001C963C THE AVEST VAN NEO'S NEST VANCOUVER ~e$t Vancouver Sible SchoolSaturday 8t Monday Christian Science Society g 5W'h"'via.. L I ) s iijrg Ambleside Hall, Marine at 11thSunday, December 2nd, at 3 p. m. CII URCH EDIFICF 20th and Esquimalt, Hollyburn Sunday Services 11.30 a. m. and "r.30 p. m. Subject December2»d "Ancient and Modern Ne- cronrany, alias illcsmerism and Hypnotism, Denounc- ed." Sundav School at 10.00 a. m. Testimony Meeting Wednesday at S.16 p. m. 2 pairs 95c ............. 95c . .......... 95c 4 for 9~c Lender MR. PERCY KING Subject: "ISRAEI JUDAH END TH E J EIVS" This lecture is given by speci- al request. Penman's Underwear for men--Shirts -- Pants . Men's Heavy EVork Sox, ........................................... bien's Fancy Cashmere Sox .. Men's Neckwear ....................... Men's White Hankys .. bien's Fancy Hankys .. ---.--......... 95c . 3 pairs 95c 2 pairs 95c 2 for 95c 12 for 95c 5 for 95c EVERYBODY WELCOME United Church 21st street near Marine bl EN'S SIVEATEI( Sl'ECIAL Children's Golf Top Hose ................ Children's Union Suits (small size)... Boys Shirts ................................................ Fancy Flannellette suitable for Children's Kimonas.... LARGE STOCK OF XbIAS GIFTS SHOIVING Come to the Class on Sunday. A real welcome awaits you.2 pairs 95c .............. 95c .... 2 for 95e 4 yards 95c St. Stephen's ChurchDr. J. S. Henderson will preach at both services next Sun- day. In the morning his sub- ject will be "The Possibility of Life Renewal," and in the even- ing he will preach on "EVhen Jesus Gets into a Man's Life." He will also conduct the mid. week service on )Vednesday at 8 p. m. First Sunday in Advent (Dec. 2nd). 8.00 a. m.--Holy Communion. 10.00 a. m.--Sunday School and Bible Class. 11.15 a. m.--Holy Communion. 7.15 p. m.--Evensong. Anthem --"Send Out Thy Light" (Gou- nod). The preacher at Caulfeild Sun- day afternoon and at St. Steph- en's Sunday evening will be the Ven. Archdeacon Heathcote. A supply of 1929 Church Cal- endars is on hand. There was a good representa- tion of St. Stephen's men at the laymen's conference at St. James Parish Hall last wednesday. The football teams broke even last Saturday. The juniors lost 6-1 to St. Saviours and the juv- eniles defeated Beaconsfield Presbyteiians 1-0 at Hollyburn School, Edwards scoring from a penalty. Tomorrow the juveniles have a bye and the juniors will meet at 14th and Marine at 12.80 noon to go by motor to Beacons- field School for their game a- gainst Beaconsfield United. A mixed team of bantams and juv- eniles will play Biltmore School at Hollyburn School at 8 p. m. The receipt of $5 from an an- onymous donor is gratefully ack- nowledged. The A. Y. P. A. were glad to welcome back their president, Mr. AVilfred Hawkes at Tuesday night's meeting after his leng- thy stay in hospital and conval- escence. Handkerchiefs Beautifully Printed or Emboridcred Singly or in Pretty Boxes. Dainty Things Stamped to Embroider IVe'll be glad to shown them. I~QQ( S 1540 BIARIN E DRIVE ilIARGARET GILLETT 51AKES SCHOI ASTIC RECORDand couly be got very reasonably and that there would be no dif- ficulty in financing this if the Association took it over. Mr. Clifford in his reply stated that as we had the lots, we could pos- sibly put up a building on them. He considered the Dundarave Hall too small ~ Mr. G. E. 4V. Clarke who came straight from the )Vinter Fair to give the Association a Lecture took as his subject, "Exhibition Standards of Perfection for Fruits and Vegetables." The Association Catalogue was taken up and suggestions made for improvement and alterations. The lecture was listened to with great interest by the mem- bers present. Those who were not present missed a good lec- ture. The latter part of January, Mr. Clarke will give an outdoor demonstration on pruning small fruits. Mr. Gamage moved a hearty vote of thanks and Mr. J. T. AVatt, seconded, to Mr. Clarke for his interesting lecture the President tendering same to him. The election of Directors was as follows: Mr. J. J. Dutton, Mr. N. Raine, Mr. F. Hadwin, Mr. Nyland, Mr. Clifford, Mrs. Elgar, Mrs. Ford, Mrs. Barker, Mrs. G. Bulkley, Mrs. Lefeaux. West Vancouver Horticultural Assn. Margaret Gillett who untilquite recently was a pupil at Hol- lvburn School, and who has a large number of friends here is making a wonderful record at the Burnaby