001C9716 THE WEST VAN NEWS April 5, 1929. tojP]PP DELIVERY WE gANT TO SERVE YOU..~: %SO.NA. S CROCERY SFECIALS for This Week Mr. and Mrs. A. O.'Neill, 14th and Inglewood, returned home last Friday after an extended visit of some months to the Southern Pacific States. During their trip Nr. and Mrs. O'eill visited their daughters at Los Angeles and Modesto, California and at Portlan&l, Oregon. Miss Grace Ray of Portland, Oregon, gister of Mrs. Chet Shields, 13th and Bellevue, is ex- pected here next week for an extended visit with Mr. and Nrs. Shields. The Mai'ine Drive extension is »ow practically finished, the sur- faciiig having been completed )Ved llesday. A chimney fire broke out on 'l'uesday evening at the home of iiIr. and Airs. Cowley, 2124 Belle- vue. The fire brigade turned out, but their services ivere not re- quired. No damage was done. AIr. and illrs. F. N. Traill, 2061 Esquimalt Avenue, are moving to 25th and Bellevue. J. Sheasgreen, who has been living in the city, is moving back shortly to 23rd and Bellevue. The salmon are beginning to make their appearance in Horse- shoe Bay. EV. Lofting landed a big one last Sunday. A big run oi cod also came into the bay last week. George Triggs is 'ebuilding his house at Fisherman's Cove, which was recently burnt down. blrs. P. webb of Burnaby is visiting Nrs. G. AV. Webster, 13th and Marine Drive. General Victor Odium is hav- ing a number of improvements made to his property at Fisher- man's Bay. A regular bus is to be put on shortly to connect with the ferry leaving Ambleside at 6 a. m. Mrs. L. Atkinson has moved into a house at 31st and Travers, Mr. and Airs. Ted Kennett, 14th and Clyde, moved Saturday to 1147 Duchess. Miss illadeline Stone of Caul- feild, returned home Good Fri- day morning after a six months'isit in Southern California. En route home Miss Stone was the guest of Miss Shirley Douse of Burlingame, California, for a week. Campbell's Tomato Soup, per tin ...."" ................ ]lc Brunswick Sardines.... 2 for»c Snowflnke Pastry Flour ]0 ]be 17c Sunlight Soap, per pkt........ 2]c Prunes, large size.... 2 lbs. 23c Cream of Ivhent, per pkt..-- 23c Egi~Fresh Extras 2 doz. 65cLESAGE arine Grocerypitman Business College Nr. aiid QIi's, H, S )Vppd pf Vancouver, spent the holidays at their house in Caulfeild. Dr. E. R. Rowan was elected president of the Vancouver Den- tal Society at their meeting on Tuesday evening hn the Hotel Vancouver. H. Howard, who has been re- siding at a house at the corner of 23rd and Marine Drive, moved on Tuesday to North Vancouver. Nr. and Mrs. Stuart Cameron and family of Vancouver, were at their Caulfeild home over the Easter holidays. Airs. Rowley is having an ed- dition built to her home at 24th and Kings. 22nd nnd Marine J. ALLISON Prop. PHONE iVEST 96 Vancouver's Leading Business College. INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL FOUR NIGHTS EACH IVEEK Students may enrol nt any time 422 RICHARDS STI(EET (At Hastings) PHONE SEYil]OUR 9]35 GOOD BREAD is always enjoyable ARTHUR COLLINGAVOOD, F.R.C.O., Hon. L.T.C.L.FURNACE REPAIRS Anything in Sheet Netal In t)ie person of Arthur Col- lngwood, the B. C. Musical Fes- tival, avhich is to be held Nay 1 to 11, is to have as one of this year's adjudicators, a distin- guished musician who has al- ready risen into prominence as an outstanding figure in this cap- acity. Born at Halifax, Yorkshire, England, it is twenty-five years since Mr. Collingwool took up permanent residence in Scotland, making his home at Aberdeen. Since that time he has become closely and