001C9650 December 14, 1928. Whimsical Review Always the Same A.-- I maintain that love-making is just the same as it always was. B.--How do you know? A.-- I just read about a Greek maid- en who sat and listened to a lyre all night. Volunteer Assistance First Lady--"iVe got a hund- red-dollar radio set and had the electricians come in and attach it." Second Lady--"That's noth- ing. 4Ve had a five-hundred-dol- lar set and the shefiff came and attached it." Doctor: "I'l have to charge you $60 for improving your hearing T" Scotch Buyer: "'LVhat Tre "I say, your bill is $50." "Can't hear you, sir." "Then I won't charge you a cent." "Thanks, doctor." At a college examination a professor asked: "Does the ques- tion embarass you?" "Not at all, sir," replied the student; "not at all. It is quite clear. It is the answer that bothers me!" Cooperation Cooperation is the greatest power in the world for accomplishment. This seems to have been overlooked by a little girl who, after being pun- ished many times by her mother, said: "You heard me say my prayers last night, didn't you, mother T" ) "Yes, dear.""And you heard me ask God tomake me a good girl?" "Yes." "Well, He ain't done it." "Jim, that necktie you are wearing is the worst I ever saw." "Say, dine with us tonight, will you, old man?" "Sure! But ivhat's the connec- tion '?" "I want you to repeat that re- mark before my wife." A little girl was put in an upper berth for the first time. She kept crying till her mother told her not to be afraid because God would match over her. "bIother, nre you there T" she cried. "Yes." "Father are you there T" "Yeah." A fellow-passenger lost all patiencc at this point and bellowed forth: "iVe're all here! Your father and mother and brothers and sisters and aunts and uncles and cousins. All here; now go to sleep." There was a pause; then, very soft- ly "biotherl" "AVell T" "iVas that God T" She (as train toots at grade crossing--"George, you go right ahead. Don't let that big brute bully you." "How much life insurance does your husband carry?" "Hardly enough to be worth shoot- ing." Blinks -- "Times have changed." Jinks--"I'l say. It used to be when a man was run down he took a tonic, now he takes an ambulance or a hearse." A merchant, complimenting his un- 'ucatcd negro clerk, said: "Sambo, I don't understand how you can do all your work so ctuickly and so well.""I'l tell yuh how 'tis, boss. I sticks de match of enthusiasm to de fuse ob energy--and I jcs'aturally ex plodes." "Shurere Two Irishmen were excavating for u proposed building, when an inter- ested spectator inquIred: "How ls it, I'at, although you and iblike started work together, he has a bigger pile of dirt than you T" "Shure," was the quick retort, "an'e's diggin' bigger hole." Scottish Society The AVest Vancouver Scottish Society's regular meeting is scheduled for Friday, December 21st at the Clachan Hotel at 8.15 p. m. The Society has been fortun- ate in securing ~lr. Noel Robin- son of the Vancouver Dicken's Fellowship to give an address on Charles Dickens. Alr. Noel Robinson will review several of the great author' works and proposes to particu- larly bring in the Tale of 'Iso Cities with reference to Sir hlar- tin Harvey. During the evening music and refreshments N ill be interspers- ed and hlrs. Howieson will be soloist. The meeting will be an open one and members are invited to bring a friend. Dickens is a great subject at any time but his memory lingers around everything connected with the Christmas season, so that the society feels that this meeting is