001C9646 December 7, 1928. Granger's Grocery SATURDA Y AND hIONDAY SI'ECI A LS Prunes (Fresh Stock 2 lbs. 23c Tid-bits hfacaroni (ready- cut) ............... 2 pkts. 15c Dainty Sandwich Biscuits, per ib. 2.&c Swift's Silver Leaf Lard 1 ib. Pkts.. 20c Finest New Zealand Butter ....... 3 lbs. $ 1.28 Good Cooking Apples, 7 lbs. 25c Sair Dates ........ 3 lbs. 23c Delivered F ree Prices Consistently Low Prompt Delivery N,arine &: 21st Phone West 405 Craig's j&'ew Battery Service Next to )Vest Van Garage AUTO or RADIO Charging -- Repairs, Etc. Stocks Real Estate Insurance and LOanS I \ g ~ I ~ 1 i ~ 1 I ~ c 1 U Member of the B. C. Mining and Stock Exchange Orders promptly and efficiently executed. 579 Dunsmuir St., Vancouver Phone Seymour 8894 Coal anO %Pood Get your winter's supply now. Building Supplies. Flour and Feed, Etc. VERNON FEED STORE A. C. SEARLE Phone %'est 9 HOLLYBURN Barber Shop 16th E: Marine EXPERT SERVICE E. MARSH Proprie&or Prof. J. M. Morgan VOICE I'ROD UCTION SINGING Vancouver Studio: Seymour 101 IVe~t Van. Studio: IVest 173 I'in a 1(ose hIr. Carlo is a short round fat man, with a face lighted by a contagious smile and surmounted by a white head." This little poem, one of his favorites, never fails to please and to bring forth applause. "Ivhen I leave this mortal shore,. To roam around the world no more, Don't cry, Don't weep, Don't grieve, Don't stand around me looking blue, Don't sob. I may have struck a bet- ter job. Don't go and buy a large bouquet. For which you'l find it hard to pay, 1 may be txtter off than you. Don't tell all round I was a saint, And ail such things, You know I aint. l)ut, if you have a rose, why bless your soul, Just pin one in my button hole Today, while I'm alive and well Dun't wait until I'e gone to- heaven." THE WEST VAN NEWS Correspondence the old maxim, "Never prophesy unless you know." He "thinks" the North Vancouver Ferry Co. would give us a reduction in fares if we extinguished all the ferries but one, and ran a fleet of busses. EVe "know" that the North Vancouver Ferry Co. has turned down one proposal for a reduction already. We know also that ~fr. Morgan's prediction as to the coming of the First Nar- rows bridge did not turn out to be "the sure word of prophecy." Your truly, J. PORTER. iaaf R. iblORGAN'S ANSWER. The Editor, Dear Sir, I wish to thank you for giving my letter such publicity last week, but your criticism was un- fair and incorrect. For the last twelve years I have been advocating improve- ments in our transportation sys- tem both on and off the Council and have contested tivo elections on that issue viz., in 1918 the first election under Proportional Representation I headed the poll as councillor and in 1922 for Reeve divas only defeated by for- ty-four votes. As to the Zoning By-law, four out of five members of the coun- cil were in favor of the By-laiv, with ex-Councillor Ray dissent- ing. At a Public lifeeting the Council explained the By-law. There were no objections made. A Public enquiry was held to hear any objections when only one person appeared and his ob- jection was satisfactorily met. Then why blame the 1926 coun- cil. I am prepared to admit that the By-law is too drastic and pre- mature for IVest Vancouver and the sooner the better we realize that and have the courage to a- mend the same. Yours very truly, D. MORGAN. lVHAT'S THE hIATTER WITH iVEST VANCOUVER? To the Editor EVest Van News. Dear Sir, Re your criticism of ex-Reeve Morgan's letter. IVhat's the matter with West Vancouver, and your request for the views of other persons on this matter? From the point of view of a new-comer, and what one might term an outsider, there is wily one thing wrong with West Van- couver, and it is briefly express- ed in one word--CAN'. You can't do this, or the other, im- possible, the ratepayers wouldn' permit it, etc., etc. On two occasions, to my know- ledge, during the last summer, this locality was visited by two, well known, Pacific Coast Real Estate Developers who express- ed extreme surprise that KVest Vancouver was not developed, of course they heard the usual story--no transportation,-- the Englishman's home is his castle --and would not stand for any- thing of this or that nature. The visitors naturally pointed out the fact that, as far as transportation was concerned, there was scarcely any city in the United States of any conse- quence where in distance, it takes from half, to three-quart- ers, of an hour, to drive from downtown to the best residential districts, but they were so over- whelmed with other pessimistic and gloomy views and coupled with the. fact that no one tried to sell them on the merits of )Vest Vancouver so they just turned away in disgust and promptly forgot all about it, and so the story goes. If my humble opinion is worth anything, here it is. Cut the word CAN'T out of your vocabu- lary, turn your unoccupied lands over to a good promoter, give him a good selling contract, say 40",~, put 20,o into publicity and the other 407'nto development, get that Community spirit into the hearts of the residents of )Vest Vancouver, so that, when THE FERRIES Editor IVest Van News, May I draw your attention to three points of very real import- ance, ivhich Mr. Morgan has managed to overlood? He proposes to run a single ferry-boat during the rush hours only, leaving the busses to take care of the traffic during the ordinary hours. EVe who use the ferries six days a week have had the oppor- tunity to observe