001C9646 December 7, 1928. Smith 's I rocery Orders taken forXMAS CAKES Mince Pies Puddings, Etc. lvo Delirer A. HARVEY ShlITH, Prop. 24th AND MARINE, Opp. Dundarave Hall. Phono IVEST 469 c«» RED AN9 WHITE s~oRE SPECIALS-FRIDAY AND SATURDAY THE PANTRY ~Iarine Drive, Ambleside All kinds of Hon&e Cooking. VOTING BY I'. Ig. SYSTEAI TO REAIAIN The municipal solicitor advis- ed the council on Monday nightin response to their request thatin view of the fact that propor-tional representation was adopt- ed in West Vancouver by orderof the council there ivere twomethods of abandoning this sys-tem of election. The first and simplest divas bypassing a resolution by a major-ity of three-fifths of the mem- bers of the council present andvoting rescinding the Propor- tional Representation Act. Inthis case it ivould be necessaryto give special notices of the meeting and of the intention to propose such a resolution to every member of the council. The second method of abantl- doning the act would be by tak- ing a plebiscite. Such plebiscite, however, could only be taken aft- er a petition signed by at least 5 per cent of the qualified elect- ors had first been presented tothe council. It would also be necessary to have such a peti- tion carefully checked and veri- fied before it ivould be in order to take a plebiscite. The council passed a resolu- tion that the system of votingat present in vogue be not changed. 1 Fancy Bleached Sultanas, 2 lbs. 33c Bonton Seedless Raisins 2 lbs. 21c Recleaned Currants........ 2 lbs. 29cNurray's Marmalade Large Sealer .............. 49c 4 lb. Tin .............., ............... 55c No. 3 Sieve Peas............ 2 tins 35c B. C. Granulated Sugar, 10 lbs. 61c Jello all flavor~ 3 pkt~ 22c Post's Bran Flakes.... 2 pkts. 25c Bulk Orange Pekoe Tea, lb.... 53c Swansdown Cake Flour, per pkt 33c B. C. Pure Strawberry Jam, per tin ... ...................................... 55 c Instant Postum, large tin........ 45c Baker's Premium Chocolate, lb. pkts......................... 24c COUNCIL NOTES CASH and CARRY I.I.eat .|I ar ~el: The engineer ~epos ted on 1. R. S. McCall's application for improvement of 19th St. nor of Ma~ inc Drive zt a cost of q4 An expenditure not to exceed $4was authorized. 2. Jacob Hutchinson's request that a stump on 23rd 3treet which is dangerous be felled. Usual procedure authorized. 3. Office for survey party rec- ommending that the offer of the )Vest Van. Investment Co. of a garage at D. L. 582 for $5 permonth be accepted. Approved. 4. Road and water by laws. Blocking out necessary if by- laivs are to be submitted to elec- tors at commencement of thenet year, also i~Iarine Drive miles 1 to 4 bridges should be reconstructed one year prior to paving. The solicitor and engineer were instructed to prepare a draft of a road by-law for $60,000 for submission to the council The solicitor and engineer were also instructed to prepare a Brother's Creek System Wat- erworks by-law for $150,000 for submission to the council for consideration. 5. 3V. Cuthbert's applicationfor vehicle access to Jefferson Ave. East from 22nd Street at a cost of $45. An ei~enditure not to exceed $45 was author- ised. IVell! Here we are again. Another to be given away NEXT SAT- URDAY at t.SO p. m. Tickets given with each Cash Purchase, between the hours of 8 a. m. and 7 p. m.. Saturday, December 8, 1928. NET ZEALAND BUTTER, 3 lbs. $ 1.35 Pork Legs (fores) per lb .................... 18c Pork Butts. per lb............. 24c Choice Veal Roast, per lb.... 25c Prime Steer Pot Roast, lb 18c Pure Pork Sausage, our own make, per lb.................. 25c Local Spring Lamb (should- ers). per lb..................... 25c EGGS--Local Pullets Extras per dozen .......................... 39c Cottage Ham, sliced, lb..... 35c SANITARY INSPECTOR PRESENTS GARBAGE BY-LANT TO COUNCIL IIONDA Y Cambridge Sausages 2 lbs. 25c Lean Stewing Beef. lb....... 15c Sanitary Inspector Gracey pre- sented to the council a draft oi a proposed garbage by-law which he thought would be suitable to meet conditions in the district. The matter was referred to the incoming council. PETITION BEING SIGNED REGARDING POST OFFICE AT AVEST BAY A petition is being circulated in the )Vest Bay district in an endeavor to have the name of the post office, recently opened there, changed from Wadsley to Westbay or Westbay Beach. The board of trade at the last meeting appointed a committee to interview AIr. Murray, Postal Inspector at Vancouver, regard- ing this matter, and is prepared to assist the )Vest Bay people in every possible ~vay in getting the name of the Post Office changed. The regular monthly meeting of the Duncan Lawson Chapter, I. O. D. E., will be held Monday, December 10th, 2.15 o'lock at the home of i&Irs. D. AV. Hirst, 2870 Bellevue Avenue. T UESDA Y Tripe, per lb ................... 10c Pork Steak............ 2 lbs. 45c WEDNESDA Y Hamburger Steak, lb...... Round Steak, per lb...... 15c 25c AIISS 51ILLARD ENTERTAINS ST. STEPHEN'S CHOIRTHURSDAYHead Cheese.............. 