001C9716 THE AVEST VAN NEEVS April 5, 1929. BUILDING PERAIITS TOTAL $ 15,875 Public School PRESCRIPTIONS and TOOTH PASTE "I'rices Consistently I.ow" Two Stores in IVest Vn»couver GREENWOOD'S GROCERY GRANGER'S GROCERY, 1442 Dlari»e Drive 21st and illarine Drive iVest 16 iVest 105 Don't seem related--but they [f medicine is required in n hurry. your local Drug Store is nt hami to furnish it. IVe do so glnrlly even if it mean--ns often hnppens--n night visit to the Store to get it. Then--why not buy your Tooth Paste, Shaving Supplies, Toilet Goods nnd nll ordinary household supplies nt the same place--nnd we'l still be here for the next emergency. SPECIALS AT BOTH STOreES FRIDAY - SATURDAY - MONDAY Quick Quaker Oats, pack~&........ 25c Orange i~lnrmnlnde, Quart Senl- ers. each .................................. 37c Lemons ...................,............ 6 for 1Ic Sweet Juicy Oranges,.... 3 doz. 59c Grape I ruit ................,.. 5 for 24c Sugar Krisp Corn Flakes, 3 packets 25e Royal Crown Cleanser, per pkt. 5c Crisco, 3 lb. tin........................... 75c Iiedlund's i~lent Balls, tin........ 28c Bovril, 2 oz. bottle .................... 33c Libby's Prepared hlustnrd, jnr lee IIand Snap, tin ........................... 19c Red Plums. 24's ...... 2 tins 35c Pearl IVhite Nnpthn Soap .......,............................... 6 ba rs 2 4 c FI.OUR Special (Gee-Gee Brand) 7 lh sack 35c 2 l Ib sack $ 1.15 49 lh sack $2.15 Royal Crown Lye, per tin........ 9c B. C. Gran. Sugar....... 10 lbs. 59c Aylmer Boneless Chicken. tin IOc Royal City Peas, No..i " tins 35c Royal City Strawberries, 2's per tin .................................. 35c Royal City Pure Raspberry Jam, per tin ........................ 70c C. G. TEA--Broken Orange Pe- koe Ten, per lb .... 60c WEST VAN I'HARNACY -- C.P.R. DISI'ENSEle S IVE DELIVER. I'hone IVest37 Yuhau I horead t his! He had choked her- She was dead--there could be »o doubt about that. He had listened to her dying gasp. Now she was cold--cold as the hand of death. Yet in his anger he was not convinced. Furiously he kicked ner. To his amazeme»t she gasp- ed, sputtered and began to hum softly. "Just a little patience is all it takes, John," reniarked his wife from the rear seat. I)IISS JOAN DURBIN IIA]ilNG GOOD RECOVERY 6pp L]BRARY BOARD ilIEETING 175 NEXT DIONDAY 550 The many friends of Miss Joan Durbin wi]] be glad to know that she is making satisfactory progress after the operation she recently underwent «t the North Vancouver hospital. It is expect- ed that she wil] be able to be up today. As soon as she is able to make the journey, SIiss Dur- bin wi]] go to Victoria for a short visit. Her sickness will postpone the re-opening of the St. Patricia Kindergarte» and Girls'chool until iAIonday, April 22nd. The regu]sr monthly meeting 4pp of the Holly] urn I.ibrary Board will be held next bio»day at 8 $15,875 p. m. in Hollyburn School. ilIatters of much importance will be discussed and the mem- bers are urgently asked to be present as this is a most import- TATION HORTICULTURAL ASSN. GETTING READY FOR SHOAVFUEL Flit or ALDER--Any Lengths FURNACE IVOOD nnd COAL Radio Poles -- Fence Posts Arrangements for the Horti- cultural Show are going apace. The officers are working to- gether very enthusiastically and expect to make this one of the most successful yet held. It is bodied to have the catalogues ~ready within the next week oi'wo. AIerrick--Roberts~ A very pretty wedding took place 0» Saturday eveni»g, March 30th, at the West Vancou- ver United Church when Mar- jorie, the youngest daughter oi the late i~lr. and 5Irs. T. Rob- erts of Roberts Creek, B. C., be- came the bride of Mr. Charles James 4Ierrick, Rev. Dr. J. S. Henderson performing the cere- mony. The bride, who was given in marriage by her Uncle, SIr. L. H. Roberts, looked