001C9650 THE WEST VAN NEWS December 14, 1928. TIIE ltEXALL STORE Cut Rate Drugs I EN MORE DAYS i ~ 1I 11 CHRIS I MAS.... II A Feto Suggestions II A SHAVI}YG SET for Brother TOYS for the Children I A SNAPPY COMPACT for Sister A BOX OF CANDY for Aunty A BOX OF CIGARS for Dad II A TIN OF CIGARETTES for Uncle II }i-esage }i.~rug'to G. E. REID, Manager iVew Building--Corner i&larine and 14th. FAST DELIVEli Y NO ORDER IS TOO 323 Come in and let us shoiv you the best assortment of Christmas Gifta you ever saw. Something for every member of thc family including Toys for the Children. ! And for your many friends--Per- fumes, Toilet IVater, Vanity Sets Stationery, Manicure Sets, Ato- mizers, Bath Salts, Brownie Cameras, and a very attractive assortment of genuine Hand- Painted China. Sil ALL WEST TklE BURRARD ;'.AlJiI43.K .4:')8 COLg BLATHER r 4 t gRTAlNE AH0 BNNKET5 W E LAuNDRR ~ A'f PRICE,S THAT MAKE g po~&S PoNDER ' ~ T,&e .)urrartlI LauniIIry Limited For People IVho Are Particular THIRD ST. and ST. DAVIDS North Vancouver Phone North 1310. West Van. Representative F. RIVERS Phone West 410L HhRRON BROS. R WILLIAMSON (funeral Itrerlars North Vancouver Parlors 122 EUest Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phnne Fair. 134 GOVERN&I ENT'S REPLY OiV P. G. E. PLEASES NORTH SHORE DELEGATES Mayor G. H. Morden and Ald. E. H. Bridgman, the city's mem-bei'f the North Shore P. G. E. committee that recently inter- viewed Premier S. F. Tolmie and the cabinet in Victoria, submit- ted a brief written report to the iVort h Vancouver City Council Monday evening. Ald. Bridgman stated that Premier Tolmie had given the assurance that survey parties would be out in the spring to survey the line. "I consider the committee got a very clear re- port from the government that it does not intend to abandon the line, but intends to complete it to Prince George," said Ald. Bridgman. "I agree with Ald. Bridgman," said Mayor AIorden. "I feel sure the reply received from the gov- ernment will set at rest for all time all rumors of the govern- ment's reported intentions of a- bandoning the line. I don't know how we could have received a more satisfactory reply." THREE NORTH SHORE DISTRICTS REPORT 227 BIRTHS IN 11 AIONTHS In the first eleven months of the year there were recorded in the three North Shore munici- palities 227 births, 96 deaths and 92 marriages, reports George Shepherd, district registrar of vital statistics. In iVovember there were twen- ty-four births, ten deaths and ten marriages recorded in the thre municipalities. P.G.E. NOW OPERATING FREIGHT TRAINS iVEST TO CAPILANO RIVER gpL"g fl"g &Pir 9 (}uarts for One Dollar eraser 9!alle}( RRilh NORTH 122 EVork has been started on fill- ing in the trestle on the North Shore branch of the P. G. E. in front of the Indian Reserve It is expected that it will be the end of February before the undertaking is finished. In the meantime, while all passenger trains on the branch have been indefinitely taken off the run, freight trains are being operated between North Vancou- ver and Capilano River. No matter what the decision of the directors and the government may be in regard to abandon- ment of the passenger service, freight service will be maintain- ed over this section of the line. pitman Business College Vancouver's Leading Business College. INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION D XY AND NIGHT SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL FOUR NIGHTS EACH iVEEK Students may enrol at any time 422 RICHARDS STREET (At Hastings) I'HONE SEY}~IOUR 9135 -'. ~: %SO.'}i} asQQRDQXDQÃl) The public drawing of prizes for the Canadian Legion's an- nual Christmas raffle will take place at 8.15 p. m. on Saturday week, DecEmber 22nd, iii the Legion rooms, ferry building. Mrs. 4V. B. Small, regent of the Duncan Lawson Chapter, I.O.D. E.. will do the drawing. 5Irs. Julia Henshaw of Caul- feild, and 5Irs. B. E. Holt-5Iuri- so», 24th and Bellevue, were a- »iong those who were invited toattend the reception given byMrs. F. T. Schooley, Felix Ap-artments, to the Canadian Auth-ors'ssociation on Thursday evening, 6th instant. The pres-ident, officers, and members ofthe EVomen's Club were alsoguests. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Williamson were assisting artists over theProvince Radio Station last Mon- day evening. Captain Frank Holland, M.M. of Trail, was the guest of Mr. and Mis. A. J. Ridley of Caul- feild, over the week end. Cap-tain Holland intends taking upresidence shortly in YVest Van- couver. 0 A Hastings of Heislei Al berta, visited Mr. and Mrs. C. )V. Hooper, 17th and 5Iarine Drive, on wednesday. Mr. Hast- ings left in the evening for Vic- toria, of which city his father is a resident. Mr. and Mrs. Parlor, 28th and EVaterfront, moved yesterday to Victoria, where they will in fut- ure reside. Mrs. E. wilson of Vancouver has bought the McIntyre houseat 20th and Gordon, and she and her family will be moving in very shortly. DIrs. G. F. Way of Redvers, Sask., is visiting her sister, Mrs. Hai.ry Stephens, 21st and Mar- ine Drive. