001C9632 November 23, 1928. Granger's Grocery SATURDAY AAD IIO.iDAY S I'ECI A LS Red Arrow Soda Crackers per package........... 20c 'Hamsterley Farm Brand To- matoes, large tins.... 2 tins 23c Jello, assorted flavors 3 pkta. 23c B. 6r. K. Rolled Oats 7 lb. bag .................... 46c Finest Yew Zealand Butter ......... 3 IM $ 1.2N Al'I'LE SPE('I Al. Macintosh Reds, wrapped, per box ................. $ 180 Kings, a Ane cooking apple, per box............... $ l.l'.i I)elivered Free Prices Consistently Law I'rompt Delivery Marine & 21st Phone West 405 Craig's New Battery Service Next to ~Vest Van Garage AUTO or RADIO Charging -- Repairs, Etc. Stocks Real Estate Iasuraace and Loans ~ I i ~ i 4 U Member of the B. C. Mining and Stock Exchange Orders promptly and efficiently executed. 579 Dunsmuir St., Vancouver Phone Seymour 8894 3HOIDGIPPHS vrEorrvcr ~e eI god ~An+ THE .."."" sKing Studio V. V. VliCSO.'0, Prop. og o& 311 IIastings St., ~U., Phone Seymour 1046 COURT OF REVISION OF VOTERS'IST ON 10TH DEC Eel HER The Court of Revision of the Voters'ist will sit at the muni- cipal hall on Monday, December 10th, at 10 o'lock in the morn- iiig, for the purpose of correct- iiig and revising the Voters'ist for the year 1929, and to deter- mine aiiy application to strike out the name of any person, which has be«n improperly placed thereon, or to place on such list the name of any per- son improperly omitted there- from. THE WEST VAN NEWS Correspondenc e SUPPORTS ZONING BY-I.AIV century ago, or even half a century ago, probably svould have been rejected as arbi- trary and oppressive. Such regulations are sustained, und- er the complex conditions of our day, for reasons analogous to those which justify traffic regulations, which before tlie advent of automobiles and rapid transit street railways, would have been condemned as fatally arbitrary and un- reasonable. In a chang- ing world, it is impossible that it should be otherwise." Is Town Planning a "fashion- able luxury?" Not in the United States. Cotne closer home. Point Grey has had zoning since 1921 and this has done a goocl deal to- wards making that district one of the choicest residential clis- tricts in Greater Vancouver. True, Point Grey's first zoning bylaw (known to be defective) was thrown out by the courts, but a later one was upheld; and the present bylaw, probably the most comprehensive in Car.ada, is working satisfactorily. Is Town Planning a "fashion- able luxury'in Point Grey? Ask anyone who lives there. Vancouver is following suit. Al- ready a preliminary zoning by- law is in force and there is little doub tbut that zoning will con- tinue. EVhat about KVest Vancouver? Is this choice residential district to be left just to grow, to grow in a manner which will aggra- vate its various problems of tnunicipal development, to grow in a haphazard fashion as some other Vancouver suburbs have been growing, or is its growth to be guided according to a com- prehensive plan which will pro- tect the homes of its people and which will assist in solving its problems of water supply, sew- ers, highways,parks, etc.? Can Town Planning be a "fashionable luxury" in )Vest Vancouver? Is it not rather an absolute necessity? Yours truly, A. G. HARVEY, (A 4Vest Van. Property Owner) Editor West Van News, Hollyburn, B. C., Dear Sir: A few weeks ago you publish- ed an article entitled "The Fashionable Luxury of Town Planning," in which town plan- ning was belittled and ridiculed. That article deserves an an- swer; and as you no cloubt are willing to have both sides of such an important question pre- sented in your estimable paper, I shall try to answc.r it very briefly. Town planning is the guidance of the phyisical development of communities in orcler to harm- onize conflicting interests. Zon- ing is a branch of town planning and consists in the creation by law of clistricts in which regu- lations differing in different dis- tricts prohibit injurious or un- suitable structures and uses of structures and land. Your article states "It is leg- ally impossible to prevent any property owner from doing what he likes with that property pro- viding he doEs not damage there- by his neighbors'roperties or health." Let's admit that for argument sake. Is it not pos- sible that one's health may be affected and quite probable that one's property may be depreciat- ed in value if a soap factory, or a garage, or a Chinese laundry, or even a grocery store, or an apartment house, is put on the lot next to one's home? That is the xvhy and wherefore of zon- ing. Zoning instead of being op- posed to the principle of "An Englishman's home is his castle,'s founded upon it. The import- ant ivord in this saying is "HOME." It is not the factory, or garage, or laundry, or store which is the Englishman' castle but his HO~~IE. The home stands first and must be pro- tectecl. And in these modern days of crowded urban life when the peaceful penetration of bus- iness places into our home dis- tricts is more to be feared than armed invasion, the necessary protection is provided by zon- ing. The Englishman believes this. The first Town Planning Act divas passed by Parliament in 1909, nearly 20 years ago, and three-quarters of the popu- lation of England and AVales is now under Town Planning. Is Town Planning a "fashion- able luxury?" Not in Great Britain. In the United States, that great liberty loving country where protection of property rights is specifically guaranteed by its constitution, its highest court, the U. S. Supreme Court, has upheld the legality of zoning in these words:-- "Building zone laws are of modern origin. They began in this country about twenty- five years ago. Until recent years, urban life was compar- atively simple;but with the great increase and concentra- tion of population, problems have developed, and constant- ly are developing, which ie- quire, and ivill continue to re- quire, additional restrictions in respect of the use and occu- pation of private