001C9716 April 5, 1929. THE WEST VAN NEWS CORRESPONDENCE ARE YOU MOVliiG? --See us first and save. We sell all kinds of Build- ing blaterials. Soil for filling. Hobb Coal 4 Transfer. West 17. FOR RENT--I Room blodern Bunga- low. Full plumbing. nice location, 3 minutes from Ferry. Apply. Oak- dene, 1rth St. 4 Duchess. Whimsical Review II YOU INTE.fD TO BUILD or Want your house altered or repaired, phoae Colin Turner, builder, 13th and Haywood, IVest 679R. lVANTS A NURSE IN iVEST VANCOUVER LOCAL EGGS lliscued Bride (starting usual formula) --Thank you so much, Mr. Jones for your splendid present. KVe'll think of you every time we eat out of it. Guest--It's awfully nice of ynu to say so--but won't it be a little difficult eating out of a vacuum cleaner? To the Editor, West Van News, Sir:-- AVest Vancouver poultry farm- ers are novv experiencing great di fficulty in disposing of even a small pere ntage of their eggs in our local stores, owing to the fact that large quantities of them are being brought in from outlying districts by a hawker, and sold from door to door. IVhether this man is offering them as West Vancouver pro- oucts, I cannot say, but if such is the case he is misrepresenting them. It seems very unfair that a man with an outlay of rIn old car and a ten dollar hawker's license should take the cream of a busi- riess which has taken our local poultrymen many years of hard svork and the expenditure of con- siderable money to establish; also very absurd to send to the city their new laid eggs while our local consumers buy import- ed ones in their place. I, myself, have shipped ninety dozen since last Saturday. IVould it not be wiser for housewives to ascertain where hawkers obtain their eggs be- fore giving them the preference tc the genuine local new laid ones? The term local in this case meaning )Vest Vancouver. Thanking you for kindly in- serting this;n your paper. Yours truly iV. STUART McINTYRE. To the Editor, West Van News, Is the time ripe for AVest Vancouver as a municipality to support a district nurse? Sir, the writer of this letter, an old timer and member of the first V. O. N. in this district, would be glad to have expres- sions of opinion through this paper on this subject. I have watched with keen int- erest the wonderful progress and development that has taken place in IVest Vancouver during the past few years, but, along the line of nursing facilities, we are l opelessly behind the times. At the present time there is not a nurse other than private that one can call for nursing ser- vices. North Vancouver V.O.N. closed its doors against us, some eigh- teen months ago. This is not to be wondered at, as we had been receiving their services almost gratis for many years, and the demand of their own district was more than sufficient for all their nursing facilities. Up till the end of the past month an Insurance Company gave their members nursing privileges, but this has also been discontinued and up to the pres- ent no arrangement has been made for further service. The above is a statement of facts as they exist at the present time and will go to show how handicapped EVest Vancouver is regarding nursing facilities. Surely with a little effort we could get together and organize so that with a yearly donation from each householder and prob- ;ibly a grant from the council we could support our own nurse and be independent. Hoping to hear more on this subject. Yours, AN OLD TIMER. FOR SAI.E CIIEAI' Fawcett 4-hole range with high oven. Two years old. Lik new. Phone IVest 436R. F U RNITU RE FOR SALE CH EAP- Cook Range, 'eds, complete. full site, Couch, Chairs, Chesterfield (3 pieces ), Owl ( stuffed ), Heaters. Apply 24' blathers. FOR SALE--Nice Bungalow Full plumbing, lot in garden; close to Ferry. Apply 726 Seymour St.,Phone Seymour 2366. FOR R E& T--5 Itoom Bungalow on cleared acre of land, 17th tk Ottawa. Large chicken houses. Plenty offree wood. Apply 1754 61st Ave. East, South Vancouver, or D. Chap- man, Duchess and 12th, West Van- couver. 6-TUBE ALL ELECTRIC Table blodel Radio Set, complete with Speaker and Tubes, special at $ 160.00. One only left..'iorth Shore Electric 4Radio Store, 1540 Lonsdale. PhoneNorth 79. COW bl AN Ult E -- Big Load $4.00- Phone 44 est 17. Spine Kings The class composition was on "Kings," says the Boston Tran- script, and this is what one boy v:rote.'"The most powerful king on earth is Wor-king; the laziest Shir-king; one of the worst is Smo-king; the wittiest, Jo-king; the quietest, Thin-king; the thirstiest, Drin-king; the slyest, Win-king, and the noisiest, Tal- king." A I L K IN DS of l'ot and Bedding Plants. Seed Potatoes, etc. Hobb Coal 4 Transfer. Phone West 17. I'I.YblOUTH BARRED ROCK EGGS for setting. Phone West 649R or call 14'.squimalt. FOIE PI.UMBING REl'AIRS--Phone West 241R. For BARGAINS GARDEN BARROW~trong, L;ght,Painted, price $5.00. delivered subject to approval Phone North M4R FOIL ItE iT OR SALE -- House on Waterfront at Aitamont ApplyLeyland, West 63R1. in Two gentlement stopped on th» street to talk to each other, one wearing a large diamond tie-pin. "lsaacs," said the other, "dot is a fine diamond you have. Vare you get it?" "Veil," explained Isaacs, "my brother he died and left $450 for a stone. And dis is de stone." REAL ESTATE ~RIC RADIO--A few real bar- gains in used sets. S;e us for Radio and AViring Supplies. North Shore Electric. 