001C963C THE AVEST VAN NEiVS November S0, 1928. Hunt's Asparagus, picnic size, per tin .................................... 19c Gold Seal Sockeye Salmon. &z's B. C.'s Finest,........ 2 tins for 43c Serv-us Tomatoes, 2 large tins 25c Fry's Cocoa, per tin ............... 24c Dina-mite Breakfast Food, reer pkt ...................................... 21c Chipso, large packet............. 19c Blueberry Tart Biscuits, per Ib 25c Macintosh hiarnialade, 8 oz. jnr per jar .................................... r Oc Black Figs ............ 2 lbs. for 21c hlatches................ 3 large boxes 25c Eagle Milk. per tin........,........... 19c Juicy Little Oranges, 2 doz. for 55c Fi~sh Lemons, per doz................ 30c CASH and CARRY i f eai; . Ij ar.~et: F4.E.E - .I'.4'-'. To be drawn for at 7.30 To- morrow (Saturday) Evening at the CASH AND CARRY Count- er by youngest person present. Tickets given with each Cash Purchase, between the hours of S a. m. and 7 p. m.. Saturday, December 1, 1928. NEW ZEALAND BUT%'ER, 3 lbs. $ 1.35 Pork Legs (fores) per lb ..................... 18c Pork Butts. per lb ................ 24c Prime Steer Pot Roast, lb 18c Local Spring Lamb (should- ers), per lb....................... 25c EGGS, Local Pullett, Extras per dozen .......................... 40c Cottage Ham, sliced, lb........ 35c Pure Pork Sausage (our own make), per lb.................... 25c hiO& DAY Pork Steak ................ 2 lbs. 45c Cambridge Sausages 2 lbs. 25c TUESDAY Boneless Stewing Beef, lb 15c Tripe, per Ib ....................... 10c AVEDN ESDA Y Hamburg Steak ........ 2 Ibs 25c Round Steak, per lb ........... 25c THURSDAY Head Cheese............ 2 for 25c Sirloin Steak. per lb.......... 33c FRIDAY Fresh Liver, per lb.............. 10c Pure Lard, 1 lb package .... 18c Robert's Better Neats Phone AVest 190 Delivery hIorning and Afternoon DR. DORCHESTER LECTURES IN PRAIRIE CITIES Doctor Frank E. Dorchester of.Altamont, is now on a lecture tour of the prairies, and is at present at Saskatoon after ad- dressing meetings at Calgary and Edmonton. "Speaking at the Macdonald hotel Tuesday evening, in the first of a series of three lectures on health and other subjects, Dr. Frank E. Dorchester asserted that the Psalmist did not allot the span of human life as sup- posed. Three score and ten is not the span of life and the psalmist was not prophesying, but bewailing the fact that man's age had de- creased from the true span be- cause of man's own folly, and dep'arture from»atural laws, Dr. Dorchester said. P. G. E. TRAIN SERVICE DISCONTINUED (Continued from Page 1) facilities to the people affected ivho were parties to the initial agreement. The P. G. E. matter is not settled yet and we expect to hear of some representations being made to our council. Of course, if the, bridges are unsafe for travel, the life of passengers cannot be jeopardised by run- ning trains over them. The gen- eral opinion in AVest Vancouver, however, is that, if the railroad cannot be used, the roads should be improved to care for the extra use to which they will be put. It is now a matter for the ac- tion of our council and, no doubt, the members have already dis- cussed the pro and cons. Play a game of I 3 tables for your pleasure \ I t I tIep Q t I II tl tIII 14th Streetm Right at the Railway Crossing Smith 's ~ rocery We Deliver A. HhltVEX SMITH, Prop. 24th AND hlARINE, Opp. DundaIave Hall. Phono GAYEST 469 CHAIN RED ANI) WHITE STORE SPECIALS--FRIDAY AND SATURDAY FRIENDS SURI'RISE W. TURNBULL ON BIRTIIDAY 4V. Tur»bull (West Vancouver Lumber Co.) had a birthday last AVeclriesclay, «nd a number of his friends and well-wisher s made him a surprise visit at his home, 13th and Fultorr Avenue. The party was a most impromptu af- fair ancI mirch amusement was caused by tlie variegated gifts brought by the guests. Tke party was macle up entire- ly of men, arid a great deal of fu» was erijoyecl throughout the evelll ll g. DISTRICT CONSERVATIVES TO EI.ECT OII'FICERS The District Conservative As- sociation will hold its annual meeting and election of officers next Monclay, December 3rd, in the K. of P. Hall, North Vancou- ver. The delegates of the )Vest Vancouver Conservative Associ- ation are requested to make spec- ial point of being present at this meeting. the Royal Spectacle Company and is advertisirig in this issue to tell the people of )Vest Var.