001C9646 December 7, 1928. COUNCIL FAVORS AUTO FERR Y FRO il HORSE- SHOE BA Y TO GRAN- THAill'S LANDING The council on Monday night nt on record as unanimously dorsing as a public benefit de- s rving of the support of all pub- lic bodies, a resolution passed bv the delegates representing Port Mellon, Hopkin's Landing, Gib- son's Landing, Robert's Creek. Elphinstone Bay, Wilson Creek, Selma Park, Sechelt, Traill Bay, Half Moon Bay and Pender Har- bour at their meeting on 12th November, the said resolution being that the government be requested to subsidiso an auto ferry service between Horseshoe Bay or the vicinity and Gran- tham's Landing or the vicinity. A letter was also ordered sent to Captain lan i&fackenzie, M.L. A., asking for his support of the project when it comes before the legislature. CO&~H~I AINS OF lVATER SHED INTERFERE E T. Dodson wrote the council drawing their attention to the activities of the Greater Vancou- ver IVater Board in the second canyon on the Capilano. Accord- ing to information received by him they had drilled five test holes in the floor of the canyon and at the back of the Canyon View Hotel with the intention of putting in a storage basin with a dam 200 feet high. He was of the opinion that this would re- sult in flooding nearly all that ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ portion of the river bed between the canyon and the second hotel, resulting in the public being pre- vented from gettting into that watershed. It would in his opin- ion stop the use of the north side of Grouse Mountain, the whole of Dam Mountain and the Crown Mountains, east and west, as well as the east end of Hollyburn, which was the municipality's greatest asset. Vancouver's mountain playground would thus cease to exist. He said further it would dry up the river each year for eight to nine weeks, which would kill all the fish and stop the run of salmon for all time. He asked that action be taken at once to prevent such a dam being built, and that repre- sentations be made to the gov- ernment to make the Capilano a public park from the sea up to the present intake. At the pres- ent time the increase in traffi" would soon demaM that a street- car be run up to the second can- yon. For everyone who went up into that district ten years ago there were one hundred today. The matter was referred to the municipal engineer to invest- igate and report. Customer, in small store: "Izzy, how many doors have you got in this store?" Izzy: "V'y, two doors, of course. De front door and de back door." Customer: "Ah. that is where you are wrong, Izzy. You have four doors. You have a front door, a back door, a cuspidor and Isadore." Izzy: "Ha, ha, dot's good. Just you vait and I get that on Rach- ael." Later, after the arrival of Rachael: Izzy: "Rachael, how many doors have ve got in dis store?" Rachael: "Aw, now, don't be so foolish. Ve got two doors, of course." Izzy: "Aw, no, Rachael, ve got four doors--the front door, the back door, the spittoon und me myself." Everyone has heard about the intelligence of the dog, but there was an occasion when a dog and his master were sitting under a notice-board, erected on the bank of a river, the man talking to the dog, when an indignant farmer appeared on the scene. "Here," he demanded sternly, "what's that dog doing here? Can't you see this sign, "No dogs allowed?" "Oh, yes, I'e seen the notice all right," replied the man soft- ly, "but, I don't see what good it is--the dog can't read." There was a young lady from bIecca Who was said to be a good Necca, Some boys tried her out. All they got was a clout, She sure was no lady, by Hecca. "Pop, what is a monologue T" "A monologue is a conversation be- tween husband and wife." "I thought that was a dialogue." "No, a dialogue is where two per- sons nr espeaking." Scientifically hf inded Knee-length skirts have reduced street accidents 50 per cent, says an official report. It would be interest- ing to try and figure out the length of skirts when accidents are entirely eliminated.