001C963C THE WEST VAN NEWS November 30, 1928. STORE Draags REXALL STORE.... BRING TIIE REXALL Caat Rate SAVE WITH SAFETY AT YOUR YOUR I'RESCRIPTIONS TO US! i: &SOKA.. S a Two skunks which recently paid a call on two Weston resi- dents paid the extreme penalty for their audacity. There is never any question about capit- al punishment in their case. )Uhile the western skunk is not nearly as large as his eastern brother, he is just as unpopular. 1 Alf. Searle and Ed. Black spent the week end deer hunting in Vancouver Island. Going to Na- naimo, they motored to Alberni and from there proceeded to Great Central Island, where Ed Black shot a fine buck. Richard Gerard who lives with Mr. Durand at 17th and waterfront, is confined to the house through sickness. All parcels for Great Britain, the United States, and foreign countries must have a customs declaration attached, which may be obtained at the local post of- ficess. Mrs. iUaugh, who has been occupying a house at 11th and AIarine Drive, is moving into a house at 15th a»d Inglesvood. 0 0 R. B. Lougheed, 12th and Keith Roacl, is moving into F. D. )Uhiffiii's house at 13th and Hay ivood. Send Christmas Cards to all your friends this year nnd as well to those less fortunate than vou, whose day will be brighter for your cheery messaget Many folks are selecting cards now--while varietics are plenti- ful and shops are not overcrowded. Whv not get yours too 2 SATURDAY AND MONDAY SPECIALS $2.50 Guaranteed Hot Water bottles ................................. $ L98 50c Ex-Lax Figs ................... l3c $ 1.00 Pure Cod Liver Oil....... 89c Kepler's Cod Liver Oil nnd hInlt ....................... 95c nnd $ 1.50 60c Rexall Health Salts ............ 39c 35c Verbena Oatmeal Soap....... 26c 35c Witch Hazel nnd Cucumber Cream ...................................... 24c 75c Cherisette Face Powder.... 49c 25c Sedlitz Powder .................. 21c 75c Playing Cards ..... 48c hfodess ...................,. ... 19c Kotex 49c 50c Pulford's Cream of Olives 34c $3.76 Horlick's Hospital size Malted hiilk ........................ $3.35 75c Cal-Bis-Ma ........... 69c 60c Bromo Seltzer .................... 39c $ 1.00 Rexall Cod Liver Oil Emulsion ................................. 69c 26c Hydrogen Peroxide .... 16c 35c Arnby Incense ............ 24c $ 1.00 Hair Brushes ..... 69c 60c Beecham's Pills ............. 43c 16 oz. Lesol Disinfectant .......... 60c 35c Mentholine Balm, colds.... 24c $ 1.00 Larkroot ............................ 89c 26c Boots hieloids .................... 21c Roy, the 3 vear old child of &Ir. and Mrs. )Uaterman, 14th and Haywood, is ill and confined to the house. Mr. and )Irs. Avory white, 2063 Bellevue Avenue, has taken )Irs. S. webb's bungalow at 29th and Bellevue. Jim, the 11 year old son of iAIr. and Mrs. McDonald, 12th and Duchess, was riding his bi- cycle down Duchess Street on Friday afternoon, his younger brother, Forbes, being with him on the machine, when he collid- ed at the corner of 13th and Duchess with an auto driven by a Vancouver resident, which was coming down the 13th Street hill. Jim escaped with a slight- ly sprained elbow, but his broth- er had his knee hurt and his forehead and the back of his head badly cut. He was taken to the North Vancouver General Hospital, but was sufficiently recovered on Sunday to be brought home where he is now convalescing. Mrs. T. G. Caudwell, who has been sick at her home at 11th and Queen', is now better. "The Scenic" of the Harbor Navigation Co., took the run of "the Sonrisa" on )Ionday night and Tuesday morning while the latter vessel was undergoing the regular overhaul. Bob Dunlop of Queen Charlot- te Islands, was the guest on Mon- day of Mr. and 'AIrs. N. D. Ross, 14th and Marine Drive. Bob Brown and George Reid, manager of the Lesage Drug store, were out after duck on Monday at Garrow Bay, return- ing with a bag of seven birds. Storei-esage iirug G. E. REID, iAIanager New Building--Corner 51arine and 14th. FAST DELIVERY NO ORDER IS TOO ShI ALL WEST 323 pitman Business College Good progiess is being made with the new house which Nrs. AV. Gourlay is