001C9646 THE AVEST VAN NEEVS PKRSONAI 8Oi4 LY At GREENWOOD'S GROCERY Avery EVhite gave a children's party last iveek at her home at 21st and Bellevue. The children had a thoroughly good time with music and games. Mr. and iiIrs. L. C. Reid, 24th and Bellevue, had a new baby daughter born to them last Fri- day in the Vancouver General Hospital. With 1 lb. of Braid's Tea and i Ih of iirnid's Coffee i) I 35or 2 ib» of either.............., for t ~ This Handsome 8-Cup Size. C. H. Rider of Mill City, Ore- gon, has been visiting his par- ents, Capt. and DIrs. 4V. J. Kane, 1253 Marine Drive. His mother has been very sick, but is getting along fine now. 5Irs. F. X. Hodgson was the soloist at St. Andrews United Church, Vancouver, last Sunday iiight. TEAPOT Will be given away ab- solutely free to each purchaser of \ I 'S BEST TEA AND 1 llew. B 'S BEST COFFEE1 lb. B'raid's Best Tea is packed in two grades: Red Label Orange Pekoe and Blue Label. The most popular tea on the market Hon. S. J. Latta Visits AVest Vancouver The Hon. S. J. Latta, Minister of Education for the province of Saskatchewan, was in )Vest Van- couver last wednesday, visiting his aunt, SIrs. McTaggart, 23rd and Lawson, and his cousin, Mrs. Lance Garthorne, 22nd and Mar- ine. Mr. Latta came to the Coast for the funeral of his brother, A. Latta, ivho died last week. Mr. Latta is the oldest member of the Saskatchewan legislature as favell as the oldest sitting mem- ber. %VEST VANCOUVER Greenwood's Grocery 15th and Marine %Vest 16 VANCOUVERBRAID, TUCK 8c CO., LTD. GROWTH OF SKIING IN %TEST IS SHOiVN Some Coiv Want ad in the Witchita Falls Times. "For Sale--A full-blooded cow, giv- ing milk, three tons of hay, a lot of chickens, and several stoves." The official year book of the Canadian Amateur Ski Associa- tion is just off the press. This is the Ski Annual for 1927-28. It is an attractive volume of eighty-eight pages containing some exceedingly interesting in- formation for every devotee of the white sport. The present ed- ition is twice as large as the last one. Thanks to the rapid de- velopment of skiing in the West, the association now boasts four- teen affiliated clubs in all. YVhile skiing in the East was organiz- ed some thirty years ago, it is indeed a compliment to the pro- gressiveness of the West to re- port a new western branch with not less than seven clubs. R. J. Verne, of this city, who was delegated the task of attempting to organize ski sport in the )Vest is complimented in the annual for having done in a year and ~ half what has been attempted during the last fifteen years. Rudolph J. Verne is first pres- ident of the western branch and vice-president of the parent boily in recognition of his services in the development of skiing in -.'he West. He was recently appoint- ed "western Editor" for the year book, and this will assure the EVest of being in the limelight in the next annual. The present edition is the first ski annual yet produced by its untiring editor, Mr. H. P. Doug- las, president of the assoc|ation, who ranks high in the esteem of all western clubs. It contains some very interesting articles on the Olympic winter games at St. Moritz, besides many thrilling ski stories. Reproduction of scenes on Hollyburn and Grouse Mountain are given as we!1 as accounts of the activities of the local clubs. Jewellery for Xmas Miss B. Tristram of West Bay, has sold her cottage on the wat- erfront at AVest Bay to Mr. Ire- land who comes from Medicine Hat, Alberta. Mrs. G. Stephenson who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. D. Anderson, 23rd and Jefferson, for the past few months, has now returned to her home in Winni- peg, being accompanied by her daughter. Mrs. Colin MacLean was guest soloist at Chown Church last week. Mrs. MacLean sang a Bach number "On My Shepherd I Rely," with violin obligato by Margaret McIntyre, the piano accompaniment being played by Mrs. Harry Holden. Jackie Glover the 3-year old son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Glover, 24th and Waterfront, had a bad fall last week which resulted in a cracked collar bone and a frac- ture between the wrist and el- bow. SELLI&'G OU j. A LL STOCK We intend to operate as a Repair Shop only Your Opportunity to pucrhase "Gifts" of Watches - Clocks Jewellery and Fancy Goods at great)y reduced prices. Wm. Sagar The KVest Van Jeiveller GORDON ROBSON Barrister 8'olicitor iVEST VANCOUVER-- Office No. 1447 Marine Drive. Phone West 403. VANCOUVER OFFICE-- Suite 818; 510 Hastings St. W Phone Seymour 4199. The whist drive held last Sat- urdav under the auspices of the Scottish Society was highly suc- cessful and was well attended. The winning couples were Mr. and Mrs. D. Howieson, and Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Masterman. The regular meeting of the society will be held on Friday evening, December 21st, in "the Clachan" the programme to be announced later. THE .7 arce S &0) 1520 hfarine Drive iVEST