West Van. News (West Vancouver), 5 Apr 1929, p. 5

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001C9716 April 5, 1929. i ~ ~ i ~ ~ ' ~ ~ - ~ ~ 0 -4 ~-1 ~ ~ HO ~ ~ l!r. and ~Irs. F. H. Cooper have returned from their honey- moon, and are now settled in their new home at 22nd and Mathers. ~ 0 o A. Harvey Smith, the Dundar- ave grocer, 24th and Marine Drive, has purchased a fine new Chrysler car. The lot on the south east cor- ner of 15th and ~Iarine Drive, has been cleared this week in preparation for the erection there of a gas station for the Union Oil Co. ~ 0 1Iiss Lorna Thomson, 11th and Esquimalt, spent Easter as the guest of 4Irs. J. ~Iitchell, Long Bay, Gambier Island. Miss Lili- as Davie accompanied her. 0 0 0 31rs. J. Mitchell of Long Bay, Gambier Island, is visiting her father, lV, S. Davie, 15th and Fulton. hIr. and )Irs. R. J. Cameron anil family of Ioco. were the guests of Mr. and iiIrs. George Reid, 21st and ~Iarine Drive, over the holidays. 11r. Cameron who is chief electrician of the Imperial Oil Co. at Ioco, is a brother of 5Irs. Reiil. 0 0 Mrs. E. Dodd, Radcliffe Ave- nue, )Vest Bay, is confined to her home through sickness. ai 0 ai Leslie Yates, who has been visiting his parents, iWIr. and AIrs. J. S. Yates, 16th and 51ar- ine Drive, during the Easter holi- days, left here on Monday night to return to Chilliwack. ~ 0 Charles Baldwin, son of Mrs. George Baldwin 22nd and Jef- ferson, spent Easter in Victoria. ai Mr. and 51rs. A. )IcDonald and family, 11th and Duchess, moved on Saturday to a house at 24th and Haywood. 0 0 0 R. lV. 4V. Reid, 14th and Gor- don, has returned from a visit to San Diego. 41rs. Reid and her daughter Doris, who went south with him are continuing their stay there. 0 0 Mrs. McArthur, 14th and Gor- don, is confined to her home with an attack of bronchitis. )Ir. and AIrs. Rousseau and family, who have been residing at 13th and Clyde, moved last Saturday to South Vancouver, A fire broke out at the resi- dence of F. Johnston, 21st and Argyle, on Saturday morning at 8 a. mis though indications point to the fact tha't it had been smouldering all night. The fire brigade turned out, and soori had the conflagration out. The side wall of the living room was burnt t)rrough, and the piano anil other contents damaged. hIr. and ~Irs. James Thomson, 14th and Bellevue, spent the Faster holiilays in Tacoma, go- ing there and back by motor. 0 0 0 AIr. anil ~Irs. R. H. Inglis, 2614 Bellevue, moved on Satur- clay to North Vancouver, where they will in future reside. 0 ~ 0 ~Irs ~I E La Chance R N 13th and Fulton, has resigneil from the ~Ietropolitan Insurance Co. 8 nursing service. 0 0 0 James Tearoe, 16th and Hay- wood, has purchased a net mot- or truck for his sand and gravel business. 0 0 Miss Macfarlane is havmg a house built on Bellevue Ave., be- tween 21st and 22nd Streets. 0 0 0 ~IIr. Porter left for Kaslo last Tuesday, and is spending this reek with his daughter, 41iss Ida Porter, who is a member of the High School staff there. 0 Jack Ray, pupil of Pauline Johnson school, who was injured whilst coasting, left the Vancou- IIospital last week, and at pres- ent is staying with his aunt in the city, but will be home short- ly. ~ t Eleanor Eager, who was in- jured at the same time, is at her home on 22nd Street, and gets about with the aid of crutches. She too, is making satisfactory pl'ogl ess. Arthur Edwards is still con- fined to his home with a broken ling, which he accidently broke while playing on the school pl oullils. 