001C9723 For Friday and Saturday kellogg's Corn Flakes.....') pkta 29c Royal Crown Soap Powder, large packets ....................... 21c Fresh Dat s ......... 3 lbs. 25c Carnation hlilk..„..... 3 tins SSc Royal Crown Soap, ..... 5 bars 25c B. C. Granulated Sugar 10 lbs. 58c Swansdown Cake Flour, pl-t 33c Hunt's Sliced Peaches, 2 tins 45e Serv-us Tomato Soup,.... 3 tins 33c Serv-us Paper (Toilet) ......................... 3 large rolls 25c Domestic Shortening, per lb. 18c Pure Rasoberry Jam, per tin.... 45c Dina-hlite ................................. 21c Oranges..Juicy and Sweet, .. 3 dolmen for I9c i ellow Newtoll Al) l)les, I Ihs, for 25e ROBERTS'ETTER MEATS WEST 190 DELIVERY TO ALL PARTS DAILY 10th to 25th--9.30 10th to Caulfeild--12.30 10th to 25th --3.30 This Store has built its repu- tation on-- COURTEOUS SERVICE CLFANLINESS and the PRlhlE QUALITY OF ITS MEATS This AUeek we offer Roasts of Prime Steer Beef, Lamb. Veal and Pork; also Local Fowl. -- NEAV LAID EGGS-- New Zealand Butter and Home Cured Bacon It Costs you hlORE when you pay LESS for Inferior hieats. Special Notice One Store Only Next to PIGGLY AVIGGLY She Won the Bet "The children are wiser now than they used to be, but then the world is niuch wiser too. "Several months ago I took my ltitle girl, age eight, on my knee and told her that fairies had brought a little stranger to our home. It was a little boy and was going to be her brother. She hopped down off my knee and said: "Oh, gimme a stamp. I'm going to mite brother Tommy and te! I him." "Brother Tommy was at a boys'chool. So, I smiled, gave her the stamp and curiously watched what she wrote. This was her letter: "Dear Tommy: You have lost. Send me the quarter. It's a boy." "GET THE IVOlthl" Said the little rooster, "Gosh all hem- lock, things are tough, Seems like worms are getting scarcer, and I can not find enough; Ivhat's become of all those fat ones is a mystery to me, There were thousands through that rainy spell, but now where can they be?" The old hen heard him, didn't grumble or complain, She'd gone through lots of dry spells, and had lived through floods of rain; So she flew up on the grindstone, and she gave her claws a whet, As she said, "I'e never seen the time there wasn't worms to get." She picked a new and undug spot; the earth was hard and firm, The little rooster jeered, "New ground, that's no place for worms." The old black hen spread her feet, she dug down fast and free, "hlust go to the worms,'she said, "the worms won't come to me." The rooster vainly spent the day, through habit, by the way, AUhere fat round worms had passed in squads, back in rainy days. Avhen nightfall found him supperless, he growled in accents rough, "I'm hungry as a fowl can be--condi- tions sure are tough." He turned then to the old black hen, "It's worse with you, For you'e not only hungry, but must be tired, too. I rested while I watched for worms, so I feel fairly pert, But how are you, without worms, too? And after all that work?" Theold hen hopped to her perch, and dropped her eyes in sleep, And murmured in a drowsy tone, "You hear this and weep; I'm full of worms and happy, for I'e dined both long and well. The worms are there as always--but I had to dig like h--." ..'1e .'.OW!( S-O'he weather will be milder scon! Get your BEDDING PLANTS here. GERANIUMS, CALCOELARIAS, PETUNIAS E: PANSIES. Ready now. SUMhlER ANNUALS ready May 1st. Leave orders here for Hanging Baskets. Your own filled from $ 1.00 up CUT FLOWERS and SEEDS in large Variety. t 1578 MARINE DRIVE Mrs. Roberts Flower Shop pnpNs „sar $ 9$ AUe make a specialty of RE-hlODELLING YOUR OLD COATS. Let' talk it over. Ave also have a Vacuum to rent. GILBERT LEE The New Store for Ladies and Men 16th and Marine. Smith s ~ rocery A. HARVEY SMITH, Prop. 24th AND MAINLINE, Opp. Dundarave HalL THE EVEST VAN NEEVS I'ATTULLO i% hlACI~ENZIE ADDRESS blEETING IN IVEST VANCOUVER April 12, 1929. SU [. UO & 9 EATS There was a goorl crowd pres- ent at Ambleside Hall last Fri- day to listen to Hon. T. D. Pat- tullo Capt. Ian Mackenzie, Dr. lV. H. Sutherland and Mrs. Mary Ellen Smith. On the platform were also EV. Mitchell of North Vancouvel, presirlent of the Pro- vincial Liberal Association, J. M. Bryan an&i Joh» Lawson. The speakers severely criticis- ed the present government and all claimed that the Tolmie gov- ernment had not lived up to their pre-election promises. Mr. Pattu)lo said, "It is a bur- lesque, but it is our government, nevertheless, anrl therein lies the seriousness of the question." "There is going to be a re- organization of the Tolmie Cab- inet. It is inevitable, but I say the government would not be so ruthless in its treatment of the civil service if it had to face the people in a bye-election when that change takes place. "They are trying to do the rough stuff in their first year, hoping it will be forgotten three or four years hence, but I say the government should be re- sponsive to public sentiment at all times." Having, as a citizen of British Columbia and a member of the legislature, been refused the privilege of examining the ord- ers-in-council, Mr. Pattullo said he had raised