West Van. News (West Vancouver), 28 Dec 1928, p. 4

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001C9668 THE BLUEST VAN NEKVS December 28, 1928. IVishing al) my Customers and I"riends THE SetllsalllI s u6 II I?e .Illlllll;s and hoping that 1929 will bring vou much happiness. This is the sincere wish of z 'i!i!.IllWi)(II: 8 GROCERY West 16 Store Closed All Day EVed»esday, 26th. fille gontplitttents of tite Seasatt New Years Gifts of Jewellery SELLIS'G OU'I'LL STOCK EVe intend to operate as a Repair Shop only Your Opportunity to purchase "Gifts" at greatly reduced prices. Wm. Sagar The Q'est Van Jeiveller Prof. J. M. Morgan VOICE PRODUCTION SINGING Vancouver Studio. Seymour 101 West Van. Studio: West 173 REEVE AND MRS. VINSON iVII.L ENTERTAIN EiilPIiOYEES Reeve and 5Irs. V. V. Vinson will entertain all the employees of the king Photo Studio, of which AIr. Vinso» is the proprie- tor, at a dinner party»ext Sun- day. This is an aiinual event which is held each year between Christmas a»d New Year. )VEST VANCOUVER SCOTS CELEBRATE U»der auspices of the )Vest Vancouver Scottish Society an enjoyable "Evening with Dick- ens" was spent i» the spacious hall of the Glachan Hotel, )Vest Va»couver, Saturday. The pres- id:nt, Robert Reid, was in the chair, and Noel Robinson spoke upon Charles Dickens'ife and work, interspersing his remarks &vith recitations. Carols were sung by a quartet from the so- ciety's members, Mrs. Howieso», James Fiddes, Mrs. J. T. Watt and William Davie. Mrs. Howie- son rendered several solos. By a mistake on our part the advertisement of the NU-BONE Corset, Lingerie and Surgical Belt Shop, 17th and SIarine, was omit ted from our last wek's issue. PAINT BRIGHTENS OLD AiND NET FURNITURE EVith modern art so much to the fore, there is a strong realiz- ation of the importance of color in interior decoration. An ad- ditional dash of color is often all that is needed to transform an otherwise "flat" room into a setting of distinction and char- acter. One new piece may be all that is necessary. Present- day manufacturers are creating any number of interesting pieces which may be bought unfinished and decorated at home. Excel- lent quality paints are now ob- tainable in a wide variety of col- ors, and several very good finish- es. It is not difficult to decorate unfinished furniture at home, nor refinish old pieces in order to produce a pleasing ensemble. tt' s A"c \ ' .r. i This handsome 8-Cup Size. TEAPOT Will be given away ab- solutely free to each purchaser of 1 15. SR 'S BEST A AND 1 1$L SR. 'S BEST CQFFEE Braid's Best Tea is packed in two grades: Red Label Orange Pekoe and Blue Label. The most popular tea on the market %FAT VANCOUVER GreenwoocFs Grocery 15th and Marine AVest 16 BRAID, TUCK & Co., LTD. VANCOUVER Il Vl It, I ;Vi Ij i(l 'r, I A....Iii~ ey L Wish the people of West Vancouver A Happy and Prosperous New Year. M ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ H-SAM~r.S Mrs Pear@on 15th and EVater front, is leaving shortly for a trip to the east. Mr. Blair is having an addi- tion built to his house at 17th and Bellevue. 0 3Ir. and Mrs. G. Robson and family spe»t Christmas Day with AIr. Robson's parents, Mr. and Mm. Chas. Robson, New Westminster. DIr. and 5Irs. J. Mitchell of Long Bay, Gambier Island, spent the Christmas holidays with her father, 5Ir. Davie, 15th and Ful- ton. Mrs. Robert Ray, 21st and Argyle, was accidently struck in the eye on Sunday mith a carv- ing knife by one of her children. No serious damage was done for- tunately, and her eye-sight will not be affected. B. Luckenga, 19th and AVater- front, is taki»g a swim in the sea every day. He says that the water is not as cold as in English Bay. )Ve know West Vancouver has the mildest winter climate on the coast, but at the same time it is not likely that many of our residents wi!l be following Mr. Luckenga's example. Miss Cusack of Cypress Park, had the top of her auto struck on Sunday afternoon by the arm while driving on to the Second Nairrows bridge. Miss Cusack was unhurt, but her sister, Mrs. Gibson, who was in the car, re- ceived a nasty cut in the face. Miss Davidge of the high school staff spent Christmas in Victoria. Mr. and Mrs. Whittaker, 11th and Duchess, are leaving short- ly for a trip to Honolulu a»d Ta- hiti. Norman McKay has returned from up coast and is spending the holidays with his family at 26th and Mathers. Mr. and Mrs. 4V. H. MacDiar- mid, of williams Lake, have tak- en the Dauphinee cottage at 28th and Bellevue, and will take pos- session at the beginning of the year on their return from Se- attle, where they are spending a holiday. F. Rivers, 26th and Marine Drive, West Vancouver agent for The Burrard Laundry, who has been confined to his home with blood poisoning, is making good progress towards recovery. Lieut. Colonel W. 4V. Foster has just been made a F. R. G. S. by the Royal Geographical So- ciety in recognition of his work in the Mount Logan expedition. Colonel Foster last month lectur- ed to the pupils of the public and high schools on the ascent of this mountain. Charles Burns of Tacoma spe»t Christmas with his broth- in-law a»d sister, Mr. a»d Mrs. C. B. Greenwood, Marine Drive at Ambleside. i Ir. and AIrs. Jack Cole of Al- berni, ai.e the guests for two weeks of 5Irs, Cole's father, Mr. F. Searle, 29th and i4Iathers. ~Iiss Leo»a Cameron of Ioco, is visiting her sister and bro in lail MI q and Ml Geoi ge Reid 21st and Marine. 