having built at 24th and Bellevue. The High School scholars have recently established a debating league among the classes. Al- ready one competition has taken place between two of the rooms. Mrs. Birch has been confined to her home at AVest Beach with an attack of flu. The municipal board of works have erected a fence on the west side of 25th Street from Marine Drive to Bellevue Avenue to pro- tect children from falling into the stream. Mrs. W. E. Leppard, who has been ill at her home at 15th and Esquimalt, is now much better. Mr. and )Irs. Peter Steven, 23rd and Inglewood, had as their guests over the week end their son Bernard and his wife, who reside in Squamish. Vancouver's Leading Business College. INDI VIDUAL ATTKi TION DAY AND iNIGHT SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL FOUR iNIGHTS EACH AVEEK Students mny enrol at any time 422 RICHARDS STREET (At Hastings) PHONE SEYhlOUR 9135 iVEST VAN. CADETS STAGE SUCCESSFUL CONCERI'liEBURRARD JIiI).K .%.)S The concert given last Friday night in the auditorium of Ing!e- wood School by the West Van- couver cadets divas a wonderful success. The hall was crowded to capacity. The members of the First National Boys Band gave a performance which will live long in the memory of the big audience who listened to it. This performance was, however, in our estimation much handi- capped by the actions of its lead- er, who for some reason known only to himself insisted upon in- f! icting the audience with a speech during each selection. Particularly was this manifest after the xylophone solo by young Earnie Anderson, when he gave a wandering digression on boys, music, his own travels, and his own outlook on life generally. As an item in the program, the general opinion was that it was most unacceptable. His band, however, is most certainly a wonderful one, and its render- ings gave great pleasure. We congratulate Mr. Condon, who organized the concert, upon its success and the enterprise he showed in arranging and pro- curing the different items. Young Earnie Anderson is a real artist with the xylophone, and each of his number was vigor- ously encored. Laurie Lefeaux sang in a particularly attractive manner. Laurie has a specially sweet voice and endeared him- self to his hearers who showed in no unmistakable way their ap- preciation. Sam and George Turner, two other local boys, al- so created a splendid impression singing "Keep on Hopin' and "Early One Morning." These three local boys, Laurie, Sam and George, will, it is hoped, be heard again in other local con- certs. 0 '7 lo~&~z-.-- : ~gge S ) N wiNrEA. wa,ssigG'~ HDT MOOCH FUN--- VHLRSS BY QS Veu II H+Ve n GONG..' "le 5urrart .atmtlry Limited For People Who Are Particular THIRD ST. and ST. DAVIDS North Vancouver Phone North 1310. BIRTHDAY PARTY AVest Van. Representative F. RIVERS Phone West 410L Nr. and Mrs. P. C. Chapman King's Ave., gave a dance on Saturday evening at "the Cla- chan" in honor of their eldest son Charles on the occasion of his twenty-first birthday. Green- wood's orchestra was in attend- ance, and the guests assembled had a thoroughly enjoyable time. Refreshments were served during the evening. Among the invited guests were: the Misses Muriel and Loretta Bell, the Mis- ses Edna and Connie Thomas, Miss Elunid Morgan, Miss Vivi- an Armstrong, the Misses Annie and Bessie Cairns, Miss Babe Graham, Miss Audrey Lester, Miss Phyllis Smith, Miss Mar- garet Armstrong, Miss Vivian Robertson, Miss Mollie Edwards, Miss Nancy Rudolph, Miss Mur- iel Ellis, Miss Sybil Chapman, Art Foreman, Jack Harrison, Eric Allan, Vernon Lester, Doug- las Johnston, Bob Bartlett, Hum- phrey Svendson, Frank Dorches- ter, Stuart Breckenridge, Laurie Speck, Tom Turner, Charles Chapman, AIr. and Mrs. H. D. Monty, )Ir. and Mrs. H. Leggatt, Mr. and Mrs. 0, N. Johnston, AIr. and Mrs. J. Cruickshank, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Leyland, Mr. and Nrs. Wells Crawford, Mr. and Mrs. EV. B. Small, Mrs. AV. Burton-Forster, Mrs. R. Ogilvie, Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Chapman. i&IR. AND AIRS. TURNER ENTERTAIN A very enjoyable