West Van. News (West Vancouver), 28 Dec 1928, p. 1

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001C9668 A Wee z y '.8 ews ~a ~ei $ 1.00 peg year. girculagiagia the District of H~est l&'a&zcouver-- Amblesia'e, Hollyburn, Weston, Duwdarave Cypress Parle, Caulfeild, Whytecliff~ Etc. xewsstands 5c per copy Vol. II I Scbool Trustees hold Annual Meeting on Thurs., Jan. 10th EIGHT I'AGES The annual meeting of the board of school trustees ~vill be held on Thursday, 10th January, at 8 p. m. in Ingleivood School. IL C. Etter has been appointed to the IIigh School staff for six- months, i.e., from January 1st to June 30lh, 1929 filling the vacancy created by the resigna- tion of Mr. Steele-Smith. The Vancouver Scottish Asso- ciation has made a request for the use of the auditorium of Inglewood school on Saturday, January 26th, for the annual Burns'upper. Solicitor Gcrdon Hobson r«- port:d to the Board that, in his opinion, the Board divas not liable legally for;accidents to School children after leaving the school grounds and while en route to or from their homes. lfiss Jean Agar's appoiotrnent to the schoois staff has been ex- tended for a further six months. to June 30th, 1929. The Hoard of School Trustees, by resolution, sent a letter of ap- preciation to Col. lV. W. Foster and ~Ir. J. Porter for the lectur& "The National Parks" given by them. The flag raising ceremony carried out by the Duncan Law- son Chapter, I. O. D. E., when the flag presented by the Order divas raised on the new flag staff at the Inglewood School has been recorded on the minutes of the School Board. The domestic science room at Inglewood school is being equip- pej with a McClary double elec- tric oven at a cost of $ 113.75. The High School Students As- sociation has had a new football presented to them by the School Trustees. This ivill be used by the team in the High School League. iblrs. F. X. Hudgson to Arrange Concert The use of the auditorium of the Ingleivood School for the evening of Friday, February 1st, has been granted to Mrs. F. X. I lodgson and F. Lefeaux svho ~propose holding a concert under ze direction of AIrs. F. X. Hodg-'on, with a view to securing funds for the purpose of gym- nasium «quipment. The Girl Guides iAIiss G. Davies, Commissioner --has been given temporary use of a class room «t Ingleavood school «ach Thursday from 4 to 5.30 p. m. Cadets IVin 1'rize IIoney A cheque for $3.75 divas receiv- e;l by the School Truste;-s from the seer«tary of the Strathcona Trust, Victoria, being prize money avon by cadets B. Saund- ers, V. Moore and 3!. Stephens. Mr. Condon distributed the money. No. 39 Baby Born in West Van on Xmas A daughter divas born to Mr. and ~lrs. C. Waite at their home, 2 1th and EVaterfront. at 8 o'lock on the morning of Christmas Day. The arriv;il was unexpected, hut evidently there was some col- lusion twixt Santa Claus and the young lady in determining that mammy and daddy must have a Christmas present that was clif- ferent. Little Miss lVaite, hoiv- ever, could not wait to join her tivo brothers and her sister and decided that her company would be a spl:-ndid Christmas present. They all agree and rejoice over the nciv arrival. ' ( 1 NORTH VANCOUVER TO VOTE OiV FUSION Three baloney Bylaws To Be Submit ted REEVE V. V. VINSON who lvill be a Candidate fo: Re-election at the AIunicipal Elections on January 19th. At a special meeting of the city council cn Thursday a fter- noon it was decided to submit thr=e money bylaws to the elect- orate early i:i the New Year. 'ce fir.,t i~ ta authori"e the borrowing of $8,000 for grading and levelling block 2160, D. L. 545, which lies immediately op- posite the high school. A plebiscite &vill be submitted to pass upon the proposed amal- gamation of North Vancouver District ivith the city of North 4 allcouver. A third plebiscite will ask for authority to divert $20,000 from the Ferry Reserve Fund to be used to extend terminal facilities at the North Vancouver ferry terminal in accordance with plans now on file at the city hall. Election clay in North Van- couver City is January 17th. North Vancouver District is two days later, on the 19th. Hollyburn School 0'ins I'rize A cheque for $ 10 was also for- ivarded being prize for Division 4, Hollyburn School for physical training 1927-1928. Principal Davidson of Hollyburn School has been notified that this a- mount was available for the pur- chase of a picture or some piece of apparatus for this Division of his school. Election Rumours Very little interest is evidenc- ed so far in the IVest Vancouver ~rur.i~tpa] Elections wbich will be held on Saturday, January 19th. Nomination day is illonday 1 1th. Rumors were current a few weeks ago that two west end residents who have had previous experience as Reeves and Coun- cillors ivould be candidates for the Council, but we understand that there is no justification for the rumor. Reeve Vinson and AIessrs. S. Gisby and J, B. Leyland have announced their candidature for Reeve, and the many friends of Councillors Jackman and IVatt are urging them to again stand for office. There are yet tivo weeks be- fore nomination day and no doubt aspirants for office will come forward before that. J. B. I.EYI.AND RESIGNS AS TRUSTEE J. B. Leyland resigned from the board of school trustees at their meeting last night in Ing- leivood school. He divas asked to reconsider his decision but re- fused to do so. THE FAilIOUS 31clNTYRE QUARTETTE Alan ~lclntyre: 'Cello James llclntyre: 1st Violin IIargaret llclntyre: 1st Vio)in Doris