West Van. News (West Vancouver), 7 Dec 1928, p. 2

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001C9646 I'ime to Begin your Xmas Shopping Here is the logical place to buy your Christmas Gifts. We arc now shoiving the i~atcst variety of Novel and Useful Gifts we have ever had. Whether you wish to spend ten cents or tcn dollars ive want you to inspect and compare our values. Many of these are imported direct from Great Britain and Europe. You save middleman's profit by shopping herc. GIVE USEFUI. GIFTS. Dainty Things Stamped to Embroider We'l be glnd &o shown them. Fi( i~00(.S 16 10 M A BIN E DRIVE IInndkerchiefs Beau ti fully Printed or Emboridcred Singly or in Pretty Boxes. PROPOSED UNION OF NORTH VAN. CITY AND DISTRICT, FAILS GUN CLUB TO GIVE BANQUET AND PRES- ENTATION OF TROPHIES THE BLUEST VAN NE(US WEST VANCOUVER Chl'ishRll Science Society CIIURCII EDI f ICE 20th nnd Esquimnl t, Hollyburn Sunday Services 11.SO a. m. nnd 7.30 p. m. Subject December 9th "GOD THE ONLY CAUSE AND CREATOR" Sundny School at 10.00 n. m. Testimony Meeting Wednesday at 8.16 p. m. 1Jnitei ChurClk 21st stieet near Marine UNITED CHURCH SALE OF iVORK Councillor Simon Fraser's res- olution "that a plebiscite be tak- en at the January elections on the question of the amalgama- tion of the North Shore munici- palities, terms to be considered if the plebiscite is favorable," was rejected by the North Van- couver District Council, AVednes- day evening. The question of amalgamation wi]] come up at at the next meet- ing of the District Council, how- ever, as Councillor J. M. Bryan gav enotice that he would then move: "That this council approach the City Council with respect to the appointment of a joint com- mittee to go thoroughly into the basis of amalgamation of the city and district, such a question to be placed before the electors one year hence in the event of the special committee so recom- mending." Councillor Bryan took issue with Councillor Fraser's resolu- tion. He thought the submis- sion of such a plebiscite would be asking the ratepayers to vote on something they knew noth- ing about. He said he was in favor of the amalgamation of the city and district. He thought an amalgamation could be effect- ed that wou]d benefit both mun- icipalities and wou]d obviate overlapping that now exists. He contended that the details of the proposed union should first be worked out before the ratepay- ers were asked to vote. Councillor Fraser said the pur- pose of his resolution was mere- ly to ascertain the views of the ratepayers on the general prin- ciple of amalgamation. If the plebiscite did pass, the ratepay- ers wou]d rot be committed to anything. Reeve Fromme thought there ivou]d be no harm in submitting the plebiscite. "Amalgamation is going to come just as sure as the sun is going to rise tomorrow," he said, "and we will all sooner or later have to tax improvements." Councillor 4V. H. Woods con- sidered it best to ascertain the views of the ratepayers. If a favorable decision were given, then the council would have authority to proceed with the ar- ranging of the details. THE 'Vest 'il'an ¹ms Published Every Friday H. HODGSON and F.F.LOVEGROVE Publishers Phones: KVest 363 West 412L Business and Editorial Office. 1361 Marine Drive Mail Address: P. O. Boz 101, Hollyburn, B. C. $ 1.00 a year by mail or carrier, News stands 6c per copy. ADVERTISING RATES ON APPLICATION The Scenic Highway Gun Club will hold its annual banquet to- night (Friday) at 7.30 p. m. sharp in the Palace Hotel, North Vancouver, when there will be a fine musical programme and presentation of trophies avon during the past season. Those taking part in the programme wi]] include Miss Violet Fielding, soprano, Big Francis, and Mr. Frank Dowie, the well-known comedian. It is expected that this will be one of the most suc- cessful banquets ever put on bv the Club. MEN THAT ARE iVANTED A man who can find things to be done without the help of a manager and three assistants. A man who gets to worl- on time in the morning and does not imperil the