001C9621 THE )VEST VAN NEAVS CONSERVATIVE BIEETING AND DANCE NEXT bIONTH .IOu ~ ~.:en I &H.SON ~r.S I'remier IVill I'robahly Speak. i'rrrrrrrnr, J. Ij»owles has about finished the additio» and alterations he has been making to J. Reid's house at 14th and Gordon. bliss hlavgavet Al'mstl ong, en- evtai»ed a iiumber of hev friends on FIallowe'err at her home at 23rd ind Bellevue. A pleasant time divas spent in music and danci»g, a»d refveshments were sevved later in the evening. Those invited were: Connie Thomas, Evelyn Culli», Myrtle Gracey, Vivie» Robertson, Mol- lie Edwards, Frank Dorchester, Fiank Culli», Jack Harrison, Art Forman, Robert Bloxham, Char- lie Chapman, Clarence Crick- may, Stuart Breckenridge and Victor Dyer. Mr. and Slvs. EVhipple of Van- couver have purchased the Kinr; house at 11th and Esquimalt. Mr. and Mrs. R. 4V. FIaslam had an addition to their family on Sunday, 28th October, a daughter having been born to them on that day at their home at 23rd and Haywood. blr. and Mrs. Simmonds of Vancouver, have bought Mr. Bishop's summer camp at 26th and )Vatevfront. Mr. and Mrs. R. Norman, Mar- ine Drive, Ambleside, have tak- en a house at 14th and Gordon. Mr. and Mrs. F. Paton are having an addition put on to their residence at 15th and Es- quimalt. At the meeting of the West Vancouver Conservative Associ- ation on 5To»day evening in the Canadiaii Legion rooms pvelim- i»ary arrangements weve made for the meeting a»d dance to be given under the auspices of the association in the Hollyburn Pa- vilion or& Friday evening, 14th December. On th s occasion Premier Tolmie or one of his cabinet ministevs irill be present also General and Mrs. A. D. lllc- Rae as well as a number of others piomine»t in public life. The next general meeting of the association will be held in the Canadian Legion rooms at 8 p. m., on Thursday, 15th Nov- ember, when the various com- mittees appointed in connection with the meeting and dance will bring in their reports. At this meeting also 17 delegates will be chosen to represent the asso- ciation at the annual ge»eral meeting and election of officers of the North Vancouver District Association, which will take place at the K. P. hall, North Vancouver, on Monday, 3rd Dec- ember, at 8 p. m. It is hoped that every member of the associ- ation wil Imake a point of at- tending this meeting next Thursday. . ear Mvs. H. G. Selwood, 23rd andNelso», has bee» confined to her home thvough sickness. illv. a»d blvs. A. Jones had an addi t iori to t heir fam ily on Tues- day, a daughter having been bov» to them at their home at 14th a»d Clyde. Both mother a»d daughter ave making good progress. the term "GOOD GROCERIES" but if you want good groceries -- the kind you can nlivnys rely upon--you should deal nt Greenwood's. QUALITY nnd SERVICE nre our tirst consid- eration. i l'I!I,'[ltWI)I;II S GROCE (Y Jack Bartlett, who has been away fov seveval mo»ths on the prairies, has retur»ed to his horn. at 23rd a»d Jefferson. IVe deliver West 16 Lieut. Colonel K. W. Savory, 27th and Ottawa, was away fvom his office in the early part of the ireek with an attack of grippe. Craig's Wew Eattery Service lilv. and Mrs. S. S. Pride, 11th a»d Esquimalt, had as their guest on Sunday, P. 5lartin of Holden, Alberta. Mr. Martin, who is an old friend of theirs. has retired and has come to the coast with the intention of set- tling~omeivhere in Greater Van- couver. Next to West Van Garage AUTO or RADIO Charging -- Repairs, Etc. Phone IVest 130. Phone West 130 Mrs. Livingstone of Vancou- ver, is staying for a few days at "the Clachan." The north-eastern corner of 22nd and Ailarine which has been dangerous to pedestrians, has been improved by the extension of the culvert northwards and the filling in of the ditch. GORDON ROBSON Barrister 4 Solicitor West Vancouver office No. 1447 hlarine Drive. Phone West 403 Suite 801; 510 Hastings St., IV. Phone Seymour 4199. The Duncan Lawson Chapter I.O.D,E. will hold their next reg- ular monthly meeting on Tues- day, November 13th, at 2.15 p.m. at the home of Mrs. P. C. Chap- man, King's Ave. CHII DREN'S DANCING CLASS Noiv AT ABIBLESIDE HALL Watch, Clock and Jewelery Repairing The KVest Van Watchmaker L Jeweller Birthday Party Mrs. Russell gave a birthday party at her home at 14th and Esquimalt, on Saturday evening in honor of her daughter, )Irs. R. J. Black. The guests had a good time with whist and danc- ing, and refreshments were serv- ed during the evening. Nrs. W. Deniston won the ladies'irst prize at cards, the gentleman' first going to Ted Russell. Miss Kathleen Ellis who has been conducting a dancing and physical culture class for child- ren at the Clachan, announces that startinq next Wednesday, the class wiH meet at Ambleside Hall, corner Marine Drive and 14th Street. The class meets each wednesday at 4 o'lock. In- struction is given in fancy danc- ing and physical culture. Fur- ther information can be obtain- ed from Miss Ellis by phoning West 147R3. Mrs. Flaherty, who