West Van. News (West Vancouver), 28 Dec 1928, p. 2

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001C9668 THE WEST VAN NEWS December 28, 1928. &VIS eS tO t an } 1'L» her customers for the business they have given her during the the year 1928 and»vishes them all . ccapp„)IV'ew i. ea1 WEST VANCOUVEIt Christian Science Society CHUI&CII EDIFICE 20th and K~quimalt, Hollyburn Sunday Services 11.30 a. m. and 7.30 p. m. Subject December 30th "CHRISTIAN SCIENCE" Sunday School at'10.00 a. m. Testimony Meeting Wednesday at 8.16 p. m. %Vest Vaacouver Bible School Ambleside Hall, bfarine at 11th Sunday, December 30th, at 3 p.m. lwader MR. PERCY KING Subject: "Watching for the the Net Year." EVERYBODY WELCOME Come to the Class on Sunday. A real welcome awaits you. Ferry Service CommendedHandkerchiefs Beautifully I'rinted or Emboridered Singly or in Pretty Boxes, Dainty Things Stamped to Embroider EVe are glad to publish in this issue letters from some of our readers commending the work of our ferry staff during the extrenie foggy weather of last week. The work of the captains and mates is indeed worthy of special note and it is refreshing to know that passengers have taken the trouble to record their appreciation. As a general thing one will go out of his way to criticise and knock but will neglect the opportunity to boost or to recogilise good work. It would be a good thing all round if we would concentrate a little more on handing out bouquets, when they are earned and ivithholding the brick bats. We would specially drawn attention, since our transpor- tation system has been somewhat in the limelight lately, to the experience of one of our correspondents who travelled from Vancouver to West Vancouver via North Vancouver Ferry and stage. The trip took over two hours and it was a very unpleasant experience. Even in the worst kind of weather the )Vest Vancouver Ferries do not put passengers in such a predicament. Yet it has been suggested by some that we scrap our own and use the North Vancouver Ferries. That would surely be akin to jumping out of the frying pan into the fire. ..~ry ~~00c.S We'l be glad to shown them. 1540 bIARINE DRIVE Sunday after Christmas (Dec. 30t}1) . 8 a. m.--Holy Communion. 10 a. m.--Children's Service. 11.15 a. m.--5Iorning Prayer. Anthem--"Iz Came Upon the A4Iidnight Clear." (Stainer). 7.15 p. m.--Evensong and Car- ols. Solo--"The Gift." Master Laurie Lefeaux. The Christmas music will be repeated at both services Sunday and in the evening there will be carols. There is Divine service at St. Francis'hurch, Caulfeild, Sun- day afternoon at 3 o'lock. 15th and Duchess Pastor: Arthur B. Schulte. Sunday School, 10 a. m. Morning Service, 11 a. m. Evening Service, 7.15 p.m. EVeekly prayer service eacli Wednesday at 8.00 p. m. B.Y.P.U. Tuesday 7.30 p. m. All young people invited. BAPTIST CHURCH ENTERTAINS CHILDREN My Times areiu His Haf leA splendid Christmas enter- tainment was held at the West Vancouver Baptist S u n da y School on Thursday evening, December 27th, when a fine program given by the Schears, was enjoyed by an appreciative audience. The best part of the evening's program was the ar- rival of Santa Claus, who pre- s-;nted each I iddie with a bag of candy. After carol singing by the aud- ience and a few remarks by the pastor, all present felt it had been an evening well spent. My times are in His hands who made the stars. who shuts the sunset gates With crimson bars. who spreads the mighty seas And paints the rose, My times are in His hands, He knows. The annual entertainments of the Sunday School will be held in the Parish Hall next AVeek, Wednesday at 2.30 p. m. for the Primary Department.and Thurs- day at 7.30 p.m. for the Main School. My times are in His hands who guides the bird And stays the stormy tempests By His word. Who crowns His mountain peaks AVith sun-kist snows, My times are in His hands. He knows. Last Saturday the junior foot- ball team defeated Riverview United 2-1 at Hollyburn School. Tomorrow the juveniles will play their postponed game against Renfrew Baptists at Hollyburn School at 2 p.m. and next AUed- nesday morning the juniors will play their postponed game a- gainst Beaconsfield United at 10 o'lock. On Saturday, December 29th, the Sunday School Teachers and Officers of the West Vancouver Baptist Sunday School will en- tertain the Primary Class, and the Cradle Roll, and their par- ents at 2.30 at a party and Christmas tree. My times are in His hands Life's little spark, Is sheltered by His love From dawn till dark; And so with tranquil tru-t My spirit glows. My times are in His hands He knows. Several members of the par- ish attended the Christmas ent- ertainment of the Anglican Jap- anese mission at Sherman this afternoon. AIany guests called Christmas night at "Spuraway," the resi- dence of Mr. and Mrs. George E. Herrmann, Capilann. The "at home" was informal, and decor- ations followed out the Christ- mas motif in the rooms, while on the tea table were large mauve chrysanthemums and tap- ers to match. My times are in His hands EVhy should I fear? Whate're may come to me EVith the New Year, Of rainbow tinted joys or Unknown woes My times are in His hands He knows. HONORIA TRAILL. AVatch Night Service A united Watch Night service will be held New Year's Eve in St. Stephen's Church, commenc- ing at 11.15 p. m. The service will be conducted by the Rector, assisted by I!