a real opportunity to renew acquaintance with the de- lightful ivorks of Charles Dick- ens. NORTH VANCOUVER BROWNIES FLY Ul'nterestingCeremony Held iVhen Brownies Promoted To Guide Companies. The Guides and Brownies of North Vancouver district held the annual flying up ceremony recently in the Knights of Pythi- as Hall, when a number of little girls left their Brownie days be- heind them, andwere received into Guide Companies. District Staff Captain Mrs. Deal was mis tress of ceremonies, and under her able direction both Guides and Brownies gave a fine display of marching and drill. An interesting feature of the afternoon was the presentation of prizes to the winners in the Brownie wild flower competition. The Brownies had worked hard during the summer, and quite a number of very creditable col- lections were sent in. Mrs. Fyfe- Smith acted as judge, assisted by Professor Davidson of the de- partment of botany, U.B.C. There were tivo first prizes, one, a book on wild flowers, by Julia EV. Henshaw, donated by Mrs. James, being won by Edith Mun- day, Pack No. 2; the other a camera given by Mrs. Fyfe- Smith, was won by Kathleen 1lcDowell, Jack No. 3. A second prize of a book, also donated by Airs. James, was won by Frances Botting. The prizes were pre- sented by Divisional Commis- sioner Miss Davies. ASK RECEIVER FOR GROUSE hIOUNTAIN Trustee for Quarter-blillion Bond Issue Initiates Action. I"or alleged default in the pay- ment by Grouse Dlountain High- way & Scenic Resort Ltdes of int- erest and sinking fund instal- ments, the Toronto General Trusts Corporation, as trustee of a $250,000 bond issue, has com- menced Supreme Court action to enforce the security against the defendant company's assets and property on Grouse Mountain. The trustee claims an account- ing, foreclosure, the appoinment of a receiver. and sale of the property which is covered by the debenture issue. A trust deed, charging Grouse iilountain Company's property with the bonds, divas created on January 3, 1927. The interest is Gr/~ per cent. Of the origirial issue, about $ 19,000 in bonds have been re- deemed, it is said. The instalments which, alleg- edly, are in default, fell due in November and December. THE WEST VAN NEWS Christmas Recipes Ye Olde Fruite-Cake Dissolve 1 tablespoonful bak- ing soda in 1 cupful sweet cream. felix together 1 pound flour, 4 pounds puffed raisins, 1 pound butter, 2 pounds citron, 1 pound candied lemon-peel, 4 teaspoon- fuls cinnamon, 1 tablespoonful cloves, 1 pound bro~w sugar, 9 eggs, 4 pounds currants, 1 pound candied orange-peel, 6 teaspoon- fuls ground nutmeg, 1 table- spoonful mace, 2 tablespoonfuls coriander-seeds, and 1 tumbler currant jelly. Add the mixture to the bakingsoda and sweet cream. Bake for about 2r/. hours at a temperature of 325 degrees F. Keep for I month in a cool, dark place before using. Grape-Juice Cake iilix together 1 I q pound sugar, 1 pound butter, 2 pounds cur- rants, 1 pound chopped Calnuts, 2 tablespoonfuls mace. 6 ground nutmegs, i,'lassful rosewater, 1 ri'ound flour, 3 pounds puffed raisins, 2 pounds citron, 2 table- spoonfuls cinnamon, 1 teaspoon- ful cloves, 1 wine-glassful grape- juice, and 1 teaspoonful soda, dissolve in 1 tablespoonful mol- asses. Bake for about 2r,'ours at a temperature of 325 degrees F. Serve with grape-juice. iiferrie Pudding felix together 1 pound currants, ry.. pound chopped suet, 1 pound flour, 2 large grated carrots, riq teaspoonful cinnamon, r/4, tea- spoonful ginger, 1 pound nectar raisins, 2 cupfuls bread-crumbs, 1 pound sugar, 1 teaspoonful