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Black and family have moved into a houseat 19th and Mathers. SPECIALS For This Week Quick Quaker Oats, pkt ---- B. E: K. Rolled Oats 7 lb. sack l6c Finest Bulk Tea (lvhite Star) per lb Choice Christmas Puddings Each "" """"...... 65c 4 $ 1.00 Finest Mincemeat, pcr ]b.... I8c Scotch Shortbread 6 oz. cake 20c Pure Pork Sausage, lb. 25c Reid's ilieat Pies........ 2 for 15c NARIIi!E GROCERY 22nd and hiarine J. ALLISON, Prop. PHONE AVEST 96 I'ROIIPT DELIVERY COAL SPECIAL ONE WEEK ONLY Famous Newcastle EGG COAL $ 12 Ton Delivered M. Phillips of Vancouver, has rented G. C. Byrnell's cottage at 14th and Marine Drive. Always Suits -- Never Soots. Hobb Coal & Transfer L. E. Mackenzie has bought out the stock and fixtures of North Shore Motors, First Street west, North Vancouver, and will open up the premises shortly with a complete new line of auto and automobile accessories. Mr. Mackenzie states that the offici- al date of the opening of the premises will be announced in a few days.. For the past three months, the premises have been idle. Mrs E H. Jupp, 20th and Ing lewood, is giving an afternoon bridge on 8th January next in aid of the educational fund of the I. 0. D. E. Those wishing to obtain reservations are asked to phone her or Mrs. AValter Gourlay. PHONE iVEST 17 "Bob s Always on the Job- IVe illove Anything Anywhere. Any Time. Phone North 345 Res. North 918Y and 1214Y FURNACE REPAIRS A chimney fire occurred on Satuidap afternoon at Mi Gil lett s house at 15th and Fulton The fire brigade turned out, but the fire burnt itself out quickly and required no attention. Mrs. G. Vance of Dundarave, has rented one of the suites in the Messenger block at 16th and Marine Drive. Basil Clement, who has been working for the past two months at the Great Central Sawmills, Great Central Lake, Vancouver Island, has returned to his home at 11th and Mathers. William Morris, 20th Street, who met with an accident three weeks ago, is making steady progress towards recovery. Mr. and AIrs. william Astley of Caulfeild, who recently left here to spend the winter in the south are new staying in Mon- rovia, California. Maisie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Greaves, 23rd and Lawson, who has been quite sick, is now much improved. Mrs. Carscadden, who resides with her daughter, Mrs. H. Stephens, 21st and Marine Drive, was unfortunate enough to break her arm on Saturday as a result of a fall. She was taken to the North Vancouver General Hos- pital, where she is making good progress. Anything in Sheet illetal Furnaces, Stoves, Gutters, Cornice. Skylights Tar and Gravel Roofs, General Repairs of all kinds. Burrard Sheet Metal 229 Lonsdale North Vancouver XMAS EATABLES Stratton's Christmas goods are well known to the people of )Vest Vancouver. Leave your order with us for XiIAS CAKES and I'UDDINGS Shortbread, Mince Pies, Scotch Buns, Etc. The store window of Strat-ton's Bakery, Marine Drive, Am- bleside, has a very pretty Christ- ~ mas decoration. There is a large centrepiece representing a lake of ice, in the middle of which is a green island with Santa Claus in the centre. Surrounding it are several very ornate and delic- ious looking Christmas cakes. Only the purest of ingredients used in our bakeshop. iVEST 27 STRATTON'S BAKERY 3Irs william Patterson and family, who used to live in West Vancouver, but who have lately had their home in San Francisco, are returning shortly to take up residence here. Miss Anne McKenzie of AVil- liams Lake, with Mrs. L. B. Dix- on of Kerrisdale, and her small daughter Joan, have been the guests for a few days of the Misses Sadie and Louise Ban- nister, Travers Avenue and Mar- ine Drive. Miss McKenzie is the daughter o'f RodeI ick iAIcKenzie, SI.L.A., who was elected mem- ber for the Cariboo at the pro- vipcial elections last summer. H. Taylor is building an addi- tion to the store building at 22nd and Marine Drive, in which "the Glow" grocery was formerly sit- uated. Dr. Roberta Vass, Radcliff Ave., West Bay, has as her guest for a few days her brother, Don- ald McDonald, from Idaho. F'mblesideService Station Under New AIanagement The Ambleside Service Station which has hitherto been operat- ed in conjunction with the West Van Garage, is now being run as a separate business, the new proprietors being Ted Kennett and Bill Craig, and this business will be operated under their per- sonal management. In their ad- vertising announcement in this issue they state that a full line of Shell products will be carried, and battery service and repairs attended to. The business will be open from 6.30 in the morn- ing until 10.30 at night. Good service and personal attention promised. e I'3 l3 " 3,",$SIiss Grace Harrison has tak-en charge of the office of the Hobb Transfer Co. at 15th and &Iarine Drive. THE s King Stung'o r 'i,~, ++ V. V. VINSON, Prop oH of 311 Hastings St., W Lots of X~IAS SUGGESTIONS at THE NOVELTY DRY GOODS STORE Phone Seymour 1046 (Next Seeds Grocery) A Large selection of things suitable for Christmas Gifts--Silk Slips. Bloomers, Handkerchiefs, Burnt Leather Goods, China, Brassware, etc. Come In and See Our Xmas Cards.