(Ir. A. B. Schulte, student pastor of the Baptist Church and the Rev. H. P. Dav- idson of the United Church, will give the address. St. Anthony s Church Pastor--Rev. Father Kelly Thanks Given for Xmas Cheer FundSunday--Mass, 8.30 a. m. High Mass, 10.30 a.m. Benedictioii, 7.30 p. m. Week Days--Mass 8 a.m. Miss Elizabeth Tripp is enter- taining at a dinner party this evening, at her home in Point Grey Road, when covers will be laid for eight, erially in the success of this Christmas endeavor. IVe thank the following don- ors for the thought and practical sympathy as expressed by their donations. Reeve V. V. Vinson....... $10.00 5n Ariel ........... .50 EVell Wisher ............ 1.00 A. M. W................... 5.00 EV. E. J. F...................... 5.00 AIr. and Mrs. Ed Black... 2.00 V. 5.00 In Memory ...................... ~ 2.50 A Friend.....................~..... 1.00 Paige McCall .................... 200 Doreen and Junior ............ 2.00 The AVest Vancouver Elks wish to thank those who contributed to their Christmas Cheer Fund and those kindly people who vol- untarily assisted in giving their own time and the use of trucks for delivering and handling the hampers which were distributed. The hampers were given every family in IVest Vancouver where there was special need of them. The work of the Boy Scouts was specially noteworthy, they hav- ing obtained a large number of toys which were given to needy children. A sum of $36.50 was realised through the IVest Van News fund, and this helped very mat- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ,'; A Happy NewYear],'i 't( VVe are special(sing on )I. 'I SHORT BREAD '9 ty for a few da&s. as well as I! ir'ANCY CA tr ( for New Year's celebrations. II 'I )(t .,",, Mrs. Draper's " 'ti 2435 MARINE DRIVE Next Dundarave Hall. NOTE PHONE: West ass ~tit'. (DUNDARAVE HOME BAKERy) p(tli ~ ~ ~~~a ~a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~a~~ ~~'s~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 'Vest I an Nerves Published Every Friday H. HODGSON and F.F.LOVEGROVE Publishers Phones: West 412L)Vest 363 Business and Editorial Office: 1361 blarine Drive Mail Address: P. O. Box 101, Hollyburn, B. C. Total ........................$36.50 $ 1.00 a year by mail or carrier, News stands 6c per copy. ADVERTISING RATES ON APPLICATION A Happy and Frosperous New Year to All baptist Church St. Stephen's Church FUDGE I'enuchi Fudge 1i/I, Cupful Lightbrown or Maple sugal' Cupful Granulated sugar 1 Teaspoonful Vanilla 2 Tablespoonfuls Butter 1 8 Teaspoonful Salt 11.'I, Cupful Milk. Mix the milk and sugars thor- oughly, add the butter, and cook with little stirring until the mix- ture forms a soft ball in cold ) water. Add the salt and the van- illa and set aside to cool for 20 minute i. Beat to a creamy stage and then add 1 cupful of walnut meats. Cut or mold in shape as desired. Cream Fudge 2 Cupfuls Gianulated Sugai Butter Size of an Egg :1'I, Cupful Sweet Cream i/I, Cupful AVater 1 Cupful Walnut meats, Cocoa- nut, or any Candied Fruit cut in small pieces. i/. Teaspoonful Vanilla 31ix the sugar, cream, water, and butter. Boil until if forms a soft ball when tried in cold water. Remove from the fire and allow to stand for 20 min- utes. Add the vanilla and beat until it reaches the consistency of fudge. Add the nut-meats or fruit and form into a buttered cake-tin and cut to size. Nut Fudge Balls Bitter Chocolate Sweet Chocolate Shredded Cocoanut or Walnut Meats Fudge Balls Melt equal parts of sweet and bitter chocolate in a small double boiler, being very careful not to allow any steam or water to get into the chocolate. When the chocolate is melted to a liquid remove the upper pan and allow it to cool at least 30 minutes. Beat it thoroughly to allow air to circulate into it and cool to about 98 degrees. Pour some of the chccolate on a platter and roll fudge, which has been form- ed into balls, into it to form a liquid ring, and then roll im- mediately in chopped walnuts or shredded cocoanut. The recipe for the fudge follows. Chocolate Fudge 2 Cupfuls Gianulated Sugar 1 Cupful Sweet Cream 1 Tablespoonful Butter 1 Teaspoonful Vanilla 2 Tablespoonfuls Bitter Chocol- ate (melted). Mix sugar, cream, and butter and boil for 10 minutes. Add melted chocolate and boil to a soft-ball consistency. Allow to cool 20 minutes. Add vanilla and beat until thick. Pour onto a but tered platter. Cut into squares. This popular recipe can be made at home as well as by the professional expert if directions are carefully followed, particularly with regard to the cooling before beating. Arab's Delight One cup crushed fruit, one cup cut and soaked marshmallow, one half pint whipped cream. After mixing above ingredients, yo may add, if you wish, a few c cherries and a few nuts. How- ever, it is sufficiently rich with- out. Suppose a member of your family has been advised by his physician not to eat meat. Eggs make a good substitute. It is well to substitute them or some other hearty dish like a cheese mixture two or three times a week in place of meat--just on general principles. Some people think they are not getting a full meal unless meat is served once a day at least.