001C9668 December 28, 1928. THE WEST VAN NEWS BUI I.DING I'ERil ITS LEGION RAFFLE TOTAL $ 16,100 VERY SUCCESSFULGARDENS AND GARDENING SUCCESSFUL CHRIST11AS PARTY AT FRAllAR &IOi t TESSORI SCHOOI,By IIINA G. HUTI', Landscape Architect Building permits of a total value of $ 16.100 were issued by the officials at the municipal hall this month. Particulars are as follows: D~ ellings Foottit J B 11th and Esquimalt ................ $2,750 James, John A., Radcliff Avenue .................... 6,000 Corker, A. D., Gleneagles 4,850 Pilsworth, John P. & R., Keith Road .............. 1,000 wallace, C. Shermans.... 1,000 An attractive event of the Christmas season was the enter- tainment given by the pupils of Framar Alontessori School on Friday afterroon The decoration and theme suggested winter with snowballs, evergreens and seasonal motifs. The program of songs, rhy- thm, interpretive and folk danc- ing was excellently carried out by the young pupils. At the conclusion of the program Santa arrived in a very jovial mood and led the way to the refresh- ment table, which was centred with a Christmas tree gaily decorated with tiny lanterns and birds. The snowball favors and place cards caused much merriment. Santa lighted the two large red candles significant of the second birthday of Framar School. He was ably assisted by Mrs.Burton-Forster, Mrs. Green- wood and Miss Ruth Jackson. Each child was presented with a little book entitled "The Spirit of Christmas." illrs. E. J. Pearce and Nrs. Alexander Reid assisted by Mrs. Osborne, IIrs. Bayfield, Mrs. IVells Crawford and Mrs. Priest presided at the tea table in the hall, where the parents and friends assembled after the per- formance. The children taking part under the direction of Mrs. 4U. D. Fras- er, assisted by AIrs. F. F. Love- grove, frere Doreen and Junior Burton-Forster, Dorothy Green- wood, Pat Jefferies, Jim Ander- son, Norma Minions, Courtenay Gray, Blossom Herring, Gordon Hayfield, Diana Chapman, Doug- las Leggatt, Betty white, Peter Crawford, Nonie Robson, David Clark, Alfred Seward, Tom. Gis- by Tickets Sold Total $ 175. Graduat ~ ln Landscaping U. ol C Agaerican Scbool ol Landscape Arclsltecture as( CArdtntng bless her National Landscape Service The drawing for the annual Christmas kaffle conduct'.d by the West Vancouver branch of the Canadian Legion took place on Saturday evening in the Leg- ion rooms. ~lrs. David ~lorgan, vice-regent of the Duncan Law- son Chapter, I.O.D.E., drew the winning ticks,ts in the unavoid- able absence of 31rs. )V, B. Small. The following is a list of the prizes and prize-winners: 1. Hollybum Theatre tickets, value $7.50, ticket No. 725--L. A. Jenni, 14th and Waterfront. 2. 10-lb. Turkey, ticket iVo. 483 --II. lV. Hind, City. 3. Hot-point Toaster, ticket No. 337--C. Kearns, Keith Road. 4. 5 bags coal, ticket No. 923-- R. AV. Jackson, Port Coquitlam. 5. Roast of Beef, ticket No. 624 --AIrs. F. Valentine, 11th and Esquimalt. 6. Large Box Fry's Chocolates, ticket No. 834--J. H. Smith, 20th and Hays;os. 7. 49 lbs. Flour, ticket No. 489 --J. A. Smiley, City. 8. Christmas Cake, ticket No. 608--Jock IValls, AVest Bay. 9. Load of Planer ends, ticket No. 315--i~lrs. lV. L. Jones, 22nd and waterfront. 10. Leg of Lamb, ticket No. 802 --Colin Turner, 13th and Hay- wood, 11. Box Rainbow Satin Candies, ticket No. 302--hlrs. Nona Moore, 22nd and Jefferson. 12. Ladies Hat, ticket No. 152 --L. ill. Clement, 11th and Math- ers. 12a. 1 Bottle Christmas Cheer, ticket No. 509--J. T. Harper, City. 13. Box Special Crackers, tick- et No. 925--J. Finlayson, 25th and Narine Drive. 14. Hand-painted Cake Plate, ticket No. 960 -- M. Lincoln, North Vancouver. 15. 5 Bags Coal, ticket No. 239 --H. Childs, 18th and AVater- front. 16. Sack of Potatoes, ticket No. 130--E. B. Sparks, City. 17. $2.00 Bread Tickets, ticket No. 240--Airs. Colin Turner, 13tli and Haywood. 18. 1 lb. Tea and 1 lb. Coffee, ticket No. 398--J. Gibb, City. 19. Christmas Parcel, ticket No. 897--J. Alexander, Capilano. 20. Christmas Cake, ticket No. 156--S. Gisby, 24th and Ottawa. 21. 5 Bags Coal, ticket No. 961 --J. Clavering, Dundarave. 22. 100 Cigarettes, ticket No. 690--J. Ollason, 28th and EVater- front. 23. 1 Box Chocolates, ticket No. 11--N. Atwood, 21st and Belle- vue. 24. Siveater, ticket No. 674-- Mrs. W. Carley, 22nd and Marine Drive. 25. Order EVest Van. Pharmacy ticket No. 510--H. Hartley, City. 26. Order Seed's Grocery, tick- et No. 254--lV. 3IcDonald, 15th and Fulton. 