VANCOUVER Ladies g Children's Haircutting hfARCEL Steam and Finger iVaring Shampooing, Plain Facials, etc. J. W. Glynes, teller of the Royal Bank here, is back at duty after b ing away on his annual vacation. R. W. Jackson, who has been relieving him, has re- turned to iNew Westminster. AIrs. W. Burton-Forster, 17th and DIathers, accompanied by AIrs. I. AVells Crawford, Mrs. W. B. Small, and Mrs. C. D. Ed- wards, motored to Bellingham oii Wednesday returning the same day. For Appointment WEST 304 and avoid cracked cylinder heads, frozen water pumps and other ex- pensive repairs. Two Dollars spent in Anti-Freeeze is mighty cheap insurance. aX'].ll 01.0: I' 5IEiWIBERS OF THE AUTO SERVICE CLUB. Phone %Vest 456 The executive of the West Vancouver Conservative Associ- ation is holding a meeting to- night (Friday) in the Canadian Legion rooms, ferry building, to make final arrangements for the Conservative dance and social evening to be given in the Holly- burn Pavilion next Friday even- ing.. AIrs. Joule. who has been re-siding at 13th and Clyde hasreturned to her home in Sher-mans. e 5Iiss I. M. knox, who has beenspending the summer and fall ather cottage at 28th and Lawson,has moved to Vancouver for thewinter. Eric Harrison, 17th and Haywood, is temporarily on the stagof Hollybul.n post Office, duringthe Christmas rush. 0 3Irs. M. Lothrop, 19th andMarine Drive, is leaving here tospend the winter in Vancouver. Dr. E. R. Rowan gave a lecture on Tuesday before the Vancou-ver Dentists Society, his subjectbeing "Partial Denture Tech-nique." Doris, the little daughter ofMr. and Mrs. L. L. Clement, 11th and Mathers, is confined to the house with a severe cold. The "Take It Easy" Club gavea dance on Saturday evening in Ambleside Hall, which was much enjoyed by the fifty or sixty guests who attended. Dancing lasted from 9 to 12, the music being supplied by the Club Royal Orchestra of Vancouver. Dainty refreshments were served dur- ing the evening. R. V. Lougheed, 12th and Keith Road, has moved into a house at 1263 Haywood Avenue. Good progress is being made with the contract for the KVhyte- cliff road extension, although the recent cold weather has somewhat interfered with the laying of the concrete. The ce- ment shoulders have now been laid as far as Cypress Park, while the road has been finished as far as Fisherman's Cove. Mrs. Lucas Hunt who has been residing at Caulfeild, has moved to Vancouver. Alex. Stronge, 14th and Belle- vue, was laid up at his home at the beginning of the week with an attack of grippe. Construction work is finished on the addition and alterations which Mr. and Mrs. Paton have had made to their home at 15th and Esquimalt. Arthur Hookham, 18th and Waterfront, was the lucky hold- er of the winning ticket for a 9-lb. turkey drawn for at Rob-erts'etter Meats store on Sat- urday evening. R. J. Dunlop of Vancouver has moved into Mrs. windsor's cot- tage on the East Beach. Mr. Stuart, 11th and Mathers, has been confined to the house with an attack of flu. Mr. and Mrs. Hibbard have had an addition to their family, a daughter having been born to them on Tuesday morning at their home on 16th Street. Rev. A. Harding Priest was one of the overseas padres who were entertained at a luncheon on Thursday, 29th ultimo, by Rev. G. O. Fallis and the Canad- ian DIemoria] Church. The pad- res were later shown over the new memorial chapel, the vari- ous sections of which were ex- plained by Mr. Fallis. Mr. and Mrs. Brown and fam- ily, moved last week from 19th and Bellevue to a house at 15th and Inglewood. Don't I ake Chances wit]i YOUR RADIA I'OR THIS COLD iVEATHER. FILL IT AVITH ANTI- FREEZE December 7, 1928. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ '0 ~ ~e~ ~ ~ee ~ ~ e~ ~ ~M~~ XMAS WRAPPINGS ~ ~g ~ ~ &k ~ ~ A ~ W ~ A ~ We ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ ~i~ ~ ~e HOLLY TISSUE, AVHITE TIS- SUE, CARDS, TAGS. SEALS. Everything to make your parcels attractive Choose them at your leisure here. Also some Gift Suggestions- BATFI SA LTS BATH POWDERS LAVENDI'.R WATER PERFUMES SACFIETS, Etc. The Store of Service WEST VAN l'HARNACY Prompt Delivery I'hone iV. 37 Men's Suits and Overcoats cUsTO'ii is23 PPfrom The new Fall Samples are now here for your choice. Qual- ity and Fit Guaranteed. YOU'L BE SATISFIED M. WILLIAMS 16th and hfarine, Ambleside CUSTOM TAILOR CLEANING AND PRESSING Phone )Vest 20 NUBONE CORSETS Surgical Belts and Binders LINGERIE, HOSIERY 17th 4 Marine. West 224 SPECIAL 40c 5IEAL -Ui 'Ii'S CA 1421 Marine Drive at 14th St. 7 A. M. to 11 P. 51. Public Phone iVest 611-0 'l.S.. & Ckl.'S at LUNN'S CAFE Take Some Home. SUITES IN ~ P 'I II ~ ~ & 17th and Fulton FOR RENT All Electrical Appliances. Frigidaire and Raido in every Suite. One of the finest residential blocks in Canada. Apply Agent (. W. SAVO(Y 1429 51arine Drive PHON ES--iVest 340 and I i3. (Established over 7% Years) C. J. Overington 14th and 5Iarine For appointment PHONE iVEST 135