001C9650 :li( '.(Ou Get '.(OIIr "..'.A.. ".. It is GIVEN AWAY FREE only At GR]'.ENWOOD'S GROCERY With 1 lb. of Braid's Tea 1 nnd i ih of ffrnid'n Coffoo ) I or 2 lbs. of either...................., ....for This Handsome 8-Cup Size. TEAPOT Will be given away ab- solutely free to each purchaser of g llew. BR 'S BEST TEA ANO 1 llew. BRAID'S BEST COFFEE Braid's Best Tea is packed in two grades: Red Label Orange Pekoe and Blue Label. The most popular tea on the market %VEST VANCOUVER Greenwood's Grocery 15th and Marine Q'est 16 BRAID, TIICK Di CD., LID. VANCOllVER Jewellery for Xmas SELLIS'G OUI ALL STOCK We intend to operate as a Repair Shop only Your Opportunity to pucrhase "Gifts" of Watches - Clocks Jewellery and Fancy Goods at greatly reduced prices. Wm. Sagar The Kvest Van Jeaveller Buy your Xmas Gifts in IVest Vancouver. GORDON ROBSON Barrister dh Solicitor WEST VANCOUVER-- Office No. 1447 Marine Drive. Phone AVest 403. VANCOUVER OFFICE-- Suite 818; 510 Hastings St. W Phone Seymour 4199. THE I!.arce S io ) r ~ 1520 blarine Drive AVEST VANCOUVER Ladies Q Children's Haircutting hIARCEL Steam and Finger IVaving Shampooing, Plain Facials, etc. For Appointment WEST 304 BRYAN DECLINES TO RUN FOR REEVE Councillor J. M. Bryan an- nounces that he will not be a candidate for the position of reeve of the district of North Vancouver at the election Jan. 19. Mr. Bryan said he would seek re-election as councilIor but he had absolutely no wish to be- come reeve of the municipality. Mr. and Mrs. A. O'eil, 14th and Inglewood, left last Tuesday for California, where they will spend the winter. )Vhilst away they mill be visiting at Portland for a week, and will then pro- ceed to Los Angeles to visit Mrs. Fowler, their daughter, who re- sides there, ultimately going to Modesto, California, to stay with Mrs. S. EV. Persons, another of their daughters. The general meeting of the L. 0. B. A. was held in St. Steph- en's Church hall last Friday eve- ning, when the election of offic- ers took place for the ensuing year. The following were ap- pointed: Worshipful Mistress, Mrs. F. Rivers; deputy mistress, Mrs. J. Duckworth; recording secretary, Mrs. N. Britton; chaplain, AIrs. W. Carley; treas- urer, Mrs. Bob Black; director of ceremonies, Mrs. Tom Turn- er; first lecturer, Miss Iris Pe."- ree; guardian, Tom Turner. A number of grand lodge officers attended including worshipful grand master Harron, most wor- shipful grand mistress Mrs. Dar- racott, and deputy grand mis- tress, Miss )Villiams. There were also present a number of other visitors. Following the election of officers, music and singing were indulged in, and the even- ing came to a close with the serv- ing of refreshments. a:.:.ne 0~;0:. S 5IEAIBERS OF THE AUTO SERVICE CLUB. Phone %Vest 456 Don't I'al~e Ch.ances with YOUR RADIA'I'OR THIS COLD iVEATHEIt. FILL IT iVITH ANTI - F REEZE and avoid cracked cylinder heads, frozen water pumps and other ex- pensive repairs. Tvio Dollars spent in Anti-Freeeze is mighty cheap insurance. THE iVEST VAN NEEVS I'&RSONAI S Captain A. Lawrence won the 8-lb. turkey on Saturday evening at Roberts Better 51eat store. Little i~Iary Edington drew the lucky ticket. 4 Robert Pyne, 13th and Clyde, engineer on the Sonrisa, had the misfo~Cune to burn his hand while on duty on 5Ionday even- ing. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Thompson 21st and Argyle, spent Tuesday in Bellingham, going by motor. Buck Holliday, who has been living on Grouse Mountain, has rented the Smith cottage on 27tn and Ottawa. Nr. Holliday owns the police dog Barry," which was lately performing at the Pantages Theatre. Mrs. AV. E. Sewell, 1410 20th Street, has returned from a trip to Seattle, where she was visit- ing a son who resides in that city. H. Huggins, 27th and Math- ers, recently heard a concert over the radio, which was being given in Devonshire, England. Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Page and daughter, who have been up in the Yukon since last summer, have taken up residence at the Clachan. Mrs. Cash of Vancouver, aunt of Mrs. F. Stainsby, died on Monday in the city. Mrs. Cash frequently visited her niece here, and was well known to AVest Vancouver residents. Mrs. Florence Bowman, 26th and Bellevue, with her family, is moving next Tuesday to a house on Inglewood between 22nd and 23rd. Mr. Bomman is going to remain in the Peace River District over the winter. In a letter to his home recently he said that extremely cold weather had been experienced already, the thermometer hav- ing reached 26 below zero for a few days. LEGION TO HOLD AIONTHLY 5IEETING The regular monthly meeting of the Canadian Legion, IVest Vancouver branch, will take place next Friday evening at 8 p. m. in the Legion rooms, ferry building. At this meeting ar- rangements