West Van. News (West Vancouver), 28 Dec 1928, p. 5

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001C9668 December 28, 1928. THE WEST VAN NEWS The Children' Dancing Classes conducted by bllSS KATHLEFW ELLIS will resume work for the new term on WEDNESDAY NEXT. Jan. 2nd at 4 p.m. in Ambleside Hall FANCY DANCES and PHYSICAL CULTURE N'ishing you all The Compliments of the Season. WHAT IS WRONG IVITH WEST VANCOUVER? Grariger's Grocery Sir:--Several letters have ap- peared in your columns asking "What is the matter with West Vancouver." and I would like to reply that there is absolutely nothing wrong with lVest Van- couver, the fault lies absolutely with the people that are in it. The principle fault lies in our transporta t ion system. We are no~v faced with a prob- lem that must be remedied at the earliest possible moment otherwise our present population will diminish instead of increase. The remedy to my mind is the widening of our Alar.ine Drive tn the sidewalks and hard-surface it for at the present time two large sized motors cannot pass each other with safety in quite a number of places, especially on the Capilano bridge. With the passing of the Pacif- ic Great Eastern Railway on the North Shore, can you imagine the difficulties the residents will have to experience in travelling to busin".-ss during the summer months, and also the severe fin- ancial losses the various people in the west end will have to face after investing heavily in the summer resident property, who at the same time have helped considerably to beautify our Naririe Drive Coast line. Surely the combined munici- palities could approach the Pro- vincial Government to erect a suitable structure over the Cap- ilario river. Compensation f'r withdrasv- ing the P. G. E. Ry. service, at least, if they go after it in the same way as the Pyncouver in- terests are over the Burrard St. bridge, they would sure succeed. It is noiv about time that ave came to the conclusion that our ferry system which has been the backbone of our transportation in the past is now obsolete, and realize that people do not relish travelling through the narrows on such crafts especially during fog, darkness, or in their crowd- ed state and facilities. In Europe and the United States the motor busses are tak- ing first place, and all other modes of transportation are feeling that they are being plac- ed in the back ground, and we must get into line with the wisli of the people. if )Vest Vancou- couver hopes to get out of the "Hick" stage. The upper levels of our muni- cipality coulcl be excellently serv- ed ivith busses made to connect with the ones at the louver levels, and working in harmony with the North Shore authorities could make West Vancouver a place ivorth ivhile to reside in. So that some suitable solution &vill be arrived at by the 1929 Council, I would suggest the pur- chase of an "Alley Cat" the same as used on the 14th St. Wharf in foggy aveather, be placed in the municipal chamber, and kept in op.ration at all times while they are in session, to remind them that EVest Vancouver's transpor- tation system is rotten, and needs urgent attention. (Signed) INVIS. SATUltDAY A iD b10siDAY SPECIALS blalkin's Coffee, 1 lb. tins .. G2c blalkin's Tea, 1 lb. pkts. 60c Campbell's Tomato Soup ........... 2 tins 23r White Rose Pastry Flour, .. 7 lb. Bags 3lc Navel Oranges, per dolmen.. 19c Finest New island Butter .......................... 3 IW $ 1.28 Prices Consistently Low l'rompt Delivery Marine & 21st Phone West 405 Stocks Real Estate Insurance and Loans .. ]..).VA.- Member of the B. C. Mining and Stock Exchange Orders promptly and efficiently executed. 579 Dunsmuir St., Vancouver 1'hone Seymour 8894 gp~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~s ~ ~ r@~oar+ raoa ra seZa re rere ra re ~I% i). i(. 'i i(. l i! Mrs. Shields and I join in i~! wishing the people of i). )Vest Vancouver iI. ti Ii ot] Ster,lings Vi CHET SHIELDS;tr'4th STltEET right nt ltailway Crossing Three Billiard Tables forl Your Pleasure 'i I it. ~ o ~ & ~ & ~ & ~ & ~ & ~ & ~ & ~ & ~ &r W~r4 ~ ~ o ~ s ~ s ~A ~ ~ %- V~ -o- ~ s ~ s ~ o ~ s ~. o WISHING YOU A PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR VERNON FEED STORE A. C. SEARLE Phone %Vest 9 Fuel and Building Supplies ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ s ~ s ~ ~ ~ ' ~ s ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~F~-- --r~ ~ I It I 8rHSOll 9 !; ;II q~ Srrl ttngs from E. MARSH l].i'OLLYBURN Barber Shop 15th 6; Marine .ti Ladies, Children and bIen h 1vI 'or .IIew .~.ear's '.~ay Hourly Service Throughout the Day. First Boat from Ambleside 6 a. m. 11 p. m. boat from IVest Vancouver will be held until 11.30. The boat regularly scheduled to leave Vancouver at 11.30 p. m. ivill NOT LEAVE until midnight. An Extra lkoat iilll leave Vancouver at 1 a. m. New Year's Eve. Correspondence PRAISES FERRY STAFF ANOTHER BOOSTER The Editor, )Vest Van News. Dear Sir:-- I feel that this would be a good time to write a letter of appreciation at the way our local ferries and busses were handled in the recent heavy fog. Being a recent settler in West Vancouver and my first expeM- ence in a fog of such density, and in a channel fraught with increasing danger, the confid- ence so obviously displayed in those responsible for transpor- tation to and from the city was a great tribute to their capabil- ities. Editor EVest Van News, Dear Sir I don't understand anything about the controversy re "Busses to North Vancouver, etc." for transportatinn to the city. I don't even know the names of the captains, mates, engineers, etcoo of our ferry system, but I do say this, "Let us be fair." I say that the staff deserve "three rousing cheers." In all this dreadful weather, we have to re- cord one SLIGHT accident. Great credit is due