1640 Lonsdale Ave., North Vancouver, Phone North 79. See GEO. HAY Notary Public I'ire Insurance -- bloney to Loan 1405 Marine Drive Office Phone AVest 21 or Sey. 1260 Residence Phone W. 32R or W. 204X FOR RENT--Bright four room Bathroom. open fireplace'bove C. Electric Store. Apply J- T- hy att.West 101.Fa,'ir Motorist--"Really, I did riot hit you intentionally." Irate Victim--"EVhat have you got that bumper on your car for if you aren't aiming to hit someone?" PAINTER -- Expert Kalspmin ing; reasonable. C. L. Konings, 2456 Bellevue. Phone West 214X. SKI CHAilIPIQNSHIPS The three-day city champion- ship ski meet on Grouse AIoun- tain came to a conclusion Sun- day with exhibition jumping and novice jumping and cross-coun- try competition. John Snersrud, Norwegian skiing champion, en route home from Japan, made two great jumps of 147 and 161 feet. Nels Nelson of Revelstoke, who won the city title, also gave a fine exhibition, making 128 and 138 feet. Joe Farmileo, twelve-year- cld Revelstoke youngster, thrill- ed the crowd with his jumping, ~'aking 96 and 101 feet. Ivand Nelsen, brother of Nels, pressed Snersrud closely, mak- ing leaps of 146 and 151 feet. Both Nielsen and Snersrud made as much distance as was possible on the hill, landing on the flat c t the bottom. Ivand Nelson is a professional. Isobelle Coursier, ladies'ham- pion, Olav Tellefsen, Hans Gun- nersen, "Chuck" Lauriesen and H. Anderson also figured in the exhibition performing. N. Beaumont of Hollyburn won the novice cross-country race in 31 minutes 59 seconds. k. iMcRae was second, a minute slower. A clonk (Grouse) and EV. EVatennan (Hollyburn) being third and fourth resplectively. Young Farmiloe finished well up in this race but was handicapped by broken ski harness. B. McNamee (Grouse) was first in the novice jumping, H. A nderson of the Vancouver AVin- ter Sports Club, being second, E. Lamillard (Grouse) third and N. Beaumont (Hollyburn) fourth. R. H. Grimsgaard officiated at the presentation of prizes after the concluding function. iNels Nelsen, as winner of the cham- pionship received the Scandinavi- «n Grand Challenge Cup. the W. H. 5Ialkin cup for the city cham- pionship and the Lisle Fraser trophy. Olav Tellefsen of Grouse took the Kelly-Douglas trophy for the best single jump, while Axel Sneis received the David Spencer challenge cup as victor in the A class cross country event. He also got the W. C. Shelly medal and a silver tea set donated by P. Burns. Isabelle Coursier received the Hudson's Bay trophy; B. Mc- Yamee the Spalding cup, and N. Beaumont the Burrard Bridge trophy. Ray Fraser was official measur- er. SCH W EPPES LE&IONADE ADA DRY GINGERALE and all the Good Brands of Cigars at The Ambleside Tea Rooms In a long glistening Rolls- Royce he glided up to the filling station, and called out, "Let' have some gas, please!" "How much do you avant?" asked the man in overalls, eyeing the car aadmiringly. The mot- orist struck by a sudden thought t.ut a hand in his pocket. Thirty cents was all he had in his clothes. "One gallon," said he. The man in the overalls glanc- ed over the big car again and then fixed the driver with a stare nf utter disgust. "One gallon!" he sneered; "whatcher trying to do, wean it?" GARDENS DESIGNED, Laid Out and Maintained. Rock Gardens, Lily and Ornamental Pools, Lawns, Rustic work, Fencing, Concrete Paths, Drives, etc., Pruning and Spraying, Landscape and General Gardening R. J. Kyte, Phone West 172X1. S ERING WANTED -- Ladies'nd Children's work. Mrs. Bloxham, Phone AVest 226. Bridge Building The Editor, )Vest Van News, V Dear Sir, Strolling along )Iarine Drive the other day, and wondering when the contracts for comple- tion of the road would be let, we were strongly remirided of an incident which happened in the American civil war. A General, on one of the marches of his division, wished to cross a nar- rnw but very boggy stream. He sent for an old contractor who followed the army, and ex- plained to him that he wished a bridge built over so that the army could cross, the following day. He also told him at the same time that he would leave instructions with the engineers to get plans out for the bridge. The next morning the General saw the old contractor loafing and felt rather huffy about it; calling