charming i» a dress of peach crepe de chene with hat to match and carried a sheath bouquet of Easter ]ilies. AIrs. T. Pattinso», sister of the bride, was matron of honor, wearing a rose taffeta dress with bouquet of tulips. The groom was supported by his brother-in-law, Mr. AV. M. Thompson. During the signing of the reg- ister, Mr. D. Thomas sang "Loves Coronation." Fifth Van- couver Mountaineers Troop of Boy Scouts (of whom until rec- ent]y the groom was Scoutmast- er) formed a guard of honor. A reception was held at the home of the groom's parents,"1st and Bellevue, which was prettily decorated with spring f]owers, the table being centred with a. three-tier wedding cake. Later the couple left for a cruise among the gulf islands on Mr. L. H. Roberts'acht "Chack- Chack" and on their return will reside i» Lynn Valley. Cedar for Rustic IVork ilianure for Your Gardens. Soil THE iVESTON CARTAGE IVest 201L Pub]ic Meeting The Horticultural Association expects to ~iiange the public meeting to discuss the improve- ments in Boulevards and Parks for sometim. early in April. Mr. Butt is going to bring with him ~ number ot ~]ides to illustrate ]iis talk. IVhy s orry over YOUR INCOME TAX RETURNS Community Hall Another interest of the Asso- ciation is the constiwction of a Community Hall An endeavoi is being made to bring the plans for this to iruitio». The inter- est and assistance of other local associations will be asked in this project. Phone: I . T. IIASTERIIAN IVest 111. ST. PATRICIA KINDERGARTEN AND GIRLS'CHOOL will re-open ilIonday, Apri] 22nd. .. ouses bliss J. Durbin Phone 20th and Ha)mood AVest 97R I have a few modern houses on the 9 nterfront still avail able for the summer. oa ee &oner LUNN'S CAFE 14 th and ~la ri ne Soft Drinks Tobacco Public I'hone--Ivest 611-0 .&. Pf. Savory OUI& DELICIOUS Home-made Pies Watches and Clock Repairs 1443 Marine Drive, Amb]eside Phone IVest 340 Evenings, 8'est 143 Real Estate, Financial and Insurance Agent Apple -- Raisin -- Lemon Pumpkin, etc. IVill bring you back again. Called for and Delivered. Cakes, Rolls, Cookies MRS. ROSS hlnrine Drive A mbleside THE PANTRY Special Orders attended to. All Home Cooking THE AVEST VAN WATCHMAKER and 3EWELLER 1522 Marine Drive C. 3. Overington ~p' HAS MOVED1v+i1v to new store on Marine Drfve, next Jefferies Ment Store nt 11th. I'hone 6'est 135 for appointment In business in IVest Vnn 8 Years :Have You had Yours& Class Leaders The mu»icipal hall staff last Hollyburn School month issued thfrteen building permits of a total value of $ 15,-T. Pollock. provincial inspector 785. Particu]ars are as follows'fpublic schools, pai(l his annu- D&vellingsal visit to Hollyburn School dur- Triggs, Geo. J. Fisher-i»g the last ten days of the term. man's Cove................ $ 800As a result of this the ex&mi»a- llermiins, E. $V., 11t]i 8r,tio» results have not beeii corn- Es(luimalt Ave.. 3,500pleted, but wi]] be pub]ished in Dewar, D., 22nd E; Belle-cul Iiext issue. vue ................................. 3 500 Cameron, R. K., EaglePauline Johnson School Is]and 1 ppp The fo]]owi»g pupils are the Canadian Legion )Vest leaders in the various classes at V»i 18th A Duchess 2,000 the above school in the Easter Costello, AI. C., 17th a»d exami»atio»s held during last Bellevue ................... 2,5pp week: Additions Divi9io» 1 Gi ide 8 Cornish, Mrs. M., 17th and Gordon ..........Seco»d Term--1, Josie i.ey- NcKeilzie, p. D., Edwards. Robinson R FDivis'on 2.--Grade 8 24th a»d glarine ....... 