- couver that he can save them considerable money in fit tin" them with glasses. He asks that those in need of spectacles phone him and make an appointment so that he can give them further information about these. CHRISTAIAS CAKES, I'UDDINGS AND BI INCEAI EAT Three short weeks to Christ- mas and already we hear rumors and whisperings of the good things being prepared for our ap- petites . That means Xmas Cakes, Xmas Puddings, 'hlince Pies, etc., etc. These particular things, along with good old San- ta Claus, are always the objects of profound anticipation and it is very necessary that a liberal supply be arranged for. Airs. Draper--the Dundarave Home Cookery--next door to Dundarave Hall and Stratton's Bakery on Alarine Drive at Am- bleside are both arranging for a special supply of Xmas Cakes, Xmas Puddings and hIincemeat this year; and announce that orders are now being accepted for delivery near Christmas. Advertisements from each of them appear in this issue and it will be good policy for you to let them know your wants as early as possible. Don't be dis- appointed by gettin ~ your order in too near Christmas. These days of specialised qual- ity cooking it hardly pays the busy housewife to do her own cooking and our local stores have an enviable reputation for "qual- ity" and reasonable prices which is making their business stead- ily increase. r~ .~ ir~ 'L ~ Lt t t & 6 Lt tRt t ~ I J t ,. WO S Ambleside. I'hone IVest 303Hollyburn. Phone IVest 3 i%utch iVindows for Everyday Specials '$i g Our meats have a superior tenclerness--flavor--that's whatcounts. Buy and try our meats just once and you'l be con-vinced. Everything we sell is wholesome and healthful. We neversell anything but the best. WK S&&i-THE, BEST OPOAK AND PING -- VQU'LL FIND 'ITS QhAIIh I-IT+ IS V=INe 'e give full measure of fullqualitied lumber and folks who have watched the growth of oui business will assure you that oui. man-to-man method of sell- ing lumber has done much to increase our trade popular'ity and you want to believe it be- cause it is true. ll '.S. 3c['ll:iilI Iti"..1II [I[,li) I','. 15th and hlarine LIMITED Phone IVest 115 MON'EY 'j. 0 LOAN'n First Mortgage at current rates. London & British North America Co., Ltd. &I«tgage -- Insurance -- Finance and Estate Agents.626 Pender Street %Vest Phone Sey. 6285 w(] I( cf sn.g 4. K2'0 HF- tendency ss for public utility compares to become bigger and bigger and in so doing companies are rendering better and better service to the public. Vancouver and the lower mainland are served by 6ve B.C. Electric power plants, while another is building. These diverse sources of power reduce almost to an impossibility the ~~ce o! a prolonged breakdown of power supply. Only in such large interlhdred systems can the best and the cheapest service be rendered. +~lsn Oi&%%!M '&&4iwp~gyQ, VANCOVVSR vrcTosm / t ~ '/q . t) t ~ ~ yTO ELKS'ASQUERADE In sic of XMAS C ER FUND NEXT FRIDAY, December 7th, 1928 In Hollyburn Pavilion Dancing 9 to 12 I UBI IC NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the Dep- uty Minister and Chief Engineer of Raiways acting as Inspecting Engin- eer for the Department of Railways under the powers conferred by Section 180 of the Railway Act Cap. 218, R.S. B. C. ]92.1, did on the 28th day of November, 1928, forbid the running of anv train on the line of the Pacific Great Eastern Railway between North Vancouver and Whytecliff on the ground that the condition of the right- of-way and bridges upon such linerender such operation dangerous and unsafe to the travelling public and the train crews. The said Order re- quii es the Company to immediately discontinue its service on this line. Public Notice is hereby given that the Pacific Great Eastern Railway Company, pursuant to the said Order,has discontinued its service upon its said line as of this date. DATED at Vancouver, B. C., this 29th day of November A. D. 1028. PACIFIC GREAT EASTERN, RAILWAY COMPANY. Robt. Wilson, Executive Assistant. G1.ASS ancSAS] [, IDOO.CS AND Interior Finish G .AZiPi~G I OF ALL KINDS s70.00 $20.00 BUFFETS KITCHEN CUP BOARDS DRAWERS- 9xrx5 Green House. Complete. Set up .......----------- 6x-iz5 Portable Chicken House. Complete. Delivered No Job too small, and none too large. KVork Guaranteed and Prices Right. Keep your work here and help )Vest Vancouver grow. I &Il '[ll,l i5 i; i', .1[l.'[1[.li,']I'i,l. i.,i,. MARINE DIIIVE AT 16th STREEI'honeWest 199 8