001C9632 THE SVEST VAN NEEVS SHOWER FOR BRIDE EI.ECT AIiss Mary AIaxwell and MissEthel AIillard gave i miscellan eous shower on Saturday aftel- noon at AIis AV Millard's resi dence, 24th and Mathers, in hon-or of AIiss DIary Armstrong, abride-elect of Vancouver. Theteatable was centred with a sil-ver vase of pink roses embeddedin pink and mauve tulle. Mrs. J.Chambers and Mrs. A. E. Potterpoured tea, those assisting inserving being AIrs. L. Found,Mrs. Lucille Davis, and MissNuriel Fallows. Mrs. EV. Smithcut the ices. The gifts werepresented by Master JimmyChambers and little Miss Elea-nor Smith in a miniature bankteller's cage in pink and mauve. Among the guests were: Mrs.william Armstrong, AIrs. S. AIil-lard, Mrs. J. Chambers, Mrs. EV.Smith, Mrs. B. Lambert, Mrs. A.E. Potter, Mrs. Millar, Mrs. T.Cutler, Mrs. C. pintle, Miss Ger-trude Lawson, Miss Mabel Mac- fie, Miss Dorothy Partington, Miss Isabel Ferrier, Miss Mar-garet Kerr, AIiss Belle Johnston, AIiss Belle Lewis and Miss Helenfeatherhead. i~, I&i".Ii™i'.. IiY I I'. S O N W I. S VA.. ~,".S Bob Black of the Hobb Coal and Tiansfer Co. has purchased from AIrs. Govenloch a house «t 19th and Larson. Some light- ing extensions are»ow being made after the completion of ivhich Mr. and AIrs. Black will take up resideiice there. AIr. and AIrs. AIilton Cunning- ham, 29th and AIarine Drive, en- tertained at three tables of pro- gressive whist last Friday even- 1 llg. AIi.. and AIrs. AIayhew, former West Vancouver residents, xvho have been living at Central Park following a trip to Whitewood, Saskatchewan, moved yesterclay i»to Charles Hay's house at 14th and Clycle. AIrs. W. Carley, 2152 AIarine Drive, is now in charge of the lunch room at the Pauliiie John- son school. 0 0 AIrs. Kyle has take)& the Sig- more cattage at Cypress Park aiid has moved in. AIrs. Jones, 23rd and Haywood is spending this iveek visiting friends in North Vancouver, Victor Nelson, 22nd Street and W. Partridge, 22nd and Bel- levue, left on Saturday for an extended trip to Long Beach California. Jack Davis has about finished the construction of a new house on King's Ave., between 24th and 25th Streets. Inspector Kyle of Victoria, or- ganiser of technical education for the province, recently inspec- ted the manual training classes at the schools. AIr. and Mrs. Kerslake, 21st and Bellevue, who have lived in West Vancoui er for some years, have moved to Calgary, where they will in future reside. The office of the B. C. Elec- tric Co. is now located in an ad- dition which has been built in the rear of their store at 17th and Marine Drive. This has added greatly to the appearance of the store, besides giving more room for the display of electric appliances. The addition which Mr. and Mrs. Sayre have had built to their house at 18th and Gordon is about completed. Dick Iivema and J. Clavering have returned from MacLeod, Alberta, where they have been harvesting and have taken a house at 24th and Haywood. . Mrs. T. Nicholson, who form- erly resided at 29th and Marine Drive, moved on Saturday into a house at 2478 King's Ave. e e D. H. Beatty, who used to live in EVest Vancouver, but who has lately been residing in the city, has rented J. M. Sinclair's house at 18th and Marine Drive. Claud Poisson, 2994 Bellevue, who was indisposed for a few days, has now recovered and is back at business. The many friends of Charles Pearce, Marine Drive at Amble- side, will be pleased to know that he is doing as well as can be ex- pected at Shaughnessy Hospital, where he is undergoing treat- ment. Can not nlivnys be judged by the bulk of the goods, but by the quality. Low grade food- stuffs are dear at any price. QUALITY is the first consid- eration in this store. You get the utmost in real value here. l l'i'.l).[ll~lli;il'li",'S GROCERY W. J. Dent, 23rd and Gordon, is aivai on a business trip to Ganges Island. Mr. and Mrs. T. Sorenson of Shaughnessy Heights, spent last iveek end at their West Bay cot- ta ie. We deliver West 16 Jimmy Thomson' TRANSFER AIrs. Captain W. J. Kane, 1253 Aiarine Drive, who has been sel'- iously ill with the flu, is noiv better. Her daughter AIelvena, wif of Professor Lou Singer- man of Seattle, is taking care of her. Daily Trips to nnd from City. hloving Baggage n Specialty. CADETSPHONE WEST 110 FOR Coal and Wood On Friday evening after theusual drill and basketball prac- tice the Cadets played the Ex- High School team. The Cadets showed the result of constant practice and easily defeated the Ex-High boys, the final score be- ing 24 to 17. The Cadets have the material for several good teams and it is hoped to stage several games with outside teams during the winter. Following is a line up of the teams: Ex-High--W. Davie, A. Fore- man, B. Gisby, E. Jordan, J. Grisedale. Cadets--M. Watson, H. Dick- son, R. Fiddes, E. AIasterman, B. Hamilton, D. Johnson. AIrs. 4V. E. Seivell, 1410 20th Street, left last week for Seattle ivhere she is visiting one of her sons who resides in that city. Prompt Delivery. GORDON ROBSON Barrister 4 Solicitor WEST VANCOUVER-- Office No. 1447 Marine Drive. Phone West 403. VANCOUVER OFFICE-- Suite 818; 510 Hastings St. AV Phone Seymour 4199. D. Dewar has returned to his