in the houes the question of the right of any citi- zen to have access to that im- portant record of the law affect- ing all citizens. The orders are simply documentary records of the decisions of the government. They are the property of the people in the custody of the gov- ment. "But the government members voted that It was the inalienable right of the lieutenant-governor- in-council to do with orders-in- council as he sees fit," said the speaker. "EVe were carried back centuries. The government sets itself up as supreme over the Legislature, no tthe Legislature pver the government." Following short addresses by Dr. lV. H. Sutherland, M.P.P., Nary Ellen Smith, J. M. Bryan, and EV. S. Mitchell, Captain Ian A. Mackenzie, member for the riding, declared a marked differ- ence in policy between the gov- ernment and opposition arose over the question of what Hon. EV. C. Shelly had termed "pater- nalistic legislation." The government, through its minister of iinance, had itimat- ed clearly that not only would it make no further move along the line of legislation for the social and domestic welfare of the peo- ple but that it considered the province harl gone too far al- ready. Premier Tolmie had stated his government intended to carry on its business "open and above board," but the policy of secrecy ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~vith regard to orders-in-council was understandable in view of the desire to keep secret the con- tract made to pay a commission of one per cent. for financial ad- vice on the sale of bonds up to $20,000,000. As such service always had been freely obtained by the pre- vious government, there seemed no reason for this commission, which would cost the people a large sum, but the vital thing was the departure from the prin- cipal of sale by public tender. Private sale was looked upon with suspicion by the public, he stated, but the minister of fin- ance had refused to commit him- self to the policy of public sale even for the future. Government Inspected Only. If we supply you with our Meats, Your eats will always be complete. West 3 West 303 Lamb Beef Pork Once a customer, always a customer. For a New Building or a Repair Job IVe can supply everything you need. Roofing -- Building Paper -- Lamatco -- Fir Veneer -- Gyproc Plaster Board -- Sash -- Doors -- Heaver Board Shingles -- Lath -- Building Materials West Vancouver. um ver Co. 15th and Marine LiMITED Phone AVest 115 Residence Phone: IVest 3G8L. Play a game of 3 tables for your pleasure c Q' ' ~' ' 14th Street Right at the Railway Crossing It was of course entirely prob able that changes would have to be made from time to time, and the commission had framed the various clauses in each Zone keeping in mind the possibility of these being amended as the welfare of the municipality shoukl render necessary. A number of suggestions were put forward by those present, and considerable discussion en- sued. Ex-Reeve Hay, chairman of the commission requested the representatives present to go back to their organizations and report re the amendments to the Zoning By-law proposed by the commission. Had they then any suggestions to offer the com- mission would be very pleased to consider them. Ex-Councillor Leyland propos- ed a very hearty vote of thanks to the town-planning commission for the good work they had done, ivhich was seconded by President McQuaker of the Board of Trade and carried unanimously. DEATH OF 5IISS IRWIN AMENDMENTS TO ZONING BY-LA%'Continued from Page 1) Remander of Zone 7, ("Cyp- ress Park" ) remains as at pres- ent. ZONE 8. (Caulfeild Estate) Remains as at present. ZONE 9. Commercial, Retail, etc. Lots 1 to 7, and Lots 15 to 28 in Block 9; Lots 1 to 8 in Block 10; Blocks 4, 11, 12, 18, and Lot 10 except A of Block 1, D. L. 772. Remainder as per By-law No. 808. ZONE 10. ("Gleneagles" ) Remains as at present. ZONE 11. Commercial, Retail, etc. The lands within 182 feet from North or South boundary of Bay Street; Blocks 29 and 30, D. L. 480; Lots 12 and 13, Block 45; Lots 13 and 14, Block 48; Lots 13 and 14, Block 49; and )Vester- ly portion of Bl. A. all in D. L. 480. Also Lots 1 and 1A of Block 47, D. L. 480. Parcel 1B (Garrow's) D. L. 430 and Lot 1, Block 5, D. L. 1493. Remainder of Zone 11 as at present. Reeve Vinson said that the Zones had been divided up in this way, each with its own clauses, so that anyone desiring the information could under- stand clearly just what regula- tions applied to the particular Zone in which he was interested. Miss Margaret Irwin, daugh te1 of i~h anrl Mrs W J Ilsv&n of North Vancouver, died last Tuesday in her 21st year. The deceased is survived by her par- ents, three brothers and one sis- ter. Funeral services were held this afternoon and interment was made in 4Vest Vancouver ceme- tery. Services were conducted by the Christian Science Church. Too True "They say she is a very brilliant conversationalist." "Yes; you should hear her play bridge." Sash, Doors and Interior Finish Get our prices IT WILL FAY YOU GLA$$ Broken Lights repaired atreasonable cost. Am a'..esic.e . umber Co, tI. hiARINE DRIVE AT 16th STREET Fhone West 199