llcIntyre: I ianist «ll residents of IVest Vancoui er Who ivill be heard at Th«Little Theatre on January Srcl, 4th, a»d 5th in the Children's Xmas Play "The Rose «nd the Ring." 10'&9 Old Father Time has once again marked another notch. The year 1928 has just about passed into history. Another year, new, bright, and promising, confronts us. IVe can make of it what we will. It needs no brave optimist to foresee the importance of the coming year to the District of EVest Vancou- ver, as it is patent to all that this district is on the verge of expansion and development unequalled in its history. The pessimist may choose to hold a pos& mortem and bewail his mistakes in his home life as well as in his business and social life. Such obsequies are neither fitting nor effective. "The man worth while is the man mho can smile" and determine to do his best by his understanding and experience. AVe all make mistakes, and the person who claims to be always right is either a fool or one who retrogrades. If you are going to make any progress at all, if you are going to originate and develop, you are bound to make mistakes, and, if you don' make them, you make nothing. For the year 1929 let's get away from the I-told-you-so's. Let's develop the more virile note "I will." Individually we have much to be thankful for, no matter how hard our knocks have been, and, as a district collectively, our surroundings and our prospects are distinctly enchant- ing. West Vancouver is a wonderful place. It will become even more wonderful if we will unite in co-operative measures for furthering the interests of the district, which, after all, are our own interests. EVhat better resolution could any of us make for the com- ing year than co-operation? We have in our district many associations and societies. All are or should be working for the same end--the good and welfare of all--every soul in the district. Surely a little more co-operation among all these organizations will obtain the desired results much quicker and more effectively than hy each one paddling their nwn canoe. 1929--the year of co-operation. Retrospect In looking back over what has been done in )Vest Van- couver during 1928 the establishment of an hourly ferry ser- vice stands out as the most striking improvement. It is, we think, the wisest and most far seeing stroke of policy ever made by any of our councils. AVest Vancouver as a suburb of a great city rises and falls on its transportation facilities. We never had a really adequate servic until last April, and, while it has cost us something, there divas never yet a railroad or a steamship line ivhich paid in the beginning. Its dividends ivere made later on from those very people who ~vere induced by the excellence of its service to settle in the lands it served. It will be so with )Vest Vancouver. By maintaining our hourly ferry service, ive are making our best bid for population and the advancement of our district. To cut it down or cancel it will mean that ave are throwing aivay the best card in our hand. Success in business is measured not by ability to read figures as they stand, but by the insight which enables a man to read beyond the figures and to visualise what they conceal. The Marine Drive road construction caused a lot of heart- burning this year, but some progress has been made in that before long it will have been put in good shape between IVhytecliff and West Bay. Bet~veen these two places, unfort- unately, it ivill not be as broad as the traffic calls for, and the remainder of the Drive through the district is reaching that point ivhere drastic action will have to be taken to save it. It is unfortunate that our people as a avhole mere not able to see the vital importance of keeping this, our main artery, in good condition regardless of svhether or no it mas used mainly by them. There is a possibility of course, that building and maintenance of the road may be taken over jointly by the federal and provincial governments. Failing this, every day' delay in having the Drive from West Bay east attended t& means an additional bill of expense to the district. The providing of gooj mater to all our residents is another most important thing which required our council's attention. and it is undoubtedly by far the hardest problem which they ivere called upon to deal ivith. This year an extra main was laid upon Queen's Avenue, which has somewhat relieved the lack of adequate water facilities to residents on the upper levels. Much has to be done, of course. but from the nature of the financial and the physical conditions surrounding the prob- lem only sloiv and gradual progress is possible, and under the circumstances a distinct advance has been made in 192S to- wards alleviating the water situation on our higher levels. The net Nelson Creek Waterworks System divas also completed at a cost of $60,000 and is noiv in operation. This fall the P. G. E. passenger service was suddenly cut off as the result it is said of the bridges having b:en con- demned by the railway's engineers. For a time the impression obtained that the line was to be abandoned altogether from the Capilano ivestward. Officials state, hoivever, that such is not the government's intention. The Zoning by-laiv ivhich has done so much to retard the growth of the district has during the year received the earn- est atter&tion of both the council and the board of trade. The (Continued on Page S) HOLLYBURN P.O., ~VEST VANCOUVER, B.C., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 28th, 1928