South High School which she is now attending. At the October examinations, not- withstanding the fact that she entered class Grade IX two weeks after the other pupils, she headed a class of 118 students with a percentage of 88.11. The Argus, the Burnaby South High School magazine, of November carries a picture of Margaret with a record of her achieve- ment. The principal consider" her a distinct asset to his school. Hence the fact that all her previ- ous schooling had been at the Hollyburn School is a fact wor- thy of note. Margaret's parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Gillett resided in AVest Vancouver for many years their home being on Fulton Ave- nue near 15th Street. For the; convenience of Mr. Gillett's work the family moved to 2730 Irwin Street, Burnaby, about three months ago. The annual meeting was held in the Ambleside Hall on Tues- day with a good attendance. The president, Mrs. Adair, in the chair. The President, in her address, spoke of the need of a Horticul- tural Hall, asking that the rrew directors take this matter up as their first objective in the new year. The President also touch- ed on the death of their. late pres- ident, Maj. Barwis, whose place she had to take as vice-president. A standing vote of sympathy was taken, moved by Mr. J. J. Dutton, seconded by Mr. Raine. The Secretarv gave a resume of the year's work which had been a very successful one. The Treasurer gave the audit- ors'eport which showed that all liabilities had been met there be- ing a balance in hand of $148.91 with accounts still to collect of $42.00. The assets of the Asso- ciation are shown as $1,228.04. Votes of thanks were accorded to all who had assisted in mak- ing the show successful. Mr. G. Elgar moved a vote of thanks to the President and Dir- ectors for their good work dur- ing the year. The Secretary moved a vote of thanks to Mr. McGowan of the Ambleside Tea Rooms, the Press, Auditors and Mr. J. B. Leyland. Mr. Vickery, President North Vancouver Horticultural Socie- ty, attended with Mr. Eckford. with the view of the two Socie- ties co-operating also asking if we would make some of the class- es in our show open, saying how we would mutually benefit by get ting together. Mr. J. J. Dutton spoke on the hall question, stating how much the Association had done in ad- vertising the municipality. The Dundarave Hall was spoken of as being a very suitable place St. Anthony s Church Pastor--Rev. Father Kelly The North Shore Jubilee Can- adian Club through their secre- tary have announced the names of several prominent speakers who will address the club during the next four months. These in- clude His Excellency Viscount EVillingdon, Governor-General of Canada, Lieut.-Governor R. Ran- dolph Bruce, Premier S. F. Tol- mie, and Mr. Justice ltIurphy. Sunday--Mass, 8.80 a. m. High Mass, 10.30 a. m. Benediction, 7.30 p. m. AVeek Days--Mass 8 a.m. The lantern lecture of Mr. J. Haydn Young, C.A., "Through the Heart of Scotland," was giv- en to a crowded meeting of the Scottish Society of Vancouver in the rotunda of Glencoe Lodge on Tuesday evening last. The lecture went off very successful- ly, and Mr. Young received the best thanks of the Society at the close. baptist C jrurc1 15th and Duchess Pastor: Arthur B. Schulte.EX-HIGH LOSE AND AVIN AT BASKETBALL Sunday School, 10 a. m. Morning Service, 11 a. m. Evening Service, 7.15 p. m. AVeekly prayer service each wednesday at 8.00 p. m. B.Y.P.U. Tuesday 7.80 p. m. All young people invited, The girls'nd boys'asketball teams of the Ex-high School as- sociation played one match each with teams from the North Shore Athletic Club at St. Agnes Hall, North Vancouver, on Thursday night. The girls lost 11 to 80, while the boys'eam defeated their opponents by a score of 30 to 19. Davenport and Jordan were top scorers fo: the boys. SPECTACLES! Reeve and Mrs. Vinson left on wednesday morning for a brief visit to Bellingham, AVashir1g- ton, returning late the same evening. As the local representative of the Royal Spectacle Co., form- erly Crown Spectacle Co. of Tor- onto, I can save you consider- able money on a pair of guaran- teed spectacles. My company is the largest spectacle house in Canada, sell- ing by mail. That's why I can offer you spectacles guaranteed for five years--under a Satisfac- tion Guarantee--and give you $ 15.00 value for only $3.98. I extend to