evening was spent at the home of Mr. and iiIrs. Colin Turne, 1286 Hay- wood Avenue, last Saturday. Amongst those present were, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dowie, the well known vaudeville artists, Mr. Frank Hadley (late of the Canadian Overseas Concert Troupe). Miss Betty Ramsay, Mr. Lewie Eckstein, Miss Mylva Cameron, Mr. Victor Eckstein, Miss Doris Eckstein, Mr. Jack Osborne, from Melbourne, Aus- tralia, AIrs. Lister and Miss Ena Lister, Mrs. Eckstein and Miss Claudie Eckstein, )Ir. and Mrs, George Childs. The comic songs rendered by Mr. Dowie and Mr. Hadlev s~ere thoroughly enjoyed by all. Miss Doris Eckstein was accompanist and gave splendid piano selec- tions. Mr. George Childs played some very popular pieces on his one-string violin. Songs were also sung by iWIrs. Frank Doivie and )Irs. Lister. The banjo and saxophone, played by the Eck- stein brothers, kept the party in full swing. A dainty buffet supper was served by the host- ess, Mrs. Turner, before the happy party left in their cars for Vancouver. HARRON BROS. R WILLIAMSON funeral Qirertars North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 4mthe Iuritrits %st hwds guet paar (i,& I thcueS =.$ 'J;~„- ~o" I Qh~ uith the highal uoe I I y ERASER VALLEY MILK iii I /// GIRL GUIDES TEA No. 2 Company )Vest Vancou- ver Girl Guides is giving a "Na- tional Tea" at the Fortune Cup Inn on Saturday afternoon, De- cember 8th, at which a splendid programme will be given, local artists assisting. Candy and novelties will also be sold and a big turn out of friends is earn- estly solicited. Lots of XhlAS SUGGESTIONS at THE NOVELTY DRY GOODS STORE Circus )Ian--"The leopard has escaped -- shoot him on the spot!" Guard -- "Which spot?" Fairmont iXO North Variaaucr NaVcsiiirsfcr HOATH lac NEW WEST. l4IS (iVext Seeds Grocery) A Large selection of things suitable for Christmas Gifts--Silk Slips, Bloomers, Handkerchiefs, Burnt Leather Goods, China, Brassware, etc Come In nnd See Our Xmas Cards. SFECIA.LS For This Keek hIixed peel, Robinson's "Easy Kut" per lb..--.-"- ....„.. 25c Bleached Sultnnns, per lb.... 18c Australian Currants, 1st grade, per lb................... 18c Shelled AVnlnuts, per lb........ 35c Shelled Almonds, per lb........ 60c ivhole Glace Cherries per lb r5c Royal Purple Mince Meat, per lb, ................................ 18c NARI;4'E GIROCERY 22nd nnd Marine J. ALLISON, Prop. PHONE 4VEST 96 I'ROhIPT DELIVERY Getting Cold ARE YOU I'REPARED2 Our Advice:--Stock up with the Famous 5ewcast e & Gat Coa Alwnys Suits -- Never Soots. Hobb Coal I Transfer PHOiNE iVEST 17 "Bob's Always on the Job." iVe hlove Anything Any w here, Any Ti me. Phone North 346 Res. North 918Y and 1214Y FURNACE REPAIRS Anything in Sheet hIetal Furnaces, Stoves, Gutters, Cornice, Skylights Tar and Gravel Roofs, General Repairs of all kinds. Burrard Sheet Metal 229 Lonsdale North Vancouver XMAS EATABLES Stratton's Christmas goods are well known to the people of %est Vancouver. Leave your order with us for XhIAS CAKES and PUDDINGS Shortbread, hIince Pies, Scotch Buns, Etc. Only the purest of ingredients used in our bakeshop iVEST 27 STRATTON'g BAKERY Purcell Hardman has a corn prehensive understanding of wild life. A snipe recently stay- ed around his garden for seven weeks. He could walk up to within five feet of it if he talked to it. Last Saturday he captur- ed a Red-tailed hawk, one of the Buzzard Hawks. When we saw it half an hour after it was caught it was as fierce and wild as a hawk usually is, yet yester- day we saw it standing on his arm taking bits of raw meat from his fingers. )Ir. Hardman states that all wild creatures, when they catch| the eye of man, their great ene- my, can readily "tune in" on his thoughts concerning them. If a man has "killing" in his mind they know it and shun him, if he has kindly thoughts they know it and respond. F. J. Moore, 22nd and Jeffer- son, was confined to his home at the beginning of the week with an attack of grippe, but is now much better. Mr. and Mrs. Ray, who have been living at 14th and Bellevue, have moved into a house at 21st and Argyle.