the success ivith which those captains who are in constant practice have been able to maintain the ser- vice almost perfectly on time during fog. Does any person possessed of gumption suppose that even "the powers of a 5fus- solini" would enable a captain to navigate one of our ferry- boats successfully unless he had something more than a "couple of hours morning and evening to keep him in practice?" I do not profess to be a busi- ness man, but I know that all the authorities on business man- agement would condemn as ex- travagantly costly the proposal of Mr. 5forgan to use busses for thetraffic during the quiet hours and to parallel them with a fer- ry-boat during the rush hours. Mr. Morgan should remember West Vancouver CHORAL SOCIE I'Y THE FIRST tD U i. OF TH E SEASON ivill be held in the Hollyburn Theatre NEX & I UESDAY DECEilf HER 11th, at 8.15 I'. 51. 100 Voices with Orchestral Accompaniments. Tickets may be obtained at Theatre on the night of concert. concert. No person will be seated during musical numbers. anyone asks them where they live, tell them in God's Beauty Spot, West Vancouver, the only place in the world to live, and then we are starting a develop- ment campaign that will make the rest nf the Pacific Coast sit up and take notice. Let 'em take the railroad from you. It's only an eyesore anyhow. You'e still got the beauty, the air, the sunshine, the sea, etc. )Vho wants a lot of freight trains puff- ing their way through one of the most beautiful residential dis- tricts on earth, or do you want to turn it into factory sites? A thousand times no, let us develop it and leave it as near as possible in all its natural beauty. It CAN be done. And what about the genera- tion that is growing up? IVhere on earth can you find such fine looking youngsters, why there are millions in capital right there. Forget the "dog in the mang-er" spirit, if there is any such thing among you, if the other fellow's making more money than you are, don't try to block him, use your energy to better advantage by constructive thought and you will find that you soon will be making as much if not more, than he is. Let there be only one Society or Organization in IVest Vancou- ver, a "Bigger and Better West Vancouver Society" and ALL pull together. If you will do that, there is a natural law that will take care of the results. I have seen it tried many times and never seen it fail yet. I expect plenty of unkind crit- icism of this letter, but, like ex-Reeve Morgan, I'l take a chance. The only difference is --Afr. Morgan is a politician and I am not, and don't want to be. Yours truly, JACK ANDERSON. iAIrs. Avery White, 21st and Bellevue has been confined to her home through sickness. Editor IVest Van News, "IVhere Stands IVest Couver?" Dear Sir: Following up Ex-Reeve ilfor- gan's letter in last week's issue of )Vest Van News, I, with others think his idea is a correct one and if put into force would be the first move towards uplifting the place. that is, to run No. 6 Ferry between 7 a. m. and 8 a. m. and between 5 p. m. and 7 p. m. The busses to run from 5.30 a. m. to midnight in connection with North Vancouver Ferries. I would suggest that through rates $ 5.00 monthly season tick- ets be issued, West Bay to the City to cover bus and ferry and do away with punching, and a- vailable either way, travel as you choose and as often as you want. pool the receipts, dividing six cents bus and four cents ferry. Naturally this would give North Vancouver passengers a book of 50 tickets for $2.00 and equalize the fare. What North Vancouver lost in this would be gained through extra passengers travelling their way. Ex-Reeve ~iforgan's idea for years has been to cut out the local ferries and go by train. Now the motor bus transportation by road has come to stay both here and in the Old Country. You charge Morgan with the Town Planning Scheme whereas in last Friday's Morning 'Star' would-be Reeve claims the hon- or. Yours truly, 18-YEAR RESIDENT. Ifrs. F. X. Hodgson made writ ten application to the Board of School Trustees for appointment as Supervisor of Music in the schools. The secretary was dir- ected to reply stating that no appointment is being considered at the present time but that the application would be kept on file for reference. Mrs. Chappell of the Caulfeild Service Station is confined to the house through sickness. "ie West Van Conservative Assn. will give A Socla .vel..ll.j..lg aj..ic .~ a~.ice in HOLLYBURN PAVILION ."n ..'ritay, 'ecem)er .. 1:.1 from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Admission ivill be by ticket only which may be obtained from members of the Executive or from the offices of Colonel K. lV. Savory at Ambleside or of Troughton E; Barroiv at Dundarave. CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF iVEST VANCOUVER Court of Revision of Voter's List, 1929 NOTICE is hereby given that a Court of Revision of the Voters'ist ivill sit at the Municipal Hall, 17th and Esquimalt, District of IVest Vancouver, B. C.. on i41onday the 10th day of December, 1928, at 10 o'lock in the forenoon, for the purpose of correcting and revising the Voters'ist for the year 1929 and to determine any application to strike out the name of any person, which has been improperly placed thereon, or to place on such list the name of any person improperly omitted there- fromm. Dated at the i~funicipal Hall, )Vest Vancouver, B. C., this 16th day of November, 1928. JAS. OLLASON, lfunicipal Clerk.