the old fellow over, he inquired, "Did you get those plans yet?" "I thought you would be working at that bridge; the army must cross today." "Aw, Gineral," he answered, "I finished building the bridge this morning but I don't knoiv whether the picture will be ready in time for you to cross over, or not." ONLOOKER WEBB'S SHOE REPAIRS WEAR BEST--Duadarare. NEAVMAN &, ROBBINS Contractors, Builders, Painting Pap- erhanging, Alterations and Repairs. Promptly Executed. House Phone West 74R1. ROAD BUILDING V Editor, EVest Van News: Sir:--In your paper two weeks ago you commented on the com- munication of Mr. G. S. Hanes tn the Council in which he de- scribed the condition of the Douglas Road in Burnaby. IVe are indeed fortunate that the i~Iunicipal Council and their consulting engineer, Mr. Hanes, took such a positive stand on this question and were not affected by the pressure that was brought tn bear against them to force them to accept the tender for a road like Burnaby has. It seems strange that so many people do not realize that road building is a real business. The pnpular opinion seems to be that it is easy to construct streets and highways. which reminds me. Did you ever meet a man who did not think he could run a res- taurant? For some reason both businesses seem to be singleJ out by the inexperienced. The pub- lic does not suffer as much from i hat type restaurant, because it does not liave to eat in such a place unless it chooses but the public pays dearly for inexperi- ence in road building. Our council should be congrat- u!ated for not expending our road funds for a pavement that has a life of only a few months, as Burnaby, New )Vestminster, Surrev and Nanaimo have so bit- terly discovered. Very truly yours, J. L. II. FOUNDATION AiIiD CEMENT Work Landscaping, Lawns, F e n c i n g, Drains, Rock Walls, Clearing, Grad- ing, Septic Tanks. T. Barnott, West 672R. She--"Can you tell me why a black cow gives white milk that makes yellow butter?" He--"For the same reason that blackberries are red when they are green." HEbISTITCHING--Plain.. white 5cyard; silk and colored 10c yard. Pearce's Drygoods, 14th Street and Marine. Phone West 144.The following letter was re- ceived recently by a company aa hich manufactures corn syrup: "Dear Sirs: Though I have taken six cans of your syrup, my feet are not better now than v hen I started." R. P. Clark 4 Co. (Vancourer) Ltd. $2250, Terms -- Comfortable Home; Convenient location; living room and sun room with fireplace. Two Bedrooms; Kitchen and Scullery. Full Plumbing. Attic. Well im- proved garden. This is a snap bar- gain. An old farmer was driving a mare that interfered very badly. A passing friend, observing the mare's antics, cried out: "Say. Si, that mare of yours interferes pretty badly, don' she?" Si paused, spat voluminously, and shrilled, "Yeh, she interferes all right; but she don't interfere with nobody but herself!" Consult us f'r Alberta Oil Stocks and B. C. Mining Stocks. "And a ther request you gave up drinking?" "Yes." "And you stopped smoking for the same reason?" "I did." "And it was for her that you gave up dancing, card parties, and billiards'" "Absolutely." "Then why didn't you marry her?" "IVell after all this reforming I realized I could do better." R. P. CLARK E. CO., LTD. 790 Dunsmuir St. Seymour 7484 Local Representative C. J. ARCHER, West 225. Here is a story about the most optimistic man: ( Totally bald, he went to a drug store and asked for a bottle of hair restor- er. "Yes, sir," the clerk said, "here is a preparation that is sure to make your hair grow." "All right," replied the opto- mist, "I'l take a bottle. And please wrap up a comb and brush with it." <AMQNT D.L. 556 Block 97--Nine Tenths of an Acre ............... $400 Block 104--Over 4 of an Acre with 275 Ft. Front- age, Facing South $500 Block 54--Nine Tenths of an Acro, 4 Block from Marine Drive. just off 9th Street. $600 Old Hen--"I'l give you a piece of good advice." Young Hen--"IVhat is it?" Old Herr--"An egg a day keeps the ax away." Half and inch, half an inch, half an inch shorter; The skirts are th esame of moth- er and daughter; When the ivind blows, each one of them shows Half an inch. half an inch more than she oughter. Give a little, live a little, try a little mirth; sing a little, bring a little happiness to earth. Pray a little, play a little, be a little glad; rest a little, jest a little, if the heart is sad. Spend a little, send a little to another's door; give a little, live a little, love ri little more. Casey and Murphy stood look- ing into a jeweller's window. "Casey," asked Murphy, "how'd you like to have your pick here?" "Sure," responded Casey, "I'd rather have my shovel." Small Cash Payments and easy terms on all the above. WHITAKER i% WHITAKER 942 IVest I'ender St. VANCOUVER, B. C. CLASSIFIED ADS