001C9646 THE )VEST VAN NEEVS December 7, 1928. THE REXALL STORE Cut Rate Drugs A Guaranteed IIot Water Bottle makes a warm bed-fellow. You need one for this cold iveather. We hnva them priced from $ 1.00 to $3.00. The $ 1.75 Bottle is on spec'nl at $ 1.49 nnd it is guaranteed. ving fast but we still have n large Alfred Dickson of the Fii st Narrows Lighthouse, caught an 18-lb. halibut on Tuesday after- noon. He made the catch in 60 feet of water in the tide rip be- tween the lighthouse and Am- bleside dock. AVhile halibut some- time run up to 300 1bs., Mr. Dick- inson's catch was a large one for these waters. Mrs. C. J. Archer, 11th aiid Inglewood, was a guest at a bridge party recently given by 5Iiss Jean Crichton Martin, 3250 Thirty-seventh Avenue AVest, Vancouver. On account of the congestion at the customs which occurs at this time of the year due to the Christmas rush, the postal auth- orities are asking all those send- ing parcels to the United States to despatch them not later than this week, if they wish them toarrive in time for Christmas. The first of a series of ten de- bates between the high school classes will be held tonight in Inglewood School, the subject be- ing "Resolved that the sending of 8500 British workers to the harvest fields was ill-advised." The affirmative will be taken by Grade X, and the negative will be argued by Grade XI. Mrs. Bourne, 25th and Marine Drive, has taken up residence in Victoria. Her sister, Miss E. Mangan, left this week for the Capital City. Mr. and Mrs. V. Nightingale, 25th and Haywood, have left for a trip to Valdez Island. Good progress is being made with the house which Mr. J. K. Clarke of Vancouver is having constructed at 31st and Travers Avenue. CHRISTAIAS CARDS are mov selection. Get yours noiv. SATURDAY AND MONDAY SPECIALS 60c Bronchial Salve ............... 43c 2oc Oil Eucalyptus, 2-ox..... 19c Moc Klenxo Tar Soap .... 19c $ 1.00 Grey's Balm ..........., .. 89c 60c Bronchial Syrup .............. 43c 35c Cherisette Talcum ................ 24c 76c Chases Linscd 4 Turpen- tine ............................................ 59c 25c C. B. Q. Cold Tablets, 2 for 38c I I ug'tore , BIanager r Marine and 14th. NO ORDER IS TOO SAIALL323 25c 1 Yard Gauxe .... .. 1Sc 16c White Vaseline .................... 11c 25c Cucumber and Witch Haxel Cream .................................. 19c 25c Rexall Tooth Paste...... 19c 35c 8-ox. Peroxide....... 23c 60c Vick's Vapo Rub.................... 41c 60c Mentho-Sulphur Ointment 39c 26c Analgesic Balm ............ 19c 50c Mustard Ointment.......... SSc f~ -esage l~.~r G. E. REID New Building--Come FAST DELIVERY WEST Pitman Business College TIIE BURRARD .AJ!iI).K i&„)3 School Notes P.T.A. Activities Instead of the regular evening meeting this month, the P. T. A. is sponsoring an illustrated lec- ture on "Safety Education," to be delivered on December 11, at 2.45 p. m. in Inglewood School. Mr. Percy C. Abell of the Safe- ty League, will be the speaker, and his address will cover a very wide range of this important subject. The pupils of Pauline Johnson aiid Hollyburn Schools, as well as the H. S. students,. will attend this lecture, which is of the greatest importance to them. (Copies of the Provincial P. T. A. Report have arrived and these will be distributed in the schools, so that parents may have an opportunity to read the same.) High School News On Friday, November 16th, a debate was held between Grade XI and Grade X. The Resolution was: "Resolved that Capital Punishmept should be abolished in Canada." The judges gavethe decision to Grade X who maintained the negative view- point. A schedule has been drawn up for inter-class debates. Each class will have the oppor-tunity to debate with every other class. This has aroused the com- petitive spirit amongst the stud- ents. 7 gyve- +--- ~Pc+ ~r ~ Q'g ) g WINTER. WASHING's NOT MOC.H FU'N--- 'HLE,SS SY VS Vau II H+VB n OOC4E..' I 'J"le .)urrartj Laun/ry Limited C. L. Hilborn who has been confined to his house at 23rd and Bellevue through sickness, has now recovered. Mr. and Mrs. Currie, who have recently returned from the prair- ies, have taken the cottage of Magnus Ross at 24th and Hay- wood. For People Who Are Particular THIRD ST. and ST. DAVIDS North Vancouver Phone North 1310. West Van. Representative F. RIVERS Phone West 410L Mr. Hogan, who has heen re- siding at 11th and Duchess, has moved to Vancouver, where he expects to spend the winter. HARRON BROS. R WILLIAMSON funeral Qirxctnrs There was a record crowd ofhikers and winter sports enthus- iasts on Hollyburn Ridge over the week end, between four and five hundred of them coming over from the city. A number of them went skiing, while a hockey match betwen scratch teams was played on the ice on Sunday. North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 Lecture Col. Foster gave a very inter- esting lecture in the high school auditorium on Friday, November 29th, "Mountains of British Col- umbia," was the subject, and Mr.Porter showed some excellent lantern slide views in conjunc- tion with the lecture. Mrs. Catherine Cole, 24th and Nelson, who is suffering from an attack of bronchitis, was tak- en to the North Vancouver Gen- eral Hospital on Tuesday. