001C9632 THE )VEST VAN NEKVS Smith S l rOCery IYa Deliver A. IIARVEY SMITII, Prop. 24th AND MARINE, Opp. Dundarave IIall. Phone IVEST 469 GHAIN gj D AN9 WHITE sToRE SPECIALS--FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Finest Glace Cherries, S oz. Pails..........................,. 29c Almonds, Finest Shelled, per lb. ..................................... 5 3c B. C. Granulated Sugar. 10 lbs. 62r Sunmaid Seeded Raisins, largepkt.............. 2 for 23c lVhole Mixed Peel, per lb.... 29c Fancy Bleached Sultanas, ....,........... 2 lbs. for 33c Finest Recleaned Currants, ............,... 2 lbs. for 29c Thompson's Seedless Raisins, 2 lbs. for 19c Cool ing Molasses, large tin 19c Shredded Cocoanut, per lb. 19c Finest Butt«r........... 3 lbs. $ 1.32 j 49 lb. Sack $2.25Servus-Brand Flour ~ -'~ ~i„:;-k ~:» I, Ci. E, DIRI'TORS TO FORCI'SSUE (Continuecl from Page I) the railway scctio» will cease op- erating and instead more ade- quate roacl facilities will be de- veloped in the belief that for short hauls iailways can never coml)etc with motor transport- ation. T)iis according to infor- ,mation received by government officials, has beeii the experi- ence of railways all over Ameri- ca, and is by no means a British Coluinbia problem. J. EV. Glynes, teller of the Royal Bank here, is away on his annual vacation. During his ab- sence his place is being taken by R. 4V. Jackson of New West- minster. CASH and CARRY f,ea~:.f,arse): Fresh Pork Legs (fores) per lb .......................... 1Sc Fresh Pork Butts, per lb.... 24c Prime Steer Pot Roast, lb 1Sc Choice Veal Oven Roast, lb 25c B. C. Spring Lambs, should- ers, lb .................................. 25c Prime Steer Boiling Beef per Ib ................. ......... .. 1 2 I i c Boneless Stewing Beef, lb.... 15c Baby Extras--Eggs, dozen 40c Back Bacon, sliced, lb........ 38c Cottage Ham, sliced, lb........ 35c hlOX DA Y Cambridge Sausages 2 lbs. 25c Boneless Stew Beef, lb....... 15c Brisket Boil Beef, lb......... 13c TUESDA Y TRIPE ........................ 3 lbs. 25c Sirloin Steak. per lb............ 33c Boneless Brisket Rolled Corn- ed Beef, lb........................ 1Sc WEDN ESDA Y Shoulder Steak ............ 2 lbs. 35c Head Cheese .............. 2 for 25c THURSDAY Hamburg Steak ....... 2 lbs 2ic Fresh Liver, per lb, ......... 10c FRIDA Y Pork Steak ............... 2 lbs. 45c Round Steak, per lb.......... 25c Robert's Better Nests Phone KVest 190 Delivery i~lorning and Afternoon Buy Your Xmas Gifts in West Vancouver v Only four weeks to Christmas, the season of happy antici- pation by the youngsters. IVith the heads of families, however, the anticipation is not one of unalloyed pleasure, at any rate until the Christmas shopping is completed. The choosing, purchasing, and presenting of gifts to one's friends and rela- tives is an experience which oftentimes causes considerable worry and thought. To gct suitable gifts for those to whom we wish to send a token of esteem, usually requires considerable time and effort. The stores are now beginning to notice the inquiry for gift purchases. It is in this connection that wc would draw the particular and especial attention of our read- ers to the splendid assortment of articles suitable for gifts to be found in our own stores. In the West Vancouver stores you can shop comfortablv and safelv. You can buy all qualities of merchandise, and you can buy as cheaply as in the city. Some people for some strange reason have got the idea that it is necessary to go to Vancouver for bargains. It might however, surprise them to know this fact, that very many commodities can be purchased in our own stores much cheaper than can exactly the same article in Vancouver. It will pay you to shop in the local stores. It will be much more com- fortable for you to shop in the local stores, and--if you have the good of the community at heart and wish to see AVest Vancouver grow--you WILL buy in the local stores. The pros- perity and success of our stores should be a prime consider- ation of every property owner in the district. Their success is reflected in increased land values and in the procuring of even better facilities for your convenience. You have to pay cash in the city stores and usually you have no redress if the goods you buy turn out to be unsatisfactory. Pay cash in the local stores. You will find the price and the service equal to anything the city can offer. Not only does this apply to the pecial purchases for Christmas, but to the everyday necessi- ties. For instance, read the grocery ads, which appear each week in this paper, and then do a little thinking. November 23, 1928. I 1 1 F1 +I '5P'I 'L ~ mfa s i s ~ sJ& iLi &c I I I ) I ..WO S Amblcsidc. I'hone West 303Hollyburn. I'hone 6'est 3 N'utch Ivindoivs for Everyday Specinls ts have a superior tenderness--flavor--that's what v a»d try our meats just once and vou'll be con-vinced. vthing we sell is wholesome and healthful. We neversell anything but the best 1TLS COOO Lt)~BEg- THE,Y541D .