lands in urb- an communit ies. Regula- tions, the wisdom, necessity and validity of ivhich, as ap- plied to existing conditions, are so apparent that they are now uniformly sustained, a CAPTAIN IAN iWIACKENZIE, DI.P.P., 5IENTIONED AS LIBERAL CHIEF Contest for Liberal Chief Announcement from Prince Rupert that Olaf Hanson has been accorded the Liberal nom- ination for the federal constitu- ency of Skeena is expected to have a bearing on the choice of a provincial Liberal leader next month. T. D. Pattullo, ) I.L.A., for Prince Rupert, has been urged to accept this nomination and his refusal to do so is taken as an indication that he is defin- itely interested in the provincial leadership. This means that there wU1 probably be a contest between himself and Captain Ian Mac- kenzie, M.L.A. for North Van- couver, when the B. C. Liberal executive meets in December to name an opposition leader for coming sessions of the legislat- ure until a full fledged conven- tion can be arranged to name a permanent leader. Mr. Pat tullo is expected to have the solid backing of the northei n constituencies, while indications have already been given that Capt. Mackenzie has a considerable measure of sup- port in the southern end. TO-NIGHT (Friday) Concert starts at 8 p. m. sharp. Tickets at Door. THE FIRST NATIONAL BAND (50 pieces) ivill take part in the IVest Vancouver CA.DET'S CONCERT in INGLEIVIVOD SCHOOL AUDITORIU~I LATE illRS. IlcBAIN DIVAS GIFTED POETESS The following hymn was com- posed by the late llrs. Pauline McBain of Dundarave, who pass- ecl away on the 8th inst. This was set to music by a friend and was sung by Mr. A. J. Addy at the funeral service held in the United Church on the 10th inst. Mrs. ~IcBain's impressions of scenes in nature and her hope and faith often found expression in pleasing verse much treasur- ed by her friends: Covered IVorn and wearied with life' struggles, Much I wish to understand, But I cannot, so I nestle In the hollow of His hand. Clouds and darkness round a- bout me Tempests sweeping sea and land, Peace within, for I am resting In the hollow of His hand. In His faithfulness I'm trusting, On His promises I stand, He has pledged that none shall pluck me From the hollow of His hand. Oh the joy to know He keeps me, He, whom hosts of Heaven com- mand, That He condescends to hold me I» the hollow of His hand. SCOTTISH SOCI ETY Special lleeting Tomorrow A large number of members and friends turned out to hear AV. R. Dunlop, F.R.G.S., last Fri- day evening. The lecture was a great treat and was thorough- ly enjoyed. The members ex- tended their hearty thanks to this talented speaker for coming to AVest Vancouver to address them. Presiden t Robert Reid has called a special business meet- ing for tomorrow (Saturday) evening in the Ambleside Hall at 8.30 o'lock when a full turnout of members is requested. Agenda:--The 1928-1929 Sea- son Syllabus; St. Andrew' Night; Burns'upper, Report of Commit tees. ~Iembers please note and attend. Conti n gent Damages Motorist: "I'm sorry I ran over your hen. AUould a dollar make it right 7" Farmer: "AVal, better make it two dollars. I'e a rooster that's mighty fond of that hen and the shock is liable to kill him also." A depressed looking fellow went to the Tax Department to secure an auto license for his wife. "And what is her name, please7" asked the official. "Helen Summer," said the meek man, "and its the same in winter." IH YOUR NAiIE ON THE VOTERS'IST? The Voters'ist is now in course of preparation. If you are entitled to vote you should see tliat your name is included. The list closes at 5 p. m. next Fri- day, 30th of November. None but registered deed- holders and registered agree- ment for sale holders are placed on list. IVhere agreement is reg- istered deed holder cannot vote on same property. Agreements or deeds must be registered at the Land Registry office, Van- couver, on or before next Fri- day, November 30th. L.O.L. and L.O.B.A. will hold a Whist Drive and Dance Next 4VEDNESDAY Nov. 28th in Dundarave Hall %hist will start at 8 p m Prizes and Refreshments. BA RRY'S 0 RC8 ESTRA TICKETS 50c. Can be obtained from any member. CORI'ORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF iVEST VANCOUVER Court of Revision of Voter's List, 1929 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF 1VEST VANCOUVER V OTE R S' I ST 1929 Voters'ist now in course of preparation. See that your name is included if entitled to vote. SPECIAL ATTENTION -- None but registered deed-holders and registered agreement for sale hold- ers are placed on list. AVhere agreement is registered deed holder cannot vote on same property. Agree- ments or deecls must be registered at the Land Reg- istry Office, Vancouver, B.C., on or before 30th Nov- ember, 1928. The list is closed at 5p.m. on that date A Corporation the name of ivhich is on thevoters'ist shall vote only by its duly authorized agent, ivhose authority shall be filed ivith the Clerk of the municipality on or before the thirtieth day of Novem- ber, and ivho shall be a resident of the Province and a British subject of the full age of twenty-one years; and such agent shall be entitled to vote for the corp- oration from year to year until his appointment as agent is cancelled and the Clerk has notice of the can- cellation. Hollyburn, B. C. 9-11-1928. JAS. OLLASON, i~funicipal Clerk. NOTICE is hereby given that a Court of Revision of the Voters'ist ivill sit at the Municipal Hall, 17th and Esquimalt, District of 9'est Vancouver, B. C., on Monday the 10th day of December, 1928, at 10 o'lock in the forenoon, for the purpose of correcting and revising the Voters'ist for the year 1929 and to determine any application to strike out the name of any person, which has been improperly placed thereon, or to place on such list the name of any person improperly omitted there- from. Dated at the 4[unicipal Hall, EVest Vancouver, B. C., this 16th day of November, 1928. JAS. OLLASON, Municipal Clerk.