will be made for the annual Christmas entertainment for the children of local ex-ser- vice men. A committee ivill also be appointed to handle the dis- tribution of Christmas hampers among the families of needy ex- serrice men in the district. Every member of the branch is asked to make a point of being present. Sidney Gisby while driving home on Friday evening, swerv- ed his auto to avoid running down a boy on a bicycle on Mar- ine Dt ive east of Capilano bridge and came into collision with a car driven by Harold Lavender which was proceeding in the op- posite direction. The back of Mr. Gisby's car and the front of that of Mr. Lavender's were both badly damaged. Luckily nobody was hurt. It was very dark and raining hard at the time, and it is said the poor visibility was largely responsible for the ac- cident. lIIr. and Mrs. J. R. Allan, 17th and Fulton, entertained a num- ber of their friends last Satur- day evening. Their guests en- joyed a game of cards followed by dancing. Those present were Mr. and 3Irs. D. NcMillan; Mr. and Mrs. D. Menzies; Mr. and 5Irs. J. wilson; Mr. and Mrs. AV. D. Colvin; Nr. and Mrs. L. Green; DIr. and Mrs. G. Cave, Mr. and Mrs. George Gardiner; EIr. and Mrs. Roy Heaslip and Mr. and mrs. C. Upham. Captain Ronnie Jackson for some time employed on the AVest Vancouver ferries, returned last Friday and is living at his house 1243 20th Street. Captain Jack- son is resuming his work on the local ferries after an absence of six months spent at sea, this being necessary for him to ob- tain his deep sea master's tick- et. He acted as chief mate of "Chief Skidegate," one of the fleet of the Canadian American Shipping Co., which arrived in Vancouver from Holland last Friday. Mrs. Jackson and child- ren are now in England, and will not return here until next June. During their absence they have visited many of the well-known cities of the continent. A copy of the "Brechin Adver- tiser" has come to hand, con- taining the results of the recent municipal pollings in tha old Scottish cathedral city. The third on the list of successful candi- dates was i~Irs. Jean Duncan Hendry, who thus becomes the city's first lady councillor. Mrs. Hendry is a sister of our muni- cipal engineer, and was a suc- cessful primary school teacher until her marriage. She was of- fered a rather responsible chair- manship at the first meeting, but modestly contented herself with a place on the Public Library Committee, which,;however, happens to be a rather import- ant one in Brechin. The regular meeting of L.O.L. No. 2990, will be held next Tues- day at 8 p.m. in St. Stephen's Church hall. The annual elec- tion of officers will take place at this meeting. CLASSES OF Ib S-I RUC.I IO&'b'OOD FIN'ISHIW G Including Staining, Varnishing, French Polishing By W. CARLEY 30 years'xperience For particulars Phone West 71Y Deg}tT%i%h%lWt .: AIr. and Airs. Claud Pineo of 4V. McQuaker this week sold New Westminster, were the his house situate at 11th and guests on Sunday of his mother Esplanade to 51rs. Royal). This AIrs. George Pineo, 13th and is the new place built by Nr. Mc-Keith Road. Quaker a year or so ago. AIr. and AIrs. Twigg «nd son, E. S. Pearce who is undergo-former KVest Vancouver resi- ing treatment at Shaughnessydents, are now living in San Hospital, is making very goo(lFl anc lsco. progress. December 14, 1928. ~ M ~ ~ o ~ m& mn~n~o ~-- ~--~ ~ ~ ~ o~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ wn ~ ~n~ ~ ~ n~ ~ ~ o~ o We are 'I'oo BusY o write an ad this week. 4Vest Vancouver brought their pre scriptions to us in such ers that we simply hate en t bee able to write an ad Qe have time however to fill your p«- scription if you require our ser vices. IVe have also been busy put- ting into stock tags, seals, tis- sue and holly paper, twine and Christmas tree decorations. Call in and see them. Really they are nice and not n bit expensive. The Store of Service WEST VAN PHARNACY Prompt Delivery I'hone W. 37 Men's Suits and Overcoats CUSTO'if in23 ppfrom The new Fall Samples are now here for your choice. Qual- ity and Fit Guaranteed. YOU'L BE SATISFIED M. WILLIAMS 16th and hlarine, Ambleside CUSTOM TAILOR CLEANING AND PRESSING Phone West 20 NU BONE CORSETS Surgical Belts and Binders. LINGERIE, HOSIERY 17th Ec Marine. )Vest 224 'S .. & C...'S at LUNN'S CAFE Take Some Home. SUITES IN ~ P'Ih'I ~ r r ~ aalr mJ r r Q r n 17th and Fulton FOR RENT All Electrical Appliances. Frigidaire and Raido in every Suite. One of the finest residential blocks in Canada. Apply Agent (. W. SAVO (Y 1429 51arine Drive PHONES--West 340 and 143. (Established over 7ifif Years) C. J. Overington 14th and 51arine 8:.':~e:. For appointment PHONE iVEST 135 SPECIAL 40c 5IEAL .U5i'S CA'. 1421 hIarine Drive at 14th St. 7 A. hI. to 11 P. 51. Public I'hone West 611-0