%Hay Hly THE, HAlLON Qg HpAg 1 The man who says that we sell perfectly good. thoroughly dependable lumber hits the nail on the head and when he says that our customers receive courteous, fair-minded business treatment he is driving the truth home to you. ill'Sl. ltclllcl'IIIIVI!,',Ill 'ill lI„',O. 15th and Illarine LIMITED Phone IVest 115 "wiiilIiILIi I».. ~HE tendency is for public utility~ companies to become bigger and bigger and, in so doing, companies are MONEY 1-O LOAg'n First blortgage at current rates. London & British North America Co., Ltd. Alortgage -- Insurance -- Finance and Estate Agents.626 Pender Street IVest Phone Sey. 6285 DUO CLUB PRESENT PLAY "NO FOOLIN' Hollyburn Theatre had an ap- preciative audience last night on the occasion of the play "No Foolin' presented by the Duo Club of Vancouver. The pro- ceeds went towards purchasing a power boat for the Anglican S. S. camp at Long Bay. Unfor- tunately no special programmes were printed for the perform- ance in AUest Vancouver, and this mitigated somewhat against a full appreciation of the differ- ent artists. Nevertheless it was generally recognized that the Duo Club has produced some splendid artists, and the play was thoroughly enjoyed by the audience. The director of the play is evidently well versed in the requirements of stage craft, and his work and placements showed the actors off to the best advantage. Play a g,arne of ~']- I; S;IllEj.DS Mr. and Mrs. John Flett gave a musicale on Sunday afternoon at their home at 26th and Belle- vue, tea being served during the afternoon. Mrs. Wallace C. Dun- can, Miss Maye, Miss Tristram, and Mr. Flett took part in the musical programme and Mr. Alan Stevenson gave recitations. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. Alan Stevenson, Miss Maye, Miss Tristram, Miss Boulton,'rs. Wallace C. Duncan, and Madame Claire. / Sale of Work by v'aomi Chapter O.E.S. was Big Success The sale of work held by the Naomi Chapter, Order. of the Eastern Star, yesterday after- noon at the home of Mrs. V. V. Vinson divas a very successful af- fair. The rooms were crowded during the whole afternoon, and the purchases made by the vis- itors were very gratifying. Miss lllcCreery was the convenor. The results of the sale of work were satisfactory'rom every point of view. The dainty articles made by the members of the order, and so dear to the feminine heart, were eagerly snapped up, as were the home cooked eatables. Mrs. R. IlIaxwell of Vancou- ver, grand conductress, opened the bazaar at 3 o'lock with a very happy speech dealing with the general work of the Order of the Eastern Star. Mrs. Maxwell was presented with a beautiful bouquet of chrysanthemums by the members of the Naomi Chap- ter, the presentation being made by Mrs. D. Gillett, past matron. Presiding at the tea urns were Miss Livingstone, Mrs. H. AUill- cox, Mrs. M. B. Foster, and Mrs. C. J. Archer. At the candy store 5Irs. C. B. Greenwood, Mrs. Geo. Payne and Mrs. Thomas. Home cooking, Mrs. Robert Cripps and ~ 3 tables for ! your pleasure 14th Street Right at the Railway Crossing Mrs. Harry Thompson. Fancy work, Mrs. Harry Hopkins, &Irs Dai id Gillett and 3Irs G Con way. Mrs. EVilliam Stark did a good business as fortune tell- er. Mrs. J. Allan and Miss Kin- ney officiated at the door. All members of the order, however, took an active part in making the bazaar a huge success. During the afternoon little Dorothy Greenwood sang two songs in a very pleasing way. rendering better and better service to the public. Vancouver and the lower mainland are served by hve B.C. Electric power plants, while another is building. These diverse sources of power reduce almost to an impossibility the diarice of a prolonged breakdown of power supply. Only in such large interlinked systems can the best and the cheapest service be rendered. SOCIAL IN HONOR OF REEVE'S BIRTHDAY a--'IISECAfmliiiim ' Eflux; gg~'ANCOUVER vicTosm In the evening the home of Reeve and Mrs. Vinson was thrown open to members of the order and their friends for the enj oyment of a social hour and as a celebration of Mr. Vinson's birthday. The entertainment was conducted by the gentlemen members of the order, George Clarke, J. McGowan, Geo. Payne and Robert McVean being in charge of arrangements. It was a happy evening with song, dancing, and music, and every one present thoroughly enjoyed themselves, A ubrey Clarke, the always popular singer, gave sev- eral songs that met with enthus- iastic applause. Mr. Vinson was the recipient of many good wish- es and happy felicitations. J. McGowan voiced the sentiments of the members of the order and their guests in a few happily chosen words wishing Mr. Vin- son many happy returns of the day, these being acknowledgecl by Mr. Vinson i» his own inimit- able wav. Child's orchestra supplied the music during the evening. A draw was made during the evening for a baby's woolen out- fit, lucky ticket No, 13 being held by Mrs. Harry Hodgson. GLASS ancSASj-, .)00.4S AND nterior 'inis 1 G.A2INGOF ALL KINDS BUFFETS, KITCHEN CUP-BOARDS, DRAyVERS-- 9x7x5 Green House. Complete. Set up........... g70 pp 6x4&5 I ortable Chicken House Complete Del»ered %20 pp No Job too small, and none too large. AVork Guaranteed and Prices Right. Keep your work here and help )Vest Vancouver grow. 2 l ' l ;I es ,( e , .I l ' l :le ' l. „';l; . MARINE DRIVE AT 16th STREET Phone West 199