lives of others in an attempt to be the first to quit work at night. A man who is neat in appearance and does not sulk for an hour's over- time in emergencies. A man who listens carefully when he is spoken to nnd asks only enough questions to insure the accurate car- rying out of instructions. A man who moves quickly and makes as little noise as possible a- bout it. A man who looks you straight in the eye and tells the truth every time. A man who does not pity himself for having to work. A man who is cheerful, courteous to everyone nnd determined to "make good. The annual sale of work and home cooking held under the auspices of the EVomen's Assoc- iation of the United Church on Tuesday afternoon was an un- qualified success. The sum re- alised amounted to $260. The ladies wish to thank all those who by their assistance helped to achieve such a gratifying re- sult. UNITED CHURCH iVOMEN IIEET NEXT TUESDAY The regular meeting of the )Vomen's Association of the Un- ited Church wi]] be held next Tuesday, December 11th, in the Church Hall at 2.15 p.m. A good turnout of members is spec- iall asked. St. Anthony s Church Pastor--Rev. Father Kelly Sunday--Mass, 8.30 a. m. High Mass, 10.30 a. m. Benediction, 7.30 p. m. )Veek Days--Mass 8 a.m. iVorst Joke of the Year. A backwoods mountaineer one day found n mirror which a tourist had lost. "Well, if it ain't my old dad," he said as he looked in the mirror. I never knew he had his pitcher took." He took the mirror home, stole into the attic to hide it, but his actions did escape his suspicious wife. That night while he slept she slipped up to the attic and found the mirror. "Hm-m," she said, looking into it. "So that's the old hag he's been chas- in'." The following Christmas Carol will be sung by the audi- ence as well as the choir at the Choral Society's Conceit in Hollyburn Theatre next Tuesday. GOOD KING iVENCESLAS Good King Wenceslas looked out On the feast of Stephen, When the snow lay round about, Deep, and crisp and even; Brightly shone the moon that night, Tho'he frost was cruel, When a poor man came in sight, Gath'ring winter fuel. "Hither, page, and stand by me, If thou know'st it, telling, Yonder peasant, who is he? Where and what his dwelling? "Sire, he lives a good league henc.", Underneath the mountain; Right against the forest fence, By St. Agnes'ountain." "Bring me flesh and bring me w»e, Bring me pine-logs, hither; Thou and I will see him dine When we bear them thither." Page and monarch forth they went, Forth they went together, Thro'he rude wind's wild lament, And the bitter weather. "Sire the night is darker now And the wind blows stronger; Fails my heart I know not how, I can go no longer." "Mark my footsteps, my good page, Tread thou in them boldly: Thou shalt find the winter's rage Freeze thy blood less coldly." In his master's steps he trod, Where the snow lay dinted; Heat was in the very sod Which the saint printed; Therefore, Christian men, be sure, Wealth or rank possessing, Ye who now will bless the poor, Shall yourselves find blessing. December 7, 1928. PRESENTA'I ION TO CHAI.AIERS'HURCH ORGANIST West Vancouver Bible School Amblesidc Efall, Marine at 14th Sundny, December 9th, nt 3 p. m. MR. PERCY KING EVhen eating corn on the cob, adjust it as you would a mouth organ, but do not run the scale so rapidly. Place the napkin in your lap. Never display it at half mast. If you are obliged to yawn, wait until there is a gap in the conversu- t.on. Syrup should be used for nourish- ment and not as a liniment. Weekly prayer service eacli Wednesday at 8.00 p. m. B.Y.P.U. Tuesday 7.30 p. m. All young people invited "Dost thou love life, then do not squander time, for that's the stuff life is made of." Store open all day Thursdays. Mrs. Draper's HOj&IE COOKING SPECIALIST 2436 MARINE DRIVE Next Dundarave Hall, NOTE PHONE: West 368 iVe are ready now for your orders for HOME MA.DE Xmas Cakes Almond Paste PUDDINGS nnd MINCElllEAT All made on the premises. Leave your orders early Chiropractic Will Help You. Consultation Free. Roberta A. Vass