has been spending the summer at her Caulfeild home, has returned to the city for the winter. Miss Christison, who has been occupying one of the flats above Bishop's grocery at 25th and Bellevue, has moved to Vancou- ver. 1522 Marine Drive Ambleside Mr. and Mrs. Robert Froud, 1231 Marine Drive, entertained at a Hallowe'en party in honor of Miss Rose Manson, last Sat- urday evening. A very enjoy- able time was spent in dancing, cards, and games, the winners at cards being DTr. and Mrs. C. Nc- Lean, Fred Froud and L. AVat- son. The invited guests includ- ed Mr. and )Irs. Herbert AVelch, )Ir. and Mrs. C. McLean, Mr. and Mrs. Fred E. Froud, Mr. and Mrs. L. Watson, bliss Rose Man- son, liTiss Elsie Brook, Miss Dor- othy Dlacaulay, and Mr. F. Fvas- el'. AV. J. )Vilson of wilson and Moore, returned on Friday from a trip to Banff. The banquet and social even- ing which had been arranged by the L.O.L. No. 2990, for Tuesday evening in St. Stephen's Hall, was postponed on account of the death of Rev. A. N. O'Donnell, who was chaplain of the lodge. Mr. and AIrs. T. E. Snelgrove are buildinp an additio» to their house at 10th and Duchess. Mrs. Beard and family, 24th and Palmerston, have moved in- to the Cunningham house at 25th and Marine Drive. whilst driving home on Wed- nesday night around 6 o'lock, J. H. Fletcher had the misfor- tune to upset Mr. )Vheelwright. Senior, who lives on Marine Drive just east of Capilano bridge. AIr. wheelwright was iralking on the Drive near 10th Street when the accident hap- pened. He was rendered uncon- scious and taken to the North Vancouver General Hospital. We understand that a passenger stage passing at the time, caused 5Ir. Fletcher to hug the side of the roadway, causing him to collide with Mr. wheelwright. Coal and Wood Get your winter's supply now. Building Supplies. Flour and Feed, Etc. iVEST VANCOUVER SCOTTISH SOCI ETY VERNON FEED STORE A. C. SEARLE Phone West 9 Men's Suits The regular meeting of the so- ciety will be held on Friday eve- ning, November 16th, in the Clachan at 8.15, when Mr. W. R. Dunlop, F.R.G.S., will lecture to the society and friends on "The Augustan Age in Edinburgh Art." This talented speaker has on a former occasion delighted a West Vancouver audience a»d it is expected that a large number of friends will attend. The sub- ject will include a short history of the famous painters and writ- ers of that age and vocal num- bers will be interspersed. Tea will be served and a silver col- lection will be taken up. and Overcoats CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCI- ETY iVILL HOLD THANKS- GIVING SERVICE ON 51ONDAY CUSTOhI hIADE from !r23.00 The new Fall Samples are rrow here for your choice. Qual- ity and Fit Guaranteed. YOU'L BE SATISFIED M. WILLIAMS 16th and hlarine, Ambleside CUSTOM TAILOR CLEANING AND PRESSIN G Phone West 20 A special Thanksgiving service will be held at the Christian Sci- ence church, 20th and Esquimalt next Monday morning at 11.30. This thanksgiving service is held annually by the Christian Science Society. A cordial invi- tation is extended to all. Reception at Home of Air. and Dlrs. John Harte. It is expected that the home of 5lv. and Mrs. John Harte, 1365 Esquimalt Ave. will be tax- ed to its capacity o» Saturday evening next, November 10th, when the honorary president and his wife are entertaining the society members. Please be on time as the evening wil] be all too short. P .": g:.'A 4 ~4~ .S The Canadian Legion, West Vancouver will gire N01V STABILISED 4Ve will tell you exactly how much your repairs will cost before the job is started. There is on file in our office a price list covering every op- eration on every make of car. Don't take chances. Know exactly what the repairs are going to cost you. November 9, 1928. Euerything for the Baby except a spanking We hnve n reliable nssortment of Bnby Nceds-- POWDERS SOAPS CI(EAhls itEhlEDI Es FOODS SYRINGFS Ftc Bring the Baby in to be weighe&L The most reliable guide to your Baby's health is its steady normal gnin in weight The Store of Service WEST VAN PHARMACY I'rompt Delivery I'hone W. 37 Chiroprnctic IVill Ilelp You Roberta A. Vass D.C., Ph. C. Graduate of Palmer School C Ij R(IFRAC'I'OR Consultation Free. Phone West 383 Next to Stratton Bakery Alarine Drive, Ambleside also nt Vancouver SPECIAL 40c 5IEAL -Ui.i'S CA.". 1421 hlarine Drive at 14th St. 7 A. 51. to 11 P. M. Public Phone West 611-O 'S & C.- 'S at LUNN'S CAFE Take Some Home. ..'Or I I .'.xc &ange CITY HOUSES and BUNGALOWS for iVEST VANCOUVER PROPERTY .(. W. SAVO &Y 1429 blaring Drive Ambleside PIIONF West 698R1 or IVest 340 Evening--West 143 (Established over 75 Years) C. J. Overington 14th and hlarine NU BONE CORSETS Surgical Belts nnd Binders. I.ING ERIE, HOSIERY 17th & Marine. West 224 a:I:ne Oi.O:.'8 5IEAIBERS OF THE AUTO SERVICE CLUB. Phone %Vest 456 in Dundarave Hall On FRIDAY, November 16th, at 8.15 p m. Everybody welcome Admission 25c. 8'% QQ'l For appointment PHONE AVEST 135