0 0 ~ A. Ellis, who has been resid- ing at a house at 25th and Belle- vue, during the winter months, has returned to the city. Kenneth MacKay of Ripley, Ontario, is visiting his uncle and aunt, DIr. and Mrs. J. R. Patter- son, 25th and Bellevue. iAIr. and DIrs. A. Peterson and son of Holden, Alberta, were the guests over Easter of 5Ir. and DIrs. S. Pride, 11th and Esqui- malt. J. Finlayson, the Dundarave druggist, has purchased the south-east corner of 25th and Marine Drive, and will probably build there next year. )Ir. and Mrs. IVarren of Kerr- isdale, spent Easter at the For- tune Cup hotel. DIrs. EVarren is staying on there for a few days. FRUIT TREES Three year old ilIclntosh Red Apple trees for 65c. This i» a special offered by E. S. Gamage c,f the British Columbia Nurser- ies on 5Iarine Drive near Copil- '.no Bridge. P h'B.SOi&~AI S THE WEST VAN NEWS I. O. O. F. Considering Lodge for IVest Van. ~[embers of the I. 0 0 F res ident in IVest Vancouver are in- vited to attend a meeting of Odd Fellows to be held in Ambleside Hall next 31onday at 8.30 p. m. to consider the matter of insti- tuting a lodge in AVest Vancou- x er. Bro. J. G. ~IcLaren, D.D.G.lI., and Bro. J. T. McDonald, Grand IIaster, will be present. ~Irs Dunwoodie who has been living at "the Clachan," has left ior Sandon, B. C. Jimmy Jackson, son of Mr. and 5!rs. J. F. Jackson, 20th and Bel- levue, who broke his leg on H'ol- lyburn Ridge on Sunday ~Iarch 24th, returned home last )Ved- nesday from North Vancouver Hospital. He is doing as well as can be expected but it will be some weeks before he can again use his leg. His parents have a card of thanks in this issue in apprecia- tion of the help given Jimmy at the time of his accident. j~oN ~- S ADE P 1 I.unch Rolls, Buns and Cake They'e real good Tasty and Pure. Mrs. Draper 243- MARINE DRIVE Next Dundarave Hall. NOTE PHONEt Weaa 344 HOLLYBDRN THEATRE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY- "The Code of the Scarlet" IIONDAY, TUESDAY and iv EDN ESDA Y "Interference" SOCIA LS AN D I A RTI ES CATEltED FOR. HAi E 3 OU TRIED OUR HO&IE-ilADE CAKES Saturday aud Nouday SPECIALS Malkin's Peaches, I'......... Igc Royal City Tomatoes, 2Q's 12& Nabob Coffee, 4 lb........... 32c "Best Food" Mayonnaise.... 8irc Lux, per pkt............... llc Maclean's Tea. 4 lb... 32c i i s ~ l~, Igl.l " ',,"t Phone IVest 318R3. West Bay PROIIPT DELIVERY For the sp'.endid patronage given us during SIarch. We were very busy the whole month. Now the Easter rush is over and we are back to normal NOTICE Members~ I.p.p.F. Resident in AVest Vancouver are invited to attend a meeting of Odd FelloNs to consider the matter of instituting a Lodge, at 8.30 o'lock next hlonday, April 8th, in Ambleside Hall. Bro. J. G. McLaren, D.D.G.M., and Bro. J. T. McDonald, Grand Master will be present. Your New Spring Suit is awaiting your choice. Come in and see the new pat terns. hlany to choose From. M. WILLIAMS 16th and hlarine, Ambleside GUSTO%i TAILOR Phone West 20 CAPILANO TIAIBER COilIPANY Fr om Forest to II ou Just give us a telephone call and we ivill gladly give you any information required. Ask for our Local Sales Department. IUe carry in stock everything needed for your new home or for an extension to the present one. Our specialty, however, is our Outside AUal1 Covering. SUe manufacture practically every type of siding. You can secure from us promptly. anything from the very best Clear Edge Grain Cedar Bungalow Siding down to the cheap grades of drop siding in other species. I'rompt execution of Buying and Selling Orders. Itelinble Information Given. 679 1)UNSIIUII( STItEET VANCOUVElt SEYiIOUlt 889.l L. M. DUVAL A, J. W. MANSON STOCKllltOKEI(S AND FINANCIA Is AGENTS Stocks, - Bonds - Investments Phone North 305. FOOT OF PEi~IBERTON Night Phone; North 549'1~ t 'I ~.. 1e ~R)l Mo „lilt)eF ~0., I..g. Under the auspices of the The IVest Vancouver Scottish Society IVill be held in THE CI.ACHAN HOTEL on SATURI)AY EVENINGs Al Rile 13th, at 8.15 Gooil Prizes Refreshments A Social IIour 'I'ickets 35c each. KILN DRIED KINDLING Big Cord Load in North and IVest Vancouver........... $3.50 Extra charges for distant deliveries. E. Beyond St. Denis Ave.. 50c Extra N.E. Beyond Centre Road... 50c Extra N. Beyond 29th Street.................. 25c Extra lV. Beyond 29th St. to IVest Bay 50c Extra lV. Beyond EVest Bay to Caulfeild $ 1.00 Extm I'hone North 304. After 6 p. m.; North 30-lE