D.C., Ph.C. Graduate of Palmer School C'I ROFRAC"01 Phone iVcst SSS Next to Stratton Bakery Marine Dl ive Ambleside also at Vancouver A very pleasant surprise party took place at the home of Mi'. and Mrs. Moncrieff AIawer rec- lwader ently the occasion being a fare- we]] gathering of the choir to bid Mr. and Mrs. Mawer Go(]- Subject: speed and show their apprecia- "Tff E DESOI.ATF tion of AIr. AIawer's work «s or'- IIOUSE OF JEWRY" ganist and Choirmaster dul'ing his sojourn at Chalmers'hurch. usual and the members then dis- EVERYBODY WELCOME persed only to hasten to the Mawer house and wait the arriv-Come to the Class on Sunday. a] of the host and hostess. Tht cakes, cookies, sandwiches,etc., dinir.g room was prettily decor- St. Stephen 5 Clllll,dl ated and a bnge table taden withtwinkled a hearty welcome to everyone. The duties of pouringAdvent 2 (Dec, 9th).. tea and coffee were ab]y pre-8.00 a.m.--Holy Communion sided over by ),Irs. E. S. Field10.00 a. m.--Sunday School and Mrs. )U. G. Clark. Vocaland Bible Class. numbers were given by Mr. Bert11.15 a. m.--AIorning Prayer. Ti]], Mrs. F. X. Hodgson and M T. H. St.evens and recitations by7.15 p. m.--Evensong. ~Ir. T. A. )Ui]]cocks in humorous The Second Sunday in Advent vein were well received. Mr. T.with its emphasis on the place H. Stevens then made a vervof the Holy Scriptures in the life concise speech on behalf of theof the Church and the individual Choir regretting )Ir Mawer's is kept throughout the Anglican resignation and hoping he wou]~]communion as Bible Sunday. » be very happy in his new work.the evening the preacher will be He then presented him with athe Rev. Nelson A. Harkness cigarette case and a case con-Secretary of the Bible Societv taining pen and pencil. Mr.for British Columbia. Mawer, in replying, thanked theThe monthly meeting of the choir for their ]oyalty and helpEVomen's Auxiliary will be held in the past and hoped to keep innext Tuesday afternoon at 200 touch with all members of the p. m. in the Parish Ha]]. choir in a friendly way. Mrs. The A. Y. P. A. wi]] meet Mawer was the recipient of a Wednesday evening of next week beautiful bouquet of pink carna-instead of Tuesday evening. tions. As a result of the recent Duo Mrs. F. X. Hodgson and Mr. Club concert $40 was rea]iz«)V. Sparrow, soloists, who havefor Camp Artaban Motor Boat resigned along with Mr. Mawer, Fund. each received a parting gift, the The annual meeting of the former a bouquet of roses and choir was held Wednesday night the ]atter a fountain pen.at the home of Miss Millard. All who have had Bible Soci - NORTH SHORE BOAVLERS RECEIVE THEIR PRIZESasked to turn them in to the Rector as soon as possible. The junior footba]1 t.am lost At the annual smoker of the e] contested game ]ast North Vancouver Lawn Bowling Saturday to Beaconsfield United Club, championship trophies won by 3-2. Tomorrow both teams during the past season were pre- juveniles at 1.30 p.m. against mes Elliott was the winner Renfrew Baptists and the juni- of the sing es championship and ors against St. Giles United at T. S. Go]die was the runner-up. The doubles championship was won by A. G. Perry and James Elliott. The rink competition was won by H. M. Proutt, James aPQSi. C, lUI'C 1 Wardiaw, Sidney Giaby and Dun- can McPhail. The singles hand- B. S h lt leap event was won by AlchlePastor: Arthur . c u e. yIcLe]]an and Frank Kirby was runner-up. The rink composedSunday School, 10 a. m. of James Chapman, Harry Bren-.Morning Service, 11 a.m. nan, A]ex Mi]ne and DuncanEvening Service 7. 5 p. m. Mcphai] won the season's aggre- a ecember 9th gate prizeNext Sunday, December, The fo]lowing contributed toRev. Nelson A. Harkness, Dist- the musica] programme: Jamesrict Secretary fol the British an3 Swanson, Harry F. Longley, Pet-Foreign Bible Society wil oc er )Vait, Joseph Ward, DuncancuPy the Pu]Pit at the morning McPhai], R I McDouga]] anservice--11 a. m.; and Rev. J. E. George SimpsonHarris, of South Hill Baptist Church, will be in the pulpit at Table &planners7.15 foi the evening service.