these men. Let us Boost EVest Vancouver. A. J. bIARLING. rWwr wr ~rw~W+M~~ ~ Mr ~~Msgryt-~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Vishing all ",ii,'y Friends arid Patrons i'HE COMPLIMENTS "i ii OF THE SEASON 4I C. J. Overington BARBER 14th and blarine &44 r ~ ~ &gAg 4+&+& r R r' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~W ~ ~ ~W~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ "IVadsley" Very sincerely yours, A. RESIDENT.Editor West Van News, In all the storm of opposition that has arisen against "EVads- ley" as the name of the new KVest Bay postoffice, nothing has been said about th origin of the name but to a few IVest Vancouver residents, especially those hail- ing from the broad acred shire of Yorkshire, the name is famili- ar. &Vhether the postal authori- ties share this knowledge and have been playing a grim joke on West Bay, I cannot of course, say, but the only place of this name that we have ever heard of before is the IVadsley blental Asylum at 'A'atfsley Bridge near Sheffield; I ivould like to live at West Bay, but ivould never have my English mail addressed to "Wadsley." CHORAL SOCIETY GIVES THANKS The Editor of the )Vest Van News, Dear Sir:-- On behalf of the committee of the West Vancouver Choral Society, I wish to thank you for the publicity given to the efforts of their choir. AVe feel very much that such support tends greatly to the success and en- joyment of these musical pres- entations. It may be surprising to you and the public of West Vancou- ver to know that the season' operations of our Choral Society call for an expenditure of near- ly $ 1000. The music alone for this one concert costing about $ 100, besides the other expens- es. We have this season, however, had very loyal support from the people of EVest Vancouver to whom we feel much indebted. In return we are endeavoring to give them the best musical entertainment possible. We are recommencing our practises on January 8th at the Dundarave Hall in readiness for the presen- tation of "Tales of Old Japan" which will b given early in the year. EVe will also be taking the test pieces for the next Choral competition, for ~which we now holrl the shield, which ive hope, through the energy and ability of our leader, to still re- tain. )Teanwhile an invitation is extended to new members to get in communication with J. bl. blorgan and help us in our work. Thanking you again for your able support, I beg to remain, Yours truly, PERCY T. bIASTER4IAN, Secretary West Van. Choral Society. FRAM MAR Montessori School For Young Children 3 years to 8 years (inclusive) 18th and Esquimalt Are. Re-opens Thursday, January 3rd 1929. PAN ' bfarlne Drive Arnbleslde REAL HobrE COOKING CAKES, PIES and PASTRY Buy here and be satisfiesL OLD EBOR. Compliments Ferry Staff The Editor, The )Vest Van News, Dear Sir:-- Several letters have appeared in your paper criticizing our Ferry service. It seems to me that there is not much to com- plain about, as ive have a very good service. Even during the foggy yeather we did not suffer a great deal of inconvenience. Last Friday, which was a very foggy day, a friend and myself came home from the city via North Vancouver at four-thirty. We had to svait half an hour for the ferry (there being no twen- ty minutes to five boat). At North Vancouver sve had to wait forty minutes for the stage, not arriving at Ambleside until half past six--the journey taking al- together two hours. I might say that the stage was overcrowded to the limit, and sve narrowly escaped an accident on the way. I think that the captains of our ferries deserve the highest praise for the splendid svay in which they perform the diffi- cult and trying task of navigat- ing the boats back and forth the Narrows in the foggy iveath- er,--many times during the day and for many hours on end. Also the mates, who have to stand on the look-out for many hours at a time. It must be a tremendous strain on them all. There may perhaps be some people who do not realise what the men have to go through ivhen the fog is bad, or hoiv much credit is really due to them. Here's wishing good luck to them all. Thanking you for the courtesy of printing this letter, I am, Yours faithfully, "RESIDENT" NU BONE CORSETS Surgical Belts and Binders LINGERIE, HOSIERY 17th 2 bIarine. West 224 Sincerely svishing you A Year of Success and Happiness. Chiropractic Will Help You. Consultation Free. Roberta A. Vass D.C Ph. C. Graduate of Palmer School C HIROFRAC'I'OR Phone Nest 383 hext to Stratton Bakery Marrne Drive Amblesrde also at Vancouver COURSE OF INSTRUCTION IN WVOOD FINISHING and FRENCH EOLISHING Enroll Now. Two Evenings per Week for Three blonths. Teach you how to make and apply your own stains such as waters acid, spirit, fume and oil stains. b1ix colors and fillers, etcss etc. A warm light place to work in and you may vvork nn your own pieces. I supply everything. 2152 blARINE DRIVE 1'HONEo WEST 71YW. CARL E Y, ANNOUNCEMENT DEAR HOUSEHOLDER:-- We have opened a Coal Business right here in West Vancouver. We are handling theEngagement ~lr. and blrs. A. lV. Ure, 24th and Kings, announce the engage- ment of their son, Dr. william Ure, to bliss Eva A. Selby of Not tinghamshire, England, who hos been a resideirt of Pasadena, Cairo for the past few years. Dr. Ure, ivho is a former. graduade of the U. B. C., has just been appointed to the staff of the chemical deportment of his Alma blater ofter takirig his Ph. D. at the California Iristitute of Tech- riology. Famous Newcastle Drumheller which is good, clean, hot, long-lasting Coal. Our Coal is shipped in carload lots direct from the mine to WEST VANCOUVER. That ensures you quick service at Lowest Price. Special for the opening-- Egg Coal per ton $11.50 West Van Coal Supply Office 1 los llarine Drive 1'boner We.t 377