511 s Gale 19th and Watei front, motored to Bellingham, where she spent the Christmas holidays. Frank Draper, son of Mrs. Draper of the Dundarave Home Bakery, who has been undergo- i»g treatment at the Shaughnes- sy l!IIilitary Hospital for some time is home for the Christmas and New Year holidays. Frank is much improved, but will have to return to the hospital on Jan- uary 2nd. Mr. and Mrs. G. N. Ford, 13th and Fulton, who have lived in West Vancouver'for some years, have moved to Vancouver and are now living on 10th Avenue AVest. I Ir. and Mrs. A. R. Jenni, 14th and waterfront have moved to Lynn Valley where they have a fox ranch. Mr. Jenni mill still continue here as salesman for the B. C. Electric Coy. handling the Radios sold by this company. ni George Grigor with his moth- er Mrs J Grigor of the dry goods store, spent Xmas Day in Seattle, going there by auto. The children's dancing classes, physical culture and fancy danc- es, conducted by Miss Kathleen Ellis, will be resumed next Wed- nesday in Ambleside Hall, start- ing at 4 p.m. Parents wishing to enrol their children can inter- view Miss Ellis previous to the class. Mr. 4V. W. Elliott who is in business i» Galgairy is here for a Christmas visit to his wife and daughter Bet ty, at their home, 14th and Duchess. Jen~, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Conway, 19th and EVater- front, who has been in North Vancouver General Hospital for two weeks as a result of injuries received in a collision with one of the municipal busses, has been brought home, where he is mak- ing a rapid convalescence. Di. H. D. 3V. Pineo of Hood River, Oregon, who spent Christ- mas with his mother, Mrs. Geo. Pineo, 13th and Keith Road, left on Wednesday evening to return to his home. MRS. 3IARLING thanks her many friends for their pat- ronage and wishes one and all A HAPPY NEW YEAR at the same time annou»cing a A EjG C.OS'.-OU".SA-E must be cleared of present stock By December 81st to make room for new goods. NU-BONE Lingerie and Hosiery will be sold at cost price. Soiled Sample Corsets at half price Cups and Saucers, 60c to clear. Now is Your Opportunity Next door toRoyal Bank OUR MEN'S SHIRTS AND SOCI(S ARE A RARE BARGAIN We Are Asked frequently if we deliver. and at any hour of the fourteen that our store is open. IVe de- liver any article of merchandise we sell. We do more than that. We will call for your prescrip- tion, bring it to the store, dis- pense it carefully and promptly and take it to your home. Our business is serving you-- let us serve you. The Store of Service WEST YAW FHARNACY Prompt Delivery Phone 4V. 37 a ~ ~ ~ r ~ ~e e ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e~ ~ ~ ' ~ ~ II'ishi»g all mv clients»di'riends '.I I+Ihe (60lnPlttltents II.!i'f tile 8easart Il and thanking them for their patronage du&'ing the i'l year. ', M. WILLIAMS I'.. 16th and hlarine, Ambleside i(! CUSTOM TAILOR .Il CLEAN IiVG AND PRESSINGI. :1I Phone West 20 II I). Ifi ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~e~r&e~ ~ ~r~r~ ~ ~ ~e~ ~ ~e~ ~ ~ ~ ~e~e~ ~ ~ ~ p'r +e ~ ~ wr ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e ~ ' ~ ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e l(. Wishing yotI all the Compliments of the !I,' Season. ,r rrr (. W. SAVO (Y,ll 1429 Marine Drive PHONES--West 340 and 143. IL. lt. I] 'll II. 'tl iIi iii ~ 'll I!. I). 'Il I,. e ~ ~ ~ ~ ~% ~% ~% ~' ~ ~ ~ee~ em ~ ~ ~ ~ rm em e~ ~ ~ eM ~ ~ 'tl Wishing Our Friends and Patrons ~ I I. I; She (Cottlpltments I! I! af the Season ',II ~r',, / arce. S.&o ~ I', 1520 hlarine Drive li. WEST VANCOUVER ih /~r~+~e~e~ ~ ~\~ ~ ~err ~ e m e ~ r m em e m e m e m r m e m r m e m ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~e ee ~ ir! $ ij! 'iII iIi ll 'l l s l. WiSHES YOU ALL A I(. HAPPY ;II '. NEW YEAR II ~ ~ ~ ~r~ ~ ~r~ ~ ~ ~ ~r~ ~ ~e~ ~ri~rm ~ ~ ~ ~ e ~ rW re~ ~e~ ~ r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~rW ii ~~~ r & e ~~&~~~~~& r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ m e ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ \ ~ ~