2 for 25c Sirlo!n Steak. per lb.......... 33c FRIDA Y Frmh Liver, per lb........... Pure Lard, 1 lb cartons...... Miss Ethel Millard entertained the senior choir of St. Stephen's Church on Wednesday eveningat her home at 24th and Math- ers. A numb r of matters relat- ing to the choir ivere discussed. Major Lester, who has been choirmaster for the past year, resigned, and James H. Smith was chosen to fill the position temporarily until a permanent leader is appointed. Dainty re- freshments were served, and the remainder of the evening was very happily spent in music and games. 10c 18c Robert's Better Meats Phone AVest 190 Delivery llorning and Afternoon NORTH SHORE TUNNEL READY EARLY IN 1929 It is hoped that the tunnel nowunder construction on the northshore by the Vancouver board ofharbor commissioners &vill becompleted shortly after the firstof the new year, board officialssaid today. About 100 feet remain to bereenforced with steel before theunderground passage may be de-clared finished. After this workis done, the lighting equipment will have to be installed, and sev-eral other details worked out be-fore trains can run on the track. Mrs. C. D. Edwards, 22nd and Lawson, who suffered a sprained ankle through falling on the steps of her house a week or so ago, is now able to be on her feet again, though the sprain is not yet healed. BUY XMAS GIFTS AT THE LOCAL STORES. STUDIO PROGRAAIilIE BY i&IRS. F. X. HODGSON'S PUPILS TO BE BROADCASTED Next Thursday, December 13th, Mrs. F. X. Hodgson andher pupils will give a studio pro- gram which will be broadcast- ed over C KF C. The following artists will take part: Mrs. Don- ohoe, soprano; Mrs. Eager and Connie Hicks, mezzo soprano; Harry Kcllas, baritone; Marian Mitchell, Joan Durban, Flora Edmands, contraltos; Lawrie Le- feaux and Sam Turner, trebles; YVm. Sparrow, tenor, will be an assisting artist. 3 tables for I your pleasure Play a game of Ck E'.3 Sk IIE.DS,",,',"„,.",;„,'.„,„.„,.„,„ Eighteen days to Christmas. Do your shopping earlyand buy as much as you can in YVest Vancouver. The storeshere have a wonderfully fine selection of things suitable forChristmas Gifts. whether you wish a costly gift or a cheap one you can get it here and--usuall&, you can buy cheaperthan in Vancouver. Few people realise this, but it is a fact.Prove it for yourself by going to the local stores and pricingthings. You will get good conscientious service from the localmerchants. They stand behind the goods they sell, and youcan rely upon things being exactly as represented. Buy your Christmas Gifts and vour Christmas eatables in IVest Vancouver. M4 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~a ~ ~ ~ ~ e s ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ s~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ h'IT!aS . Iinnel For Christmas both our stores will have a big supply ofour usual high grade quality of TURKEYS -- GEESE -- CHICKEN and Xmas Beef. Nothing but the best at Jefferies' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ 0 ae W ~ 0 o ae ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ «b~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ w ~ ~~m~~ ~ ~ «, 'S IP:A"',AI'(:"S 0 St Ambleside. Phone Wes( 303Hollyburn. Phone IVesl 3 awatch Ivindows for Everyday Specials UK ™ntKS DURABLe AND ST@OH(s . &0 80Y )&~"D "0~ «~T GO wang( ! DURABILITY &s the test of lumber as well as business repu- tation This business will stand close scrutiny. IVe handle lumber in an intelligent manner and sell &t at pr&ces that appeal to &ntell&gent bu&lders It~! Ill:I.!IIVP.,'lll, Il;IP.','i. 15th and AIarine LIAIITED Phone AVest 115 ~ s~~~~S-KM'" s~X s4'» sX s .~g Kg+ !. ~ ~ ~' . ~ 'y ~ / ea .g- r„ - Hr I 'i/7,+: u ~ ~ ~]tve SO:Ilr.r!ej iirI, I~I ei.i,l(! I.g! ~~HERE'S always a ready wel- come, a sincere appreciation, for electrical gifts.Their usefulness makes them welcome every day of the year for years to come--and the gleaming beauty of a heavily aickeled toaster wafBe iron or percolator, when it comes out of its Christmas tissue wrappings, wins instantaneous appreciation. At B.C. Eleatic Stores you'l 6nd the widest seleaion of elearical gifts, all most reasonably priced. a~ ~ sTORES British Colum'lectric Raihvay Company CH &~L nfj ~ ~Pj~Ff~ ~ H~ ~ P'j~ ~ ~ Tl~ ~ PP SAS -, )00 (S AND . nterior ]'inis & G-ASS anc G.AZ. IG OF ALL KINDS BUFFETS, KITCHEN CUP-BOARDS, DRAAVVERS- 9x7x5 Green House. Complete. Set up................... $70.00 6x4x5 Portable Chicken House. Complete. Delivered $20.00 No Job too small, and none too large. Work Guaranteed and Prices Right. Keep your work here and help )Vest Vancouver grow. tl ' '.I llS I; I!,,III 'll,;II',.!,I;I. hlARINE DRIVE AT 16th STREET Fhone West 199 MOW'EY .j 0 LOAN on First 5Iortgage at current rates. London & British North America Co., Ltd. ilIortgage -- Insurance -- Finance and Estate Agents.626 Pender Street )Vest Phone Sey. 6285