actively identified with Scottish musical affairs and iiiterests. It was at his birthplace that he became a chorister at the age of ten, shortly afterwards be- coming solo boy, and at a slight- ly later date the assistant and deputy organist. He gained his A.R.C.O. at the early age of 16 years, to which has since been added the distinction of F.R.C.O. and Hon. L.T.C.L. Nr. Colling- wood spent a number of years studying music under disting- uished masters. ilIr. Calln~vood has adjudicat- ed at over twenty-five of the foremost Musical Festivals. A- mong the many prominent posi- tions which he holds at present are:--Organist, Aberdeen Lodge of Free Masons; Provincial Grand Organist of Aberdeen Province; organist and choir- master of West U. F. Church; conductor, Aberdeen Male Voice Choir and Aberdeen Madrigal Choir; lecturer on Musical Ap- preciation, Harmony and Musical Form at AIarischal College, and Kilgour Mechanics Institution; conductor of B. B. C. Station Choir, Aberdeen. In addition to the above activ- ities, Mr. Collingwpod finds time for composition, and many of his ~vorksare well and widely known. In the press at present are "Und- er a Wide and Starry Sky" which is a setting of R. L. Stevenson's Requiem, and "God be Merciful unto Us and Bless Us." The Mus- ical School over which Mr. Col- lingwood presides is one of the most widely known and appreci- ated in Aberdeen. EVERYBODY LIKES "STRATTON'S BREAD" Furnaces, Stoves, Gutters, Cornice, Skylights Theres n reason! It's pure and wholesome. You get full value when you buy our Bread, Rolls and Past- ries. Burrard Sheet 5 fetal 229 Lonsdale Ave, North Vancouver Phone North 345 Res. North 918Y and 1214Y I'HONE WEST 27 hnd our Delivery man will call. THE'URRARD JINNI).W .4'8 STRATTON'S BAKERY The Good Luck Inn on Royal Avenue, EVhytecliff, has been moved on to the Roedde propeity on the east side of Bay St. Nr. and Mrs. )Iackenzie Math- iieson and family of Vancouver, are spending a few days at their summer home in Caulfeild. GORDON ROBSON Barrister L Solicitor NEST VANCOUVER-- Office No. 1447 Marine Drive. Phone AUest 403. VANCOUVER OFFICE-- Suite 818; 510 Hastings St. AV Phone Seymour 4199. ~ s 1H OGLE; sPglgQTlNE,lt'S A TREw--- 'To wana &~we&S I Oooa up CiEaHAmhWaTI I ]e )urrarc,am]c ry Limited For People N'ho Are Particular THII(D ST. and ST. DAVIDS North Vancouver Phone North 1310. West Van. Representative F. RIVERS Phone West 410L 3V. McQUAKER'S BROTHER- IN-LA&V PASSES AiVAY IN VANCOUVER Jimmy Thomson' TRANSFER William Rowan, natIive of Ayr, Scotland, and brother-in-law of EV. McQuaker, president of the West Vancouver Board of Trade, passed away at St. Paul's Hos- pital last Wednesday morning at 10 o'lock. The deceased had been receiving treatment at the hospital for over two weeks. He is survived by his widow and one son. Interment was made at 3 o'lock today (Friday) at the Ocean View cemetery. The late Nr. Rowan had lived in B. C. for over fifteen years. Daily Trips to and from City. Moving Baggage a Spec&nlty PHONE WEST 110 FOR Coal and %Vood )Ve have to apologise this week to Master Hugh williams, pupil of Dundarave Public School. In the report of class leaders given in our issue of last week for grade 4, 1st term, through an error on our part, the name June Williams was printed instead of Elugh Williams. Hugh is a very consistent leader of his class, he having appeared at the head in the reports quite a few times. Hazel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. Sorenson of West Bay, who with her parents is visiting in California, was