All of D. L. 237 IVest of 11th Street, excepting Blocks 20 and 22. Apartment Houses, etc. South of Bellevue Avenue be- tween 13th Street and 16th F treet. Apartment Houses, etc. South of Bellevue Avenue be- tween 16th Street and 19th Street. Residential Remainder of Zone 3. ZONE 4. Unrestricted as Regards Retail Business Those lands within 120 feet more or less, of North and, or, South boundary of ~iIathers Ave. between 16th Street and 19th Street. Residential Remainder of Zone 4. ZONE 5. Commercial and Retail Those lands lying within 120 feet from the North and, or, South boundary of Marine Drive between 24th and 26th Streets (including the four corners of intersections) and Lot 14 of Block 24, and Lot 11 of Block 29 in D. L. 665. Also the lands lying within 150 feet (more or less) from the East and, or, )Vest boundary of 25th Street, South of Marine Drive. Apartment Houses, etc. The lands lying South of Belle- vue Avenue between 23rd and 25th Streets and Lots 11 and 12 of Block 32, D. L. 555. Residential Remainder of Zone 5. ZONE 6. Commercial and Retail The four Lots in D. L. 556 at the intersection of 29th Street and Marine Drive, Lots 1 to 6 (inclusive) of Block 1; Lots 1 to 11 (inclusive) of Block 2; Lots 1 to 4 (inclusive) of Block 10; Lots 1 to 3 (inclusive) of Block 9, (all as in By-law No. 308); and Lots 1 and 2 of Block 3, all in D. L. 557. Apartment Houses, etc. Lot A. Re-Sub. of Lot 7 of Block 1, D. L. 557, Block B. in East half of D. L. 668 ZONE 7. Commercial and Retail D. L. 559, South of P.G.E., in- cIuding Cannery site in D. L.'s 569 and 682. Apartment Houses, etc. D. L. 659, South of P.G.E. in- cluding Cannery Site in D. L.'s 559 and 582. (Continued on Page 8) The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Trade will be held next ~londay evening, 15th April, at 8 p. m. in the I.egion rooms, ferry building. A num- her of important matters ~-ill come up and it is intended at this meeting to thoroughly dis- cuss the amendments proposed by the town planning commis- sion to the zoning by-law with a view to offering suggestions to the commission as asked for hy them. l(OAD TENDF.RS WILL HE CALLED SOON Data Submitted to Victoria The engineer has been instruc- t«d by the council to submit to the provincial government for approval the road data regarding contract 47a for widening and re-paving blarine Drive bliles 1 to 4. As soon as the plans are ap- proved, tenders for the construc- tion of the road will be called for, hence we can reasonably ex- pect that a start will be made on the work in the very near future. il'tOTOR C YCLE POLICEAIAN TO BE APPOINTED Applications are invited for the position of motor cycle offic- er for the District of AVest Van- couver. All applications to be mailed to the Chief Constable by Tuesday, April 16th. An advertisement relative to this appears in this issue. SCOTTISH SOCIETY TO GIVE AIILITARY iVHIST The AVest Vancouver Scottish Society is giving a military whist drive and social at the Clachan Hotel tomorrow (Saturday) eve- ning. Play will start at 8.15. There ~nil be good prizes and refreshments. I ECTURE ON "YORKSHIRE" G. E. Brealey, principal of Pauline Johnson School, will give an address on "Yorkshire" next Thursday evening in the United Church hall. Residential East of 11th Street. ZONE 3. Commercial and Retail Those lands within 120 feet of the North and, or, South boun- dary of Marine Drive between 16th Street angl 19th Street, and between 21st Street and 22nd Street including the intersections of the two last named Streets i espectively. Those lands within 160 feet from the East and, or, EVest boundary of 17th Street, South of Marine Drive. NOTE--It was agreed that the above rule as regards intersec- tions (i,e. that where the coni- mencement of a Business Area i~ at the intersection of two Streets all four corners be in- cluded) should govern in all cas- es unless otherwise dealt with. The )Vest corners of 19th Street were excepted. A vieiv of the newly constructed 4Iarine Drive extensioii just beyond IVest Boy, showing the safety roil erected at the aide of the roadway. The new road which is made of IVorrenite Bitulithic with concrete shoulders, is receiving the highest praise from all who travel over it. BY-Laws Submitted on Wednesday, 24th LIBRARY HOARD HOLD HECTIC i~lEETING Continued Next Dlonday The meeting of the library as- sociation in IIollyburn school last Monday was not particularly well attended, there being only about fifteen members present. Those fifteen, however, got in quite a lot of action and the meeting was of a decidedly hec- t ic character. Charges and counter charges were freely