001C9668 THE EVEST VAN NEEVS December 28, 1928. We wish you all P Happy and Prosperous New Year. ~ .%SO.b aitDO A. rid&les of the United Church junior football eleven was one of the team chosen to represent the Old Country against Canada in the annual Sunday School junior soccer international played on Christmas morning on the Cam- bie Street grounds, Vancouver. e i~Irs. John Watson had an un- fortunate accident on I'riday night at her home at 14th and Duchess, when she had hei'rm ripped from elbow to wrist as the result of the step of a ladder breaking on which she was standing. She was taken to the North Vancouver General Hos- pital to have the wound dressed, and is now making good pro- gl'ess at hei'onle. Miss Ida Porter, who is on the teaching staff of the high school at I~aslo, arrived here on Sun- day to spend the holidays withher father, J. Porter, 15th and Duchess. good resolution «r $ 929 is to buy your Groceries at jVEW YEAR GIFTS MARI 5'E GROCERY 5Irs. B. Stavert has returned from Saskatoon and is living ivith her parents, Mr. and liIrs. A. )Vebb, 25th and AIarine Drive. 22nd and Marino J. A l. LISON, Pr op. PHONE WEST 96The DIisses Sadie and Lou Ban-nister, 31st and Travers, spent Christmas on a visit to relatives in Seattle. AVm. Gourlay arrived from Vancouver Island on Monday, and is spending the holidays with Nrs. Gourlay and familv. 19ROjillm DELIVERY GOOD PR(DIES AND GOOD SERViCE WE WANT TO SERVE YOU. Donald Dunwoodie of the Slo- can district is spending the holi- days with his family at his homeat 24th and Haywood. He pre- dicts a boom in mining in the Slocan district next summer. The storm early on Christmas Day raised a heavy sea, which carried away one of the dolphins at the first Narrows lighthous.. One roller raised by the xvilld and assisted by the ivash of a passing steamer went clean over the lighthouse. An extra ferry boat wil) leave the city dock at 1 a. m. on Net Year's Eve. There will be an hourly service on New Year' Day starting at 6 a. m. from Ambleside. The regular 11 p. m. boat from Ambleside will be held until 11.30. The last boat from the city which usually leaves at 11.30 p. m., will be held until midnignt. Mrs. F. D. Cramer left on )Ved- nesday to return to her home in Seattle after spending Christ- mas with her brother and sister- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Chet Shields, 14th and Bellevue. The ferries last Tuesday had the busiest Christmas Day in their history, 1296 passengers using the boats. EGG Airs. NcKenzie, 23rd and Bel- levue, moved on Saturday to the city where she will spend the wintel'.pigman Business College william Park of Vancouver, is moving into the Paul house at 31st and Travers. t 4 f Judson Ingalls was a guest this week of EIr. and Mrs. Frank Armstrong, 12th and Esquimalt. Mr. Ingalls, who now lives up the coast, is well known here, being an old resident of the dis- trict. Toll Vancouver's Leading Business College. INDIVIDUAL ATTEiiITIO~~ DAY AiVD iVIGHT SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL FOUR iVIGHTS EACH WEEK Students may enrol at any time 422 RICHARDS STREET (At Hastings) PHOiVE SEYMOUR 9135 Delivered PHOiVE WEST 17 Hobb Coal L Transfer "Bob's Always on the Job." .. HO LID A YS; THI Ci,I AN UP J,II),7j( 14. )$ After the holidays are over there comes a breathing time for the busy home-maker. Her re- flections embrace the territory from attic to cellar in all branch- es of her labors. This is the time when she should make out a list of things to do or not to do another holiday season. AVhen stripping the Christmas tree tho besi things are packed aivay with candle holders and the permanent decorations. All toy gi fts must be looked over, classified and put away properly. The toys that do not work well must be fixed. Books looked over and sorted, some discarded may go to the gift pile, which in turn goes to charity. Bureau drawers must be gone over and set to rights after the confusion oi the holiday work and hiding has stirred them up. Here again many odds and ends may go to the gift pile. Closets are handled in the same way. The attic receives due attention. The cellar should not be neglect- ed if all gift packing and trash was thrown down there. Some of the paper, string, boxes and so on that may be handy. in the future are worth saving. This brings the home-maker to the kitchen and pantries, storm-swept and ravaged by merrymakera. Much of the wreckage can be salvaged by one who has had experience. In pre- paring for the holiday feasts many things were purchased, some were entirely consumed, some remain a mass of broken packages, with little oftheir con- tents used. These must be fixed to use in various ways while fresh and good. Cheese that is drying may be grated and bottl- ed. Fruit cakes that will not remain moist must be made into pudding. Cookies and cakes gone stale may be crumbled for pud- dings. Sauces opened must be set forward on the shelves to use as soon as possible. A I l the special gifts of household import- ance must find a resting place on shelves or in drawers. This upheaval is almost like an extra house-cleaning period. But while she makes her rounds the home-maker turns many things over in her mind, and among them are the things one might call wisdom nuggets. Another year she decides to pro- ceed a little differently. To be- gin with, she will buy less. ~ ~ ~ ~o ~ o ~~oo ~~~ ~J --~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ % ~ ~ ~ ~ 3J'; A Joyous New Year!II II jII We have a very complete selec- tion of seasonable CAKES ANty PASTRIES Ir. II. STRATTON'S BRFhD II. is different Phone and have I our delivery call every day. 