--Ottawa Journal. FRIENDSHIP, LOVE AN TRUTH You chance to meet a pretty girl, And find your feelings in a whirl, When she with smiles and teeth of pearls, Accepts you as her gallant hferle. This is Friendship. Your friendship grows from day to day; You seem to have things all your way; You kiss her lips, you sooth her cheek, Your arms around her make her meek. This is Love. But, stormy days to come at that, When you and she do have some spat; You fight her till your throat gets hoarse, She calmly tells you she is boss. T HE tendency is for public utilitycompanies to become bigger and bigger and, in so doing, companies are rendering better and better service to the public. Vancouver and the lower mainland are served by hve B.C. Electric power plants, while another is building. These diverse sources of power reduce»~t to an impossibility the chance of a prolonged breakdown of power supply. Only in such large interlinked systems can the beat and the cheapest service be rendered. ~$5QlrmaM FryavruC~gg, vANCOUVER vlcToaw THE WEST VAN NEWS Whimsical Review Should Have Been promoted "What did the boss say when you told him it was triplets T" "He promoted me to be head of my department." "What department are you in T" "Production." Just So It's Pie "Will you have pie, sir T" "Is it customary T" "No, it's apple." Even As You or I When Noah sailed the waters blue He had his troubles, same as you. For forty days he drove the Ark Before he found a place to park. Doubtful Instruction Daughter: "M ot'.ier, do you want me to put the parrot on the back porch?" hIother: "Positively nol Your fath- er is repairing th" car in the back yard." "Yas, I b'leaves in prayer, I does," said the old colored man as he rested during his window-c.'eaning job. "Deed I does. Once when I hadn't any meat fer a long time I begin prayin'ee some, but no meat come. Every day I kep'rayin"er some kin'v meat " '0 Lord, do sen' chicken to mr..'o chickin. "Den I 'membered what the Good Book says 'bout faith without works. so den I prayed, '0 Lord, do sen'e to a chickin!'n'e vary nex'ay we hnd de nicest potpie fer dinnah." Rastus was old, but he had a young wife whose labors over the washboard kept them both. At last MiranJy re- belled and they went before the judge to get a divorce. Said the judge: "This is too bad- a case of June married December." "What's dat, judge T" said Mirnndy, "Seems to me a heap mo'ike Labor Day married to de day of rest." hlodern Alchemy VIOLIN FOR SALE--Three Quarters size. Excellent tone. Phone West 361. FORD TOURING CAR for sale, $30. Phone West 232. X IOLIV FOft SALE--Suitable l'oi be ginners. West 19X. FOIt S %LE-- I'air of Ladies'kates and Boots. Small 6. Practically new $5.00. Kvest 64R. FOlt SA LE--Boy's Bicycle, C.hf.C new. $36.00. Apply Ambleside Tca Rooms. WEBB'S S flOE REPAIRS WEAR BEST--Dunda rave. N A VTFD--Responsible Girl from 8 a. m. to 7 p. m. daily Phone IVest 169R1. NEWbihN 4 ROBBINS -- Builders and Contractors--Painting, paper- hang;ng and kalsomining, chimneys built. 28th and biarine. R. P. Clark 8c Co. (Vancouver) Ltd COS Y WATEftF RONT HObl E- Thoroughly redecorated throughout. Full plumbing, tireplace, cabinet kitchen, 2 bedrooms, living room, delightful view. Special bargain at $3500. We Specialize in West Vancouver. Consult us for your requirements. All classes of property handled. R. P. CLARK 4 CO.. LTD- 790 Dunsmuir St. Seymour 7484 Local Representative C. J. ARCIIER, West 225 Specializ ing in West Vancouver OUR LISTS ARE ALWAYS UP-TO-DATE with Properties for Sale and for Rent GEO. HAY Fire Insurance -- Money to Loan Notary Public 1405 Marine Drive Office Phone West 21 or Sey. 1260 Residence Phone W. 32R or AV. 204X FOUND--Gold Pendant on 21st Street Phone Airs. Williams, West 227. EX f'ERI ENCED N U RSE, or would care for children afternoons and evenings. Phnne West 661R. N ANTED--Capable Young Woman or girl for general housework. Plain Cooking. Nest 164L2. STA hf I'S--Start your boys of gi fis collecting for Christmas. Special of- fer, 100 for 25c. All different. Ex- cellent value. AVest 432L. LOST--Pair of Horn Rimmed Glasses between 16th and Bellevue and Post Office. Nest 221X. FOUiVDATION AND CEh!ENT Work --Landscaping, Lawns, F e n c i n g, Drains, Rock Walls, Clearing, Grad- ing, Septic Tanks. T. Barnott, Nest 672R. WANTED--A Waterfront vacant Lot or one with house. Apply "iivater- front," c o News. NORTH SHORE ELECTRIC for wiring,-- Radio~ Fixtures. Get our prices. Phone 79, North Van- couver. COW MANURE FOIE SALE--Well rotted, $5 Two yards; $ 10 for 44 yards. Mr. Raine. Phone West 74L2. SEII IiVG WAiVTED -- Ladies'hildren's work. bIra. Bloxham, Phone West 226. WINDOW BLINDS--Made to order and installed. Est;mates free. Pearce's Drygoods. 