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Stevenson of "Durwestern," 12th and Duch- ess, on Monday at the North Vancouver General Hospital. Both mother and daughter are making good progress. The name of the young lady is Hazel Dorfet. Mrs. Stephenson had delivered to her at the North Vancouver hospital, a letter brought from San Francisco by air mail. This was the first "air" message ever delivered to the hospital and. naturally, created quite a little interest. It was sent by friends of Mrs. Stephenson who former- ly lived in West Vancouver, but who are now resident in San Francisco. PAULINE JOHNSON WINS ANOTHER GAME Last Thursday, November 29,the Pauline Johnson senior soc- cer eleven triumphed over the Hollyburn footballers. The game was well contested throughout without either side having much advantage. Hollyburn opened the scoring but Timbrell soon equalized on a free kick. Theteams were even at half-time, Lowden and Ashe scoring for Hollyburn and Pauline Johnson respectively. At the opening ofthe second half, Stevens scoredfor Pauline Johnson what prov- ed to be the winning goal. The final score was 3-2. I 9 Quarts for t„( yOne Dollar Ir QIIISer 0/aUaV~ NORTH 122 Vancouver's Leading Business College. INDI VI DUA L ATTENTION DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOLNIGHT SCHOOL FOUR NIGHTS EACH WEEK Students may enrol at any time 422 RICHARDS STREET (At Hastings) PHONE SEYAIOUR 9135 H. G. EVare, 22nd and Lawson,is still confined to the house asa result of a recent accident at EVhytecliff, when his foot andankle iseie inJured by being hitwith a large rock. e t e The public school children arepractising assiduously for theschool concert, which is to be held Thursday, 20th December, in the Inglewood School auditor- ium. A varied programme will be presented. e Jack Blyth of Seattle motor- ed up over the week end to visit his mother, Mrs. Charles Blyth, 22nd and Jefferson. F. J. Moore, 22nd and Jeffer- son, is now able to be up and around again after being con- fined to his home with a severe cold. Mr. and Mrs. William Astley of Caulfeild, have left for the south, where they will spend the winter. S. Garnham, 24th and KVater- front, has moved to Vancouver for the winter. A. E. Latta, a cousin of Mrs. L. Garthorne, 22nd and Marine Drive, died last week in Edmon- ton. The deceased, who had recently been working in that city, resided in Vancouver with his family. The funeral servic- es were held in Vancouver on Tuesday and interment was made in Ocean View cemetery. Mr. L. Garthorne was one of the pall bearers. Mrs. Robert Proud, 1231 Mar- ine Drive, motored to Belling- ham on Tuesday with friends. Frances, the 2-year old daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Rathje, 13th and Gordon, is sick. Mrs. Lynn, who has been liv- ing at 26th and Lawson, has moved to the McKenzie cottage at Sandy Cove. Forbes McDonald, 11th and Duchess, who last week had his head badly cut when the bicycle on which he was riding collided with an auto, is making rapid progress towards recover~. STAR SKI JUMPER OF OSLO CLUB SIGNS UP AVITH HOLLYBURN Mr. F. Pinkelhagen, a recent arrival from Norway, has been appointed recorder on the ama- teur registration board of the western branch of the Canadian Amateur Ski Association, ac- cording to advices from R. J. Verne, president of the Western Division. Finkelhagen, who has applied for membership with the Hollyburn Pacific Ski Club was earlier attached to Oslo Ski Club which controls the world-famous Holmenkollen Jump. Mr. Fink- elhagen visited the ski club head- quarters during the week-end, and all the club members who got a glimpse of the "flying Norseman" on his reconnoiter- ing ski trip over the plateau, were unanimous in praising his outstanding skill. Amateur registration cards and application forms will be a- vailable by the next week-end according to President Verne. Clubs and members of the branch are reminded that all skiers over 15 years of age must hold valid amateur registration cards be- fore they can compete in any ski event under the C. A. S. A. rules. Application forms may be obtained through the secretary of every affiliated ski club at Room 56, 615 Hastings street west, Vancouver. SFECIALS For This PVeek Chocolntcs in Fancy Box~~ 5pc g $ 100 Novelties in Chocolate Fig- u res e A n i m n I s, etc ., box Mixed Peel, Robinson's.----"- 25c Bleached Sultanns, per lb.... 18c Currant„ 1st grade, lb........ 18c Shelled Wnlnuts, per lb......" »c Shelled Almonds, per lb ...... 60 Whole Glace Cherries, lb-- »c l b ......, 5 5c Royal Purple &iince Ment, 18cper lb. NARIiiE GROCERY 22nd and Marine J. ALLISON, Prop. PHONE WEST 96 PROillPT DELIVERY Getting Cold ARE YOU PREPARED? Our Advice:--Stock up with the Famous Newcast e 8t Ga.t Coa Always Suits -- Never Soots. Hobb Coal 8 Transfer PHOiNE IVEST 17 "Bob's Always on the Job." We Move Anything Anywhere, Any Time. Phone North 346 Res North 918Y and 1214Y FURNACE REPAIRS Anything in Sheet hfetnl Furnaces, Stoves, Gutters, Cornice, Skylights Tar and Gravel Roofs, General Repairs of all kinds. Burrard Sheet Metal 229 Lonsdale North Vancouver XMAS EATABLES Stratton's Christmas goods are well known to the people of West Vancouver. Leave your order with us for XMAS CAKES and PUDDINGS Shortbread, i~lince Pies, Scotch Buns, Etc. Only the purest of ingredients used in our bakeshop. WEST 27 S 'TTON'S BAKERY 3HOIDG1PPHS ve Forever e l'. l3! 'c 3,,$ ggG~~ THE+ ..xW~~-,"King Studio ~. tt,& ~+ V, V, VINSPNt Pi op 311 Hastings St., Woa Phone Seymour 1046