ex- pressed by opposing elements. The claim was made by one par- ty that the minutes of a previous meeting had been wrongfully written and accusations of un- fair criticism and underhand dealings were the order of the sessions. In the heat of the moment one member even proposed a vote of censure on the new board, but ;t received no support whatever. The meeting was absolutely out ef hand and members of the aud- ience spoke when, how and as often os they desired. On sev- eral occasions two or three be- ing on their feet at the same time. The newly appointed members of the board proffered their res- ignations during the fracas, but the malcontents would not accept them. Eventually the meeting was adjourned. There will be another one next Monday. The hub-bub and excitement is all caused because it is propos- ed to change the location of the library and to house it under a roof of its own. The librarian produced a petition which he said was signed by 69 members. The following is a copy of a circular letter being sent to all the members. It asks them to ottend o meeting next i~Ionday. They should attend, and if they are interested in the welfare of the library they should go pre- pared to take part in the dis- cussion bu t, of course, they should not go with an opinion pre-formed. C'PY OF LETTER SENT OUT BY SECRETARY Dear IIember: Owing to the poor attendance cf the members at the last Lib- rary Board meeting, to which vou were requesters to attend, for the purpose of hearing of mat- ters vital to the carrying on of the Association. The members of the Board de- sire to acquaint you of their opin- ion, that they are desirous of making several changes in the operation of the library. The Association is at present suffering sadly from lack of late editions and is without funds to remedy this. At the present time there is o large percentage nf the books on hand which are un- suitable and worn out, the con- sequence being that only a small portion of the books are being circulated. The Board propose the follow- ing:-- j. To move the Library into a separate store. To work the Library by vol- untary helpers. 3. To raise funds otherwise than by subscriptions. The Board consider that these proposals are necessary, but if the majority of the subscribers think to the contrary the Board request that they elect a new Board. There has been a controversy regarding these changes and a iery good attendance will facili- t;.te and positively decide the future of the Library. You are therefore earnestly requested to attend a meeting to be held at the Hollyburn Pub- lic School at 8 p. m. Monday. April 15th, 1929. W. J. HILTON, Secretary. Three by-laws are to be placed befor the electorate on wednesday, 24th April, the place of polling being Ambleside Hall, from 8 a. m. to 8 p.m. By-laws No.'s 408 and 410 are in connection with the im- provement of the water supply in the district. The first is for $ 160,000, which sum will be used for the construction of new and larger mains to connect with the Greater Vancouver IVater District mains and for the con- struction of new and larger mains from Cypress Creek. The second by-law, while calling for no expenditure of money, contains the terms and agreement under which IVest Van- couver becomes a member municipality of the Greater Van- couver EVater District, and which must receive the approval of the taxpayers. The water supply to our residents, especial- ly those living on the upper levels, is still very inadequate in spite of what has been done from time to time in a small way to improve conditions. The proposed installation of larger mains to connect with those of the Greater Vancouver Water District represents the first big step towards a real solution of providing an adequate supply of water throughout the district. By-law No. 409 calls for an expenditure of $60,000 to be used for the reconstruction and improvement of the sideroads throughout the district. While much has been accomplished the last few years in the way of surfacing and grading these sideroads, there is still a lot more work to be done on them. This applies particularly to Keith Road, the condition of whichhas been the subject of much unfavorable comment for years.As the second trunk road leading into the municipality, ithas always been felt that if not paved, it should be at least kept in good condition, the more so as it would become our only artery to the rest of the North Shore in the event of the Capilano bridge being washed away. Copies of the three by-laws are carried in this issue, b;studying which our readers can obtain full details of thework proposed to be done.