baking powder, I/4, teaspoonful mace, r,'.1, teaspoonful nutmeg, 1/~ pound mixed candied fruit-peel, and 1 8 teaspoonful salt. To the mixture add 4 eggs, slightly beateri, and enough milk to moisten. Steam for 8 hours in a mold. Sereve with Noel hard sauce, given below. Revelry Cookies Mix together r/2 pound brown sugar, I/2 cupful molasses, lr/i teaspoonful soda, dissolved in &/~ cupful sour cream; r/2 table- spoonful cloves, 1 cupful cur- rants, 1 cupful chopped ~valnuts, r/2 cupful butter, 1 tablespoonful cinnamon, 1,'2 tablespoonful all- spice, 1 cupful nectar raisins, and sufficient flour to make a stiff dough. Roll out and bake for about 15 minutes at a tem- perature of 325 degrees F. Twelfth-Night Pudding dAIix together 1 cupful chopped suet, 1 cupful puffed raisins, and 1 cupful molasses in which is dissolved 1 teaspoonful soda. Add to the mixture alternately 1 cupful milk and 3i/2 cupfuls sifted flour. Beat thoroughly. Put the mixture in a covered mold dredged with sugar. Steam for 3i'y hours. Serve with Yule- tide sauce, given below. Yuletide Sauce Add to 1 cupful sugar and 1 tablespoonful lemon-juice 3 tablespoonfuls melted butter. Add 2 tablespoonfuls corn-starch dissolved in cold water. Cook until the mixture thickens. Genuine Old hlince-bleat Boil 3 pounds lean beef, salted ivhile cooking. Soak 1 smoked tongue over night in cold ivater. Boil it the next morning in fresh ivater and let cool in its liquor. Put 3 pounds suet through a meat-grinder with the beef and tongue. 5lix together beef, tongue, suet, 4 pounds puffed raisins, 1,.'i. pound chopped cand- ied lemon-peel, 4 pounds chopped apples, 2 pounds currants, 1 pound sliced citron, r'i pound chopped candied orange-peel, the grated rind and juice of 2 lem- ons and 2 oranges, 4 pounds of brown sugar, 1 teaspoonful clov- es, 1 teaspoonful mace, 1 tea- spoonful black pepper, 2 tea- spoonfuls grated nutmeg, 1 tea- spoonful allspice, 2 tablespoon- fuls salt, 1 teaspoonful cinnamon and cider to moisten. HardwareGrocery Specials B. C. Granulated Sugar ..... 10 lb. Cotton Sks. 63e B. C. Granulated Sugar ............. 5 lb. Carton 3:ke, B. C. Icing Sugar ......... 3 lb. Carton for 25e Finest Australian Currants ......... ......... .. ................ 2 I bs. 34e E'inest Seeded Raisinsg pkts. 25e Finest Seedless Raisins, 2 pkts. We Bulk Raisins, lb ...............10e Finest New Zealand Butter Thames Valley Butter, lb r6e bfalkin's Best Coffee. lb tin ... 55e Sliced Pineapple, 2's.... 2 tins 23c B. C. Salmon, 'i'.... 3 tins Ne 'aconand Eggs down again. Swift Premium Hams and Bacon and our New Laid Eggs. Non-, stop run from the Ranch. They iare the best (in Canada). Give something useful this year. For the Boy we have on sale 22 in. Hand Saws at ...................... $ 1.8te by Spear 4 Jackson of Sheffield. They have made good saws for over 100 years. Have one of these reserved in its Holly Decorated ease Then there are-- FLASH LIGHTS POCKET KNIVES SA F ETY MATCH BOXES AIR RIFLE SHOT, Etc. Aluminum Double Roaster. Special ....... $ 1.95 and $ IM each Niekle Plated Copper Tea Kettles, large size. special $ 1.95 and many other lines. See Our Windows. CLASSIFIED ADS FULLY MODERN Six Roomed akkew- ly Decorated Bungalow for rent from January 1st. With some furn- iture or without. Polished fIoors. Large Lot. Fruit Trees. 