home at 22nd and Marine Drive after spending some months at Swift Current, Saskatchewan. The crops in that section of the prairies have been large, and Mr. Dewar says that conditions there are consequently very pros- perous. Watch, Clock and Jewelery Repai~in-.'e SVest Van Watchmaker L Jeweller E. J. Crickmay, 21st and Ful- ton, unearthed an Indian chisel last iveek while digging on his property. The chisel is one of the kind formerly used by nat- ives in the construction of their canoes out of tree trunks, and is of a hard slate. The end is as sharp as the modern steel chisel. The fine weather which pre- vailed on Saturday and Sunday resulted in a large number of hikers coming over to enjoy the winter sports on Hollyburn Ridge, where there is already good skating. AIamie Brice, daughter of Mrs. Brice, 28th and Bellevue, was a- mong the list of those who suc- cessfully passed the recent ex- aminati~s set by the province for the certificate of registered nurse. AIiss Brice received her training at St. Paul's Hospital. GLENEAGLES BEING DEVELOPED Steady progress is being made with the Gleneagles residential estate which is destined to be- come a high-class residential area. Gleneagles is protected by a minimum cost building restric- tion, and the exclusion of orient- als and colored races. The building sites are very desirable. and particularly aypeal to pro- fessional and business men, be- ing not too far from the city, and affording unusual opportun- ities for relaxation and recrea- tion. The golf course is drawing large numbers of players from both the city and our own dis- trict during the week ends. The Country Club will it is expected, eventually develop in- to an important factor in the social life of the North Shore. General R. P. Clark has now given a contract for the building of a seven room country house and double garage which he will occupy when completed in the spring. A further contract has been completed recently for the construction of 1000 feet of ad- ditional roadwork on Gleneagles Drive. These improvements and the new AIarine Drive contract, wi)1 be of considerable help in devel- oping the west end of the muni- cipality, and will open up some very attractive scenic and pleas- ure spots to the residents. 1522 Marine Drive Ambleside Coal and Wood Get your winter's supply now. Building Supplies. Flour nnd Feed, Etc. VERNON FEED STORE A. C. SEARLE Phone West 9 Mrs. Halliday, 29th and Mar- ine Drive, has left for the south- ern States, going by auto. AIr. Elliott has built an exten- sion to his tea rooms at Cypress Park. THE ...(I arCe S.IIO ~ 1520 blarine Drive WEST VANCOUVER Ladies 8; Children's Haircutting MARCEL Steam and Finger Waving Shampooing, I'lain Fncials, etc. Mrs. J. A. AIathieson and daughter, 20th and Marine Drive have left for the west coast of Vancouver Island, where they intend to spend the winter. For Appointment WEST 304 Nr. Jones, 1330 Clyde Ave., is confined to his home through sickness.'ailF'IF 1'3I ~ I I I ~ ~ L.II Jo Mrs. Percy Andrews, 1766 Ful-ton Ave., has been confined to her house this week through sickness. c s s s s L FERRIES SHOiv OPERATING SURPLUS The store at Marine Drive, Ambleside, formerly occupied by Roberts Better AIeats, is being re-modeled, plastered and re-dec- orated. Living rooms and a kitchen have been provided in the rear of the store. C. B. Garland of Nelson, B. C., was visiting his father in West Vancouver this week and his sister, Mrs. F. X. Hodgson. The iepoit on the municipal transportation system for the ten months ending 31st October was received by the council from the municipal auditors, by which it was shown that an operating sui~lus of $ 10,229.41 had been made over the period in ques- tion. This did not include the sum of approximately $ 18,000 for depreciation and bond inter- est. a:".:.n- O~;O~l".S AIEMBERS OF THE AUTO SERVICE CLUB. Phone West 456 Are used in 40% of the Autos running on the North American continent. WE ARE SOLE AGENTS liV WEST VANCOUVER It is claimed that these Batteries have 25% more starting power. 11 l'late Batteries $8.90 13 Plate Batteries .. $ 10.90 November 23, 1928. Gemm i II's Own llemedies WEST VAN l'IARNCY Prompt Dell%cry Phone W 3? Men's Suits nnd Overcoats li23.00 The new Fall Samples arenow here for your choice. Qun]ity and Fit Guaranteed. YOU'L BE SATISFIED M. WILLIAMS 16th nnd hlnrine Ambleside CUSTOM TAiLQR CLEANING AND PRESSING Phone West 20 NUBONE CORSETS Surgical Belts and Binders LINGERIE, HOSIERY 17th Ec Marine AVest 224 j.Ub.'II'S CA j.'.'. 1421 Marine Drive at 7 A. AI. to 11 P.M. Public Phone West 611-O jlS- 8 CH S at LUNN'S CAFE Take Some Home. .'.Or I I ..'XC lange CITY HOUSES and BUNGALOWS for AVEST VANCOUVER PROPERTY K. W. SAVO.RY 1429 AIarine Drive Ambleside PHONE--West 698R1 or West 340 Evening--West 143 (Established over 756 Years) C. J. Overington 14th and AIarine For appointment PHONE AVEST 135 We have just received n sup- ply of "Our Own" remedies-- Cough Syrups, Lnxntivcs, Ton- etc., nnd remedies for nll ills. T"cir efficiency is well known «our old customers. We rec- ommend them very specially. If you hnve not tried "Our Own" remedies you hnve not hnd the best. Thc Store of Service