you a cordial in- vitation to call at my home for FREE Scientific Test of your eyes--without any obligation whatever. Just telephone or write me as to the time it will be convenient for you to call. THE ~&(est 'Fan Nees Published Every Friday Store open all day Thursdays. Mrs. Draper's OLD at So? Your should not be. Spinal adjustments will keep you young. Chiropractic IVill Help You. H. HODGSON and F.F.LOVEGROVE Publishers HObl E COOK IiNG SPECIALIST 2435 MARINE DRIVE Next Dundarave Hall, NOTE PHONE: Welt 368 Phones: West 368 West 412L Consultation Free. Roberta A.'assWe are ready now for your orders for Business and Editorial Office: 1361 Marine Drive Mail Address: P. O. Box 101, Hollyburn, B. C. D.C., Ph. C. Graduate of Palmer SchoolHOME MADE Xmas Cakes CHIROF RAC TOR A. F. T:OR Phone IVest 383 Next to Stratton Bakery Marine Drive, Ambleside also at Vancouver $ 1.00 a year by mail or carrier, News stands Sc per copy. ADVERTISING RATES ON APPLICATION PUDDINGS and IIINCEbIEAT All made on the premises. Leave your orders early 1202 Inglewood, corner 12th Phone IVest 118L. Ladies Art Silk Hose ............ Ladies Silk and Wool Hose .......... I ~dies Silk Vests and Bloomers ...........-.. - ....-" Ladies Fancy Crepe de Chine Hankys, boxed ............................ Ladies and Children's Sweaters, all reasonably priced. November 30, 1928. Council Notes Frederick Buscombe wrote the council drawing their attention to his assessment and other mat- ters in reference to his property at Caulfeild and enclosing a sur- veyor's plan of the property in question. He was advised that,& his remarks on his assessment had been referred to the assesor for careful consideration, and that the reeve and council would like to 'meet him at a date to be suggested by him for the pur- pose of discussing the surveyor' plan and other matters Captain Edwards was author- ised by the council to order the reborirrg of the cylinders of No. 6 ferry at a cost of $1280.00. An expenditure not exceeding $50 was authorised by the coun- cil as the municipality's propor- tion of the cost of opening a small piece of lane on D. L. 287, Block 21. The municipal engineer was instructed to lend to the AVest Vancouver Musical Society the lumber required for the stage of Hollyburn Theatre for the con- cert to be given there on 11th December. ADDITIONAL STREET I.IGHTS TO BE INSTALLED The council at their special meeting on Monday night order- ed the following fourteen addi- tional street lights installed by the B. C. Electric Railway Co. Area No. 1 10th and Esquimalt 12th and Esquimalt. 12th and Marine Drive, 14th and Jefferson 18th and Inglewood, 19th and Inglewood, 20th and Haywood, 21st and Gordon, 22nd and King' 26th and Nelson, 23rd and Haywood. Area No. 4 12th and Mathers, 18th and Mathers, 25th and Palmerston. TIMBER HOLDER CLAIMS DAMAGES TO HOLDINGS J. P. Meehan and Co. of Van- couver, wrote the council stating that about two months ago they had received instructions from their client F. H. Heap to make a detailed cruise of all his tim- ber holdings, also a topographi- cal map, in which holdings were included timber license No. 45,- 077, part of which covers Dis- trict Lots 1181, 1147, and 1148. )Vhen they examined Lot 1148, they found a ski camp consist- ing of a large building and a ski chute and that a considerable amount of timber had been cut. Those living at the camp claim- ed they had a lease for eight years of Lot 1148 from the mun- icipality of AVest Vancouver, and the municipal officials, while confirming the issuance of the lease, stated they knew nothing of Mr. Heap's rights as a timber holder. They had then made a search of the records at the Reg- istrar's office in Vancouver, and found that their client was rec- ognised on the Crown Grant which had been duly recorded in March 1926. Consequently th~ would like to be advised under~ what authority a lease had been granted on Dis. Lot 1148, while Mr. Heap had it covered by his timber license. They were ad- vised by the council that their letter had been referred to the municipal solicitor. A letter was also ordered written to R. J. Verne drawing attention to the clause in his lease of D. L. 1148, in which he covenanted not to cut down timber on the lot with- out the consent in writing of the municipal engineer, and stating that information had reached them that some timber had been cut.