200First Term--1, John Kendrick, Mulhern, N E. 2, John Sheffield; 3, David Spen- 18th and Be]]evue .cer. W PiccadillyGrade 7 Roiv]ey Mrs., Second Term a -- 1, Margaret 24th and Kings .... Saunders; 2, Gerald Mason; 3, Cherry, Dorothy, Kath]ee» Hodgson. )Vest Bay Division 3--Grade 7 Second Term b--1, EVa]ter Mc- Clintock; 2, Robert Allan; 3, Marion Ogden. Grade 7 RATEPAYERS'SSN. First Term--1, Helen Ritz; 2, AGAIN DISCUSS TR Iain Devlin; 3, Enid Clements. POR Division 4--Grade G Second Term--1, Dickie Lest- The meeting of the West Van- er; 2, Teddy Sheffield; 3, Alton couvel. Ratepayers'ssociationlast Tuesday was very we]] at- tended. President Nasmith in the chair. It was resolved toFirst Term--1, John Bradley; change the constitution (1) Mak-2. Nary Murray; 3, Eileen Grady ing the reeve of the municipalityGrade 5 each year a honorary presidentSeco»d Term a--1, Jack &«- of the association; (2) To makeLeod; 2, Eunice Turvey; 3, G«- the immediate past president ofdon Ritz. the association a member of theDivision 6--Grade 5 executive ex-officio. Second Term b -- 1, Audrey This being the first meetingTodd; 2, Donald Sharman ' at which the new president hadLaura Barnott. presided, he took the opportun- Gi.ade 5 ity of expressing his views andFirst Term--1, Pat Bibbs; 2, ideas of the operations and func-Jack McLeod; 3, Oliver Bur- tions of the Ratepayers'ssocia- bridge. tion stating that his idea was Division 7--Grade 4 one of co-operation and helpful Second Te~--1, Evelyn Mc- criticism rathel. than a policy of Gowan; 2, Sy]ma Kyte 3, Co]e- general disag cement. man Key. After routine business had been disposed of, the meetingG~~de 4 was thrown open for discussionFirst Term--1, Jessie»tz' on transportation matters. TheJoan Mathews; 3, Kathleen Jag- views of various speakers &vere ger . heard and, though it had beenDivision 8--Grade 3 announced the meeting would Second Term--1, Sheila Ed- close at 10 o'lock, so little head-wards', Dorothy Chappell; 3, way had been made in reason-Harry Parker. able suggestions that it was de- Grade3 cided on a motion to continue the First Term--1, Susan NcLin- d'scussion for another half hour tock; 2, Herbert Cunningham; » the hope that some satisfac- 8, Lorraine Holden. tory recommendations could be Division 9--Grade 2 made to ™Prove transPortation econd Term1 A]ice Grady. cond'tions. Ultimately it was 2, Co]in Jones; 3, Jean Vernon reso ved to aPPoint a committee to make a complete survey ofGi.ade 2 transportation systems affecFirst Term-- 1, Bobby Kend- ing the municipa]ity The in-rick; 2, Joan Sharman; 3, Ethel tention of the committee is to bring about an increase in theDivision 10 Grade1 efficiency of the municipal busesSecond Term--1, Ralph Tip- and ferries, and to co-ordinatetn»; 2 Peter Barr; 3, June Weav- the various transportation sys-er. tems. A full report will be for-Grade 1-- warded to the )Vest Vancouver Fiist Term--1, Jim Anderson; Municipal Council. 2, Patsy Meraw; 3, Robert Shef- Councillor Jackman, chairman field. Of the ti'ansportation committee, was present, and when called upon gave some specific informal. O. D. E. DANCE tion as regards the operation ofVERY SUCCESSFUL the ferries and buses. Ex-Councillor EVatt made the e dance given by the Dun- suggestion that the YVest Van- can Lawson Chapter, I. 0. D. E., couver transportation service be on )Vednesday night at Holly- under the direction of a commis burn Pavilioii was a very suc- sion of three men, who would be cessful affair. The pavilion was more or less permanent]y ap- very prettily decorated for the pointed, and who wou]d have occasion, and the large number complete direction of transporta of guests present had a thor- tion matters. He also recom- oughly enjoyable time, the floor mended the installation of fare being crowded with dancers for boxes, so that fares wou]d be every number. During the sup- paid before passengers boarded per interval Councillor Fiddes the boats. made the drawing for the stand- ard lamp, Miss Ray being the There were 2 B. C. firms inlucky holder of the winning 1927 with a payroll of over $4,-ticket. 000,000.