27. Order Chet Shields, ticket No. 636--H. G. ~lason, Dundar- ave. The raffle divas the largest in the history of the branch, $175 ivorth of tickets being sold. At the conclusion of the even- ing a vote of thanks iras passed to i~lrs. David .'llorgan for kind- ly draiving the tickets. The thanks of the branch are due to the following, who by their generous donations of priz- es rendered the raffle possible: James Jefferies, EVilson and Aloore, Robinson's Grocery. Smith's Grocery, A. Lauder, Nrs. Draper, Ferguson's i~lotor Transfer, Ed. Black, Vernon Feed Store, C. and i'll. Store, 1V. T. Atwood, ~V. Sagar, R. Seeds. )Vest Van Pharmacy, Lesage Drug Store, Greenwood's Groc- ery, Chet Shields, Hobb Trans- fer, 1Voodward's Store, Spencer's Store, Roberts Bet ter i~leats, Hollyburn Theatre, Fry's Choc- lates, Stratton's Bakery. Steven- son's Bakery, Normand's Groc- ery. 4Ve regret that we were un- able to prepare an article for ft, this week's News. tVe were so busy partaking of the hospital- ity of some of our EVest Vancou- ver friends during the Christmas season and time flew so fast it was too late before we realized it. 1Ve have enjoyed writing the articles which have appeared in the News the past year and are looking forward to the new year. If the articles have been of some help to our readers we have been more than repaid for the time and effort required to pre- pare them. To those who have had a pros- perous and happy year we wish them the same for 1929. For those whom fate has not treated so kindly. »e hope that the new year s ill bring much better things both spiritual and mater- ial. A regular garden article will appear next week. NOTC--The writer «III consider It a pleasure to answer sturstloas concerning the garden ln tbl~ column. The sturstlons should be addressed to the wrl ter In care ol tbe Editor. The answer will appear In an early Issue er II ~ personal reply ls desired a stamped, ~ ell-addressed enrelope should be enclesed. Additions Brown, II. lV., KVest Bay 150 Taylor, Henry, 20th and ilIarine Drive .............. 150 Blair, i%I. 0., 17th and Bel- levue................. 200 Ferry No. 5 irent on her regu- lar run again on Christmas Day following being in dock for re- pairs. $ 16,100 The winning ticket in the tur- key raffle put on Saturday night by Roberts Better Neats Store was won by E. Cassidy, 591 17th Street. The little son of Mr. and Pilrs. H. Gleed, 15th and Lawson, did the drawing. GORDON ROBSON Barrister 4 Solicitor lVEST VANCOUVER-- Office No, 1447 hIarine Drive. Phone Avest 403. VANCOUVER OFFICE-- Suite 818; 510 IIastings St. %V Phone Seymour 4199. The Duncan Lawson Chapter, I. O. D. E., took up 174 lbs. of candy and a big box of apples on i~londay afternoon to the pati- ents in Shaughnessy Hospital. ~ ~ ~ ~ M~ ~ ~ +~ ~~~~~ ' ~E ~ ~ Ma ~ ~ ~ ~'r~ r-Wr~W~ i ~ ~ r~ r~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ u ~ Ii 'I ]l. II ~tj .tj I .V, iV 'lj OPEN ~l A:.--::appy .'. w Year p N hIarine Drive, bettreea 14th and 1'5th. and BILL CRAIG, Props. !!; I~. AND BATTERY SERVICE METAL WORK FENDERS REPAIRED III]. NEHRU YEAR'S DAY from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m..'~;I,. Jimmy Thomson' TRANSFER THE AMBLESIDE SERVICE STATIODaily Trips to and from City. hloving liaggnge a Specialty. PHONE WEST 232 TED KENNETTPHONE WEST 110 FOR Coal and %Vood I'rompt Delivery. ~ ~ ~ M 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ LEGION TO GIVE CHILD REiN'S ENTERTAIN~IEiitT The regular monthly meeting of the )Vest Vancouver branch of the Canadian Legion took place on Friday evening in the . Legion rooms, there being a large attendance of members. Arrangements were made for the drawing of the Christmas raffle on the followiag evening. The question of the annual entertain- ment for ex-service men's child- ren was discussed. In former years an entertain- ment made up of two reels of films suitable for children has been given in H".Ilyburn Thea- tre at the beginning of the New Year, but unfortunately it was found impossible to stage such an event next month, as the theatre is booked up for the whole of January. Instead it was decided to put on an entertain- ment to amuse the youngsters in Dundarave Hall the first week in January providing the hall was available. A committee was ap- pointed to make the necessary arrangements. )Villiam Green's application for member~hip in the branch was accepted. A vote of thanks was proposed to the Duncan Lawson Chapter for their selling of poppies dur- ing Armistice week. '..']ie Capi].ano ..'imber Co, tc]. extenc.s to a].]. its friencs anc patrons of West Vancouver its Best wis]~es for A Brig]xt anc 1.'rosperous 5'ew Year . ~~%4%C~~~~~8i:%~~ %C~KC~RC%4%@%C~M ~%4~5%I~ Sis's Limitation Sis has copied ma~ another-- Learned to roll her own like brother, Buys her pants of tweed like dad's, Cuts her hair like any lad's- Just one thing she never can; Spit like IIank the hired man. There's a tin can in the alley, There's a bluejay on the fence, There's a mortgage on my cabin And I ain't got fifteen cents, But I'm just as bloomin'appy As a sun flower in the sun, For I'e bought a 'steen hand flivver An the crazy thing will RUN. A ~ r %e .le ~a)I anO ..IIII ~er O...I.&. I I I'EibIHEltTON AND IVATERFRONT "How many ribs have you, Johnny~" asked the teacher. "I don't knoiv, ma'm. I'm so awful ticklish I never could count 'em." ~~~%CK4,'~~~~~~~~~ AC~RC~~~KWKCKCK4l%CRCK4l~~