001C963C November 30, 1928. THE WEST VAN NEWS -:,'seful .Recipes ',: 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ t ~ ~ ~ ~ 4 ~ ~ 40&1 ~ J PLAIN CAKE FRUIT CAKE 1 pound raisins 1 pound currants &!~ pound citron 1/g pound mixed orange and lemon peel &P cup butter 1 cup sugar 5 eggs 2I/ cups flour 1 orange, juice and rind. 1 lemon, juice and rind 1 teaspoon nutmeg I/~ teaspoon baking powder. EVash and dry raisins and cur- rants. Add to them citron and mixed peel, cut fine and sprinkle with &pi cup of the flour. Cream together butter and sugar. Add unbeaten eggs, one at a time, beating each one in well before adding the net%. Add orange and lemon juice and rind, nut- meg and flour in which is sifted baking-powder. Add floured fruit last. Mix thoroughly. Line cake tin with greased paper, cut to fit sides and bottom. Bottom piece should be double to prevent scorching. Side pieces should b( a trifle higher than the pan. Fill pan nearly full of batter. Bake in very slow oven (275') about 21/~ hours. Cake should begin to brown in a little at end of first hour. Cover top with paper if browning continues too rapidly. AVhen baked, remove from oven and turn out to cool. The paper can be taken off without injury to cake. IVhen entirely cold, wrap in waxed paper and cloth and put away in a closed tin box for at least a week to "ripen." Ice top with almond ic- ing. SPONGE CAKE 4 egg yolks 1 cup sugar 3 teaspoons cold water 1 teaspoon vanilla 1 cup flour 1 teaspoon cream of tartar ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 4 egg whites. -- Beat egg yolks well and add half of sugar. Continue to beat until light and thick, Add wat- er, flavoring and flour which has been sifted five times with cream of tartar. Beat egg whites to a stiff froth and add balance of sugar. Continue to beat until sugar is dissolved and mixture is very stiff and rocky in appear- ance. Fold whites into batter very carefully so that rocky ap- pearance is not disturbed. Turn into an ungreased "Turk's head" pan. Sprinkle top with granu- lated sugar. Bake in a very mod- erate oven (325 F) 50 minutes. 6 tablespoons butter 1 cup sugar 2 eggs 1 cup sour milk I,'. teaspoon soda 2 cups flour 1 teaspoon baking powder 2 teaspoons vanilla Cream together butter and sugar. Add unbeaten eggs, one at a time, beating each in well. Add milk in which soda is dis- solved, then add flour sifted three or four times with baking- powder. Add flavoring and mix thoroughly. Pour into loaf pan lined with greased paper. Bake in moderate oven (350') 1 hour. Loaf should begin to brown at end of 15 minutes, but should not get entirely brown for I hour. EUhen brown, cover top with paper to keep from scorching. To this cake batter can be added 1 cup broken nut meats, raisins or chopped candi- ! ed fruit, or 1 '3 cup of each. The cake will keep fresh a week in a closed tin. It can be iced or not ~ as preferred. PEACE RIVER DEAL TALK OF VICTORIA SUhat place the Pacific Great Eastern Railway will take in the plans of the Canadian National and Canadian Pacific Railways for gigantic Peace River devel- opment, including the joint pur- chase of the Alberta Govern- ment's northern lines, was the question of the hour at the Par- liament Buildings at the be- ginning of this week. That the Alberta railway pur- chase announced in Montreal will ultimately have a vital bearing on the future of the P. G. E. and the finances of the province was regarded as almost certain. In effect the general belief is that the two national systems, having decided to go into the Peace River in a big way, will want a western outlet for the new northern grain belt to take its products down to Vancouver. In such a project the P. G. E. would probably form a large part of the new route from its present northern terminus down to Clin- ton, with a new cutoff between that point and Ashcroft. From there the Peace River freight could be moved to Vancouver on main lines of either of the trans- continental systems. On thie assumption there is a firm belief here that the P. G. E. will enter the picture befol e long. This belief is supported, not only by the geography of the northern railway situation and the evident desire for a wes- tern freight outlet, but also by British Columbia's potential ownership of the Peace River Block. )Uhen this is conveyed to the province shortly it will have something besides the P. G. E. to bargain with as the lands included in the federally- owned area would be of enorm- ous value to railways operating in the Peace River territory. The Canadian National Rail- ways, as a matter of fact, had in- dicated an interest in the possi- bility of taking over the P. G. E. before the last provincial elec- tion. The C. P. R. has never shown any enthusiasm for the idea but its new position as a joint owner in the Peace River system may alter its view. Cer- tainly