14th Street and biarine. Phone West 144. LANDSCAI'E and General Gardening Rock Gardens, Lily and Ornamental Pools, Lawns, Rustic Work, Fencing Concrete Paths, Drives, etc., Prgn- ing, Spraying, Painting and Kalso- mining, Repairs. R. J. Kyte, Phoebe AVest 172X1. FOft RENT -- Comfortable modern house close to ferry, $30. Also, furnished four room modern bung- alow in Dundarave. Phone West 620L after 6 p. m. 8EbISTITCHING--Plain.. «hite„5c yard; silk and colored 10c yard. Pearce's Drygoods, 14th Street and Marine. Phone West 144. RADIO--hlareoni and Stewart-Warn- er, Batteryless, demonstrated at our shop. Before buying a radio see these. West Van. Electric (Jack Paterson).He: "My dear, our engagement must be off. A fortune teller has told me I shall marry a blond within a month." She: "Oh, that's all right. I can be a blond within a month." STRANGEIIS WITHIiV OUR GATES He's a Chinese or a Hindu, he's a Dago or a Greek, And the language of our country is a tongue he cannot speak. He has sought the land of freedom for the dream is in his breast, And he's going rather blindly for the things he knows are best. He's a power for good or evil, he will hate us or revere And become a friend or traitor from the way we treat him here. "IVhat is your pleasure, sir T" said the teller to the customer. "Golf," replied the gentleman, 'but I came here to get a check cashed." Still Another One Two Scotchmen had planned to go fishing at five in the morning. Only one of them had an alarm clock, but he finally hit on a solution of rousing the other. "Mac," he said, "when the clock goes off I'l get up and ring ye on a public telephone. But, for Lord's sake be sure and don't answer it, so I can get my nickel back." He had heard about our country in a vague and hazy way, It's the land where men are happy and where little children play, But he's strange to all the customs that surround him now he's here; And he misses much that's spoken, but he understands s sneer, He would like to do as we do, but he doesn't quite know how, And he'l never grow to like us if we all neglect him now. Liza, the negro cook, answered the telephone, one morning and n cheerfui voice inquired, "What number is this T" Liza was in no mood for trifling questions, and said with some asper- ity, "You all ought to know. You done called it." There's a mighty force within him if we only understood, We can spurn it to our danger, or can mould it to our good; We can turn our backs upon him, or can make of him a friend, Who will conic to speak our language and the flag we love defend, But it's not enough to pay him for the labor of his hand, We must teach him all our customi. till he learns to love our land. The simple life is all right if you can afford it. When a girl says she has nothing to wear that is an exaggeration--but not much.--Brandon Sun. The hiodern Child Father: "I got a note from your teacher today." Son: "That's all right, dad. I'l keep it quiet." He's a Chinese or a Hindu, he's a Dago or a Greek, But he's very busy thinking, though his thoughts he cannot speak, In the future he'l be something--that is true of every man- And the blame may be upon us if he' not Canadian, So let's make him a Canadian, and let's treat him as a friend. And let's teach him love of freedom- it will pay us in the end. "Why did you hand the boy in the cloak room such a big tip when he gave you your coatT" "Just look at the coat he gave me." Doctor: "I'm afraid I'l have to op- erate for appendicitis." Little Beauty: "Oh, doctor, will the scar show T" Doctor: "Not unless you go into the movies." FOUR ROO&l COTTAGE -- Water, Light, Phone, Garden, Fine view. Lot 75xl29; $850, terms. IVEST VANiCOUVER INVEST- bIFWT COY. West 102. ADDITIONAL I RIVATE TUTORIAL engagements solicited by experienc- ed teacher with B. C. Academic cer- tificate. All subjects of grades 1- 10 (inclusive); some subjects of Grade 11 ~ Studies of backward pupils carefully superposed Dayor Evening. Terms reasonable. Ap- ply in first instance to Tuhorial, West Van News. PORT TRADE SHOiVS GROWTH Exports for Nine llonths Em- ceed All 19o7 Deep sea ei~orts out of Van- couver for the first nine months of 1928 exceeded the total for the whole of 1927 by 238,800 tons, it was revealed today by the statistician of the Harbor Board. The increase for the nine months was l,MS,980 tons, half as much as the entire ei~ort for 1926. T. F. Brown, irho compiled the figures, also reports that deep-sea exports took a phenom- enal jump, registering up to Sep- tember 30 at an increase of 50,- 575 tons with a total increase of 196,804 tons. An analvsis of the export ton- nage by commodities shows that lumber played a minor role in the port's activity. displaying a dmin of only 1,929,824 board feet. IVheat and fish accounted for the huge volume of shipping in the period surveyed. The increases recorded were handled by 20S more deep-sea ships than cleared up to the end of September, 19'. CLASSIFIED ADS