'i II ; STRATTON'S Ir! BAKERY i. f.WEST 27 "Iij. tf.o 4 p ~ wo ~ ~ ~ ~o ~o ~ ~ ~o ~ ~ ~ ae-ff--.... ~ ~ ., ~ Earle Armstrong of Kamloops is visiting his parents Mr and Mrs. Frank Armstrong, 12th and Esquimalt, over the Christmas holidays. COL g BLATHER ~E Balmy IUest Vancouver Christmas Day in AVest Van- couver was most remarkable, 84 in the sun, and 62 in the shade, at 2 o'lock in the afternoon. AVhat's the matter with IUest Vancouver? CQRTAlNL AND BLANKS f5 wE, LAuNpRR 'T PRICES 7HATMAKE g FouiS PoNOER.': ~"I .)m'ran .amry Limited For People Who Are Particular THIRD ST. and ST. DAVIDS North Vancouver Phone North 1310. Nr. Cornish arrived here from )Vi nnipeg on Monday, and is spending his holidays at his home at 17th and Gordon. A. Dickinson, of the First Narrows lighthouse, states that following the lifting of the fog blanket on Thursday night, 20th instant, eighteen deep sea ships which had been lying at anchor in the bay passed through the First Narrows in one long line up the harbor. Mr. Dickinson says in his long experience of the sea he has never been a witness of a similar occurrence. Mr. and Nrs. John Lidster, 21st and Esquimalt, spent Christmas with Nrs. Lidster's parents in Chilliwack. Iat Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Murch have taken up residence in the house recently occupied by Mr. and Mrs. G. N. Ford at 13th and Fulton. Mr. Murch is the man- ager of the Ambleside store ofJefferies'eat Markets. Some vandals last week strip- ped one of the two holly bushes in front of John Lawson's office of all its branches. These trees are eighteen years old, and, in order to protect them from further damage, Nr. Lawson has been compelled to dig them up and transfer them to the garden at his home. Mrs. EVeller and Mrs. Marling 17th and Marine Drive, are giv- ing a house warming party on January 3rd to their many Van- couver friends. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Mitchell, 28th and Bellevue, had a daugh- ter born to them on Saturday, the 15th instant. Now that Christmas is over we notice that Tommy is not so active in carrying in wood for his mother; that he finds no joy in playing with the baby; he has given up the notion that it' a pleasure to run errands for his sister; he fails to bring dad his slippers and his pipe; all of which indicates that Christmas is just as far away as ever. This Tommy boy is a wonderful kid, but after all he is just a chip of the old block. Phone North 345 Res. North 918Y and 1214Y FURNACE REPAIRS AUest Van. Representative F. RIVERS Phone IUest 410L Anything in Sheet MetaI Furnaces, Stores, Gutters, Cornice, Skylights Tar and Gravel Roofs, General Repairs of all kinds. Burrard Sheet Metal HARRON BROS. 8'ILLIAMSON funeral 6irertars 229 Lonsdale North Vancouver SCHOOL NOTES North Vancouver Parlors 122 Nest Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 The pupils of Pauline Johnson school had a very pleasant time on Friday previous to the closing of the school for the Christmas vacation. Each room was gaily decorated with paper festoons and evergreens and had a Christmas Tree on which were placed the presents interchang- ed among the pupils. Games we"e indulged in, while nuts, oranges, cakes and ice- cream puffs added to the young- sters'leasure. Pauline Pupils IlIake Presenta- tion to IlIr. Kirk On Friday morning the pupils of the platoon system of Pauline Johnson school assembled in one of the classrooms to honor Mr. Kirk, a member of the school staff. Miss Enid Clement on be- half of the pupils of these four classrooms "ddressed Mr. Kirk in a few well-chosen remarks, conveying their. best wishes for his approaching marriage, and at the close Tom Timbrell present- ed him with a velvy beautiful framed water color view of the Inlet and South Shore, the work of Nr. EVarburton Young of )Vest Vancouver. i' co&~4n+ ~+&~&&@ ~W j ~) I f I'l v '1 era 0 THE I I King Studio V. V. VIAVSOiVy Prop. 311 Hastings St., IVve Phone Seymour 1046 Wishes you all A Bright and Prosperous Net Year I, I( and wish to thank all customers for their patronage during 19289 Quarts for I j( ~ t tea 'IOne Dollar i r gjgser RlalLnj 8kilh O'ORTH 122 tl II ",ie .,".SAI"."..',~,i .~" S".."-. '- I I I I I A Happy ind I rosperous Ne&v Year to All KVe have a . plendid selection of II 11 I I Suitable for evcrv one in the family. Conic and see them A TONIC these days is a useful thing in the house. AVe have COD I„IVER OII,, BEEF, IRON 2 OVINE, MALT EXTRACT ivith Cod Liver Oil, SYRUP HYPOPHOSPH ATES, OVALTINE. PREVEiVTATIVES AND QUIZZES FOR FLU, COUGIIS AND COLDS --Rexall Bronchial Syrup, Musterolc, Vick's Vapor Rub, Syrup IVhite Pine 8t TAR, Thermogcne, Cascara Bromide Quinine Tablets. I I I es-ag'e t~~~rug'tore G. E. REID, illanager Net Building--Corner AIarine and 14th. FAST DELIVEI(Y iVO ORDER IS TOO SMALLWEST 323