the C. P. R. will not want to see the products of the Peace River move to Vancouver over existing Canadian National lines from Edmonton, it is thought. A short route from the Peace River distr' to Prince George or some nearby point and then down the P. G. E. to Ashcroft, would appear to officials at the Parliament Buildings most close- ly in touch with the situation as the logical arrangement. AIR. PERCY KING TO GIVE SPECIAL ADDRESS A special request has been made to Mr. Percy King to take as his subject for discussion at next Sunday's meeting of the )Vest Vancouver Bible School "Israel, Judah and the Jews." The class meets on Sunday aft- ernoon at 3 o'lock and a hearty invitation is given our readers to be present. Mr. King has given this sub- ject special study and his re- marks will be well worth listen- ing to. Cake should then be golden brown with a beautiful crusty top. Remove from oven, turn pan upside down and allow to re- main until cold. The ungreased pan, with a tube in the middle, is necessary to the success of the sponge cake, which is so light it needs the sides to cling to while bak- ing. After it is cold there is no danger of its falling, A sponge cake should never be iced, the sugar which forms the crust be- ing the coirect "icing" for such a delicate cake. Whimsical Review CLASSIFIED "I see in the paper that a wid- dower with nine children has married a widow with seven children." "That was no marriage. That was a merger." According to a contemporary one of our novelists has a suit for every day of the week. That' nothing. EVe have one for every day of the year; we'e wearing it now. "Liza, you remind me fo'll the world of brown sugar." "How come, Sam." "You am so sweet and unre- fined." "Are you still engaged to that homely Smith girl?" "No, I'm not." "Good for you, old man. How did you ever get out of it?" "Married her." Some one has just recently re- vealed the fact that music is much more enjoyable if "you lis- ten to it with your eyes shut." It is also more enjoyable ii the people sitting near you listen to it with their mouths shut. Smith--"Did l leave an um- brella here yesterday?" Barber--")Uhat kind of um- brella?" Smith--"Oh, any kind. I'm not fussy." A pretty girl who was collect- ing contributions for a hospital, approached a man sitting at the wheel of an expensive car. "No," was his surly answer. "I contrib ute regularly to that hospital." "No doubt," said the pretty girl, "but we'e collecting money today, not pedestrians." "Your wife says she only asks for pin money." 'Yes, but the first pin she wanted had twelve diamonds in it!" W EBB'S SHOE R EPA I RS W EA R B EST--Dundarave. RADIO--bfarconi and Stewart-Warn- er, Batteryless, demonstrated at our shop. Before buying a radio see these. AVest Van. Electric (Jack Paterson). NEWMAN 4 ROBBINS -- Builders and Contractors--Painting, paper- hanging and kalsomining, chimneys built. 28th and bfarine. Ambleside Hall FOR RENT Applications Eor reservations oE the Ambleside Hall for the present may be made to the agents. GEO. HAY Notary Public 1405 Marine Drive Phone KVest 21 R P Cla fk gf, Co (Vancouver) Ltd. COSY IVATERFRO iT HOGTIE Thoroughly redecorated throughout. Full plumbing, fireplace, cabinet kitchen, 2 bedrooms, living room, delightful view. Special bargain at $3600. We Specialize in West Vancouver. Consult us for your requirements. All classes of property handled. R. I'. CLARK k CO., LTD. 790 Dunsmuir St. Seymour 7484 Local Representative C. J. ARCHER. West 225 Specializing in West Vancouver Our Lists are alwaysUI'O - DATE with Properties for Sale and for Rent FIRE IiNSURANCE Don't let Fire creep in and your Fire Policy creep out. Phone us for rates. AVe have money on hand to Loan on Good Mortgages. GEO. HAY WILL TAKE CARE of Children, day, afternoon or evening. Phone West 34SR. ROWBOAT FOR SALE--West 174L SEEING MACHINE FOR SAI.F Choice of Singer or %'heeler Wilson. Phone West 69R1. FOUNTAIN PEN FOUND in Amble- side Hall last Tuesday. Apply p. Blower at Hay's Real Estate Office. FOR SALE--2 Seagrass Chairs, tap- estry beddavenport (like new), kitchen rocker kitchen range (good condition), kitchen table, few carp- enter's tools. Phone IVest 311L3. &&ANTED--A Waterfront vacant Lot or one with house. Apply Water Eront," c;'o News. ADDITIONAL PRII ATE TL'TORI %L engagements solicited by experienc- ed teacher with B. C. Academic cer- tificate. All subjects of grades 1- 10 (inclusive); some subjects of Grade 11. Studies oE backward pupils carefully supervised. Day or Evening. Terms reasonable. Ap- ply in first instance to Tuhorial, IVest Van News. DRESSbl AKING WANTED--Altera- tions of all kinds. Ladies and Child- rens work done. Mrs. Davies, AVest 197L. ORTH S HO RE ELECTRIC for wiring,-- Radio,-- Fixtures. Get our prices. Phone 79, North Van- couver. COiV MANURE FOR SALE--Well rotted, $5 Two