2063 Belle- vue. Phone West 73I FOR S~E -- Child's Trieyele (5 years) $2.60; also little girl's Singer Sewing Machine, $ " 50. Both in good condition. "Toys," c',o West Van News. SEE BILL COLVIN about I.ife Insur- ance. Special Agent The biutual Life of Canada. Seymour 8670, West 389X. WANTED -- Girl for Housework, mornings. Phone West 422R. DO YOU WANT Your Garden put in Order? If so, phone G. Stack, 92Y1. FOR RENT--Four lbmm Furnished Cottage, $ 16. Phone West 69L1. WANTED TO HIRE OR BUY Wee bfeGregor Saw. Apply "Saw" e',o West Van News. F'R SALE--I'air of Ladies'kates and Boots, size 34'; also boy's elec- tric train with station, tunnel and lights. Phone AVest 696L3. SCHWEPPS LRBIONADEe FelixGinger Ale, Drewry's Ginger Ale, Canada Dry Ginger Ale. at the Am- b'eside Tea RoomsWEBB'S SHOE 8EPAI RS W EAR BEST--Dundarave. XbIAS CHOCOLATES, Fruit, Nuts. Candies and Cigars at the Amble side Tea Rooms. NEWbIAN & ROBBINS -- Builders and Contractors--Painting, paper- hanging and kalsomining, chimneys built. 28th and blarine. LOST--Spare Wheel with Tire E. Tire Lock complete. Between Hollyburn P.O. and 12th Street. Reward, Please phone AVest 138Y. R. P. Clark k Co. (Vancouver) Lt4i WATERFRONT HObIE -- Good Lo- cation. Hot Water Heat. Full plumbing. Fireplace. Large Lot, $4,500. Terms. FOR RENT--Bungalow with four bed- rooms. Special reduced rent to good tenant. FOUNDATION AND CENTI ENT Work Landscaping, Lawns, F e n e i n g,Drains Rock Balls Clearing Grad ing, Septic Tanks. T. Barnott, West 672R. CONSULT US for Insurance in all branches. WANTED--A Waterfront vacant Lot or one with house. Apply "Water- front," c,'o News.R. P. CLARK 8- CO., LTD. 790 Dunsmuir St. Seymour 7484 Local Representative NORTH SHORE ELECTRIC for viiring,-- Radio,-- Fixtures. Get our prices. Phone 79, i"orth Van- couver.C. J. ARCHER, West 225 COiV bIANURE FOR SALE--Well rotted, $5 Two yards; $ 10 for 4~ yards. Mr. Raine. Phone West 74L2. Specializ ing in West Vancouver SEWING iVANTED -- Ladies'nd Children's work. Mrs. Bloxham, Phone West 226. OUR LISTS ARE ALWAYS UP-TO-DATE with Properties for Sale and for Rent WINDOW BLINDS--bIade to order and installed. Estimates free. Pearee's Drygoods. 14th Street and Marine. Phone West 144. GEO. HAY F ire Insurance -- bioney to Loan Notary I'ublic 1405 Marine Drive Office Phone AVest 21 or Sey. 1260 Residence Phone %V. 32R or W. 204X LANDSCAPE and General Gardening Rock Gardens, Lily and Ornamental Pools, Lawns, Rustic Work, Fencing Concrete Paths, Drives. ete.. Prun- ing, Spraying, Painting and Kalso- mining, Repairs. R. J. Kyte, Phone West 172xl.Spice-Cake FOR IbENT -- Comfortable modern house close to ferrv, $30. Also, furnished four room modern bung- alow in Dundarave. Phone West 620L after 6 p.m. )Iix together 1," cupful butter, 1 teaspoonful soda, dissolved in 1 cupful sour milk; 3 cupfuls flour, 1 cupful chopped puffed raisins, 1 cupful currants, " tea- spoonfuls cinnamon, 2 cupfuls brown sugar, 1 cupful chopped citron, 1 teaspoonful cloves, 2 teaspoonfuls mace, and 2 table- spoonsfuls vanilla. Bake in muf- fin-rings at a temperature of 325 degrees F. for about 15 miutes. H EbISTITCH ING--Plain . white Se yard; silk and colored 10e yard. Pearee's Drygoods, 14th Street and bIarine. Phono West 144. RADIO--blareoai and Stewart-Warn- er, Batteryless, demonstrated at our shop. Before buying a radio see these. West Van. Electric (Jack Paterson).Noel Hard Sauce Cream r,~ pound butter with r.~ package confectioner»'ugar. Add i, 'easpoon ful nutmeg and brandy extract. Just before serv- ing fold into the sauce 1 egg ivhite, ivhipped stiff. FOUI( IGLOO&I COTTAGE -- Water, Light, Phone, Garden, Fine views Lot 75x129; $850, terms. WEST VANCOUVER INVEST- bIEtkT COY. West 10K I'hone Wet 28 ~i ~ West 28 GROCER Y and HARDWARE Ambles&de