slightly hurt in an automobile collision in Los Angeles a few days ago, the other members of the party es- caping inJul V. Miss F. N. Cooke, who was the guest over the holidays of her sister, AIrs. H. A. Hunt, 23rd and Kings, returned to Victoria on Tuesday night. Prompt Delivery. HARRON BROS. & WILLIAMSON giineral Birertars 0 Opg of North Vancouver Parlors '22 EVest Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 N IGHT CLASSES GIVE EXHIBITION 3HOIOGlpPHsIvs'Forever A considerable numbei pf people came to the manual train ing building of the Pauline John son school on Thursday evening, 28th instant, to view the exhibi- tion of the work done this Winter by the pupils of the night classes. Included in the manual train- ing display were desks, tea wag- gons, tables, and other smaller articles of furniture. All were beautifully finished off, and re- flected great credit on the stud- ents themselves as well as on their teacher, J. E. Condon. The shorthand display by the class under the training of Nrs. kV. Reid was distinguished by a regularity of outline and a clear- ness of detail not very often seen. The general excellence of the various examples showed the splendid progress made by these students this winter. e I.'i& Birthday Party THE L. O. I.. DANCE NEXT FRIDAY Mrs. J. T. Joule of Shermans, entertained at her home on Sat- urday evening in honor of the twenty-first birthday of her daughter, Miss Stella Lloyd. A very pleasant time was spent in dancing and games, and refresh- ments were served at the con- clusion of the evening. The guests were: Mrs. M. Hall, Miss Cloda EIall, Miss E. North, Mrs. Olive Cullin, Miss Evelyn Cullin, Nrs. F. Kanel, the Misses Laura and Pauline Edmond, Nrs. W. Clark, Miss Phyllis Neville Smith, Nrs. I . Cramond, J. Sams, B. Noviskoff, Jack Patter- son (city), M. Cramond, Gilbert Lee and Richard Lloyd. King Studio V. V. VINSON, Prop. The L. O. L. No. 2990 is giving a dance next Friday evening, 12th April, at Dundarave Hall. Roy Barry's orchestra has been engaged for the occasion, and dancing ivill take place from 9 to 12. Refreshments will be serv- ed, and a good time is assured to all who attend. Tickets 50 cents. 'tt's only logical to look to the 'Dairy with the Highest Score" for a still higher standard of purity. 311 Hastings St., lV., Phone Seymour ]046 9 Quarts $ 1.00 For Safety's Sake Play a game of Phone 3 tables for your pleasure North 12,2, Vancouver's increase in port trade since 1920 has been phe'- nomenal. In 1920 port revenue was $221425, in 1926 it ~ as ~2,193,670, an increase of 89',&. 5'e are the Sole Distributors of "Brookbank's Certified i~]ilk" "The only Certi/ied Milk produced in British Columbia" ) 14th StreetRight at the Railway Crossing Saturday and onday Sl~ecials $ 1.00 Blood Purifier . .. 86c '5c william's Shaving Cream.. 28c 35c IVhite Liniment ... ... 26c i 60c Bcechnm's Pills ........ 13c 36c A. P. C. Tablets....., ....., 24c ~ 25c Keating's Powder ........ ]gc $ 1.66 Antiphlogistine ........... $ ].4S t $ ].45 Virol .................„.........„$ ].26 36c Sulphur nnd i~]o]asses....... 21c ]5c l oz. Sulphur nnd Cream of Twink Dyes............ 15c. 2 far 25c ~ Tartar ..................................... gc 35c Cherissette Talcum .... ]gc '5c 1 oz. Lesol ........,...,.... j,'5c Fruitatives ....................... 39c 65c Liquid Petrolatum .... 39c 25c Listcrine Tooth Paste...... ]gc ]6c Old Colony Ink.................. gc II DRUG STORE '„"~N,'23 ", G. E. REID, illanager Net Building--Corner Marine and 14th. FAST DELIVERY NO ORDER IS TOO SMALL I