yards; $ 10 for 4S yards. hfr. Raine. Phone West 74L2. SEVERAL VARIETIES oE Choice Iris plants for sale. Dr. Thompson, West 489. SE% ING WANTED Ladies and Children's work Mrs. Blorham, Phone West 226. Notary Public 1405 hfarine Drive Office Phone IVest 21 or Sey. 1260 Residence Phone IV. 32R or W. 204X Son--"Can you sign your name with your eyes shut, daddy?" Father--"Certainly!" Son--"EVell, shut your eyes and sign my school report." Fishing Yarns Dignified visitor (at Sunday school) --"who was least pleased at the return of the Prodigal?" Bright Boy--"The fat-headed calf." Once a fisherman was dying in his humble cot, And the Pastor sat beside him saying things that hit the spot So that all his futile terrors left the dying sinner's heart, And he said, "The journey's lonely, but I'm ready for the start. "There's just one little matter that is fretting me," he sighed, "And perhaps I'd better tell it ere I cross the Great Divide. "I have got a string of stories I have told from day to day, "Stories of the ones I'e captured and the ones that got away. "And I fear that when I tell them they are apt to stretch a mile "And I wonder when I'm wafted to that land that's free from guile, "If they'l let me tell my stories. if I try to tell them straight, "Or will Angels lose their temper then and chase me thru the Gate." Then the Pastor sat and pondered, for the question vexed him sore; Never such a weird conundrum had been sprung on him before. Yet the courage of conviction moved him soon to make reply. And he wished to fill the fisher with fair visions of the sky. "You can doubtless tell fish stories," said the clergyman aloud, "But I'd stretch them very little if old Jonah's in the crowd." Motorist--"How do you know if I was exceeding the speed limit when you haven't a watch or anything?" Ozark Constable--"EVall, ye seen that yeller dog a-chasin'e, didn't ye? EUhen that dog can' keep up with a feller, the feller's a-goin'ore'n thutty miles an hour." Tell a man there are 267,543,- 201 stars and he will believe you, but if a sign says "Fresh Paint" he will make a personal investi- gation. "Now that you'e seen my son and heir," said the proud fath- er, "which side of the house do you think he resembles?" ")Veil." said his astonished bachelor friend, "his full beauty isn't developed yet, but surely you don't suggest that he--er- looks like the side of a house, do you? The objector to Prohibition spoke bitterly "AVater has kill- ed more people than liquor ever did. "You are raving," declared the teetotaler. "How do you make that out?" ")Veil, to begin with, there was was the flood!" Vith Apologies to Longfellow The shades of night weI& falling fast The guy stepped oil it and rush- ed past, A crash--he died without a sound, They opened up his head and found-- Excelsior. Darling she mid b~athl ssly one feels as ~e speed along that life is really and thuly worth living." "Yes," he replied, "and, judging from the way the pedestrians dodge us, they feel that way too." WINDOW BLINDS--Made to order and initalled. Estimates free. Pearce's Drygoods, 14th Street and Marine. Phone West 144. I.ANDSCAPE and General Gardening Rock Gardens, Lily and Ornamental Pools, Lawns, Rustic Work, Fencing Concrete Paths, Drives, etc., Prun- ing, Spraying. Painting and Kalso- mining, Repairs. R. J. Eyte, Phone IVest 172X1. FOR RENT -- Comfortable modern house close to ferry, $30. Also, furnished four room modern bung- alow in Dundarave. Phone West 620L after 6 p. m. HEMSTITCHING--Plain . white 6c yard; silk and colored 10c yard. Pearce's Drygoods, 14th Street and Marine. Phone West 144. FOUR ROObl COTTAGE -- IVater, Light, Phone, Garden, Fine view. Lot 75x1'9; $850, terms. WEST VANCOUVER INVEST- MENT COY. West 10~ LAND ACT notice of Intention to Apply to Purchase Land In New KVestminster Land Record- ing District of British Columbia and situate about Five Hundred feet AVest of the entrance to Fisherman's Cove Howe Sound. Take notice that Henry Miller Par- ry of Vancouver, occupation Fire hfarshal, intends to apply for permis- sion to purchase the following describ- ed lands:-- Commencing at a post planted on the S. E. Corner of a small Island about 600 feet IV. of the entrance to Fisherman's Cove. and about SOO feet, and in a Westerly direction froni the S. E. Cor. Post of D. L 771, Group 1, New IVestminster District, thence West, thence iNorth,thence East thence South along Foreshore and a- bove High Water Mark to Point of Commencement. and containing about acre. more or less. HENRY bIILLER PARRY. Dated August 26th, 1928. FOR SALF Boy's Bicycle, C.lf C„ new, $36.00- Apply Ambleside Tea Rooms. FOR SAL~-volt Storage Battery, splendid condition, $6.00. Apply Ambleside Tea Rooms. FOUNDATION AND CLIENT Work -- Landscaping, Lawns, F e n c i n g,Drains, Rock Walls, Clearing, Grad- ing, Septic Tanks. T. Barnott, West 672R.